上一次用了以前下载的IronPython 2.0 A1版, 今天下载了正式版2.0.1,发现变化不小啊...我过时了.
原有的代码已经不能正常运行, 于是在2.0.1正式版上再调整了一下.
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using IronPython.Hosting; using IronPython.Runtime; using Microsoft.Scripting; using Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting; namespace IPConsole { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { /* * 方法一: 通过ScriptRuntimeSetup读取配置文件,加载动态语言引擎 ScriptRuntimeSetup srs = ScriptRuntimeSetup.ReadConfiguration(); ScriptRuntime runtime = new ScriptRuntime(srs); ScriptEngine engine = runtime.GetEngine("Python"); *****/ /* * 方法二:通过ScriptRuntime读取配置文件,加载引擎 ScriptRuntime runtime = ScriptRuntime.CreateFromConfiguration(); ScriptEngine engine = runtime.GetEngine("Python"); * ***/ /* * 方法三:直接创建引擎 * ***/ ScriptEngine engine = Python.CreateEngine(); StringBuilder cmdBuff = new StringBuilder(); string line = ""; Console.WriteLine(string.Format("IronPython {0} ", engine.LanguageVersion)); //print version ScriptScope scope = engine.CreateScope(); //进入交互 while (true) { if (cmdBuff.Length == 0) { Console.Write(">>> "); //first prompt } else { Console.Write("... "); //2nd and above prompt } //get command line line = Console.ReadLine(); cmdBuff.AppendLine(line); if (line.StartsWith(" ") | line.StartsWith("\t") | line.EndsWith(":")){ //do nothing...get next input } else { //get the command and execute it string cmd = cmdBuff.ToString(); try { if (cmd.TrimEnd() == "quit") break; //需要创建ScriptSource执行,InteractiveCode为交互环境 ScriptSource source = engine.CreateScriptSourceFromString(cmd, SourceCodeKind.InteractiveCode); source.Execute(scope); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } //clear command buffer cmdBuff.Length = 0; } } Console.WriteLine("Quit"); } } }
在这里,创建引擎共有三种方式,其中前两种需要配置文件app.config配合, 如下:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <configSections> <section name="microsoft.scripting" type="Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting.Configuration.Section, Microsoft.Scripting" requirePermission="false" /> </configSections> <microsoft.scripting> <languages> <language names="IronPython,Python,py" extensions=".py" displayName="IronPython 2.0.1" type="IronPython.Runtime.PythonContext,IronPython" /> <!-- 可以添加其它引擎, 如IronRuby --> </languages> </microsoft.scripting> </configuration>
再看一下测试结果吧, 比原来好了. 因为这个交互模式: 输入a也会显示a的值了,而不一定非要print
IronPython >>> a=1 >>> a 1 >>> b=2 >>> b 2 >>> a==b False >>> def hello(name): ... print "hello %s" % name ... >>> hello('hydonlee') hello hydonlee >>> quit Quit
以后的工作将在2.0.1正式版上进行.不过, 我没有找到api文档?alpha版都有,为什么正式版没有了?