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    有一篇文字,我曾经发到QQ,可能很多人不习惯读英文,我担心没有多少人去看。现在把它翻译出来,盼望大伙好好读一下。认真思考一番,我们应该向美国人学习什么,是去追求品牌服饰吗?是去追求名车豪宅吗?    。。。。。。   我是逐句进行了翻译,请不要辜负了我的一片苦心哦!
    A Spiritual Message to America
    As we stand before the dawn of a new millennium, we pray for America's survival ,our survival. 站在千禧年的前夜,让我们共同为美国的生存祈祷,美国正处于生存危机当中。We pray that we will be given strength by the Creator to follow the footsteps of our forefathers to share our love, respect and compassion for one another.让我们 恳求创造主给予我们足够的力量来跟随我们前辈的脚步,与他人一同分享爱、尊重、同情。There is good in everyone because the Creator has put a little of Himself in all of us. We pray for forgiveness for the pain and suffering we have caused one another.每一个人都有一些美善的宝藏珍藏在内心深处,因为创造主把自己的品质种植在我们每的心中。 We pray that our children will not repeat our mistakes.我们为我们的孩子不再重复我们的错误而祈祷。 We pray that we can respect the diversity of America; all life is sacred. 我们为拥有一颗尊重美国的敌人的心而祈祷,他们跟我们一样无比神圣。Every child born is a precious gift of our Creator. 每个孩子生来都是上苍珍贵的礼物。It is our sacred trust to embrace children from all walks of life because we are part of the same family.以神圣的信任拥抱所有以各种不同方式生活的孩子们,因为我们是这个家庭中的不可或缺的一部分。 We pray that our children will honor and respect their elders --that is where the wisdom comes from.我们祈祷,让我们的孩子们能崇尚和尊重他们的长辈,因为他们的长者那里是智慧的来源。 This respect will not only allow forgotten elders.这种尊重不只是让我们要忘记老人, We are all equal, with each having our own special gift to contribute. 我们都公平的拥有服务他人的特殊权利。These values allow our youth to become leaders and workers in our society.这些价值观将使我们的下一代成为我们社会的领导人和普通工作者。 Children, you are our future and our hope for the people. 孩子们,你们是我们的希望和未来。Stand and be courageous. 站稳、挺住,并鼓起勇气。We pray to learn and use the wisdom of all that has come before us,to achieve personal successes and to contribute to those of others. 我们祈祷,学习和使用来到我们面前的智慧,去赢得个人的成功并奉献于他人。Only when our young ones learn respect for everything can they evolve. 当我们的年轻人只有学会在每件事上尊重他人,自己才会有所成长。

    We pray for respect and love of Mother Earth because she is the foundation of human survival and we must keep her pollution-free for those who will travel after us.我们为爱护地球母亲而祈祷,因为她是我们人类生存的基础;我们必须竭力使之免于污染,让我们的后来者要以在其上旅行。 Protect her water, air, soil, trees, forests, plants and animals.保护她的水、空气、土壤、树木、森林、植物和动物。 Do not just take and waste resources. 不要只是占有和浪费资源。Make it a priority to conserve.优先考虑保护的问题。 The land is given to us by the Creator to care for, not to own. 土地是上苍赐于予我们来呵护而非占有的。If we take care of the land, the land will take care of us. 如果我们不珍惜土地,土地将不会保护我们。

    We should have respect for each other.我们应该相互尊重。 We pray for commitment and responsible behavior in order to help those in need and to give them support and friendship.我们要为责任和义务以及负责的行为祈祷,为的是为那些有需要的人给予支持和拥有友谊。 Be an example in life that others may follow; serve people, community and country. 给后来者的生活树立一个榜样。服务于社区、人民和国家。We should all strive to be leaders and contributors. 我们都应当努力成为领导者和奉献者。Do not sit back and let others plan and do all the thinking.不要等别人为我规划或只作一个空想家。 Let us unite together so that we may have the strength to protect our future.让我团结在一起,这样我才有力量保护我们的未来。 Strength comes from working through trials and tribulations. 力量来源于持续地工作和艰苦奋斗。


    Spiritual health is the key to holistic health.精神健康是整体健康的关键。 We pray to have the discipline to set healthy examples for our children to follow.我们要信守原则,为我们的下一代树立一个可以模仿的好榜样。 Respecting everyone and everything in the universe starts with self-respect. 尊重每一个人,尊重自己从尊重宇宙间所有一切开始。Take time to listen and take care of your body and spirit. 花时间去聆听,呵护我们的身体和灵魂。

    Family and Youth
    Family is important and precious.家庭成员极其重要也无比珍贵。 Always let them know that they are loved. 常常让他们知道,有人深爱着他们。Let our children and grandchildren know you are always there to love and support them and that they mean the world to you no matter what they do or say. 让我们的子孙后代知道,无论别人怎么说,我们总是站在他们一边关爱和支持他们。Children are of infinite value. 孩子们的价值无法估量。Live what you teach. 教导他们我们的生活方式。Spiritual values, honesty, and integrity start in the home. 精神价值,正直和诚实从家庭开始。We pray for the youth.我们要为年轻人祈祷。 We must teach the youth to work together and respect all that is living on our Mother Earth.我们必须教会他们善于一起工作,关爱我们赖以生存的地球母亲。We need to convey to our younger generations that the survival of our people lies in spirituality. 我们要向我们的下一代传扬生存的精神之本。


    We pray to learn ways to settle differences peacefully. 我们祝福,为和平中的求同从异。Teach respect for each other's ideas. 尊重不同的思想观念。Value honesty on all levels, from children to parents to community to governments. 从孩子到父母,从社区到政府不同阶层诚实的价值观。 We will be happy when we create peace with each other. 我们要能为他们创造和平而感到幸福。

    To the 7th Generation
    为了下至7 代而祈祷。

    -Keep hopes and dreams
    -Take care of yourself
    -Remember your spirit
    -Be there for each other
    -Respect courage
    -Share knowledge
    -Always keep learning
    -Remember your true values

    Family and Youth
    Family is important and precious.家庭成员极其重要也无比珍贵。 Always let them know that they are loved. 常常让他们知道,有人深爱着他们。Let our children and grandchildren know you are always there to love and support them and that they mean the world to you no matter what they do or say. 让我们的子孙后代知道,无论别人怎么说,我们总是站在他们一边关爱和支持他们。Children are of infinite value. 孩子们的价值无法估量。Live what you teach. 教导他们我们的生活方式。Spiritual values, honesty, and integrity start in the home. 精神价值,正直和诚实从家庭开始。We pray for the youth.我们要为年轻人祈祷。 We must teach the youth to work together and respect all that is living on our Mother Earth.我们必须教会他们善于一起工作,关爱我们赖以生存的地球母亲。We need to convey to our younger generations that the survival of our people lies in spirituality. 我们要向我们的下一代传扬生存的精神之本。


    We pray to learn ways to settle differences peacefully. 我们祝福,为和平中的求同从异。Teach respect for each other's ideas. 尊重不同的思想观念。Value honesty on all levels, from children to parents to community to governments. 从孩子到父母,从社区到政府不同阶层诚实的价值观。 We will be happy when we create peace with each other. 我们要能为他们创造和平而感到幸福。

    To the 7th Generation
    为了下至7 代而祈祷。

    -Keep hopes and dreams
    -Take care of yourself
    -Remember your spirit
    -Be there for each other
    -Respect courage
    -Share knowledge
    -Always keep learning
    -Remember your true values


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/huangygdelphi/p/2000567.html
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