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  • PAT Vocabulary


    parentheses reflecting the precedences of the operators
    a syntax tree (binary)
    infix expression


    单词 词性 中文意 常用 音标
    non-negative 非负数 non-negative number
    Positive 正整数 Positive integer
    Negative 负数 Negative number
    non-zero 非0数 non-zero number
    consecutive 连续 consecutive numbers;consecutive factors
    accurate adj. 精确的;无误的 /ˈækjərɪt/
    decimal adj.n. 小数的;小数 Please be accurate 1 decimal place
    decimal adj. 十进制的; decimal system;
    6 = 110 if 6 is a decimal number and 110 is a binary number.
    digit n. 数字 复数digits
    Palindromic n. 回文数 Palindromic Number
    rational n. 有理数 rational number
    irrational n. 无理数 irrational number
    numerator n. 分子 output the sum in the simplest form integer numerator/denominator
    denominator n. 分母
    fractional part n. 小数部分 You must output only the fractional part if the integer part is 0
    integer part n. 整数部分
    common factor n. 公因数
    maximum adj.n. 最大数 maximum number;


    单词 词性 中文意 常用 音标
    sequence n. 顺序;连续 smallest sequence
    permutation n. 变化组合;排列;置换;<英>挑选 each gives a permutation of all the vertices [ ˌpɜːrmjʊ'teɪʃn ]
    relative order 相对顺序 stable_sort preserves the relative order of the elements with equivalent values


    单词 词性 中文意 常用 音标
    degree n. connected graphs with all vertices of even degree have an Eulerian circuit [ dɪ'ɡriː ]
    acyclic adj. 非循环的 A graph which is connected and acyclic can be considered a tree [ ˌeɪ'saɪklɪk ]
    scattered adj. 分散的;稀疏的 The map shows several scattered cities connected by some roads [ ˈskædərd ]
    adjacent adj. 毗邻的;邻近的 [ ə'dʒeɪsnt ]
    source n. 起点
    destination n. 终点
    intersection n. 路口 streets intersections on a map [ ˌɪntər'sekʃn ]
    one-way n. 单向 the street is one-way from V1 to V2
    undirected graph n. 无向图
    topological n. 拓扑 topological order


    单词 词性 中文意 常用 音标
    indices n. index的复数 the indices (from 0 to N-1) of the two ends of the street [ 'ɪndɪsiːz ]
    increasing adj. the factors are listed in increasing order [ ɪŋˈkrisiŋ ]


    单词 词性 中文意 常用 音标
    exponent n. 指数 /ɪkˈspəʊnənt/
    coefficient n. 系数 /ˌkəʊɪˈfɪʃənt/
    Polynomial n.[c] 多项式 /ˌpɒlɪˈnəʊmɪəl/


    单词 词性 中文意 常用 音标
    division 除法 If the denominator in the division is zero
    less than 少于


    单词 词性 中文意 常用 音标
    capital adj. n[c]. 大写的;大写的字母 名词:capitals大写字母;形容词capital letters /ˈkæpɪtəl/
    letter n.[c] 字母;信 /ˈlɛtə/
    format n. 格式
    simplest form 最简形式


    单词 词性 中文意 常用 音标
    parentheses n. 圆括号 it must be included in a pair of parentheses
    comma n. 逗号 the digits must be separated into groups of three by commas


    单词 词性 中文意 常用 音标
    unique adj.n. 唯一的(人或物) if such a path is not unique [ jʊ'niːk ]


    单词 词性 中文意 常用 音标
    hence adv. 所以;…之后;因此;今后


    单词 词性 中文意 常用 音标
    exclusive adj. 不包括的
    inclusive adj. 包括的 grade (an integer between 0 and 100, inclusive).
    unless prep. conj. 除非 unless there are less than four digits
    suppose v. 假设 be supposed to do. 必须做...,应该做... /səˈpəʊz/
    assume v. 假设 /əˈsuːm/
    consider v. 考虑;认为 /kənˈsɪdər/
    occupy v. 占用 Each case occupies 2 lines /ˈɒkjʊˌpaɪ/
    Specification n. 说明;说明书 Input Specification/Output Specification
    standard n. 标准 the standard format
    consist v. 组成 each account consists of a user name and a password
    common adj. 普遍的;公共的 the first common capital English letter
    represent v. 表示,代表 the 4th capital letter D, representing the 4th day in a week /ˌrɛprɪˈzɛnt/
    hence 因此
    guarantee 保证 It is guaranteed that...
    exactly adv. 精确地 it is exactly half-full
    obtain v. 获得;得到 a topological order obtained from the given directed graph [ əb'teɪn ]
    normal adj. 正常的;标准的 0 means normal [ 'nɔːrml ]
    equivalent adj. 相等的 equivalent values
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/houzm/p/12261520.html
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