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  • [译]Cassandra 架构简述





    Cassandra被设计来通过没有单点故障的多节点模式去处理海量数据工作负载。他的架构是基于 理解系统和硬件故障可以而且会发生 的基础上的。C通过所有节点都相同并且数据分布在所有节点上的p2p分布式系统来解决故障问题。集群中的每个节点每秒都在交换信息。每个节点上的commit log 捕获写行为来确保数据的持久化。数据也会被写到一个内存结构中,叫做memtable,然后当内存结构满了的时候就写数据到磁盘文件中,叫做SSTable。所有的写入都是自动分区和复制的。

    cassandra是一种面向行的数据库。C的架构允许任何授权的用户连接任意数据中心的任意的节点,并使用cql访问数据。为了简化使用,cql使用和sql类似的语法。从cql的视角出发,database是由tables组成的。典型地,一个集群中 每个应用拥有一个keyspace。开发者可以通过cqlsh调用cql,也可以使用其他驱动。



    1. Gossip:一个p2p的交流协议来发现和共享其他节点的位置和状态信息。
    2. Partitioner:一个分区器决定了如何分布数据到各个节点。选择一个分区器决定了哪个节点存储数据的第一个备份。
    3. 副本存放策略:C存储数据的备份到多个节点上去来确保可用性和故障容忍。一个备份策略决定了哪些节点存放备份。it is not unique in any sense.it is not unique in any sense. 当你创建了一个keyspace的时候,你必须指定副本存放策略和你想备份的数量。
    4. Snitch:一个snitch定义了拓扑信息,这些信息是副本备份侧罗和请求路由时经常使用的。当你创建一个集群的时候需要配置一个snitch。snitch is responsible for 知道在你的网络拓扑中节点的位置 以及通过聚合机器成为数据中心或者rack时的分配副本。
    5. cassandra.yaml:C的配置文件。在这个文件中,你要设置集群的初始化信息,表的缓存参数,资源的使用参数,超时设置,客户端连接,备份以及安全策略。
    6. C将属性都存到系统keyspace中。你需要对每一个keyspace或者columnfamily进行存储配置(比如使用cql)。
      默认的,一个节点被设置为存储他管理的数据到/var/lib/cassandra目录。在一个生产环境中,你需要修改commitlog目录到一个其他硬盘上去(别和data file 在一个硬盘上)。




    要阻止分区进行gossip交流,那么在集群中的所有节点中使用相同的seed list(译者注:指的是cassandra。yaml中的seeds)。默认的,在重新启动时,一个节点记得他曾经gossip过得其他节点。





    属性 描述
    listen_address 与其他节点连接的ip
    storage_port 内部节点交流端口(默认7000),每个节点之间必须相同
    initial_token 在1.1以及之前,决定节点的数据的管理范围
    num_tokens 在1.2以及之后,决定节点的数据的管理范围


    -Dcassandra.load_ring_state= false
    Rather than have a fixed threshold for marking failing nodes, Cassandra uses an accrual detection mechanism to calculate a per-node threshold that takes into account network performance, workload, or other conditions. During gossip exchanges, every node maintains a sliding window of inter-arrival times of gossip messages from other nodes in the cluster. In Cassandra, configuring the phi_convict_threshold property adjusts the sensitivity of the failure detector. Use default value for most situations, but increase it to 12 for Amazon EC2 (due to the frequently experienced network congestion).

    1.Hayashibara, N., Defago, X., Yared, R. & Katayama, T. The phi; accrual failure detector. in Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, 2004 66–78 (2004). doi:10.1109/RELDIS.2004.1353004

    一个节点的当机往往不代表这个节点永远的离开了,因此并不会自动的从环中删除。其他的节点会定期的尝试与失效节点联系看看他们恢复了没。要永久的改变一个节点的关系,administrators must explicitly add or remove nodes from a Cassandra cluster using the nodetool utility.
    当一个节点返回的时候,他可能错过了他需要维护的副本数据的写入命令。一旦失效检测标记一个节点当机了,错过的写入就会被存储到其他的副本中一段时间,叫做 hinted handoff。 当一个节点当机超过max_hint_windows_in_ms(默认3小时),hints就不在存储了。这时候你应该等节点启动后运行修复程序了。
    此外,你应该日常地运行nodetool repair 在所有的节点上,以保证他们的数据的一致性。
    For more explanation about recovery, see Modern hinted handoff.



    When your create a cluster, you must specify the following:

    • Virtual nodes: assigns data ownership to physical machines.
    • Partitioner: partitions the data across the cluster.
    • Replication strategy: determines the replicas for each row of data.
    • Snitch: defines the topology information that the replication strategy uses to place replicas.

    Consistent hashing



    age: 36

    car: camaro

    gender: M


    age: 37

    car: bmw

    gender: F


    age: 12

    gender: M



    age: 10

    gender: F


    Cassandra assigns a hash value to each primary key:

    Primary key

    Murmur3 hash value











    Murmur3 start range

    Murmur3 end range













    Cassandra places the data on each node according to the value of the primary key and the range that the node is responsible for. For example, in a four node cluster, the data in this example is distributed as follows:


    Start range

    End range

    Primary key

    Hash value






















    virtual nodes




    Vnodes change this paradigm from one token or range per node, to many per node. Within a cluster these can be randomly selected and be non-contiguous, giving us many smaller ranges that belong to each node.

    The top portion of the graphic shows a cluster without virtual nodes. In this paradigm, each node is assigned a single token that represents a location in the ring. Each node stores data determined by mapping the row key to a token value within a range from the previous node to its assigned value. Each node also contains copies of each row from other nodes in the cluster. For example, range E replicates to nodes 5, 6, and 1. Notice that a node owns exactly one contiguous range in the ring space.

    The bottom portion of the graphic shows a ring with virtual nodes. Within a cluster, virtual nodes are randomly selected and non-contiguous. The placement of a row is determined by the hash of the row key within many smaller ranges belonging to each node.

    假设我们有30个节点,备份3. 一个节点完全死了,并且我们需要加入一个替代点。这时候替代节点需要得到3个不同范围的副本来重新生成数据,这不仅仅包括他管理的第一份数据(译者注:应该是指的通过hash计算到的归他负责的那份数据),也包括他负责的第二备份、第三备份的副本(尽管do recall no replica has ‘priority’ over another in Cassandra)。


    我们是想最小化这个操作的时间的。因为如果在这个期间又挂了一个节点,那么我们可能对某些范围的数据而言只剩一个备份了,那么这时候任何一致性级别要求大于1的都将失败。Even if we used all 6 possible replica nodes, we’d only be using 20% of our cluster, however.

    而virtual node情况下,拷贝恢复的数据量是一样的,但是速度大大加快了:

    Repair is two phases, first a validation compaction that iterates all the data and generates a Merkle tree, and then streaming when the actual data that is needed is sent. The validation phase might take an hour, while the streaming only takes a few minutes, meaning your replaced disk sits empty for at least an hour.

    那么在virtual node情况下:with vnodes you’ll gain two distinct advantages in this situation. The first is that since the ranges are smaller, data will be sent to the damaged node in a more incremental fashion instead of waiting until the end of a large validation phase. The second is that the validation phase will be parallelized across more machines, causing it to complete faster.


    If you have vnodes it becomes much simpler, you just assign a proportional number of vnodes to the larger machines. If you started your older machines with 64 vnodes per node and the new machines are twice as powerful, simply give them 128 vnodes each and the cluster remains balanced even during transition.


    Set the number of tokens on each node in your cluster with the num_tokens parameter in the cassandra.yaml file.

    Generally when all nodes have equal hardware capability, they should have the same number of virtual nodes. If the hardware capabilities vary among the nodes in your cluster, assign a proportional number of virtual nodes to the larger machines. For example, you could designate your older machines to use 128 virtual nodes and your new machines (that are twice as powerful) with 256 virtual nodes.

    Set the number of tokens on each node in your cluster with the num_tokens parameter in the cassandra.yaml file. The recommended value is 256. Do not set the initial_token parameter.



    The total number of replicas across the cluster is referred to as the replication factor. A replication factor of 1 means that there is only one copy of each row on one node. A replication factor of 2 means two copies of each row, where each copy is on a different node.

    Two replication strategies are available:

    • SimpleStrategy: Use for a single data center only. If you ever intend more than one data center, use the NetworkTopologyStrategy.
    • NetworkTopologyStrategy: Highly recommended for most deployments because it is much easier to expand to multiple data centers when required by future expansion.


    第一个备份时根据哈希环算的,第二第三备份时顺时针沿环取得 ,而不考虑拓扑结构


    Use NetworkTopologyStrategy when you have (or plan to have) your cluster deployed across multiple data centers. This strategy specify how many replicas you want in each data center.

    NetworkTopologyStrategy places replicas in the same data center by walking the ring clockwise until reaching the first node in another rack. NetworkTopologyStrategy attempts to place replicas on distinct racks because nodes in the same rack (or similar physical grouping) often fail at the same time due to power, cooling, or network issues.






    不对称的备份设置,Asymmetrical replication groupings are also possible. For example, you can have three replicas per data center to serve real-time application requests and use a single replica for running analytics.

    To set the replication strategy for a keyspace, see CREATE KEYSPACE.

    When you use NetworkToplogyStrategy, during creation of the keyspace strategy_options, you use the data center names defined for the snitch used by the cluster. To place replicas in the correct location, Cassandra requires a keyspace definition that uses the snitch-aware data center names. For example, if the cluster uses the PropertyFileSnitch, create the keyspace using the user-defined data center and rack names in the cassandra-topologies.properties file. If the cluster uses the EC2Snitch, create the keyspace using EC2 data center and rack names.



    分区器决定了数据和副本在节点中如何分配. 最基本的,一个分区器就是一个用来计算一个行健的token的哈希函数.

    Murmur3Partitioner 和randomPartitioner 都使用token来帮助均匀指派分区。即使表使用了不同的row key,比如用户名、时间戳。 此外,读写请求也均匀的分布并且能达到负载均衡,因为哈喜欢的每一部分都接收到了相等数量的行。

    Cassandra offers the following partitioners:

    • Murmur3Partitioner (default): uniformly distributes data across the cluster based on MurmurHash hash values.
    • RandomPartitioner: uniformly distributes data across the cluster based on MD5 hash values.
    • ByteOrderedPartitioner: keeps an ordered distribution of data lexically by key bytes


    Murmur3Partitioner 提供了更快的哈希函数。集群中确定了某个分区器,就不能再变了。(因此旧数据升级到1.2时,要将分区器改成Random才行)Murmur3Partitioner使用Murmur哈希函数,得到的哈希值的范围是:-263 to +263.


    仍然可用,他是通过MD5计算哈希的。值是0-2127 -1


    有序分区器。将rowkey转化为十六进制数值,比如‘A’=x41.这样你就可以进行有序的查找了。比如username是key,你就可以找名字在Jake 和Joe之间的用户了。这种查询在前两种分区器中是做不到的。



    Difficult load balancing
    More administrative overhead is required to load balance the cluster. An ordered partitioner requires administrators to manually calculate partition ranges (formerly token ranges) based on their estimates of the row key distribution. In practice, this requires actively moving node tokens around to accommodate the actual distribution of data once it is loaded.
    Sequential writes can cause hot spots
    If your application tends to write or update a sequential block of rows at a time, then the writes are not be distributed across the cluster; they all go to one node. This is frequently a problem for applications dealing with timestamped data.
    Uneven load balancing for multiple tables
    If your application has multiple tables, chances are that those tables have different row keys and different distributions of data. An ordered partitioner that is balanced for one table may cause hot spots and uneven distribution for another table in the same cluster.


    About snitches





    默认的,不识别数据中心和rack信息。可以用在单数据中心环境下。使用这种snitch时候,keyspace strategy option的参数只需设置 replication factor备份数量。


    他假设节点的ip代表了一定的含义,由此可以确定数据中心/rack中节点的位置. 一般可以以这个snitch为例子,自己定制一个snitch。ip示意图如下:


    这个snitch通过用户自己描述网络详情来确定节点的位置。描述可以写在cassandra-topology.properties文件中。当你的节点ip并不同意或者你有很复杂的副本组合需求时。当使用这种snitch的时候,你可以定义你的数据中心名字。注意确保你定义的数据中心名字和你的keyspace strategy_options参数中的数据中心名字一致(译者注:这不是废话么?)。

    集群中的每个节点都应该在配置文件中进行描述。并且这个文件应该在集群中的每个节点上都相同。注意这个配置文件的位置和发行版有关,see Locations of the configuration files or DataStax Enterprise File Locations.


    If you had non-uniform IPs and two physical data centers with two racks in each, and a third logical data center for replicating analytics data, the cassandra-topology.properties file might look like this:



    The GossipingPropertyFileSnitch defines a local node's data center and rack; it uses gossip for propagating this information to other nodes. Theconf/cassandra-rackdc.properties file defines the default data center and rack used by this snitch:

    dc =DC1
     rack =RAC1

    The location of the conf directory depends on the type of installation; see Locations of the configuration files or DataStax Enterprise File Locations.

    To migrate from the PropertyFileSnitch to the GossipingPropertyFileSnitch, update one node at a time to allow gossip time to propagate. The PropertyFileSnitch is used as a fallback when cassandra-topologies.properties is present.


    假设集群在Amazon EC2环境下,如果集群都在同一个地理位置(译者注:EC2可以让你选择你的虚拟机的物理位置)。The region is treated as the data center and the availability zones are treated as racks within the data center..


    When defining your keyspace strategy option, use the EC2 region name (for example,``us-east``) as your data center name.


    跟上面类似,只是在多个地理位置下。As with the EC2Snitch, regions are treated as data centers and availability zones are treated as racks within a data center. For example, if a node is in us-east-1a, us-east is the data center name and 1a is the rack location.


    This snitch uses public IPs as broadcast_address to allow cross-region connectivity. This means that you must configure each Cassandra node so that thelisten_address is set to the private IP address of the node, and the broadcast_address is set to the public IP address of the node. This allows Cassandra nodes in one EC2 region to bind to nodes in another region, thus enabling multiple data center support. (For intra-region traffic, Cassandra switches to the private IP after establishing a connection.)

    Additionally, you must set the addresses of the seed nodes in the cassandra.yaml file to that of the public IPs because private IPs are not routable between networks. For example:


    To find the public IP address, run this command from each of the seed nodes in EC2:

    curl http://instance-data/latest/meta-data/public-ipv4

    Finally, be sure that the storage_port or ssl_storage_port is open on the public IP firewall.

    When defining your keyspace strategy option, use the EC2 region name, such as ``us-east``, as your data center names.

    Dynamic snitching



    Configure dynamic snitch thresholds for each node in the cassandra.yaml configuration file.

    动态snitching是从Cassandra 0.6.5版本就开始有的,但是有很多地方一直捉摸不透。这篇博文尽可能揭开你可能想知道的所有谜团。



    So, why would that be ‘dynamic?’ This comes into play on the read side only (there’s nothing to be done for writes since we send them all and then block to until the consistency level is achieved.) When doing reads however, Cassandra only asks one node for the actual data, and, depending on consistency level and read repair chance, it asks the remaining replicas for checksums only. This means that it has a choice of however many replicas exist to ask for the actual data, and this is where the dynamic snitch goes to work.

    因为只有一个副本会发送我们需要的完整的数据,因此我们需要选择最好的副本去做请求。The dynamic snitch handles this task by monitoring the performance of reads from the various replicas and choosing the best one based on this history.

    在现在的Cassandra中,读修复事实上已经很少了,因为hints机制目前很可靠。因此,那当我们的一致性级别是one的时候,能不能最大化我们的缓存能力呢?可!这就是动态snitch中badness 阈值的设计缘由。这个参数是一个百分比,它定义了

    how much worse the natural first replica must perform, in order to switch to a different one. 因此给定副本X,Y,Z。 X副本江北首选知道他的性能比Y和Z低badness threshold。这意味着当所有节点都很健康的时候,节点中的缓存能力是最大的。但是如果有事情变坏,特别是比badness_threshold还差,那么Cassandra将继续通过使用其他副本来提供可用服务。


    这是如何完成的?最初,动态snitch是想模仿failure detector,因为失效检测也是自适应的。为了节省CPU,他采用了两种方法,一种很简单(接收更新),一种很复杂(计算每个host的得分)。

    默认的,设置为每100ms计算一次得分。The updates are capped at a maximum of 10,000 per scoring interval,但是这引入了一些新的问题。首先,如果我们觉得一个节点性能不行,不再去读他了,那么我们如何知道他什么时候恢复了呢?因为没有新的信息来评价他,我们不得不增加一条新的规则:每十分钟重置一次评分表。这样的话,我们又不得不在重置后马上采样一些读,其中这次读取是对每个副本都公正的。



    In the next release of Cassandra, these latter two problems have been addressed. Instead of sampling a fixed amount of updates, we now use a statistically significant random sample, and weight more recent information heavier than past information. But wait, there’s more! Instead of relying purely on latency information from reads, we now also consider other factors, like whether or not a node is currently doing a compaction, since that can often penalize reads.

    最后一个问题:当缺少信息的时候,动态snitch不能工作。显然我们需要等待超过rpc_timeout的时间才能知道一个节点读取失败了,但是我们不想等这么久。如何破?我们定义了另一个时间,In actuality, we do have a signal we can respond to, and that is time itself. Thus, if a node suddenly becomes a black hole, we’ll only throw reads at it for one scoring interval, and when the next score is calculated we’ll consider latency, the node’s state (called a severity factor) and how long it has been since the node last replied, penalizing it so that we stop trying to read from it (badness_threshold permitting.)


    About client requests


    写成功指的是 数据被写入到了commit log中 并且将更改希尔了memtable中。

    About multiple data center write requests


    About read requests









    Planning a cluster deployment

    Selecting hardware for enterprise implementations









    虚拟机环境,考虑下using a provider that allows CPU bursting, such as Rackspace Cloud Servers.


    先来了解下架构:Cassandra写数据:1,写入到commit log中来durability。2.刷memtable到SSTable中来持久化。3、SSTable定期压缩。通过合并和重写数据以及删除旧数据,压缩能够提升性能。然而,压缩会大量使用磁盘IO以及磁盘目录。因此,你应该留下足够的空闲磁盘空间:50%(至少)for SizeTieredCompactionStrategy and large compactions, and 10% for LeveledCompactionStrategy.



    Capacity and I/O
    When choosing disks, consider both capacity (how much data you plan to store) and I/O (the write/read throughput rate). Some workloads are best served by using less expensive SATA disks and scaling disk capacity and I/O by adding more nodes (with more RAM).
    Solid-state drives
    SSDs are the recommended choice for Cassandra. Cassandra's sequential, streaming write patterns minimize the undesirable effects of write amplification associated with SSDs. This means that Cassandra deployments can take advantage of inexpensive consumer-grade SSDs. Enterprise level SSDs are not necessary because Cassandra's SSD access wears out consumer-grade SSDs in the same time frame as more expensive enterprise SSDs.
    Number of disks - SATA
    Ideally Cassandra needs at least two disks, one for the commit log and the other for the data directories. At a minimum the commit log should be on its own partition.
    Commit log disk - SATA
    The disk not need to be large, but it should be fast enough to receive all of your writes as appends (sequential I/O).
    Data disks
    Use one or more disks and make sure they are large enough for the data volume and fast enough to both satisfy reads that are not cached in memory and to keep up with compaction.
    RAID on data disks
    It is generally not necessary to use RAID for the following reasons:
    • Data is replicated across the cluster based on the replication factor you've chosen.
    • Starting in version 1.2, Cassandra includes takes care of disk management with the JBOD (Just a bunch of disks) support feature. Because Cassandra properly reacts to a disk failure, based on your availability/consistency requirements, either by stopping the affected node or by blacklisting the failed drive, this allows you to deploy Cassandra nodes with large disk arrays without the overhead of RAID 10.
    RAID on the commit log disk
    Generally RAID is not needed for the commit log disk. Replication adequately prevents data loss. If you need the extra redundancy, use RAID 1.
    Extended file systems
    DataStax recommends deploying Cassandra on XFS. On ext2 or ext3, the maximum file size is 2TB even using a 64-bit kernel. On ext4 it is 16TB.

    Because Cassandra can use almost half your disk space for a single file, use XFS when using large disks, particularly if using a 32-bit kernel. XFS file size limits are 16TB max on a 32-bit kernel, and essentially unlimited on 64-bit.

    简单总结就是:不需要RAID。至少两块磁盘(commitlog和sstable各一块)。SSD 是很好的。推荐使用XFS文件系统,ext4似乎也还行。


    1.2之前,推荐一个节点有300-500GB数据,1.2之后,由于JBOD,虚拟节点,off-heap 布隆过滤器,SSD的并发压缩等等,允许你使用更少的机器,每个机器增加更多的数据空间。





    3、绑定RPC server 接口(rpc_address)到另一个特定的网卡

    Planning an Amazon EC2 cluster


    Calculating usable disk capacity


    Calculating user data size


    Anti-patterns in Cassandra



    安装Datastax在各个环境下Installing DataStax Community//TODO

    升级Cassandra  Upgrading Cassandra//TODO

    初始化集群Initializing a cluster//TODO


    剩下一个比较重要的,数据在磁盘如何组织,见下一个翻译,Managing Data




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