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  • Kamailio


     IMS 支持接口 

     MSC接口,信令:ISUP over IP和SIP, 用户面: rtp协议


     HSS接口, Cx接口

     Kamailio 和 openIMS,  Kamailio本身就是一个SIP AS(Application server), 而且可以通过加载模块的方式在支持不同的接口,而且目前已经支持Rx Cx接口 

    Kamailio v4.1


    kamailio install





    less than one hour


    nothing is unreachable. 


    1.  mkdir -p /usr/local/src/kamailio-devel
      cd /usr/local/src/kamailio-devel

     make cfg
      nano -w modules.lst
     include_modules= db_mysql 
     make include_modules="db_mysql dialplan" cfg //to enable modules which are not compiled by default, 

    make all
    make install

    The binaries and executable scripts were installed in:

    • kamailio - Kamailio SIP server
    • kamdbctl - script to create and manage the Databases
    • kamctl - script to manage and control Kamailio SIP server
    • sercmd - CLI - command line tool to interface with Kamailio SIP server
      export PATH

    Kamailio (OpenSER) modules are installed in:


    The documentation and readme files are installed in:


    The man pages are installed in:


    The configuration file was installed in:



     3. database

     试试:service mysqld start 

    mysql -u root

     mysqladmin -u root password vankom

    To create the MySQL database, you have to use the database setup script. First edit kamctlrc file to set the database server type:

      nano -w /usr/local/etc/kamailio/kamctlrc

    Locate DBENGINE variable and set it to MYSQL:


    You can change other values in kamctlrc file, at least it is recommended to change the default passwords for the users to be created to connect to database.

    Once you are done updating kamctlrc file, run the script to create the database used by Kamailio:

      /usr/local/sbin/kamdbctl create

    You can call this script without any parameter to get some help for the usage. You will be asked for the domain name Kamailio is going to serve (e.g., mysipserver.com) and the password of the 'root' MySQL user. The script will create a database named 'kamailio' containing the tables required by Kamailio. You can change the default settings in the kamctlrc file mentioned above.

    The script will add two users in MySQL:

    kamailio - (with default password 'kamailiorw') - user which has full access rights to 'kamailio' database

    kamailioro - (with default password 'kamailioro') - user which has read-only access rights to 'kamailio' database

    Do change the passwords for these two users to something different that the default values that come with sources.

    4. Edit configuration file

    To fit your requirements for the VoIP platform, you have to edit the configuration file.


    Follow the instruction in the comments to enable usage of MySQL. Basically you have to add several lines at the top of config file, like:

    #!define WITH_MYSQL
    #!define WITH_AUTH
    #!define WITH_USRLOCDB

    If you changed the password for the 'kamailio' user of MySQL, you have to update the value for 'db_url' parameters.

    You can browse kamailio.cfg online on GIT repository.

    5. The init.d script

    The init.d script can be used to start/stop the Kamailio server in a nicer way. A sample of init.d script for Kamailio is provided at:


    Just copy the init file into the /etc/init.d/kamailio. Then change the permisions:

      chmod 755 /etc/init.d/kamailio 

    then edit the file updating the $DAEMON and $CFGFILE values:


    You need also setup a configuration file in the /etc/default/ directory. This file can be found at:


    You need to rename the file to 'kamailio' after you've copied it. Then edit this file and set RUN_KAMAILIO=yes. Edit the other options at your convenience.

    Create the directory for pid file:

    mkdir -p /var/run/kamailio

    Default setting is to run Kamailio as user “kamailio” and group “kamailio”. For that you need to create the user:

    adduser --quiet --system --group --disabled-password 
            --shell /bin/false --gecos "Kamailio" 
            --home /var/run/kamailio kamailio
    # set ownership to /var/run/kamailio
    chown kamailio:kamailio /var/run/kamailio

    Then you can start/stop Kamailio using the following commands:

      /etc/init.d/kamailio start
      /etc/init.d/kamailio stop

    6. Ready to rock

    Now everything is in place. You can start the VoIP service, creating new accounts and setting the phones.

    A new account can be added using 'kamctl' tool via 'kamctl add <username> <password> <email>'. (or try without the email)

    kamctl add test testpasswd test@mysipserver.com

    If you are asked for SIP_DOMAIN environment variable do one of the following option.

      export SIP_DOMAIN=mysipserver.com
      edit '/root/.kamctlrc' and add:

    7. Maintenance

    The maintenance process is very simple right now. You have to be user 'root' and execute following commands:

      cd /usr/local/src/kamailio-devel/kamailio
      git pull origin
      make all
      make install
      /etc/init.d/kamailio restart

    Now you have the latest Kamailio devel running on your system.

    8. Time for maintenance service

    Notification about GIT commits are sent to the mailing list: sr-dev@lists.sip-router.org. Each commit notification contains the reference to the branch where the commit has been done. If the commit message contains the lines:

    Module: sip-router
    Branch: master

    then an update has been made to Kamailio devel version and it will be available to the public GIT in no time.


    5.31 i am back!

    Kamailio Modules
    acc Accounting
    acc_radius Accounting with RADIUS backend
    alias_db Alias management in database modules
    async Asynchronus SIP request handling functions
    acp Collection of functions for handling AVP's (from SER)
    avpops Attribute-value pair operations ("variables")
    benchmark Development benchmark module
    blst Blacklisting API for configuration scripts
    call_control Call timeouts and management (depends on Dialog module)
    carrierroute A telephony routing module
    cdp C Diameter Peer - core communication engine
    cdp_avp C Diameter Peer - application extensions
    cfg_db Database driver for configuration API
    cfg_rpc Update core and module parameters from RPC
    cfgutils Various configuration utilities
    corex Core extensions
    counters Internal counter API for configuration
    cpl-c Implementation of SIP Call Processing Language (RFC 3880)
    ctl Control connector for RPC interface (fifo, unixsock, tcp, udp)
    db_mysql Database :: Mysql
    debugger Interactive configuration processing debugger
    dialog Dialog ("call") state module
    dialplan Dialplan management
    dialog_ng Dialog tracking module - next generation
    dispatcher Load balancing and failover
    diversion Call redirect support (SIP Diversion: header)
    dmq Devel :: Distributed message queue system using SIP (early development)
    domain Proxy :: Multiple domain support using databases
    drouting Proxy :: Dynamic routing
    enum Enum support
    exec External exec module
    geoip GeoIP API to configuration file
    group Utils :: Group membership checking
    htable Utils :: Hash table support
    imc IM :: Instant messaging conference

    ims_auth IMS authentication module
    ims_icscf IMS ICSCF component module
    ims_isc IMS ISC component module
    ims_qos IMS Diameter Rx interface
    ims_registrar_pcscf IMS PCSCF registrar module
    ims_registrar_scscf IMS SCSCF registrar module

    ipops IP and DNS related operations
    iptrtpproxy NAT traversal :: Kernel based RTP proxy
    jabber IM :: Jabber gateway
    json Access to JSON document attributes
    jsonrpc-c JSON-RPC client over netstrings protocol
    kex Proxy :: Kamailio core functions (backwards compatibility)
    lcr Least cost routing
    ldap LDAP Directory access
    malloc_test Functions for stress-testing memory manager (from SER)
    mangler SIP message mangling functions (from SER)
    matrix Matrix operations
    maxfwd SIP loop detection prevention (max-forwards header - "ttl")
    mediaproxy Nat traversal :: Mediaproxy (AG projects)
    memcached Utils :: In-memory caching support (memcached)
    mi_datagram Management interface :: UDP
    mi_fifo Management Interface :: Unix FIFO
    mi_rpc Management Interface :: RPC support
    mi_xmlrpc Management Interface :: XML-rpc
    misc_radius Various Radius functions
    msilo Text message storage
    msrp Embedded MSRP relay (RFC 4975 and RFC 4976)
    mqueue Message queue system for configuration file
    nat_traversal NAT :: NAT traversal module
    nathelper NAT :: NAT traversal module :: RTPproxy (SIPPY software)
    ndb_redis Connector to REDIS NoSQL Database engine
    osp Open Settlement Protocol support
    outbound SIP Outbound Implementation
    p_usrloc Partitioned and distributed user location services
    path Path: header support
    pdb Number portability using external server
    pdt Proxy :: Routing based on numeric prefix
    peering SIP peering between service providers
    permissions Security :: TCP-wrapper-like ACL functions
    pike Security :: DOS-attack prevention
    pipelimit Traffic shaping policies
    prefix_route Execute config file route blocks based on prefix
    presence Presence :: Core presence module
    presence_conference Presence :: Conference events handling
    presence_dialoginfo Presence :: Dialog info
    presence_mwi Presence :: Message waiting indication
    presence_profile Presence :: User profile extensions (RFC 6080)
    presence_reginfo Presence :: Registration info (RFC 3680)
    presence_xml Presence :: XML handler
    print DEVEL :: Basic sample of a module
    print_lib DEVEL :: Basic sample of a module with dependency on other modules
    pua Presence :: Common module
    pua_bla Presence :: BLA
    pua_dialoginfo Presence :: Dialog Info support
    pua_mi Presence :: Management interface
    pua_reginfo Presence :: Registration information (RFC 3680)
    pua_usrloc Presence :: USRLOC integration
    pua_xmpp Presence :: XMPP/Jabber gateway
    purple Presence :: Libpurple support
    pv Pseudo-variable implementation
    qos Dialogs :: SDP management
    ratelimit Traffic shaping module
    regex Regular expression support
    registrar Registrar/location server support
    rls Presence :: Resource list server
    rr Proxy :: Record routing
    rtimer Utils :: Timer based routing script processing
    rtpproxy NAT :: Nat traversal module for RTPproxy control
    sanity Syntax checking for incoming SIP requests
    sca PRESENCE :: Shared call appearances
    sdpops SDP operations
    seas Application server interface
    sipcapture SIP Capture Server module (used in the Homer project)
    siptrace Store SIP messages in database
    siputils Various utilities for SIP call handling
    sl Proxy :: Stateless handling of SIP messages
    sms SMS gateway support
    snmpstats SNMP support (net-snmp agentx)
    speeddial Per-user speed-dial controller module
    sqlops SQL operations
    sst SIP Session Timers implementation
    statistics Script statistics support
    textops Text operations
    textopsx Extra Text operations
    timer Execute routing blocks on core timers (From SER)
    tls SSL/TLS support
    tm Proxy :: SIP transaction support (stateful)
    tmx Proxy :: Kamailio transaction extensions (TM module)
    topoh Topology hinding
    uac UAC functions (From: mangling and UAC auth)
    uac_redirect UAC redirection support
    uid_auth_db Authentication module using unique IDs (from SER)
    uid_avp_db AVP Database operations using unique IDs (from SER)
    uid_domain Domain management using unique IDs (from SER)
    uid_gflags Global attributes and flags using Unique IDs (from SER)
    uid_uri_db Database URI operations using unique IDs (from SER)
    uri_db URI operation with database support
    userblacklist User-specific blacklists
    usrloc Proxy :: Location server
    utils Various utilities (http query, xcap status)
    websocket HTTP :: Websocket transport layer for proxy
    xcap_client Presence :: XCAP support
    xcap_server Presence :: XCAP server implementation
    xhttp HTTP :: The server
    xhttp_pi HTTP :: Provisioning interface for Kamailio
    xhttp_rpc HTTP :: RPC Command support
    xlog Utils :: Extended logging support
    xmlops XML operations using XPath
    xmlrpc HTTP :: XMLrpc support
    xmpp Presence/IM :: XMPP/jabber gateway
    xprint Functions for printing messages with specifiers (from SER)

    ims_qos IMS Diameter Rx interface

    2.1. Kamailio Modules

    The Following mouldes must be loaded before this module:
    * Dialog2
    * Usrloc PCSCF
    * TM - Transaction Manager
    * CDP - C Diameter Peer
    * CDP_AVP - CDP AVP Applications

    2.2. External Libraries or Applications

    This modules requires the internal IMS library.

    3. Parameters

    3.1. rx_dest_realm (string)
    3.2. rx_forced_peer (string)
    3.3. rx_auth_expiry (integer)
    3.4. cdp_event_latency (integer)
    3.5. cdp_event_threshold (integer)
    3.6. cdp_event_latency_log (integer)

    3.1. rx_dest_realm (string)

    This is the name of the Diameter realm of the Diameter server(typically a PCRF).Default value is 'ims.smilecoms.com'.

    Example 1.1. rx_dest_realm parameter usage
    modparam("ims_qos", "rx_dest_realm", "ims.smilecoms.com")

    3.2. rx_forced_peer (string)

    This is the optional name of the origin host of the Diameter server(typically a PCRF). If not set then realm routing is used.Default value is ''.

    Example 1.2. rx_forced_peer parameter usage
    modparam("ims_qos", "rx_forced_peer", "pcrf.ims.smilecoms.com")

    3.3. rx_auth_expiry (integer)

    This is the expiry length in seconds of the initiated Diameter sessions.Default value is 7200.

    Example 1.3. rx_auth_expiry parameter usage
    modparam("ims_qos", "rx_auth_expiry", 14400)

    3.4. cdp_event_latency (integer)

    This is a flag to determine whether or slow CDP responses should be reported in the log file. 1 is enabled and 0 is disabled.Default value is 1.

    Example 1.4. cdp_event_latency parameter usage
    modparam("ims_qos", "cdp_event_latency", 1)

    3.5. cdp_event_threshold (integer)

    This time in milliseconds is the limit we should report a CDP response as slow. i.e. if a CDP response exceeds this limit it will be reported in the log file. This is only relevant is cdp_event_latency is enabled (set to 0).

    Default value is 500.

    Example 1.5. cdp_event_threshold parameter usage
    modparam("ims_qos", "cdp_event_threshold", 500)

    3.6. cdp_event_latency_log (integer)

    This time log level at which we should report slow CDP responses. 0 is ERROR, 1 is WARN, 2 is INFO and 3 is DEBUG. This is only relevant is cdp_event_latency is enabled (set to 0)Default value is 0.

    Example 1.6. cdp_event_latency_log parameter usage
    modparam("ims_qos", "cdp_event_latency_log", 1)

    4. Functions

    4.1. Rx_AAR_Register(domain)
    4.2. Rx_AAR(domain)

    4.1. Rx_AAR_Register(domain)

    Perform a AAR on Diameter RX interface to subscribe to signalling
    status. This purpose of this is tell a Diameter server (typically a
    PCRF) to inform the requesting Diameter client on changes to the status
    of signalling bearer for the same framed IP address. For more details
    see 3GGP TS 29.214.

    Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
    * domain that usrloc_pcscf uses to store user information.

    This function can be used from REQUEST_ROUTE.

    p.s. this is executed asynchronously. See example on how to retrieve
    return value

    Example 1.7. Rx_AAR_Register

    switch ($avp(s:aar_return_code)) {
    case 1:
    xlog("L_DBG", "Diameter: AAR success on subscription to signalling
    xlog("L_ERR", "Diameter: AAR failed on subscription to signalling "
    t_reply("403", "Can't register to QoS for signalling");


    4.2. Rx_AAR(domain)

    Perform a AAR on Diameter RX interface to request resource
    authorisation from a Diameter server (typically a PCRF). For more
    details see 3GGP TS 29.214.

    Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
    * domain that usrloc_pcscf uses to store user information.

    This function can be used from REQUEST_ROUTE or ONREPLY_ROUTE.

    p.s. this is executed asynchronously. See example on how to retrieve
    return value

    Example 1.8. Rx_AAR

    switch ($avp(s:aar_return_code)) {
    case 1:
    xlog("L_DBG", "Diameter: AAR success ");
    xlog("L_ERR", "Diameter: AAR failed ");
    t_reply("403", "QoS not authorized");


    5. Statistics

    5.1. AAR Timeouts (aar_timeouts)
    5.2. Average AAR Response Time (aar_avg_response_time)

    5.1. AAR Timeouts (aar_timeouts)

    The number of timeouts on sending a AAR. i.e. no response to AAR.

    5.2. Average AAR Response Time (aar_avg_response_time)

    The average response time in milliseconds for AAR-AAA transaction.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/iamgoodman/p/3680784.html
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