/*js设计模式——状态模式*/ // 状态(红灯,黄灯,绿灯) class State { constructor(color) { this.color = color; } handle(context) { console.log(`turn to ${this.color} light`); context.seState(this); } } // 主体 class Context { constructor() { this.state = null; } getState() { return this.state; } seState(state) { this.state = state; } } // test let context = new Context() let green = new State('green') let yellow = new State('yellow') let red = new State('red') // 绿灯亮了 green.handle(context) console.log(context.getState()) // 红灯亮了 red.handle(context) console.log(context.getState()) // 黄灯亮了 yellow.handle(context) console.log(context.getState())
/*有限状态机*/ import StateMachine from 'javascript-state-machine' import $ from 'jquery' let fsm = new StateMachine({ init: '收藏', // 初始化状态,带收藏 transitions : [ { name : 'doState', form : '收藏', to : '取消收藏' }, { name : 'deleteState', form : '取消收藏', to : '收藏' } ], methods : { // 执行收藏 onDoState : function () { alert('收藏成功') updateText() }, // 取消收藏 onDeleteState: function () { alert('已取消收藏') updateText() } } }) let $btn = $('btn1') $btn.click(function () { if(fsm.is('收藏')){ fsm.doState() } else { fsm.deleteState() } }) // 更新方案 function updateText() { $btn.text(fsm.state) } // 初始化方案 updateText()
// promise 状态机模型 import StateMachine from 'javascript-state-machine'; let prmiseFsm = new StateMachine({ init: 'pending', // 初始化状态 transitions: [ { name: 'resolve', from: 'pending', to: 'fullfilled', }, { name: 'reject', from: 'pending', to: 'rejected', }, ], methods: { // 监听 resolve onResolve: function (state, data) { // state —— 当前状态机示例 data - fsm.resolve(xxx) 传递的参数 data.succesList.forEach(fn => fn()) }, // 监听 reject onReject: function (state, data) { // state —— 当前状态机示例 data - fsm.reject(xxx) 传递的参数 data.failList.forEach(fn => fn()) }, }, }); // 定义 Promise class MyPromise { constructor(fn) { this.succesList = [] this.failList = [] fn(function () { // resolve 函数 fsm.resolve(this) }, function () { // reject 函数 fsm.reject(this) }); } then(succesFn, failFn) { this.succesList.push(succesFn) this.failList.push(failFn) } } // 测试代码 function loadImg(src) { const promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { let img = document.createElement('img'); img.onload = function () { resolve(img); }; img.onerror = function () { reject(); }; img.src = src; }); return promise; } let src = 'http://img2.imgtn.bdimg.com/it/u=234634259,4236876085&fm=26&gp=0.jpg'; let result = loadImg(src); result.then(function () { console.log('ok1'); }, function () { console.log('fail1'); }); result.then(function () { console.log('ok2'); }, function () { console.log('fail2'); });