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  • [git] 细说commit (git add/commit/diff/rm/reset 以及 index 的概念)

    $ git init
    $ echo "line one" >> foo.txt
    $ git add foo.txt
    $ git commit -m "first commit"
    说说 add/reset/diff
    我们修改一下 foo.txt,看看效果。
    $ echo "line two" >> foo.txt
    $ git diff
    diff --git a/foo.txt b/foo.txt
    index 2d00bd5..e5c5c55 100644
    --- a/foo.txt
    +++ b/foo.txt
    @@ -1 +1,2 @@
     line one
    +line two
    此时,git diff 可以看到修改内容,但不能 git commit 提交之。
    修改的内容,默认会处于 unstage 状态(修改了,但commit不提交),git status 可以看到状态。
    $ git status
    # On branch master
    # Changes not staged for commit:
    #   (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
    #   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
    # modified:   foo.txt
    no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
    如果想提交,需要显式 git add 一下。修改的文件状态会变为 staged。
    然后 git diff 就看不到修改内容了,而 git diff --cached 才能看到。
    当然,也可以用 git commit -a foo.txt 直接提交,而不需要显式 git add foo.txt。
    $ git add foo.txt
    $ git diff
    $ git diff --cached
    diff --git a/foo.txt b/foo.txt
    index 2d00bd5..e5c5c55 100644
    --- a/foo.txt
    +++ b/foo.txt
    @@ -1 +1,2 @@
     line one
    +line two
    $ git status
    # On branch master
    # Changes to be committed:
    #   (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
    # modified:   foo.txt
    这个优点,同时修改了两处代码,只想提交某一处修改,则显式 git add 想提交的文件即可。
    已经 git add 的文件,可以通过  git reset <file> 来 un-add。
    $ git reset foo.txt
    Unstaged changes after reset:
    M foo.txt
    $ git diff --cached
    $ git diff
    diff --git a/foo.txt b/foo.txt
    index 2d00bd5..e5c5c55 100644
    --- a/foo.txt
    +++ b/foo.txt
    @@ -1 +1,2 @@
     line one
    +line two
    如果要将 foo.txt 恢复到修改前的状态,可以 git checkout。
    $ git checkout foo.txt
    $ git diff
    $ git status
    # On branch master
    nothing to commit (working directory clean)
    rm、mv 和 log --follow
    先给仓库再加入个文件 bar.txt
    $ echo "barbar" >> bar.txt
    $ git add bar.txt
    $ git status
    # On branch master
    # Changes to be committed:
    # (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
    # new file: bar.txt
    此时,bar.txt 并没有通过 git commit 提交到仓库,如果想 unadd foo.txt,需要:
    $ git rm --cached bar.txt
    rm 'bar.txt'
    $ git status
    # On branch master
    # Untracked files:
    #   (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
    # bar.txt
    nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
    顺便说一下,对于未 git add 的文件,处于 untracked 状态。git commit 不会提交 untracked 的文件。
    对于已经 git add && commit 的文件,直接通过 git rm && commit 将起删除即可。
    $ git add bar.txt
    $ git commit -m "add bar.txt"
    [master 0fa635d] add bar.txt
     1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
     create mode 100644 bar.txt
    $ git rm bar.txt
    rm 'bar.txt'
    $ git commit -m "remove bar.txt"
    [master fcdfd15] remove bar.txt
     1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)
     delete mode 100644 bar.txt
    $ ls
    我们还可以通过 git mv 来重命名文件。而 git log 的 --follow 参数,可以查看到文件 mv 之前的修改记录。
    $ git mv foo.txt rename.txt
    $ git commit -m "rename it"
    [master 788b36d] rename it
     1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
     rename foo.txt => rename.txt (100%)
    $ git log rename.txt
    commit 788b36d799e4f8cea226b29efe13e62ecadea7b8
    Author: kasicass <kasicass@gmail.com>
    Date:   Thu Apr 4 10:29:47 2013 +0800
        rename it
    $ git log --follow rename.txt 
    commit 788b36d799e4f8cea226b29efe13e62ecadea7b8
    Author: kasicass <kasicass@gmail.com>
    Date:   Thu Apr 4 10:29:47 2013 +0800
        rename it
    commit 3cc14639388770d01eb8db5fbe57f917584508bf
    Author: kasicass <kasicass@gmail.com>
    Date:   Thu Apr 4 10:10:42 2013 +0800
        first commit
    深入理解 index
    git 中 index 的概念,就是“当前要提交的内容(tracks what you want to commit)”。
    我们先来修改一下 rename.txt 并 git add 之。
    $ echo "line two" >> rename.txt 
    $ git add rename.txt 
    $ git diff --cached
    diff --git a/rename.txt b/rename.txt
    index 2d00bd5..e5c5c55 100644
    --- a/rename.txt
    +++ b/rename.txt
    @@ -1 +1,2 @@
     line one
    +line two
    我们再修改一下 rename.txt 的内容。
    你会发现 git diff 和 git diff --cached 的结果是不一样的。
    $ echo "line three" >> rename.txt 
    $ git diff
    diff --git a/rename.txt b/rename.txt
    index e5c5c55..0c2aa38 100644
    --- a/rename.txt
    +++ b/rename.txt
    @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
     line one
     line two
    +line three
    $ git diff --cached
    diff --git a/rename.txt b/rename.txt
    index 2d00bd5..e5c5c55 100644
    --- a/rename.txt
    +++ b/rename.txt
    @@ -1 +1,2 @@
     line one
    +line two
    对的,git diff --cached 是查看即将提交到仓库的变化,而 git diff 是查看当前与 --cached 的变化。
    要想提交最新修改,还得再 git add rename.txt 一次。
    $ git add rename.txt 
    $ git diff
    $ git diff --cached
    diff --git a/rename.txt b/rename.txt
    index 2d00bd5..0c2aa38 100644
    --- a/rename.txt
    +++ b/rename.txt
    @@ -1 +1,3 @@
     line one
    +line two
    +line three
    所以,可以理解为 current diff ==> index cache ==> repo。
    当前的修改,通过 git add 提交到 index cache,再通过 git commit 正式提交到 repo。
    [git] 细说commit (git add/commit/diff/rm/reset 以及 index 的概念) - kasicass - Code@Pig Home
    如果 git commit 没有 -m 参数,git 会启用 GIT_EDITOR 来编辑 message。
    $ export GIT_EDITOR=vim
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