If a JMS provider detects a problem with a connection, it will inform the connection’s ExceptionListener, if one has been registered. To retrieve an ExceptionListener, the JMS provider calls the connection’s getExceptionListerer() method. This method returns the ExceptionListener for the connection. If no ExceptionListener is registered, the value null is returned. The connection can then use the listener by calling the listener’s onException() method, passing it a JMSException describing the problem.
This allows a client to be asynchronously notified of a problem. Some connections only consume messages, so they would have no other way to learn their connection has failed.
A Connection serializes execution of its ExceptionListener.
A JMS provider should attempt to resolve connection problems itself prior to notifying the client of them.
The exceptions delivered to ExceptionListener are those that have no other place to be reported. If an exception is thrown on a JMS call it, by definition, must not be delivered to an ExceptionListener (in other words, ExceptionListener is not for the purpose of monitoring all exceptions thrown by a connection).
Samlple Code:
connection.setExceptionListener(new ExceptionListener() { @Override public void onException(JMSException e) { // handle the exception } });