# 个人公众号:livandata
import sys
def apriori(D, minSup):
C1 = {}
for T in D:
for I in T:
if I in C1:
C1[I] += 1
C1[I] = 1
_keys1 = C1.keys()
keys1 = []
for i in _keys1:
n = len(D)
cutKeys1 = []
for k in keys1[:]:
if C1[k[0]]*1.0/n >= minSup:
keys = cutKeys1
all_keys = []
all_C = []
while keys!= []:
C = getC(D, keys)
cutKeys, curC = getCutKeys(keys, C, minSup, len(D))
for key in cutKeys:
for c in curC:
keys = aproiri_gen(cutKeys)
return all_keys, all_C
def getC(D, keys):
C = []
for key in keys:
c = 0
for T in D:
have = True
for k in key:
if k not in T:
have = False
if have:
c += 1
return C
def getCutKeys(keys, C, minSup, length):
keyss = []
Cs = []
for i, key in enumerate(keys):
if float(C[i]) / length >= minSup:
return keyss, Cs
def keyInT(key, T):
for k in key:
if k not in T: # 只要有一个不匹配,就返回False
return False
return True
def aproiri_gen(keys1):
keys2 = []
for k1 in keys1:
for k2 in keys1:
if k1 != k2:
key = []
for k in k1:
if k not in key:
for k in k2:
if k not in key:
if key not in keys2:
return keys2
# encoding: utf-8
# 个人公众号:livandata
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
# original author information, this verison is updated by lina.
__license__ = 'MIT License'
def find_frequent_itemsets(transactions, minimum_support, include_support=False):
Find frequent itemsets in the given transactions using FP-growth. This
function returns a generator instead of an eagerly-populated list of items.
The `transactions` parameter can be any iterable of iterables of items.
`minimum_support` should be an integer specifying the minimum number of
occurrences of an itemset for it to be accepted.
Each item must be hashable (i.e., it must be valid as a member of a
dictionary or a set).
If `include_support` is true, yield (itemset, support) pairs instead of
just the itemsets.
items = defaultdict(lambda: 0) # mapping from items to their supports
# Load the passed-in transactions and count the support that individual
# items have.
for transaction in transactions:
for item in transaction:
items[item] += 1
# Remove infrequent items from the item support dictionary.
items = dict((item, support) for item, support in items.items()
if support >= minimum_support)
# Build our FP-tree. Before any transactions can be added to the tree, they
# must be stripped of infrequent items and their surviving items must be
# sorted in decreasing order of frequency.
def clean_transaction(transaction):
transaction = filter(lambda v: v in items, transaction)
transaction_list = list(transaction) # 为了防止变量在其他部分调用,这里引入临时变量transaction_list
transaction_list.sort(key=lambda v: items[v], reverse=True)
return transaction_list
master = FPTree()
for transaction in map(clean_transaction, transactions):
def find_with_suffix(tree, suffix):
for item, nodes in tree.items():
support = sum(n.count for n in nodes)
if support >= minimum_support and item not in suffix:
# New winner!
found_set = [item] + suffix
yield (found_set, support) if include_support else found_set
# Build a conditional tree and recursively search for frequent
# itemsets within it.
cond_tree = conditional_tree_from_paths(tree.prefix_paths(item))
for s in find_with_suffix(cond_tree, found_set):
yield s # pass along the good news to our caller
# Search for frequent itemsets, and yield the results we find.
for itemset in find_with_suffix(master, []):
yield itemset
class FPTree(object):
An FP tree.
This object may only store transaction items that are hashable
(i.e., all items must be valid as dictionary keys or set members).
Route = namedtuple('Route', 'head tail')
def __init__(self):
# The root node of the tree.
self._root = FPNode(self, None, None)
# A dictionary mapping items to the head and tail of a path of
# "neighbors" that will hit every node containing that item.
self._routes = {}
def root(self):
"""The root node of the tree."""
return self._root
def add(self, transaction):
"""Add a transaction to the tree."""
point = self._root
for item in transaction:
next_point = point.search(item)
if next_point:
# There is already a node in this tree for the current
# transaction item; reuse it.
# Create a new point and add it as a child of the point we're
# currently looking at.
next_point = FPNode(self, item)
# Update the route of nodes that contain this item to include
# our new node.
point = next_point
def _update_route(self, point):
"""Add the given node to the route through all nodes for its item."""
assert self is point.tree
route = self._routes[point.item]
route[1].neighbor = point # route[1] is the tail
self._routes[point.item] = self.Route(route[0], point)
except KeyError:
# First node for this item; start a new route.
self._routes[point.item] = self.Route(point, point)
def items(self):
Generate one 2-tuples for each item represented in the tree. The first
element of the tuple is the item itself, and the second element is a
generator that will yield the nodes in the tree that belong to the item.
for item in self._routes.keys():
yield (item, self.nodes(item))
def nodes(self, item):
Generate the sequence of nodes that contain the given item.
node = self._routes[item][0]
except KeyError:
while node:
yield node
node = node.neighbor
def prefix_paths(self, item):
"""Generate the prefix paths that end with the given item."""
def collect_path(node):
path = []
while node and not node.root:
node = node.parent
return path
return (collect_path(node) for node in self.nodes(item))
def inspect(self):
for item, nodes in self.items():
print(' %r' % item)
for node in nodes:
print(' %r' % node)
def conditional_tree_from_paths(paths):
"""Build a conditional FP-tree from the given prefix paths."""
tree = FPTree()
condition_item = None
items = set()
# Import the nodes in the paths into the new tree. Only the counts of the
# leaf notes matter; the remaining counts will be reconstructed from the
# leaf counts.
for path in paths:
if condition_item is None:
condition_item = path[-1].item
point = tree.root
for node in path:
next_point = point.search(node.item)
if not next_point:
# Add a new node to the tree.
count = node.count if node.item == condition_item else 0
next_point = FPNode(tree, node.item, count)
point = next_point
assert condition_item is not None
# Calculate the counts of the non-leaf nodes.
for path in tree.prefix_paths(condition_item):
count = path[-1].count
for node in reversed(path[:-1]):
node._count += count
return tree
class FPNode(object):
"""A node in an FP tree."""
def __init__(self, tree, item, count=1):
self._tree = tree
self._item = item
self._count = count
self._parent = None
self._children = {}
self._neighbor = None
def add(self, child):
"""Add the given FPNode `child` as a child of this node."""
if not isinstance(child, FPNode):
raise TypeError("Can only add other FPNodes as children")
if not child.item in self._children:
self._children[child.item] = child
child.parent = self
def search(self, item):
Check whether this node contains a child node for the given item.
If so, that node is returned; otherwise, `None` is returned.
return self._children[item]
except KeyError:
return None
def __contains__(self, item):
return item in self._children
def tree(self):
"""The tree in which this node appears."""
return self._tree
def item(self):
"""The item contained in this node."""
return self._item
def count(self):
"""The count associated with this node's item."""
return self._count
def increment(self):
"""Increment the count associated with this node's item."""
if self._count is None:
raise ValueError("Root nodes have no associated count.")
self._count += 1
def root(self):
"""True if this node is the root of a tree; false if otherwise."""
return self._item is None and self._count is None
def leaf(self):
"""True if this node is a leaf in the tree; false if otherwise."""
return len(self._children) == 0
def parent(self):
"""The node's parent"""
return self._parent
def parent(self, value):
if value is not None and not isinstance(value, FPNode):
raise TypeError("A node must have an FPNode as a parent.")
if value and value.tree is not self.tree:
raise ValueError("Cannot have a parent from another tree.")
self._parent = value
def neighbor(self):
The node's neighbor; the one with the same value that is "to the right"
of it in the tree.
return self._neighbor
def neighbor(self, value):
if value is not None and not isinstance(value, FPNode):
raise TypeError("A node must have an FPNode as a neighbor.")
if value and value.tree is not self.tree:
raise ValueError("Cannot have a neighbor from another tree.")
self._neighbor = value
def children(self):
"""The nodes that are children of this node."""
return tuple(self._children.itervalues())
def inspect(self, depth=0):
print((' ' * depth) + repr(self))
for child in self.children:
child.inspect(depth + 1)
def __repr__(self):
if self.root:
return "<%s (root)>" % type(self).__name__
return "<%s %r (%r)>" % (type(self).__name__, self.item, self.count)
if __name__ == '__main__':
from optparse import OptionParser
import csv
p = OptionParser(usage='%prog data_file')
p.add_option('-s', '--minimum-support', dest='minsup', type='int',
help='Minimum itemset support (default: 2)')
p.add_option('-n', '--numeric', dest='numeric', action='store_true',
help='Convert the values in datasets to numerals (default: false)')
options, args = p.parse_args()
if len(args) < 1:
p.error('must provide the path to a CSV file to read')
transactions = []
with open(args[0]) as database:
for row in csv.reader(database):
if options.numeric:
transaction = []
for item in row:
result = []
for itemset, support in find_frequent_itemsets(transactions, options.minsup, True):
result.append((itemset, support))
result = sorted(result, key=lambda i: i[0])
for itemset, support in result:
print(str(itemset) + ' ' + str(support))
3、data_analysis文件,主要是对数据进行一些基本的分析,将一些分类不在一个级别 上的数据进行规整,将一些不容易区分页面信息的数据进行转换。
#!/usr/bin/env python
# _*_ UTF-8 _*_
# 个人公众号:livandata
import re
def open_big_data(path):
with open(path) as f:
for i in f:
yield i
def data_check(sess_data):
with open('pingan_pro', 'r') as f:
data_c = f.read()
check_data = data_c.split(',
for i in range(len(sess_data)):
for j in range(len(sess_data[i])):
if(sess_data[i][j]=='今日步数' or sess_data[i][j] == '免费领月卡' or sess_data[i][j] == '健康服务'):
sess_data[i][j] = '我的健康'
if (sess_data[i][j] == '购房贷' or sess_data[i][j] == '买家私' or sess_data[i][j] == '装修超预算'):
sess_data[i][j] = '房屋贷款'
if ((re.search('消息中心', sess_data[i][j]) != None)):
sess_data[i][j] = '消息中心'
if ((re.search('信用卡', sess_data[i][j]) != None)
or (re.search('信用额度', sess_data[i][j]) != None)
or (re.search('临额调整', sess_data[i][j]) != None)
or (re.search('我的额度', sess_data[i][j]) != None)
or (re.search('额度评估', sess_data[i][j]) != None)
or (re.search('还款', sess_data[i][j]) != None)):
sess_data[i][j] = '信用卡'
if ((re.search('二维码', sess_data[i][j]) != None)
or (re.search('支付记录', sess_data[i][j]) != None)):
sess_data[i][j] = '收付款'
if ((re.search('通讯录', sess_data[i][j]) != None)):
sess_data[i][j] = '通讯录'
if ((re.search('http:', sess_data[i][j]) != None)
or (re.search('结束页', sess_data[i][j]) != None)
or (re.search('首页', sess_data[i][j]) != None)
or (re.search('购买', sess_data[i][j]) != None)
or (re.search('申请记录', sess_data[i][j]) != None)
or (re.search('交易详情页', sess_data[i][j]) != None)):
sess_data[i][j] = 'nan'
for t in range(len(check_data)):
if(re.search(check_data[t], sess_data[i][j])!=None):
sess_data[i][j] = check_data[t]
for i in range(len(sess_data)):
page_tmp = list(set(sess_data[i]))
sess_data[i] = [i for i in page_tmp if i!='nan']
return sess_data
#!/usr/bin/env python
# _*_ UTF-8 _*_
# 个人公众号:livandata
import os
def write_result(items):
with open('data_result.txt', 'a+') as f:
for it in items:
def read_result(items):
data_res = {}
data_res_2 = {}
with open('data_result.txt', 'r+') as f:
for data_tmp in f:
datas_tmp = data_tmp.split('
datas = datas_tmp[0].split(':')
for it in items:
if(datas[0] == it):
datas_val = str(int(datas[1])+int(items[it]))
data_res[it] = datas_val
data_res_2[data_tmp] = dat+'
datass_res_list = [i for i in data_res]
items_list = [j for j in items]
res = list(set(items_list).difference(set(datass_res_list)))
for i in res:
if(i in list(items.keys())):
datass_[i] = items[i]
return data_res_2, datass_
def refresh_data(items):
datas_res, datas_new = read_result(items)
with open('data_result.txt', 'a+') as f:
for i in datas_new:
datas_res_li = [i for i in datas_res]
with open('data_result.txt', 'r+') as f:
for j in f:
if(j not in datas_res_li):
with open('data_result2.txt', 'a+') as f2:
with open('data_result2.txt', 'a+') as f2:
os.rename('data_result2.txt', 'data_result.txt')
#!/usr/bin/env python
# _*_ UTF-8 _*_
# 个人公众号:livandata
import pandas as pd
import data_analysis as das
import Fp_growth as fpg
import refresh_data as rfd
loop = True
chunkSize = 10
chunks = []
reader = pd.read_csv(path, iterator=True, dtype=str)
while loop:
chunk = reader.get_chunk(chunkSize).fillna('nan')
data = chunk[chunk['page_name']!='nan']['page_name'].reset_index(http://www.my516.com)
page_names = []
for i in range(len(data['page_name'])):
names = data['page_name'][i].split('"')
page_name = [j for j in names if(j!='[' and j!=']' and j!=',')]
page_names = das.data_check(page_name)
page_names = [i for i in page_names if i!=[]]
frequent_itemsets = fpg.find_frequent_itemsets(page_names, minimum_support=1,
result = []
for itemset, support in frequent_itemsets:
result.append(itemset, support)
items = {}
n = 5
minSup = 0.6
for itemset, support in result:
keys = str(itemset)
values = str(support)
if(float(values)/n >= minSup):
items[keys] = values
except StopIteration:
loop = False
print('Iteration is stopped')