1. Three-dimensional coupled-object segmentation using symmetry and tissue type information
Payam B. Bijari a,b, Alireza Akhondi-Asla,b, Hamid Soltanian-Zadeha,
fuzzy c-means clustering. eliminates the need for statistical shape models of the structures,
2. Image segmentation methods for intracranial aneurysm haemo-dynamic research
Patient-specific haemo dynamic technology
In this study,we compared three segmentation methods to segment the geometry of the aneurysm.
These include:theRegionGrowing Threshold (RGT),Chan-Vesemodel(CV)andThreshold-BasedLevelSet(TLS).The results obtained were
evaluated via measurement of arterial volume differences(VD),local geometric shapes,and haemod-ynamic simulation results
From this,we discovered that the average VD of all three segmentation methods lay in the vicinity of 9.3%(SD¼74.6%).The computational haemodynamic simulation was performed via the use of the vessel geometries.Analyses produced an average of 23.2%
(SD¼78.7%) difference in energy loss(EL) between the varying segmentation methods,with the
difference in Wall Shear Stress (WSS) averaging 24.0%(SD¼78.5%) and 126.4%(SD¼7124.4%)for
the highest and lowest volumes of WSS respectively.TheresultsofthelowestWSS,was seen to be
significantly dependent upon the geometry ofthe aneurysm surface.It is therefore essential,inorder to
confirm the quality of segmentation processes in the application of patient-specific analyses of
cerebro vascular haemodynamics – to validate these individual segmentation methods.
结果表明,具有最低WSS的血流明显依赖于动脉瘤的几何形状,因此,为了确认分割效果, 针对具体病人的 颅内血管分析 来分别验证分割方法是很必要的。