Given a roman numeral, convert it to an integer.
Input is guaranteed to be within the range from 1 to 3999.
public int romanToInt(String s) { int sum=0; if(s.indexOf("IV")!=-1){sum-=2;} if(s.indexOf("IX")!=-1){sum-=2;} if(s.indexOf("XL")!=-1){sum-=20;} if(s.indexOf("XC")!=-1){sum-=20;} if(s.indexOf("CD")!=-1){sum-=200;} if(s.indexOf("CM")!=-1){sum-=200;} char c[]=s.toCharArray(); int count=0; for(;count<=s.length()-1;count++){ if(c[count]=='M') sum+=1000; if(c[count]=='D') sum+=500; if(c[count]=='C') sum+=100; if(c[count]=='L') sum+=50; if(c[count]=='X') sum+=10; if(c[count]=='V') sum+=5; if(c[count]=='I') sum+=1; } return sum; }
int romanToInt(string s) { unordered_map<char, int> T = { { 'I' , 1 }, { 'V' , 5 }, { 'X' , 10 }, { 'L' , 50 }, { 'C' , 100 }, { 'D' , 500 }, { 'M' , 1000 } }; int sum = T[s.back()]; for (int i = s.length() - 2; i >= 0; --i) { if (T[s[i]] < T[s[i + 1]]) { sum -= T[s[i]]; } else { sum += T[s[i]]; } } return sum; }