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  • bsxfun.h multiple threads backup


    Copyright (C) 2013 Yichuan Tang. 
    contact: tang at cs.toronto.edu
    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.
    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
    #ifndef _BSXFUN_H_
    #define _BSXFUN_H_
    #include "cu_util.h"
    #include "cu_clmatrix.h"
     * @brief:              this function performs a matrix + col. vector operation *
     * @param[in]:   pA and pOut: nI by nJ matrix
     *                               pB is a column vector nI by 1
     *                               nInJ is the total dimensionality of the matrix pA
     * @param[out]:
     * @topology:   assumes a 1D block layout in x direction and covers the entire matrix pA
     * @note:               assume column-major
     * @change:
     * @tested:
     * @to_do:
    template<class O, typename T>
    __global__ void bsxfun_colvec_1dkernel( const T* pA,  const T* pVec, T* pOut,
                                                                                    int nI, int nJ, int nInJ, O op)
            const unsigned int ind = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
            const unsigned int totalThreads = blockDim.x*gridDim.x;
            for (int i = ind; i < nInJ; i += totalThreads)
                    pOut[i] = op(pA[i], pVec[i % nI]);
     * @brief:              this function performs a matrix + row. vector operation
     * @param[in]:   pA and pOut: nI by nJ matrix
     *                               pVec is a row vector 1 by nJ
     *                               nInJ is the total dimensionality of the matrix pA
     * @param[out]:
     * @topology:   assumes a 1D block layout in x direction and covers the entire matrix pA
     * @note:               assume column-major
     * @change:
     * @tested:
     * @to_do:
    template<class O, typename T>
    __global__ void bsxfun_rowvec_1dkernel(  const T* pA,  const T* pVec, T* pOut,
                                                                                     int nI, int nJ, int nInJ, O op)
            const unsigned int ind = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
            const unsigned int totalThreads = blockDim.x*gridDim.x;
            for (int i = ind; i < nInJ; i += totalThreads)
                    pOut[i] = op(pA[i], pVec[i / nI]);
    //alpha beta version
    template<class O, typename T>
    __global__ void bsxfun_colvec_1dkernel( T alpha, const T* pA,  T beta, const T* pVec, T* pOut,
                                                                                    int nI, int nJ, int nInJ, O op)
            const unsigned int ind = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
            const unsigned int totalThreads = blockDim.x*gridDim.x;
            for (int i = ind; i < nInJ; i += totalThreads)
                    pOut[i] = op(pA[i], alpha, pVec[i % nI], beta);
    template<class O, typename T>
    __global__ void bsxfun_rowvec_1dkernel(  T alpha, const T * pA,  T beta, const T* pVec, T* pOut,
                                                                                     int nI, int nJ, int nInJ, O op)
            const unsigned int ind = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
            const unsigned int totalThreads = blockDim.x*gridDim.x;
            for (int i = ind; i < nInJ; i += totalThreads)
                    pOut[i] = op(pA[i], alpha, pVec[i / nI], beta);
    * @brief: function similar to bsxfun of matlab
    * A op B ---> Out
    * @param[in]:   op - type of operation
    *                               A - first matrix
    *                               B - col/row vector, one dimension must be 1
    * @param[out]:
                            if Out is set to A, the operation is inplace, overwrites A
    * @topology:
    * @note:
    * @change:
    * @tested:
    * @to_do:               switch to shared memory operators to see if we can achieve speedup?!
    template<class O, typename T>
    int Bsxfun( const clMatrix<T>& A, O op, const clMatrix<T>& B, clMatrix<T>& Out){
            if (! (B.nI == 1 || B.nJ == 1) )
                    return -1;
            if ( ( B.nI == 1 && B.nJ != A.nJ) || ( B.nJ == 1 && B.nI != A.nI) ){
                    if (!(B.nI == 1 && B.nJ == 1))  //special case
                            return -2;
            if ( A.nI != Out.nI || A.nJ != Out.nJ)
                    return -3;
            const unsigned int datadim = A.nJ*A.nI;
            dim3 dim_block( MEDIUM_NUM_THREADS );
            dim3 dim_grid( MIN( MAX_GRIDS, (datadim + dim_block.x-1)/dim_block.x) );
            if (B.nJ == 1 && B.nI != 1){
                    bsxfun_colvec_1dkernel<<<dim_grid, dim_block>>>( A.pData, B.pData, Out.pData,
                                                                                                                            A.nI, A.nJ, datadim, op);
            }else if (B.nJ != 1 && B.nI == 1){
                    bsxfun_rowvec_1dkernel<<<dim_grid, dim_block>>>( A.pData, B.pData, Out.pData,
                                                                                                                                      A.nI, A.nJ, datadim, op );
            }else{ // when B is 1x1
                    if (A.nI == 1){
                            bsxfun_colvec_1dkernel<<<dim_grid, dim_block>>>( A.pData, B.pData, Out.pData,
                                                                                                                            A.nI, A.nJ, datadim, op);
                    }else if (A.nJ == 1){
                            bsxfun_rowvec_1dkernel<<<dim_grid, dim_block>>>( A.pData, B.pData, Out.pData,
                                                                                                                                      A.nI, A.nJ, datadim, op );
                            return -4;  //invalid case
            return 0;
    //alpha beta version
    template<class O, typename T>
    int Bsxfun(T alpha, const clMatrix<T>& A, O op, T beta, const clMatrix<T>& B, clMatrix<T>& Out){
            if (! (B.nI == 1 || B.nJ == 1) )
                    return -1;
            if ( ( B.nI == 1 && B.nJ != A.nJ) || ( B.nJ == 1 && B.nI != A.nI) ){
                    if (!(B.nI == 1 && B.nJ == 1))  //special case
                            return -2;
            if ( A.nI != Out.nI || A.nJ != Out.nJ)
                    return -3;
            const uint64_t datadim = A.nJ*A.nI;
            dim3 dim_block( MEDIUM_NUM_THREADS );
            dim3 dim_grid( MIN( MAX_GRIDS, (datadim + dim_block.x-1)/dim_block.x) );
            if (B.nJ == 1 && B.nI != 1){
                    bsxfun_colvec_1dkernel<<<dim_grid, dim_block>>>( alpha, A.pData, beta, B.pData, Out.pData,
                                                                                                                                      A.nI, A.nJ, datadim, op);
            }else if (B.nJ != 1 && B.nI == 1){
                    bsxfun_rowvec_1dkernel<<<dim_grid, dim_block>>>( alpha, A.pData, beta, B.pData, Out.pData,
                                                                                                                                      A.nI, A.nJ, datadim, op );
                    if (A.nI == 1){
                            bsxfun_colvec_1dkernel<<<dim_grid, dim_block>>>(alpha, A.pData, beta, B.pData, Out.pData,
                                                                                                                            A.nI, A.nJ, datadim, op);
                    }else if (A.nJ == 1){
                            bsxfun_rowvec_1dkernel<<<dim_grid, dim_block>>>(alpha, A.pData, beta, B.pData, Out.pData,
                                                                                                                                      A.nI, A.nJ, datadim, op );
                            return -4;  //invalid case
            return 0;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/huashiyiqike/p/3887413.html
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