class Widget { public: Widget() { a = 0; printf("Widget constructor with default value: this:%p a:%d ", this, a); } Widget(int v) { a = v; printf("Widget constructor with parameters: this:%p a:%d ", this, a); } Widget(const Widget& widget) { this->a = widget.a; printf("Widget copy constructor with reference: this:%p widget:%p a:%d ", this, &widget, a); } Widget(const Widget* widget) { this->a = widget->a; printf("Widget copy constructor with pointer: this:%p widget:%p a:%d ", this, widget, a); } Widget& operator = (const Widget& widget) { this->a = widget.a; printf("Widget operator =: this:%p widget:%p a:%d ", this, &widget, a); return *this; } Widget& operator + (const Widget& widget) { this->a += widget.a; printf("Widget operator +: this:%p widget:%p a:%d ", this, &widget, a); return *this; } Widget getByCopy() { printf("Widget get object by copy: this:%p a:%d ", this, a); return *this; } Widget& getByRef() { printf("Widget get object by ref: this:%p a:%d ", this, a); return *this; } Widget* getByPointer() { printf("Widget get object by pointer: this:%p a:%d ", this, a); return this; } int a; };
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { Widget w1(1); // 调用构造函数 Widget(int v) Widget w2(2); Widget w3; // 调用默认构造函数 w3 = (w1 + w2); // 先调用+操作符,在调用=操作符 printf(" "); printf("w4 -------------------- "); w3.getByCopy(); // 返回副本 printf("w4_1 -------------------- "); Widget w4_1 = w3.getByCopy(); // 感觉应该会有两次拷贝,实际只有一次Widget(const Widget& widget)拷贝构造函数的调用,估计是编译器的优化 printf("w4_2 -------------------- "); Widget w4_2; w4_2 = w3.getByCopy(); // 先调用Widget(const Widget& widget)拷贝构造函数,再调用=赋值拷贝函数 printf("w4_3 -------------------- "); Widget& w4_3 = w3.getByCopy(); // 调用一次Widget(const Widget& widget)拷贝构造函数 printf("-------------------- "); printf("w5 -------------------- "); w3.getByRef(); // 返回引用 printf("w5_1 -------------------- "); Widget w5_1 = w3.getByRef(); // 调用一次Widget(const Widget& widget)拷贝构造函数 printf("w5_2 -------------------- "); Widget w5_2; w5_2 = w3.getByRef(); // 没有调用拷贝构造函数,调用一次=赋值拷贝函数 printf("w5_3 -------------------- "); Widget& w5_3 = w3.getByRef(); // 直接赋值给引用 printf("-------------------- "); printf("w6 -------------------- "); w3.getByPointer(); // 返回指针 printf("w6_1 -------------------- "); Widget w6_1 = w3.getByPointer(); // 调用一次Widget(const Widget* widget)拷贝构造函数 printf("w6_2 -------------------- "); Widget w6_2; w6_2 = w3.getByPointer(); // 由于没有针对指针的赋值拷贝函数,先调用拷贝构造函数,创建一个临时变量,再调用=赋值拷贝函数 printf("w6_3 -------------------- "); Widget* w6_3 = w3.getByPointer(); // 直接赋值给指针 printf("-------------------- "); getchar(); return 0; }
Widget constructor with parameters: this:0035FB70 a:1 Widget constructor with parameters: this:0035FB64 a:2 Widget constructor with default value: this:0035FB58 a:0 Widget operator +: this:0035FB70 widget:0035FB64 a:3 Widget operator =: this:0035FB58 widget:0035FB70 a:3 w4 -------------------- Widget get object by copy: this:0035FB58 a:3 Widget copy constructor with reference: this:0035F9FC widget:0035FB58 a:3 w4_1 -------------------- Widget get object by copy: this:0035FB58 a:3 Widget copy constructor with reference: this:0035FB4C widget:0035FB58 a:3 w4_2 -------------------- Widget constructor with default value: this:0035FB40 a:0 Widget get object by copy: this:0035FB58 a:3 Widget copy constructor with reference: this:0035FA08 widget:0035FB58 a:3 Widget operator =: this:0035FB40 widget:0035FA08 a:3 w4_3 -------------------- Widget get object by copy: this:0035FB58 a:3 Widget copy constructor with reference: this:0035FB28 widget:0035FB58 a:3 -------------------- w5 -------------------- Widget get object by ref: this:0035FB58 a:3 w5_1 -------------------- Widget get object by ref: this:0035FB58 a:3 Widget copy constructor with reference: this:0035FB1C widget:0035FB58 a:3 w5_2 -------------------- Widget constructor with default value: this:0035FB10 a:0 Widget get object by ref: this:0035FB58 a:3 Widget operator =: this:0035FB10 widget:0035FB58 a:3 w5_3 -------------------- Widget get object by ref: this:0035FB58 a:3 -------------------- w6 -------------------- Widget get object by pointer: this:0035FB58 a:3 w6_1 -------------------- Widget get object by pointer: this:0035FB58 a:3 Widget copy constructor with pointer: this:0035FAF8 widget:0035FB58 a:3 w6_2 -------------------- Widget constructor with default value: this:0035FAEC a:0 Widget get object by pointer: this:0035FB58 a:3 Widget copy constructor with pointer: this:0035FA14 widget:0035FB58 a:3 Widget operator =: this:0035FAEC widget:0035FA14 a:3 w6_3 -------------------- Widget get object by pointer: this:0035FB58 a:3 --------------------