汝 墳 |
遵彼汝墳,伐其条枚; 未见君子,惄如调饥。 遵彼汝墳,伐其条肄; 既见君子,不我遐弃。 鲂鱼赬尾,王室如燬; 虽然如燬,父母孔迩。 注释 妻子对远役丈夫的怀念。 |
Along those raised banks of the Ru ,
I cut down the branches and slender stems .
While I could not see my lord ,
I felt as it were pangs of great hunger .
Along those raised banks of the Ru ,
I cut down the branches and fresh twigs .
I have seen my lord ;
He has not cast me away .
The bream is showing its tail all red ;
The royal House is like a blazing fire .
Though it be like a blazing fire ,
Your parents are very near .