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  • eclipse 使用在资源管理器中打开xx文件

    Welcome to Eclipse explorer!
    Eclipse Explorer is an Eclipse plugin helping you to open the folder of selected resources
    include follow resources:
    Java element, .java, .class, jar file, package, source folder and java project
    Common resources, such as .txt, .xml, and other resource
    Some special element such as cvs item in Synchronized View
    JDT plugin
    JDK/JRE 1.5 or higher
    Eclipse 3.5 or higher(recommend)
    Note:Eclipse 3.4 lower(Un-tested)
    This plugin are developed in eclipse3.5 + jdk1.5, test under
    window 32bit+eclipse3.5+jdk1.5
    Note: This plugin requires Java Developement Tool(JDT) plugin. So, this plugin can't be 
    installed in non-Java developement eclipse version.
    Local plugin arachive
    Download org.melord.pde.explorer.jar
    Copy to %Eclipse_Home%\plugins\
    Restart Eclipse
    Local Archive
    Download update-site archive
    Click Help->Install New Software... in eclipse to open install page
    Click "Add..." button open add site dialog
    Click "Archive..." button to select .zip file.
    Click "OK" back to install page
    Select Eclipse Explorer Feature
    Next step...
    Explorer Command: The plugin will auto configure explorer command. But you can custom your
    explorer command still in Window->Preference->General->Resource Explorer. 
    ==== Shortcut Key ====
    Key assistant: The default shortcut key is "Ctrl + `", you can custom in Window->Preference
    Select an resource item which can be explorer
    Right click and select "Open in Explorer" or press short key set by you.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/imhurley/p/2874699.html
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