1 import tensorflow as tf 2 import numpy as np 3 a = np.arange(0, 5) 4 b = tf.convert_to_tensor(a, dtype=tf.int64) #numpy 转为张量,本机默认dtype为int32 5 print("a:", a) 6 print("b:", b)
1 import tensorflow as tf 2 import numpy as np 3 x=np.zeros([2,3],dtype=np.int64) 4 a = tf.zeros([2, 3]) 5 b = tf.ones(4) 6 c = tf.fill([2, 2], 9) 7 d=tf.convert_to_tensor(x) 8 print("a:", a) 9 print("b:", b) 10 print("c:", c) 11 print('d',d)
import tensorflow as tf d = tf.random.normal([2, 2], mean=0.5, stddev=1)#d为2*2的张量,均值为0.5,标准差为1 print("d:", d) e = tf.random.truncated_normal([2, 2], mean=0.5, stddev=1,dtype=tf.float64)#正态分布e,shape2*2,均值0.5,标准差1, print("e:", e)
import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np a = tf.random.uniform([2, 2], minval=0, maxval=1) b = tf.random.uniform((1,10), minval=1, maxval=10,dtype=tf.float64)#范围为[low, high]的均匀分布随机浮点数张量 print("f:", a) print('a:',b)
import tensorflow as tf x1 = tf.constant([1.1, 2.2, 3.3], dtype=tf.float64) print("x1:", x1) x2 = tf.cast(x1, tf.int32) print("x2", x2) print("minimum of x2:", tf.reduce_min(x2)) print("maxmum of x2:", tf.reduce_max(x2))
import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np x=tf.constant([[1,2,3],[2,3,4]]) print('x:',x) print('均值:',tf.reduce_sum(x)) print('行求和:',tf.reduce_sum(x,axis=1))
import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np a=tf.ones((1,5),dtype=tf.int32) b=tf.fill((1,5),4) c=tf.fill((5,1),6) print('a+b:',tf.add(a,b)) print('a-b:',tf.subtract(a,b)) print('a*c:',tf.multiply(a,c)) print('a/b:',tf.divide(a,b))
1 import numpy as np 2 a=tf.fill([1,2],9.) 3 print('a的立方:',tf.pow(a,3)) 4 print('a的平方:',tf.square(a)) 5 print('a的开方:',tf.sqrt(a)) 6 print('a的开方:',tf.pow(a,0.5))
1 import tensorflow as tf 2 with tf.GradientTape() as tape: 3 x=tf.Variable(tf.constant(3.0)) 4 y=tf.pow(x,2) 5 grad=tape.gradient(y,x) 6 print(grad.numpy())
1 import tensorflow as tf 2 3 classes = 3 4 labels = tf.constant([1, 0, 2]) # 输入的元素值最小为0,最大为2 5 output = tf.one_hot(labels, depth=classes) 6 print("result of labels1:", output)
1 import tensorflow as tf 2 import math 3 y = tf.constant([1.01, 2.01, -2.01]) 4 y_pro = tf.nn.softmax(y)# y_pro 符合概率分布 5 a1=math.exp(1.01)/(math.exp(1.01)+math.exp(2.01)+math.exp(-2.01)) 6 print( y_pro) # y_pro 符合概率分布y_pro[0]=a1 7 print("The sum of y_pro:", tf.reduce_sum(y_pro)) # 通过softmax后,所有概率加起来和为1