一个 Gerrit 是从已经 merge 的仓库 回滚出来的一个,然后在上面修改,修改完了提交的时候发现一个错误
! [remote rejected] HEAD -> refs/drafts/stable/beryllium (not Signed-off-by author/committer/uploader in commit message footer)
对于gerrit 这个工具网上的解决方法是比较少的,看了官方有个解决方案。
大概说下, 就是这几个原因
missing Signed-off-by in the commit message footer
Signed-off-by is contained in the commit message footer but it’s neither from the author, committer nor uploaderSigned-off-by from the author, committer or uploader is contained in the commit message but not in the footer (last paragraph)
To be able to push your commits you have to update the commit messages as explained here so that they contain a Signed-off-by from the author, committer or uploader in the last paragraph. However it is important that you only add a Signed-off-by if you understand the semantics of the Signed-off-by and the commit applies to the rules that are connected with this footer.
通俗的讲就是, 先 git commit --amend
Signed-off-by: rikxiao <xxd0225@gmail.com>