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  • PSP开发[3]PSP错误代码

    * UKN9000001 = The update cannot be started. The data is corrupted.
    * DADADA
    = The game could not be started (on DA firmwares when trying to start an update)
    80110305 = Load failed.The Memory Stick™ could not be acessed.
    80010013 = device / media not found
    * 8001B002
    = unknown
    80020001 or 800244C = kernel errors
    80020001 = generic kernel error (default)
    * 800200D9
    = failed to allocate the memory block
    80020130 = file read error
    80020148 = PRX type unsupported
    80110482 = occurs when test of wlan infrastructure connection fails
    * FFFFFED3
    = unknown (might be decryption error)
    80410001 or 80410D16 = network errors
    * 80410D07
    = unknown (possibly wlan)
    * ffffffff
    = PSP update failed
    * 80410A0B
    = Internal Error
    80410410 = Cannot connect to the given acess point
    80010087 = The game could not be started
    * 0x0
    = no error
    * 0x80020001
    = error
    * 0x80020002
    = notimplemented
    * 0x80020032
    = illegalexcepti oncode
    * 0x80020033
    = exceptionhandl ernotuse
    * 0x80020034
    = exceptionhandl eralreadyused
    * 0x80020035
    = systemcalltabl enotuse
    * 0x80020036
    = systemcalltabl ealraadyused
    * 0x80020037
    = illegalsystemc alltable
    * 0x80020038
    = illegalPrimary Syscallnumber
    * 0x80020039
    = PrimarySyscall numberalreadyuse
    * 0x80020064
    = callfrominterr upthandler/thread
    * 0x80020065
    = illegalINTRCOD E
    * 0x80020066
    = CPUalreadyinte rruptdisable
    * 0x80020067
    = Hnadleralready exist
    * 0x80020068
    = Handlernotfoun d
    * 0x80020069
    = illegalinterru ptlevel
    * 0x8002006a
    = illegaladdress
    * 0x8002006b
    = illegalIntrHan dlerOptionParamsize
    * 0x8002006c
    = illegalstackad dress
    * 0x8002006d
    = alreadystackad dressset
    * 0x80020096
    = notfoundfreeHardTimer
    * 0x80020097
    = illegaltimerID
    * 0x80020098
    = illegalsource
    * 0x80020099
    = illegalprescal e
    * 0x8002009a
    = HardTimerinuse
    * 0x8002009b
    = HardTimernotse tup
    * 0x8002009c
    = HardTimernotin use
    * 0x800200a0
    = unitnumberalre adyused
    * 0x800200a1
    = unitnumbernotu sed
    * 0x800200a2
    = romdirectoryno tfound
    * 0x800200c8
    = idtypealreadye xist
    * 0x800200c9
    = idtypenotexist
    * 0x800200ca
    = {notavailable}
    * 0x800200cb
    = unknownUID
    * 0x800200cc
    = unmatchUIDtype
    * 0x800200cd
    = idnotexist
    * 0x800200ce
    = notfoundUIDfun ction
    * 0x800200cf
    = UIDalreadyhold er
    * x800200d0
    = UIDnotholer
    * 0x800200d1
    = illegalpermiss ion
    * 0x800200d2
    = illegalargumen t
    * 0x800200d3
    = illegaladress
    * 0x800200d4
    = thememoryareai soutofrange
    * 0x800200d5
    = thememoryareai soverlap
    * 0x800200d6
    = illegalpartiti onid
    * 0x800200d7
    = partitioninuse
    * 0x800200d8
    = illegalmemoryb lockallocationtype
    * 0x800200d9
    = failedtoalloca tememoryblock
    * 0x800200da
    = inhibitedtores izethismemoryblock
    * 0x800200db
    = failedtoresize thismemoryblock
    * 0x800200dc
    = failedtoalloca teheapblock
    * 0x800200dd
    = failedtoalloca teheap
    * 0x800200de
    = illegalchunkid
    * 0x800200df
    = cannotfindchun kname
    * 0x800200e0
    = thereisnofreec hunk
    * 0x8002012c
    = modulelinkerro r
    * 0x8002012d
    = illegalobjectf ormat(notPRX/PFX)
    * 0x8002012e
    = notfoundModule
    * 0x8002012f
    = notfoundModule file
    * 0x80020130
    = Modulefileread error
    * 0x80020131
    = memoryinuse
    * 0x80020132
    = partitionmisma tch
    * 0x80020133
    = modulealreadys tarted
    * 0x80020134
    = modulenotstart edyet
    * 0x80020135
    = modulealreadys topped
    * 0x80020136
    = modulecannotst op
    * 0x80020137
    = modulenotstopp edyet
    * 0x80020138
    = modulecannotre move
    * 0x80020139
    = exclusiveload
    * 0x8002013a
    = Libraryisnotli nkedyet
    * 0x8002013b
    = Libraryalready exists
    * 0x8002013c
    = Librarynotfoun d
    * 0x8002013d
    = illegalLibrary header
    * 0x8002013e
    = Libraryisusedn ow
    * 0x8002013f
    = modulealreadys topping
    * 0x80020140
    = illegaloffsetv alue
    * 0x80020141
    = illegalpositio ncode
    * 0x80020142
    = illegalaccessc ode
    * 0x80020143
    = modulemanagerb usy
    * 0x80020144
    = illegalflag
    * 0x80020145
    = cannotgetmodul elist
    * 0x80020146
    = prohibitLoadMo duledevice
    * 0x80020147
    = prohibitLoadEx ecdevice
    * 0x80020148
    = unsupportedPRX type
    * 0x80020149
    = illegalpermiss ioncall
    * 0x8002014a
    = cannotgetmodul einformation
    * 0x8002014b
    = illegalLoadExe cbuffer
    * 0x8002014c
    = illegalLoadExe cfilename
    * 0x8002014d
    = Thereisnoexitc allback
    * 0x80020190
    = nomemory
    * 0x80020191
    = illegalattrpar ameter
    * 0x80020192
    = illegalthreade ntryaddress
    * 0x80020193
    = illegalpriorit yvalue
    * 0x80020194
    = illegalstacksi ze
    * 0x80020195
    = illegalmode
    * 0x80020196
    = illegalmask
    * 0x80020197
    = illegalthreadI D
    * 0x80020198
    = notfoundthread
    * 0x80020199
    = notfoundsemaph ore
    * 0x8002019a
    = notfoundeventf lag
    * 0x8002019b
    = notfoundmessag ebox
    * 0x8002019c
    = notfoundVpool
    * 0x8002019d
    = notfoundFpool
    * 0x8002019e
    = notfoundmessag epipe
    * 0x8002019f
    = notfoundalarm
    * 0x800201a0
    = notfoundthread eventhandler
    * 0x800201a1
    = notfoundcallba ck
    * 0x800201a2
    = threadalreadyD ORMANT
    * 0x800201a3
    = threadalreadyS USPEND
    * 0x800201a4
    = threadisnotDOR MANT
    * 0x800201a5
    = threadisnotSUS PEND
    * 0x800201a6
    = threadisnotWAI T
    * 0x800201a7
    = nowdispatchdis abled
    * 0x800201a8
    = WAITtimeout
    * 0x800201a9
    = WAITcanceled
    * 0x800201aa
    = WAITstatusrele ased
    * N0x800201ab
    = WAITstatusrel easedwithcallback
    * 0x800201ac
    = threadistermin ated
    * 0x800201ad
    = semaphorecount erzero
    * 0x800201ae
    = semaphorecount eroverflow
    * 0x800201af
    = eventflagcondi tionnotoccur
    * 0x800201b0
    = thiseventflagc annotacceptwaitswithmulti plethreads
    * 0x800201b1
    = illegaleventfl agwaitpattern
    * 0x800201b2
    = messageboxhave nomessage
    * 0x800201b3
    = messagepipeisf ull
    * 0x800201b4
    = messagepipeise mpty
    * 0x800201b5
    = waitobjectdele ted
    * 0x800201b6
    = illegalmemoryb lock
    * 0x800201b7
    = illegalmemorys ize
    * 0x800201b8
    = illegalscratch padaddress
    * 0x800201b9
    = scratchpadinus e
    * 0x800201ba
    = scratchpadnoti nuse
    * 0x800201bb
    = illegaltype
    * 0x800201bc
    = illegalsize
    * 0x800201bd
    = illegalcount
    * 0x800201be
    = notfoundvtimer
    * 0x800201bf
    = illegalvtimerI D
    * 0x800201c0
    = illegalKTLSID
    * 0x800201c1
    = KTLSisfull
    * 0x800201c2
    = KTLSisbusy
    * 0x80020258
    = invalidsuchpri ority
    * 0x80020259
    = devicenameisin valid
    * 0x8002025a
    = devicenameisun known
    * 0x8002025b
    = pminformationi sregisteredalready
    * 0x8002025c
    = pminformationi snotregistered
    * 0x8002025d
    = majorstateisin validvalue
    * 0x8002025e
    = requestisinval id
    * 0x8002025f
    = requestisunkno wn
    * 0x80020260
    = unitnumberisin valid
    * 0x80020261
    = cannotcancelre quest
    * 0x80020262
    = pminformationi sinvalid
    * 0x80020263
    = argumentisinva lid
    * 0x80020264
    = alreadytargete powerstate
    * 0x80020265
    = failedtochange systempowerstate
    * 0x80020266
    = cannotchangede vicepowerstate
    * 0x80020267
    = devicedoesnots upportsuchpowerstate
    * 0x800202bc
    = requesttotheDM ACfailed
    * 0x800202bd
    = DMAoperationis lessorequalone
    * 0x800202be
    = theoperationis alreadyqueued
    * 0x800202bf
    = theoperationis alreadyfinishedornotqueue ud
    * 0x800202c0
    = theoperationis alreadyintransferprogress
    * 0x800202c1
    = theoperationis notassignedyet
    * 0x800202c2
    = thesyncoperati ontimedout
    * 0x800202c3
    = dmaoperationst ructisalreadyfreed
    * 0x800202c4
    = dmaoperationis used
    * 0x800202c5
    = dmaoperationis empty
    * 0x800202c6
    = DMAoperationis aborted
    * 0x800202c7
    = DMAoperationis error
    * 0x800202c8
    = physicalDMAcha nnelisalreadyreserved
    * 0x800202c9
    = physicalDMAcha nnelisnotmanagedbydmacman ager
    * 0x800202ca
    = thereisaprivil egeaddressinlinklist
    * 0x800202cb
    = linklistbuffer isnotenough
    * 0x800202cc
    = theoperationis notassignedtophysicalDMAc hannel
    * 0x800202cd
    = theoperationis childoperation
    * 0x800202ce
    = itistoomuchtha ntransferabledatasize
    * 0x800202cf
    = argumentisinva lid
    * 0x80020320
    = Toomanyopenfil es
    * 0x80020321
    = Nosuchdevice
    * 0x80020322
    = Cross-devicelink
    * 0x80020323
    = Badfiledescrip tor
    * 0x80020324
    = Invalidargumen t
    * 0x80020325
    = Unsupportedope ration
    * 0x80020326
    = Aliasisalready used
    * 0x80020327
    = Cannotmount
    * 0x80020328
    = Driverdeleted
    * 0x80020329
    = Asyncoperation isbusy
    * 0x8002032a
    = Noasyncoperati on
    * 0x8002032b
    = Deviceisalread yregistered
    * 0x8002032c
    = Nocurrentworki ngdirectory
    * 0x8002032d
    = Filenametoolon g
    * 0x800203e8
    = DECI3Nosuchdev iceoraddress
    * 0x800203e9
    = DECI3I/Oerror
    * 0x800203ea
    = DECI3Notenough core
    * 0x800203eb
    = STDIOnotopened
    * 0x8002044c
    = Parameterisnot cachealigned
    * 0x8002044d
    = Endofkernelerr orcode.Neverusethisname
  • 相关阅读:
    java 标识符命名规则
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/icuit/p/1735701.html
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