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  • 使用show profiles分析SQL性能

      分析SQL执行带来的开销是优化SQL的重要手段。在MySQL数据库中,可以通过配置profiling参数来启用SQL剖析。该参数可以在全局和session级别来设置。对于全局级别则作用于整个MySQL实例,而session级别紧影响当前session。该参数开启后,后续执行的SQL语句都将记录其资源开销,诸如IO,上下文切换,CPU,Memory等等。根据这些开销进一步分析当前SQL瓶颈从而进行优化与调整。本文描述了如何使用MySQL profile,不涉及具体的样例分析。


    使用show profiles分析sql性能。

    Show profiles是5.0.37之后添加的,要想使用此功能,要确保版本在5.0.37之后。


    mysql> select version();


    mysql> show profiles;
    Empty set (0.02 sec)


    mysql> show variables like "%pro%";
    可以看到profiling 默认是OFF的。


    mysql> set profiling=1;


    help profile;  

    root@localhost[sakila]> help profile;  
    Name: 'SHOW PROFILE'  
    SHOW PROFILE [type [, type] ... ]  
        [FOR QUERY n]  
        [LIMIT row_count [OFFSET offset]]  
        ALL                --显示所有的开销信息  
      | BLOCK IO           --显示块IO相关开销  
      | CONTEXT SWITCHES   --上下文切换相关开销  
      | CPU                --显示CPU相关开销信息  
      | IPC                --显示发送和接收相关开销信息  
      | MEMORY             --显示内存相关开销信息  
      | PAGE FAULTS        --显示页面错误相关开销信息  
      | SOURCE             --显示和Source_function,Source_file,Source_line相关的开销信息  
      | SWAPS              --显示交换次数相关开销的信息   
    The SHOW PROFILE and SHOW PROFILES statements display profiling  
    information that indicates resource usage for statements executed  
    during the course of the current session.  
    *Note*: These statements are deprecated as of MySQL 5.6.7 and will be  
    removed in a future MySQL release. Use the Performance Schema instead;  
    see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/performance-schema.html.  
    --上面描述从5.6.7开始该命令将会被移除,用Performance Schema instead代替  


    root@localhost[sakila]> select count(*) from customer;  
    | count(*) |  
    |      599 |  
    root@localhost[sakila]> show profiles;  
    | Query_ID | Duration   | Query                          |  
    |        1 | 0.00253600 | show variables like '%profil%' |  
    |        2 | 0.00138150 | select count(*) from customer  |  
    2 rows in set, 1 warning (0.01 sec)  
    root@localhost[sakila]> show warnings;    --下面的结果表明SHOW PROFILES将来会被Performance Schema替换掉  
    | Level   | Code | Message                                                                                                      |  
    | Warning | 1287 | 'SHOW PROFILES' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use Performance Schema instead |  


    --可以直接使用show profile来查看上一条SQL语句的开销信息  
    --注,show profile之类的语句不会被profiling,即自身不会产生Profiling  
    --我们下面的这个show profile查看的是show warnings产生的相应开销  
    root@localhost[sakila]> show profile;    
    | Status         | Duration |  
    | starting       | 0.000141 |  
    | query end      | 0.000058 |  
    | closing tables | 0.000014 |  
    | freeing items  | 0.001802 |  
    | cleaning up    | 0.000272 |  
    --如下面的查询show warnings被添加到profiles  
    root@localhost[sakila]> show profiles;  
    | Query_ID | Duration   | Query                          |  
    |        1 | 0.00253600 | show variables like '%profil%' |  
    |        2 | 0.00138150 | select count(*) from customer  |  
    |        3 | 0.00228600 | show warnings                  |  
    root@localhost[sakila]> show profile for query 2;  
    | Status               | Duration |  
    | starting             | 0.000148 |  
    | checking permissions | 0.000014 |  
    | Opening tables       | 0.000047 |  
    | init                 | 0.000023 |  
    | System lock          | 0.000035 |  
    | optimizing           | 0.000012 |  
    | statistics           | 0.000019 |  
    | preparing            | 0.000014 |  
    | executing            | 0.000006 |  
    | Sending data         | 0.000990 |  
    | end                  | 0.000010 |  
    | query end            | 0.000011 |  
    | closing tables       | 0.000010 |  
    | freeing items        | 0.000016 |  
    | cleaning up          | 0.000029 |  
    root@localhost[sakila]> show profile cpu for query 2 ;  
    | Status               | Duration | CPU_user | CPU_system |  
    | starting             | 0.000148 | 0.000000 |   0.000000 |  
    | checking permissions | 0.000014 | 0.000000 |   0.000000 |  
    | Opening tables       | 0.000047 | 0.000000 |   0.000000 |  
    | init                 | 0.000023 | 0.000000 |   0.000000 |  
    | System lock          | 0.000035 | 0.000000 |   0.000000 |  
    | optimizing           | 0.000012 | 0.000000 |   0.000000 |  
    | statistics           | 0.000019 | 0.000000 |   0.000000 |  
    | preparing            | 0.000014 | 0.000000 |   0.000000 |  
    | executing            | 0.000006 | 0.000000 |   0.000000 |  
    | Sending data         | 0.000990 | 0.001000 |   0.000000 |  
    | end                  | 0.000010 | 0.000000 |   0.000000 |  
    | query end            | 0.000011 | 0.000000 |   0.000000 |  
    | closing tables       | 0.000010 | 0.000000 |   0.000000 |  
    | freeing items        | 0.000016 | 0.000000 |   0.000000 |  
    | cleaning up          | 0.000029 | 0.000000 |   0.000000 |  
    root@localhost[sakila]> show profile memory for query 2 ;  
    | Status               | Duration |  
    | starting             | 0.000148 |  
    | checking permissions | 0.000014 |  
    | Opening tables       | 0.000047 |  
    | init                 | 0.000023 |  
    | System lock          | 0.000035 |  
    | optimizing           | 0.000012 |  
    | statistics           | 0.000019 |  
    | preparing            | 0.000014 |  
    | executing            | 0.000006 |  
    | Sending data         | 0.000990 |  
    | end                  | 0.000010 |  
    | query end            | 0.000011 |  
    | closing tables       | 0.000010 |  
    | freeing items        | 0.000016 |  
    | cleaning up          | 0.000029 |  
    root@localhost[sakila]> show profile block io,cpu for query 2;  
    | Status               | Duration | CPU_user | CPU_system | Block_ops_in | Block_ops_out |  
    | starting             | 0.000148 | 0.000000 |   0.000000 |            0 |             0 |  
    | checking permissions | 0.000014 | 0.000000 |   0.000000 |            0 |             0 |  
    | Opening tables       | 0.000047 | 0.000000 |   0.000000 |            0 |             0 |  
    | init                 | 0.000023 | 0.000000 |   0.000000 |            0 |             0 |  
    | System lock          | 0.000035 | 0.000000 |   0.000000 |            0 |             0 |  
    | optimizing           | 0.000012 | 0.000000 |   0.000000 |            0 |             0 |  
    | statistics           | 0.000019 | 0.000000 |   0.000000 |            0 |             0 |  
    | preparing            | 0.000014 | 0.000000 |   0.000000 |            0 |             0 |  
    | executing            | 0.000006 | 0.000000 |   0.000000 |            0 |             0 |  
    | Sending data         | 0.000990 | 0.001000 |   0.000000 |            0 |             0 |  
    | end                  | 0.000010 | 0.000000 |   0.000000 |            0 |             0 |  
    | query end            | 0.000011 | 0.000000 |   0.000000 |            0 |             0 |  
    | closing tables       | 0.000010 | 0.000000 |   0.000000 |            0 |             0 |  
    | freeing items        | 0.000016 | 0.000000 |   0.000000 |            0 |             0 |  
    | cleaning up          | 0.000029 | 0.000000 |   0.000000 |            0 |             0 |  
    root@localhost[sakila]> set @query_id=2;  
    root@localhost[sakila]> SELECT STATE, SUM(DURATION) AS Total_R,  
        ->   ROUND(  
        ->        100 * SUM(DURATION) /  
        ->           (SELECT SUM(DURATION)  
        ->            WHERE QUERY_ID = @query_id  
        ->        ), 2) AS Pct_R,  
        ->     COUNT(*) AS Calls,  
        ->     SUM(DURATION) / COUNT(*) AS "R/Call"  
        ->  WHERE QUERY_ID = @query_id  
        ->  GROUP BY STATE  
        ->  ORDER BY Total_R DESC;  
    | STATE                | Total_R  | Pct_R | Calls | R/Call       |  
    | Sending data         | 0.000990 | 71.53 |     1 | 0.0009900000 |--最大耗用时间部分为发送数据  
    | starting             | 0.000148 | 10.69 |     1 | 0.0001480000 |  
    | Opening tables       | 0.000047 |  3.40 |     1 | 0.0000470000 |  
    | System lock          | 0.000035 |  2.53 |     1 | 0.0000350000 |  
    | cleaning up          | 0.000029 |  2.10 |     1 | 0.0000290000 |  
    | init                 | 0.000023 |  1.66 |     1 | 0.0000230000 |  
    | statistics           | 0.000019 |  1.37 |     1 | 0.0000190000 |  
    | freeing items        | 0.000016 |  1.16 |     1 | 0.0000160000 |  
    | preparing            | 0.000014 |  1.01 |     1 | 0.0000140000 |  
    | checking permissions | 0.000014 |  1.01 |     1 | 0.0000140000 |  
    | optimizing           | 0.000012 |  0.87 |     1 | 0.0000120000 |  
    | query end            | 0.000011 |  0.79 |     1 | 0.0000110000 |  
    | end                  | 0.000010 |  0.72 |     1 | 0.0000100000 |  
    | closing tables       | 0.000010 |  0.72 |     1 | 0.0000100000 |  
    | executing            | 0.000006 |  0.43 |     1 | 0.0000060000 |  
    --开启profiling后,我们可以通过show profile等方式查看,其实质是这些开销信息被记录到information_schema.profiling表  
    root@localhost[information_schema]> select * from profiling limit 3,3G;  
    *************************** 1. row ***************************  
               QUERY_ID: 1  
                    SEQ: 5  
                  STATE: init  
               DURATION: 0.000020  
               CPU_USER: 0.000000  
             CPU_SYSTEM: 0.000000  
           BLOCK_OPS_IN: 0  
          BLOCK_OPS_OUT: 0  
          MESSAGES_SENT: 0  
                  SWAPS: 0  
        SOURCE_FUNCTION: mysql_prepare_select  
            SOURCE_FILE: sql_select.cc  
            SOURCE_LINE: 1050  
    root@localhost[sakila]> set profiling=off;  
    Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec) 
  • 相关阅读:
    Consider using the `--user` option or check the permissions.
    错误:pip._vendor.urllib3.exceptions.ReadTimeoutError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='files.pythonhosted.org', port=443): Read timed out.
    python tkinter模版
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/hurry-up/p/9441158.html
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