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  • [js] 实现接口


    js 语言并没有interface implement 关键字,如果要做到和后端语言类似的接口,一般会需要模拟实现。

    在oo 编程中, 接口可以让架构师规定好模块必须要实现的方法, 尽量解耦模块。


    第一种 注释法 , 只是一种约定,约束太小,而且不能保证接口是否完全实现

    interface Composite{
        function add(child);
    interface fromItem{
        function save();
    var CompositeForm = function(id, method, action){
    CompositeForm.prototype.add = function(child){
    CompositeForm.prototype.save = function(){

    第二种方法 属性判断, 虽然可以保证每个接口都实现,但是接口的方法是否实现也没法保证。

    interface Composite{
        function add(child);
    interface fromItem{
        function save();
    var CompositeForm = function(){
        this.implementsInterfaces = ['Composite', 'FormItem']; //声明自己继承的接口
    function addForm(formInstance){
        if(!implements(formInstance, 'Composite', 'FormItem')){ //检查实例formInstance是否实现了接口
            throw new Error('Object does not implement a required interface');
    function implements(object){ //检查算法,双重循环
        for(var i=1; i<arguments.length; i++){
            var interfaceName = arguments[i];
            var interfaceFound = false;
            for(var j=0; j<object.implementsInterfaces.length; j++){
                if(object.implementsInterfaces[j] == interfaceName){
                    interfaceFound = true;
                return false;
        return true;
    addForm(new CompositeForm());

    第三种 鸭式辨型模仿接口 , 可以保证 实现每个 接口的方法, 但是引入了 Interface 这些类。

    var Interface = function(name, methods){ //将接口的方法保存在this.methods中用以将来的检测
        if(arguments.length != 2){
            throw new Error('Interface constructor called with '+arguments.legth+
                " arguments, but exected exactly 2.");
        this.name = name;
        this.methods = [];
        for(var i=0, len = methods.length; i<len; i++){
            if(typeof methods[i] !== 'string'){
                throw new Error('Interface constructor expects method names to be passed in as a string.');
    Interface.ensureImplements = function(object, arguments){
        if(arguments.length < 2){
            throw new Error('Function Interface.ensureImplements called with'+arguments.length+
                "arugments, but expected at least 2.");
        for (var i=0, len = arguments.length; i<len; i++){
            var intf = arguments[i];
            if(intf.constructor !== Interface){
                throw new Error('Function Interface.ensureImplements expects arguments'+
                    "two and above to be instances of Interface.");
            for(var j=0, methodsLen = intf.methods.length; j < methodsLen; j++){
                var method = intf.methods[j];
                if(!object[method] || typeof object[method]!=='function'){
                    throw new Error('Function Interface.ensureImplements:object'+
                        " doesnot implement the"+intf.name+
                        " interface. Method "+method+" was not found!");
    var Composite = new Interface('Composite', ['add']); //声明接口拥有的方法
    var FormItem = new Interface('FormItem', ['save']); //声明接口拥有的方法
    var compositeForm = function(id, method, action){//implements Composite, FormItem
    compositeForm.prototype.add = function () {};
    compositeForm.prototype.save = function () {};
    function addForm(formInstance){
        Interface.ensureImplements.call(this, formInstance, [Composite, FormItem]);
    addForm(new compositeForm());
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/huxiaoyun90/p/6035496.html
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