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  • JavaOO练习:违规管理系统

    TrafficControl交通管理类: 闯红灯扣分、罚款;乱停车扣分、罚款;超速扣分、罚款;未系安全带扣分、罚款;(后期可增加)
    CarInformation车辆信息类: 属性:车辆型号、驾驶证、驾驶证分、车主姓名、罚款、驾驶证状态(车牌号待加入); 方法:查询车辆信息状态,判断驾驶证状态

    package com.lovo.violationManagementSystem.bean; /**
     * 定义一个标准:违章
     * @author 侯熙
     * @version 1.0
     * @since jdk1.8.0_25
     */ public interface TrafficRegulations { /** * 闯红灯 */ public void runRedLights(); /** * 超速 * @param speed 当前速度 * @param limitedSpeed 限定速度 */ public void overSpeed(double speed,double limitedSpeed); /** * 违章停车 */ public void illegalParking(); /** * 未系安全带 */ public void fastenSeatBelt(); } package com.lovo.violationManagementSystem.bean; /**
     * 交通管理
     * @author 侯熙
     * @version 1.0
     * @since jdk1.8.0_25
     */ public class TrafficControl extends CarInformation implements TrafficRegulations{ /** * 闯红灯扣分 */ static final int RUN_RED_LIGHTS_SCORE = -6; /** * 闯红灯罚款 */ static final int RUN_RED_LIGHTS_MONEY = -200; /** * 违规停车罚款 */ static final int ILLEGAL_PARKING_MONEY = -200; /** * 未系安全带扣分 */ static final int FASTE_NSEAT_BELT_SCORE = -2; /** * 未系安全带罚款 */ static final int FASTE_NSEAT_BELT_MONEY = -200; private int overSpeedScore;//超速扣分 private int overSpeedMoney;//超速罚款 /** * 构造方法 * @param carName 车辆型号 * @param drivingLicence 驾驶证信息 * @param driver 驾驶员姓名 */ public TrafficControl(String carName, int drivingLicence, String driver) { super(carName, drivingLicence, driver); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub } @Override public void runRedLights() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub this.score += RUN_RED_LIGHTS_SCORE; this.money += RUN_RED_LIGHTS_MONEY; } @Override public void overSpeed(double speed,double limitedSpeed) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub if (speed > limitedSpeed*(1+0.5)) { this.overSpeedScore = -12; this.overSpeedMoney = -2000; }else if (speed > limitedSpeed*(1+0.2)) { this.overSpeedScore = -6; this.overSpeedMoney = -200; }else if (speed > limitedSpeed) { this.overSpeedScore = -3; this.overSpeedMoney = -200; }else{ this.overSpeedScore = 0; this.overSpeedMoney = 0; } this.score += this.overSpeedScore; this.money += this.overSpeedMoney; } @Override public void illegalParking() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub this.money += ILLEGAL_PARKING_MONEY; } @Override public void fastenSeatBelt() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub this.score += FASTE_NSEAT_BELT_SCORE; this.money += FASTE_NSEAT_BELT_MONEY; } } package com.lovo.violationManagementSystem.bean;
     * 车辆信息
     * @author 侯熙
     * @version 1.0
     * @since jdk1.8.0_25
    public class CarInformation {
        private String carName;
        private int drivingLicence;
        private String driver;
        protected int score = 12;
        protected int money = 0;
        protected boolean status;
         * 构造方法
         * @param carName 车辆型号
         * @param drivingLicence 驾驶证信息
         * @param driver 驾驶员姓名
        CarInformation(String carName,int drivingLicence,String driver){
            this.carName = carName;
            this.drivingLicence = drivingLicence;
            this.driver = driver;
         * 重写to.String 输出车辆信息
        public String toString(){
                return "车辆型号:"+this.carName+" 驾驶证:"
                        +this.drivingLicence+" 驾驶员:"+this.driver+" 驾照分:"+this.score+" 罚金:"+this.money+" 驾照作废,请重新学习";
            return "车辆型号:"+this.carName+" 驾驶证:"
                    +this.drivingLicence+" 驾驶员:"+this.driver+" 驾照分:"+this.score+" 罚金:"+this.money;
         * 查询驾驶证是否有效,无效为true
         * @return
        public boolean getStatus() {
            return status;
         * 判断驾驶证是否有效
         * @return 有效为false,无效为true
        public boolean setStatus() {
            if(score <= 0){
                this.status = true;
            return this.status;

    package com.lovo.violationManagementSystem.test; import com.lovo.violationManagementSystem.bean.TrafficControl; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { TrafficControl[] tra =new TrafficControl[4]; tra[0]= new TrafficControl("A8", 46546546, "li4"); tra[0].runRedLights(); tra[0].fastenSeatBelt(); System.out.println(tra[0]); tra[0].overSpeed(120, 80); System.out.println(tra[0]); } }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/houxi1234/p/6380343.html
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