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  • Real World OCaml

    ISBN 978-7-5123-7637-3

    English First Edition PDF

    Code Examples

    Install Guidence from cornell/cs3110

    Part I

    based on Core instead of standard library

    1 / 3;;
    (* - : int = 0 *)
    1 / 3.;;
    1. /. 3;; 
    2. / 3.;;
    (* Error: This expression has type float but an expression was expected of type int *)
    1. /. 3.;;
    (* - : float = 0.333333333333333315 *)
    let even x =
      x mod 2 = 0 ;;
    (* val even : int -> bool = <fun> *)

    Identifiers for variable names:
    punctuation is excluded, except for _ and ', must start with a lowercase letter or an underscore.
    By default, utop doesn’t print out variables starting with an underscore.

    first-class functions

    Module names
    always start with a capital letter.

    type inference

    let sum_if_true test first second =
      (if test first then first else 0)
      + (if test second then second else 0)
    (* val sum_if_true : (int -> bool) -> int -> int -> int = <fun> *)
    let sum_if_true (test : int -> bool) (x : int) (y : int) : int =
      (if test x then x else 0)
      + (if test y then y else 0)

    parametric polymorphism

    generic type & type variable

    let first_if_true test x y =
      if test x then x else y
    (* val first_if_true : ('a -> bool) -> 'a -> 'a -> 'a = <fun> *)

    * compile time error & runtime exception

    built-in simple types:
    int, float, bool, char, string, unit

    pattern matching

    let t = (3, "four", 5.);;
    (* val t : int * string * float = (3, "four", 5.) *)
    let (x, y, z) = t;;

    * tuple: fixed item number, different types

    * list: any item number, the same type

    ~f: labeled argument

    let langs = ["ocaml", "cpp", "c"];;
    (* a singleton list containing a three-tuple
     * val langs : (string * string * string) list = [("ocaml", "cpp", "c")]
    let langs = ["ocaml"; "cpp"; "c"];;
    (* val langs : string list = ["ocaml"; "cpp"; "c"] *)
    List.map langs ~f:String.length;;
    (* - : int list = [5; 3; 1] *)
    "python" :: langs;;
    (* - : string list = ["python"; "ocaml"; "cpp"; "c"] *)
    (* - : string list = ["ocaml"; "cpp"; "c"] *)
    ["py"; "perl"] @ langs;;
    (* - : string list = ["py"; "perl"; "ocaml"; "cpp"; "c"] *)

    The bracket notation for lists is really just syntactic sugar for :: (right-associative).

    Unlike ::, @ is not a constant-time operation (proportional to the length of the first list).

    let my_fav_lang (my_fav :: the_rest) = my_fav;;
    (* Here is an example of a case that is not matched: [] *)
    let my_fav_lang langs =
      match langs with
      | first :: the_rest -> first
      | [] -> "ocaml"


    let rec sum l =
      match l with
      | [] -> 0
      | hd :: tl -> hd + sum tl


    let divide x y =
      if y = 0 then None else Some (x/y) ;;
    (* val divide : int -> int -> int option = <fun> *)

    A let paired with an in can be used to introduce a new binding within any local scope, including a function body.
    The in marks the beginning of the scope within which the new variable can be used.

    let x = 7 in
      let y = x * x in
        x + y


    type point2d = {x : float; y : float};;
    let p = {x = 3.; y = -4.};;
    (* val p : point2d = {x = 3.; y = -4.} *)


    type v = 
      | Int of int
      | Point2D of point2d
    (* type v = Int of int | Point2D of point2d *)


    let numbers = [| 1; 2; 3; 4 |];;
    (* val numbers : int array = [|1; 2; 3; 4|] *)
    numbers.(2) <- 4;;
    (* - : unit = () *)

    The unit type has only one possible value, written (), generally used as a placeholder.
    We use unit for the return value of an operation like setting a mutable field that communicates by side effect rather than by returning a value. It’s also used as the argument to functions that don’t require an input value (like void in C or Java).

    mutable record

    type running_sum =
      mutable sum : float;
      mutable samples : int;
    let mean rsum = rsum.sum /. float rsum.samples
    let create () = {sum = 0.; samples = 0}
    let update rsum x =
      rsum.samples <- rsum.samples + 1;
      rsum.sum <- rsum.sum +. x
    (* val mean : running_sum -> float = <fun>
     * val create : unit -> running_sum = <fun>
     * val update : running_sum -> float -> unit = <fun>
    let rsum = create ();;
    List.iter [1.;3.;2.;-7.;4.;5.] ~f:(fun x -> update rsum x);;
    mean rsum;;

    Anonymous functions
    are declared using the fun keyword, and don’t need to be ex‐ plicitly named.

    the standard way of simulating the traditional mutable variables

    let x = {contents = 0};;
    x.contents <- x.contents + 1;;
    (* equivalent to *)
    let x = ref 0;;
    x := !x + 1;;
    (* implementations *)
    type 'a ref = {mutable contents : 'a}
    let ref x = {contents = x}
    let (!) r = r.contents
    let (:=) r x = r.contents + x

    The parentheses around ! and := are needed because these are operators, rather than ordinary functions.

    let sum list =
      let sum = ref 0 in
        List.iter list ~f:(fun x -> sum := !sum + x);

    for & while

    out of toplevel

    (* sum.ml *)
    open Core
    let rec read_and_accumulate accum =
      let line = In_channel.input_line In_channel.stdin in
      match line with
      | None -> accum
      | Some x -> read_and_accumulate (accum +. Float.of_string x)
    let () =
      printf "Total: %F
    " (read_and_accumulate 0.)
    corebuild sum.ml

    Part II

    anonymous & higer-order function

    let increments = [ (fun x -> x + 1); (fun x -> x + 2) ];;
    (* val increments : (int -> int) list = [<fun>; <fun>] *)
    List.map ~f:(fun g -> g 5) increments;;
    (* - : int list = [6; 7] *)


    let abs_diff x y = abs (x - y);;
    (* equivalent to *)
    let abs_diff =
      (fun x -> (fun y -> abs (x - y)));;
    (* partial application *)
    let dist_from_3 = abs_diff 3;;

    or pattern

    | [] | [_]

    Explicitly marking of recursion doesn’t apply to a pure language like Haskell.

    Predetermined identifiers characters set and strings:
    ! $ % & * + - . / : < = > ? @ ^ | ~
    or mod lsl (logical shift left)

    (+) 1 2;;
    (* - : int = 3 *)
    Int.max 3 -4;; (* error *)
    Int.max 3 (-4);;
    let (|>) x f = f x;;
    (* val ( |> ) : 'a -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b = <fun> *)

    Negation has lower precedence than function application.

    function keyword

    let some_or_zero function
      | Some x -> x
      | None -> 0

    __labeled argument __

    let ratio ~num ~denom = float num /. float denom;;
    (* val ratio : num:int -> denom:int -> float = <fun> *)
    ratio ~denom:10 ~num:3;;

    Label punning:
    you get to drop the text after the : if the name of the label and the name of the variable being used are the same.


    1. files
    2. modules
    3. functors
    4. objects
    5. classes

    Part III


    1. s-expression
    2. concurrency
    3. FFI
    4. GC
    5. compiler frontend
  • 相关阅读:
    poj3278 Catch That Cow
    poj1101 The Game
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/humz/p/10679849.html
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