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  • 模块工具类--utils

    File: jsutils.js
    * 模块工具类,用来初始化各模块视图、自定绑定事件以及其他辅助功能等
    * @class Utils
    Utils = (function() {

    var instance;

    * @class Utils
    * @constructor
    function Utils() {
    instance = this;
    return this;

    * 事件自动绑定 events:<br>
    * 事件映射列表 映射规则:<br>
    * "event(事件) -> selector(选择器)":"handler(事件处理器)"<br>
    * events = { <br>
    * "click->[document]":"doc_click_handler" <br>
    * }<br>
    * <span style="color:#A00">[注]</span>如果selector带有中括号[]则表明为系统全局变量,如window,document<br>
    * 需要以 call(module) 的方式把上下文设置成当前的模块实例
    * @example
    * g_utils.binder.call(module)
    * @method binder
    Utils.prototype.binder = function() {
    var cur = this;
    var events = this.Events;
    if (isEmpty(events))
    var clazz = className(this);
    if (isEmpty(clazz))
    this.clazz = clazz = "Plugin";
    Console.log("[" + clazz + "]Binding events");
    try {
    $.each(events, function(key, handler) {
    if (isEmpty(events))

    var handler = events[key];
    if (isEmpty(key))

    var sp = key.split("->");
    var evt = sp[0];
    var sel = sp[1];
    if (isEmpty(evt) || isEmpty(sel) || isNotFunc(cur[handler]) && isNotFunc(handler))
    var one = function(event) {
    if (isNotFunc(handler)) {
    cur[handler].call(this, cur, event);
    } else {
    handler.call(this, cur, event)
    var hasWindowObj = sel.indexOf("[window]") != -1;
    var hasDocumentObj = sel.indexOf("[document]") != -1;
    if (hasWindowObj) {
    $(window).unbind(evt, one);
    $(window).bind(evt, one);
    sel = sel.replace(/[[window]]/g, "")

    if (hasDocumentObj) {
    $(document).unbind(evt, one);
    $(document).bind(evt, one);
    sel = sel.replace(/[[document]]/g, "")

    if (isEmpty(sel))

    Console.log(" [" + clazz + "]Binding event[" + handler + "]");

    $(sel).die(evt).live(evt, one);

    } catch (e) {
    Console.log("Error Occured When Binding Events:" + e);

    * 初始化参数:初始化arguments第一个参数(json格式),将其设置为当前对象的成员属性, params为json格式数据<br>
    * @method initParams
    * @example
    * g_utils.initParams.call(module)
    * @params {Object} params JSON类型数据
    Utils.prototype.initParams = function(params) {
    var clazz = className(this);
    if (isNotEmpty(params)) {
    Console.log("[" + clazz + "]Initializing Params with outer params");
    for ( var key in params) {
    this[key] = params[key];
    if (isNotEmpty(this.arg) && isNotEmpty(this.arg[0])) {
    Console.log("[" + clazz + "]Initializing Params with arguments[0]");
    var opt = this.arg[0];
    for ( var key in opt) {
    if (isNotEmpty(opt[key]))
    this[key] = opt[key];

    * 初始化视图
    * 自动像viewLink+"/"+ident路径请求模版,返回后插入到target中,初始化完成执行afterInit回调,并将当前对象当作调用上下文对象
    * @method initParams
    * @example
    * g_utils.initView.call(module,ident,callback,async)
    * @param {String} ident 代码的唯一标识
    * @param {Function} afterInit 当视图初始化好后调用的回调函数
    * @param {Boolean} async 是否采用异步方式加载数据,true或undefined时为异步方式,false为同步方式
    Utils.prototype.initView = function(ident, afterInit, async) {
    var cur = this;
    var clazz = className(this);
    var func = "on" + clazz + "ViewInit";
    if (g_status.once) {
    afterInit.call(cur, ident, $(this.target).html());
    plugins.fireEvent(func, cur);
    if (isEmpty(ident))
    ident = g_status.ident;
    Console.log("[" + this.clazz + "]Initializing View with ident:[" + ident + "] " + (isFunc(afterInit) ? "and callback" : ""));
    var link = this.viewLink + "/" + ident + "?" + new Date().getTime();
    if (isEmpty(async) || async) {
    $.get(link, function(e) {
    cur.view = $(e);
    Console.log("[" + cur.clazz + "]View Loaded in async");
    if (isNotEmpty(cur.target) && isNotEmpty(e)) {
    afterInit.call(cur, ident, cur.view);
    plugins.fireEvent(func, cur);
    var e = instance.load(link,async);
    cur.view = $(e);
    Console.log("[" + cur.clazz + "]View Loaded in syn");
    if (isNotEmpty(cur.target) && isNotEmpty(e)) {
    afterInit.call(cur, ident, cur.view);
    plugins.fireEvent(func, cur);

    * 采用同步或异步方式加载远端资源
    * @method load
    * @param {String} link 请求链接地址
    * @param {Boolean} async 是否采用异步方式加载数据
    * @param {Function} callback 采用异步方式的回调函数
    * @param {Object} data 发送请求时附带参数数据
    * @return {String} responseText 采用同步方式时直接返回结果,采用异步方式时将返回 undefined
    Utils.prototype.load = function(link, async, callback, data) {
    var cur = this;
    return $.ajax({
    url : link,
    success : function(html) {
    if (isFunc(callback))
    callback.call(cur, html);
    data : data,
    async : async,
    type : "post"

    * 处理服务器端返回的JSON类型数据结果,判断是否为出错信息,并提供两种方式处理错误
    * @method errorHandler
    * @param {String} msg 服务器传来待处理的 JSON 格式字符串
    * @param {Function} success 无错误时的回调函数,该回调将获得处理过后的 JSON 数据
    * @param {Function} error 服务器端传来错误信息时调用,将返回出错 JSON 数据
    * @param {Boolean} diy 是否立即使用 error 回调函数处理错误,true为立即使用error处理,false和undefined为系统使用弹窗显示错误然后再调用error回调处理
    Utils.prototype.errorHandler = function(msg, success, error, diy) {
    try {
    var msg = eval("(" + msg + ")");
    if (msg.error) {
    if (isEmpty(diy) || !diy) {
    dialog.get("error", msg.msg);
    if (typeof error != "undefined") {
    setTimeout(function() {
    }, 2000);
    return false;
    } else {
    if (typeof error != "undefined") {
    return error(msg);
    return success(msg)
    } catch (e) {
    if (typeof e.stack != 'undefined') {
    dialog.get("jserror", e.stack.substring(0, 50));
    } else
    dialog.get("jserror", e.message);

    * 阻止浏览器默认事件
    * @method stopDefault
    * @param {Object} event 浏览器事件对象
    Utils.prototype.stopDefault = function(event) {
    event.returnvalue = false;

    * 初始状态信息,该方法用来从服务器端加载一段js,用eval执行来初始化全局变量
    * @method initStatus
    * @param {String} link 请求链接地址
    Utils.prototype.initStatus = function(link) {
    var status = this.load(link, false);
    if (isNotEmpty(status))

    * 获得以“http://”开头的链接地址,并加上当前域的HOST名称,例如 g_utils.getHttpLink("/code/abcdefg")将返回"http://runjs.cn/code/abcdefg"
    * @method getHttpLink
    * @return {String} link 返回处理好的链接地址
    Utils.prototype.getHttpLink = function(link) {
    if (isEmpty(link))
    if (link.indexOf("http") == -1) {
    if (link.indexOf("/") == 0) {
    link = g_status.host + link;
    } else {
    link = g_status.host + "/" + link;
    return link;

    return Utils;

    * Utils 类实例[全局]
    * @attribute g_utils
    g_utils = new Utils();

    * 判断当前对象是否为空
    * @method isEmpty
    * @param {Object} obj
    * @return {Boolean} empty 当为 null,undefined,"" 将返回true
    window.isEmpty = function(obj) {
    return (obj == null || typeof obj == "undefined" || obj.length == 0)

    * 判断当前对象是否非空
    * @method isNotEmpty
    * @param {Object} obj
    * @return {Boolean}
    window.isNotEmpty = function(obj) {
    return !isEmpty(obj);

    * 判断是否为函数
    * @method isFunc
    * @param {Object} fun
    * @return {Boolean}
    window.isFunc = function(fun) {
    return (fun != null && typeof fun == "function");

    * 判断不是函数
    * @method isNotFunc
    * @param {Object} fun
    * @return {Boolean}
    window.isNotFunc = function(fun) {
    return !isFunc(fun);

    * 判断 cur 是否为 type 类型
    * @method typeOf
    * @param {Object} cur
    * @param {String} type
    * @example
    * typeOf("Hello","string");//将返回true
    * @return {Boolean}
    window.typeOf = function(cur, type) {
    if (typeof type != "string")
    return false;
    return typeof cur == type;

    * 判断是否为数组
    * @method isArray
    * @param {Object} array
    * @return {Boolean}
    window.isArray = function(array) {
    return isNotEmpty(array) && className(array) == "Array"

    * 判断不是数组
    * @method isNotArray
    * @param {Object} arr
    * @return {Boolean}
    window.isNotArray = function(arr) {
    return !isArray(arr);

    * 获取当前模块名
    * @method className
    * @param {Object} obj
    * @example
    * className(g_utils);//返回 "Utils"
    * @return
    window.className = function(obj) {
    if (obj && obj.constructor && obj.constructor.toString) {
    var arr = obj.constructor.toString().match(/functions*(w+)/);
    if (arr && arr.length == 2) {
    obj.clazz = arr[1]
    return arr[1];
    return undefined;

    * 判断两个对象是否为相同的类
    * @method isSameClass
    * @param {Object} cur
    * @param {Object} cur2
    * @return {Boolean}
    window.isSameClass = function(cur, cur2) {
    if (isNotEmpty(cur) && isNotEmpty(cur2)) {
    return className(cur) == className(cur2);
    return false;

    * 判断两个对象为不同类
    * @method isDifClass
    * @param {Object} cur
    * @param {Object} cur2
    * @return {Boolean}
    window.isDifClass = function(cur, cur2) {
    return !isSameClass(cur, cur2);

    * 以 window.open 方式打开弹窗
    * @method openwindow
    * @param {String} url
    * @param {String} name
    * @param {Number} iWidth
    * @param {Number} iHeight
    window.openwindow = function(url, name, iWidth, iHeight) {
    var url; // 转向网页的地址;
    var name; // 网页名称,可为空;
    var iWidth; // 弹出窗口的宽度;
    var iHeight; // 弹出窗口的高度;
    var iTop = (window.screen.availHeight - 30 - iHeight) / 2; // 获得窗口的垂直位置;
    var iLeft = (window.screen.availWidth - 10 - iWidth) / 2; // 获得窗口的水平位置;
    window.open(url, name, 'height=' + iHeight + ',,innerHeight=' + iHeight + ',width=' + iWidth + ',innerWidth=' + iWidth + ',top=' + iTop + ',left=' + iLeft + ',toolbar=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=auto,resizeable=no,location=no,status=no');

    * 返回 true 且啥也不处理的回调函数,用于{{#crossLink "Dialog"}}{{/crossLink}}中设置无所作为的按钮的事件
    * @method doNothing
    * @example
    * dialog.get("confrim2",doNothing,doNow);//doNow 为回调函数
    * @return {Boolean}
    window.doNothing = function() {
    return true;

    * 更新浏览器地址栏链接地址
    * @method updateUrl
    * @param {String} url
    window.updateUrl = function(url) {
    if (window.history && window.history.pushState) {
    window.history.pushState(null, url, url);

    * 判断当前是否处在iframe中
    * @method isIframe
    * @return {Boolean}
    window.isIframe = function() {
    return top.location != self.location;

    * 判断当前不处在iframe中
    * @method isIframe
    * @return {Boolean}
    window.isNotIframe = function() {
    return !isIframe();

    * 利用数组的join构造字符串,提高字符串拼接效率
    * @method buildString
    * @param arguments {String|Number}
    * @return {String} 拼接后的字符串
    window.buildString = function(){
    var str = [];
    for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++){
    str[i] = arguments[i];
    return str.join("");

    window.console = window.console || {};

    console.log || (console.log = typeof opera != "undefined" ? opera.postError : function(msg) {

    /*---IE Extend---*/
    if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) {
    Array.prototype.indexOf = function(elt /* , from */) {
    var len = this.length >>> 0;

    var from = Number(arguments[1]) || 0;
    from = (from < 0) ? Math.ceil(from) : Math.floor(from);
    if (from < 0)
    from += len;

    for (; from < len; from++) {
    if (from in this && this[from] === elt)
    return from;
    return -1;

    ConsoleUtils = (function(){
    var open = false;
    function ConsoleUtils(op){
    open = op;
    ConsoleUtils.prototype.toggle = function(){
    open = !open;
    ConsoleUtils.prototype.open = function(){
    open = true;
    ConsoleUtils.prototype.close = function(){
    open = false;
    ConsoleUtils.prototype.log = function(msg){
    return ConsoleUtils;

    Console = new ConsoleUtils(false);

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/hubgit/p/5911685.html
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