# Purpose: Adding features to a TIN. # Create the Geoprocessor object import arcgisscripting gp = arcgisscripting.create() #Check out the 3D Analyst extension gp.CheckOutExtension ("3D") try: # Set the workspace (to avoid having to type in the full path to the data e # gp.workspace = "D:/Docs1/GP/GPOutput" gp.workspace = "E:/CZTinsPCS" # Select the 3D Analyst Toolbox gp.toolbox = "3D" # Process: Add features to a blank TIN Params = ("PolygonRegionPCS.shp <None> <None> hardclip true") gp.edittin_3d ("Earthcopy", Params) except: # If an error occurred while running the tool print the error messages. print gp.GetMessages()
备注: (1)执行之前请备份TIN
(2)运行的机器需要安装python //几兆