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  • [vue]spa单页开发及vue-router基础

    - 了解spa页面跳转方式:(2种)
        spa: 单页跳转方式
            开发(hash模式): https://www.baidu.com/#2313213
            生产(h5利于seo): history.pushState('','','/test'); 只更改url,不会刷新,手动刷新后可能会404
    npm install vue vue-router axios bootstrap
    - vue-router
    3.手动访问, 链接后追加#/home 或 #/list访问查看各自组件结果.
    <div id="app">
    <script src="node_modules/vue/dist/vue.js"></script>
    <script src="node_modules/vue-router/dist/vue-router.js"></script>
        // 1.创建实例
        let router = new VueRouter({
            routes: [
                {path: '/home', component: {template: '<div>home</div>'}},
                {path: '/list', component: {template: '<div>list</div>'}}
        let vm = new Vue({
            el: "#app",
            router: router, //关联router
    - 创建链接访问(不适合生产,生产要用history模式)
    <div id="app">
        <a href="#/home">home</a> <!--这里是hash模式(加#)-->
        <a href="#/list">list</a>
    <script src="node_modules/vue/dist/vue.js"></script>
    <script src="node_modules/vue-router/dist/vue-router.js"></script>
        // 1.创建实例
        let router = new VueRouter({
            routes: [
                {path: '/home', component: {template: '<div>home</div>'}},
                {path: '/list', component: {template: '<div>list</div>'}}
        let vm = new Vue({
            el: "#app",
            router: router, //关联router
    - 修改链接(使得模式可以切换)
    - 切换router的mode,观察链接,(history无#)
    <div id="app">
        <router-link to="/home" tag="button">home</router-link>
        <router-link to="/list">list</router-link>
    <script src="node_modules/vue/dist/vue.js"></script>
    <script src="node_modules/vue-router/dist/vue-router.js"></script>
        // 1.创建实例
        let router = new VueRouter({
            routes: [
                {path: '/home', component: {template: '<div>home</div>'}},
                {path: '/list', component: {template: '<div>list</div>'}}
            mode: 'history',
        let vm = new Vue({
            el: "#app",
            router: router, //关联router
    - 通过tag修改元素类型,如button还是a
    <div id="app">
        <router-link to="/home" tag="button">home</router-link>
        <router-link to="/list">list</router-link>
    <script src="node_modules/vue/dist/vue.js"></script>
    <script src="node_modules/vue-router/dist/vue-router.js"></script>
        // 1.写2个组件
        let home = {template: '<div>home</div>'};
        let list = {template: '<div>list</div>'};
        // 2.关联路径-组件
        let routes = [
            {path: '/home', component: home},
            {path: '/list', component: list},
        // 3.告知vue
        let router = new VueRouter({
            routes: routes,
            // mode: 'history',
        let vm = new Vue({
            el: "#app",
            data: {
                msg: 'hi',
            router: router,
    • 修改button样式,

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
                background-color: palegreen;
    <div id="app">
        <router-link to="/home" tag="button">home</router-link>
        <router-link to="/list" tag="button">list</router-link>
    <script src="node_modules/vue/dist/vue.js"></script>
    <script src="node_modules/vue-router/dist/vue-router.js"></script>
        // 1.写2个组件
        let home = {template: '<div>home</div>'};
        let list = {template: '<div>list</div>'};
        // 2.关联路径-组件
        let routes = [
            {path: '/home', component: home},
            {path: '/list', component: list},
        // 3.告知vue
        let router = new VueRouter({
            routes: routes,
            // mode: 'history',
        let vm = new Vue({
            el: "#app",
            data: {
                msg: 'hi',
            router: router,

    - linkActiveClass更改默认样式类名, 默认叫router-link-active
        let router = new VueRouter({
            routes: routes,
            // mode: 'history',
            // linkActiveClass: 'router-link-active',
            linkActiveClass: 'active',

    - 编程式导航
    <div id="app">
        <router-link :to="{path:'/home'}">首页</router-link>
        <router-link :to="{path:'/list'}">列表页</router-link>
    <script src="node_modules/vue/dist/vue.js"></script>
    <script src="node_modules/vue-router/dist/vue-router.js"></script>
        // ['/','/home','/list','/list']
        let home = {
            template:'<div>首页 <button @click="toList">去列表</button></div>',
                // toList(){this.$router.push('/list')} // 强制跳转路径
                toList(){this.$router.push('/list')} // 路由替换,将当前的历史替换掉
        let list = {
            template:'<div>列表 <button @click="back">返回</button></div>',
                back(){this.$router.go(-1)} // 返回某一级 go顶替了back
        let routes = [
            {path:'',component:home}, // 默认展示的路由
            //{path:'*',component:list} // 这个地方路径不会变 只是切换了组件而已
            {path:'*',redirect:'/home'}// 路径变 组件也要切换 404的时候
        let router = new VueRouter({
        let vm = new Vue({
            router, // 每个组件都会拥有一个名字叫$router的属性(有r的放的都是方法) 还有一个名字叫$route(没r的存的都是属性)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/iiiiiher/p/9034496.html
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