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  • Oracle 进程介绍

      系统监控(smon)  :检查数据库的一致性如有必要还会在数据库打开时启动数据库的恢复 
      进程监控(pmon)  :负责在一个Oracle 进程失败时清理资源 
      归档进程(arcn)  :在每次日志切换时把已满的日志组进行备份或归档 
      作业调度器(cjq)  :负责将调度与执行系统中已定义好的job,完成一些预定义的工作.
    恢复进程(reco)  :保证分布式事务的一致性,在分布式事务中,要么同时commit,要么同时rollback;
    读数据文件:读取数据到buffer cache中,是由服务器进程server process来完成的
    db file scattered read
    This event signifies that the user process is reading buffers into the SGA buffer cache ....
    db file sequential read
    This event signifies that the user process is reading a buffer into the SGA buffer cache ...
    这里都提到是the user process ,其实就是server process

  • 相关阅读:
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    Lintcode: Digit Counts
    Lintcode: Compare Strings
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    Lintcode: Binary Representation
    Lintcode: Backpack II
    Lintcode: Backpack
    Lintcode: A+B problem
    Summary: Lowest Common Ancestor in a Binary Tree & Shortest Path In a Binary Tree
    Summary: Prime
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/hzcya1995/p/13352103.html
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