# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- # @Author : 日落了 # @ Motto : 天不生python,IT 万古如长夜 # @Time :2020/6/18-14:46 # @template : 二叉堆 import random # 上升 def upJust(arr: list): childIndex = len(arr) - 1 # 从最后开始 parentIndex = (childIndex - 1) // 2 # 完全二叉树 左孩子先开始,最容易忘记 temp = arr[childIndex] # > 0至少孩子不能是顶点吧 while childIndex > 0 and temp < arr[parentIndex]: # 找一个 小于父节点的 上去 arr[childIndex] = arr[parentIndex] childIndex = parentIndex parentIndex = int((parentIndex - 1) / 2) arr[childIndex] = temp arr1 = arr # 下沉 def downJust(arr, parentIndex, length): temp = arr[parentIndex] # 跟左右孩子比较 childrenIndex = 2 * parentIndex + 1 # 左孩子 while childrenIndex < length: # 不能超过 # 还有右孩子的话,且右孩子小于左孩子的值,则定位到右孩子 if childrenIndex + 1 < length and arr[childrenIndex + 1] < arr[childrenIndex]: childrenIndex += 1 # 下沉找一个更大的交换 if temp <= arr[parentIndex]: break arr[parentIndex] = arr[childrenIndex] parentIndex = childrenIndex childrenIndex = 2 * childrenIndex + 1 arr[parentIndex] = temp def downJust(arr, parentIndex, length): temp = arr[parentIndex] childrenIndex = parentIndex * 2 + 1 # 左孩子 while childrenIndex < length: if childrenIndex + 1 < length and arr[childrenIndex + 1] > arr[childrenIndex]: childrenIndex += 1 if temp < arr[parentIndex]: break arr[parentIndex] = arr[childrenIndex] parentIndex = childrenIndex childrenIndex = 2 * childrenIndex + 1 arr[parentIndex] = temp # 取出父节点进行每一次的下沉 def build(arr: list): # 从下面的父亲节点到根节点 for i in range((len(arr)-2) // 2, -1, -1): downJust(arr, i, len(arr) - 1) print(arr) # 最后一个跟 第一个元素交换 for i in range(arr.__len__() // 2, -1, -1): temp = arr[i] arr[i] = arr[0] arr[0] = temp downJust(arr, 0, i) if __name__ == '__main__': arr = [random.randint(0, 10) for i in range(10)] print("上调调整前:", arr) upJust(arr) print("上调整后", arr) arr1 = [random.randint(0, 10) for i in range(10)] print("下沉调整前:", arr1) build(arr1) print("调整后:", arr1)