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  • 自定义tag标签的方法






    [java] view plain copy
    1. <%@ tag import="java.util.*" import="java.text.*" %>  
    2. <%  
    3.   DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.LONG);  
    4.   Date d = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());  
    5.   out.println(df.format(d));  
    6. %>  
    [html] view plain copy
    1. <%@ taglib prefix="util" tagdir="/WEB-INF/tags" %>  
    2. <html>  
    3.   <head>  
    4.   </head>  
    5.   <body>  
    6.      Today is <util:time/>.  
    7.   </body>  
    8. </html>  


    [java] view plain copy
    1. <%@ attribute name="count" type="java.lang.Integer" required="true" %>  
    2. <%@ attribute name="value" type="java.lang.String" required="true" %>  
    3. <%!  
    4.   private String repeater(Integer count, String s) {  
    5.     int n = count.intValue();  
    6.     StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();  
    7.     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {  
    8.       sb.append(s);  
    9.     }  
    10.     return sb.toString();  
    11.   }  
    12. %>  
    13. <%  
    14.   out.println(repeater(count, value));  
    15. %>  
    [html] view plain copy
    1. <%@ taglib prefix="util" tagdir="/WEB-INF/tags" %>  
    2. <html>  
    3.   <head>  
    4.   </head>  
    5.   <body>  
    6.     Let's get some sleep! <util:repeater count='${3 * 10}' value='zzz'/>  
    7.   </body>  
    8. </html>  


    [java] view plain copy
    1. <%@ tag import="java.util.*" %>  
    2. <%@ attribute name="cityName" required="true" %>  
    3. <%@ variable name-given="province" %>  
    4. <%@ variable name-given="population" variable-class="java.lang.Integer" %>  
    5. <%  
    6.   if ("Toronto".equals(cityName)) {  
    7.     jspContext.setAttribute("province", "Ontario");  
    8.     jspContext.setAttribute("population", new Integer(2553400));  
    9.   }  
    10.   else if ("Montreal".equals(cityName)) {  
    11.     jspContext.setAttribute("province", "Quebec");  
    12.     jspContext.setAttribute("population", new Integer(2195800));  
    13.   }  
    14.   else {  
    15.     jspContext.setAttribute("province", "Unknown");  
    16.     jspContext.setAttribute("population", new Integer(-1));  
    17.   }  
    18. %>  
    19. <jsp:doBody/>  
    [html] view plain copy
    1. <%@ taglib prefix="util" tagdir="/WEB-INF/tags" %>  
    2. <html>  
    3.   <head>  
    4.   </head>  
    5.   <body>  
    6.     <% pageContext.setAttribute("cityName", "Montreal"); %>  
    7.     <util:lookup cityName="${cityName}">  
    8.       ${cityName}'s province is ${province}.  
    9.       ${cityName}'s population is approximately ${population / 1000000} million.  
    10.     </util:lookup>  
    11.   </body>  
    12. </html>  



    [java] view plain copy
    1. <%@ tag import="java.util.*" %>  
    2. <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" %>  
    3. <%@ attribute name="cityName" required="true" %>  
    4. <%@ variable name-given="province" %>  
    5. <%@ variable name-given="population" %>  
    6. <c:choose>  
    7.   <c:when test="cityName eq 'Toronto'>  
    8.     <c:set var="province" value="Ontario"/>  
    9.     <c:set var="population" value="2553400"/>  
    10.   </c:when>  
    11.   <c:when test="cityName eq 'Montreal'>  
    12.     <c:set var="province" value="Quebec"/>  
    13.     <c:set var="population" value="2195800"/>  
    14.   </c:when>  
    15.   <c:otherwise>  
    16.     <c:set var="province" value="Unknown"/>  
    17.     <c:set var="population" value="-1"/>  
    18.   </c:otherwise>  
    19. </c:choose>  
    20. %>  
    21. <jsp:doBody/>  
    [html] view plain copy
    1. <%@ taglib prefix="util" tagdir="/WEB-INF/tags" %>  
    2. <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" %>  
    3. <html>  
    4.   <head>  
    5.   </head>  
    6.   <body>  
    7.     <c:set var="cityName" value="Montreal"/>  
    8.     <util:lookup cityName="${cityName}">  
    9.       ${cityName}'s province is ${province}.  
    10.       ${cityName}'s population is approximately ${population / 1000000} million.  
    11.     </util:lookup>  
    12.   </body>  
    13. </html>  


    [html] view plain copy
    1. <?xml version='1.0'?>  
    2. <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="http://java.sun.com/JSP/Page">  
    3.     <jsp:directive.tag import="java.util.*"/>  
    4.     <jsp:directive.taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core"/>  
    5.     <jsp:directive.attribute name="cityName" required="true"/>  
    6.     <jsp:directive.variable name-given="province"/>  
    7.     <jsp:directive.variable name-given="population"/>  
    8.     <c:choose>  
    9.       <c:when test="cityName eq 'Toronto'>  
    10.         <c:set var="province" value="Ontario"/>  
    11.         <c:set var="population" value="2553400"/>  
    12.       </c:when>  
    13.       <c:when test="cityName eq 'Montreal'>  
    14.         <c:set var="province" value="Quebec"/>  
    15.         <c:set var="population" value="2195800"/>  
    16.       </c:when>  
    17.       <c:otherwise>  
    18.         <c:set var="province" value="Unknown"/>  
    19.         <c:set var="population" value="-1"/>  
    20.       </c:otherwise>  
    21.     </c:choose>  
    22. </jsp:root>  
    [html] view plain copy
    1. <?xml version='1.0'?>  
    2. <jsp:root version='2.0'  
    3.           xmlns:jsp="http://java.sun.com/JSP/Page"  
    4.           xmlns:util="urn:jsptagdir:/WEB-INF/tags"  
    5.           xmlns:c="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core">  
    6.   <jsp:directive.page contentType="text/html"/>            
    7.     <html>  
    8.       <head>  
    9.       </head>  
    10.       <body>  
    11.         <c:set var="cityName" value="Montreal"/>  
    12.         <util:lookup cityName="${cityName}">  
    13.           ${cityName}'s province is ${province}.  
    14.           ${cityName}'s population is approximately ${population / 1000000} million.  
    15.         </util:lookup>  
    16.       </body>  
    17.     </html>  
    18. </jsp:root>  



    tag 类似JSP page指令,可以用于import常用的java类库等
    include 导入其他的标签定义文件
    taglib 使用其他标签,如jstl, spring tag, struts tag等等
    attribute 定义一个属性
    variable 定义一个jsp page中可见的变量,默认范围为NESTED,表示标签内有效。可选项有AT_BEGIN和AT_END


    body-content 标签body的处理方式 ,可选项: 'empty', 'tagdependent' or 'scriptless'
    import 导入使用的java类库
    pageEncoding 设置页面编码
    isELIgnored 是否忽略el表达式
    dynamic-attributes 用于存储自定义属性的map,所谓的自定义属性指:未隐式申明的变量
    language 使用的脚本语言,目前必须是java
    display-name 标签名
    small-icon for tools
    large-icon for tools
    description 标签作用描述
    example informal description of how the tag is used


    name 属性名
    required true or false
    rtexprvalue true or false - 指定是否支持运行时表达式
    type 值类型 - 默认是java.lang.String
    fragment true or false - 值先传递给容器(false), 直接传给标签处理方法(true)
    description 属性描述


    name-given 变量名(标签使用时的变量名)
    name-from-attribute Specifies the name of an attribute, whose value is the name of the variable that will be available in the calling JSP page. Exactly one of name-given or name-from-attribute must be supplied.
    alias A locally scoped variable which will store the variable's value. Used only with name-from-attribute.
    variable-class 变量类.默认是java.lang.String.
    declare Indicates whether the variable is declared in the calling JSP page or tag file. Default is true. Not entirely clear what this means!
    scope 变量范围,可选项 AT_BEGIN(标签后jsp page内有效), AT_END(标签后jsp page内有效) and NESTED. NESTED(默认,标签内有效)
    description 变量描述
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/huiyuantang/p/5437455.html
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