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  • bzoj 3595

    Splay 每个节点维护一个区间。

      1 /**************************************************************
      2     Problem: 3595
      3     User: idy002
      4     Language: C++
      5     Result: Accepted
      6     Time:5428 ms
      7     Memory:56020 kb
      8 ****************************************************************/
     10 #include <cstdio>
     11 #include <map>
     12 #define N 2000000
     13 using namespace std;
     15 map<int,int> atob, btoa;
     16 map<int,int> rng_id;
     18 struct Splay {
     19     int son[N][2], pre[N], xlf[N], xrg[N], siz[N], root, ntot;
     21     int newnode( int p, int lf, int rg ) {
     22         if( lf>rg ) return 0;
     23         int nd = ++ntot;
     24         son[nd][0] = son[nd][1] = 0;
     25         pre[nd] = p;
     26         xlf[nd] = lf;
     27         xrg[nd] = rg;
     28         siz[nd] = rg-lf+1;
     29         return nd;
     30     }
     31     void update( int nd ) {
     32         siz[nd] = siz[son[nd][0]]+siz[son[nd][1]]+(xrg[nd]-xlf[nd]+1);
     33     }
     34     void rotate( int nd, int d ) {
     35         int p=pre[nd];
     36         int s=son[nd][!d];
     37         int ss=son[s][d];
     39         son[nd][!d] = ss;
     40         son[s][d] = nd;
     41         if( p ) son[p][nd==son[p][1]]=s;
     42         else root=s;
     44         pre[nd] = s;
     45         pre[s] = p;
     46         if( ss ) pre[ss] = nd;
     48         update( nd );
     49         update( s );
     50     }
     51     void splay( int nd, int top=0 ) {
     52         while( pre[nd]!=top ) {
     53             int p=pre[nd];
     54             int nl=nd==son[p][0];
     55             if( pre[p]==top ) {
     56                 rotate( p, nl );
     57             } else {
     58                 int pp=pre[p];
     59                 int pl=p==son[pp][0];
     60                 if( nl==pl ) {
     61                     rotate( pp, pl );
     62                     rotate( p, nl );
     63                 } else {
     64                     rotate( p, nl );
     65                     rotate( pp, pl );
     66                 }
     67             }
     68         }
     69     }
     70     void init( int lf, int rg ) {
     71         ntot = 0;
     72         root = newnode( 0, lf, rg );
     73         rng_id[rg] = root;
     74     }
     75     void make_one( int nd ) {
     76         int lnd, rnd;
     77         splay( nd );
     78         lnd = son[nd][0];
     79         rnd = son[nd][1];
     80         while( son[lnd][1] ) lnd=son[lnd][1];
     81         while( son[rnd][0] ) rnd=son[rnd][0];
     82         if( lnd && rnd ) {
     83             splay( lnd );
     84             splay( rnd, lnd );
     85         } else if( lnd ) {
     86             splay( lnd );
     87         } else if( rnd ) {
     88             splay( rnd );
     89         }
     90     }
     91     void split( int nd, int pos ) {
     92         if( xlf[nd]==xrg[nd] ) return;
     93         make_one( nd );
     94         int lnd, rnd;
     95         lnd = newnode( 0, xlf[nd], pos-1 );
     96         rnd = newnode( 0, pos+1, xrg[nd] );
     97         son[nd][0] = lnd;
     98         son[nd][1] = rnd;
     99         if( lnd ) {
    100             pre[lnd] = nd;
    101             rng_id[pos-1] = lnd;
    102         }
    103         if( rnd ) {
    104             pre[rnd] = nd;
    105             rng_id[xrg[nd]] = rnd;
    106         }
    107         rng_id[pos] = nd;
    108         xlf[nd] = xrg[nd] = pos;
    109         update( nd );
    110         splay( nd );
    111     }
    112     void erase( int nd ) {
    113         make_one( nd );
    114         int p=pre[nd];
    115         pre[nd] = 0;
    116         if( p ) {
    117             son[p][ nd==son[p][1] ] = 0;
    118             pre[nd] = 0;
    119             update( p );
    120             splay( p );
    121         } else {
    122             root = 0;
    123             pre[nd] = 0;
    124         }
    125     }
    126     void push_front( int nn ) {
    127         if( !root ) {
    128             root = nn;
    129             return;
    130         }
    131         int nd=root;
    132         while( son[nd][0] ) nd=son[nd][0];
    133         son[nd][0] = nn;
    134         pre[nn] = nd;
    135         splay( nn );
    136     }
    137     void push_back( int nn ) {
    138         if( !root ) {
    139             root = nn;
    140             return;
    141         }
    142         int nd=root;
    143         while( son[nd][1] ) nd=son[nd][1];
    144         son[nd][1] = nn;
    145         pre[nn] = nd;
    146         splay(nn);
    147     }
    148     int rank( int nd ) {
    149         int rt=siz[son[nd][0]]+1;
    150         int nnd=nd;
    151         while( pre[nd] ) {
    152             int p=pre[nd];
    153             if( nd==son[p][1] ) rt += siz[son[p][0]]+(xrg[p]-xlf[p]+1);
    154             nd=p;
    155         }
    156         splay(nnd);
    157         return rt;
    158     }
    159     int nth( int k ) {
    160         int nd=root;
    161         while(1) {
    162             int ls=siz[son[nd][0]];
    163             int lcs=ls+(xrg[nd]-xlf[nd]+1);
    164             if( k<=ls ) {
    165                 nd = son[nd][0];
    166             } else if( k<=lcs ) {
    167                 int rt = xlf[nd]+k-ls-1;
    168                 splay( nd );
    169                 return rt;
    170             } else {
    171                 k -= lcs;
    172                 nd = son[nd][1];
    173             }
    174         }
    175     }
    176 }T;
    178 int n, m;
    179 int main() {
    180     scanf( "%d%d", &n, &m );
    181     T.init( 1, n );
    182     int la = 0;
    183     for( int i=1; i<=m; i++ ) {
    184         int opt, x, y;
    185         scanf( "%d%d", &opt, &x );
    186         x -= la;
    187         if( opt==1 ) {
    188             scanf( "%d", &y );
    189             y -= la;
    190             int pos = btoa.count(x) ? btoa[x] : x;
    191             atob[pos] = y;
    192             btoa[y] = pos;
    193             int nd= rng_id.lower_bound( pos )->second;
    194             T.split( nd, pos );
    195             printf( "%d
    ", la=T.rank(nd) );
    196         } else if( opt==2 ) {
    197             int pos = btoa.count(x) ? btoa[x] : x;
    198             int nd=rng_id.lower_bound( pos )->second;
    199             T.split( nd, pos );
    200             printf( "%d
    ", la=T.rank(nd) );
    201             T.erase( nd );
    202             T.push_front( nd );
    203         } else if( opt==3 ) {
    204             int pos = btoa.count(x) ? btoa[x] : x;
    205             int nd = rng_id.lower_bound( pos )->second;
    206             T.split( nd, pos );
    207             printf( "%d
    ", la=T.rank(nd) );
    208             T.erase( nd );
    209             T.push_back( nd );
    210         } else {
    211             int pos=T.nth(x);
    212             int b = atob.count(pos) ? atob[pos] : pos;
    213             printf( "%d
    ", la=b );
    214         }
    215     }
    216 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/idy002/p/4376112.html
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