Given a linked list and a value x, partition it such that all nodes less than x come before nodes greater than or equal to x.
You should preserve the original relative order of the nodes in each of the two partitions.
For example,
Given 1->4->3->2->5->2
and x = 3,
return 1->2->2->4->3->5
[输入量]:空: 正常情况:特大:特小:程序里处理到的特殊情况:异常情况(不合法不合理的输入):
- 要写corner case,还是要返回head
- 直接连接到右边head,因为右边的dummy不需要。
- 注意最后返回的是leftDummy.next
[复杂度]:Time complexity: O(n) Space complexity: O(1) 不需要额外空间,就都是1
[Follow Up]:
2/3/4 colors
/** * Definition for singly-linked list. * public class ListNode { * int val; * ListNode next; * ListNode(int x) { val = x; } * } */ class Solution { public ListNode partition(ListNode head, int x) { if (head == null) { return head; } ListNode leftDummy = new ListNode(0); ListNode rightDummy = new ListNode(0); ListNode left = leftDummy; ListNode right = rightDummy; //two linked list while(head != null) { if (head.val < x) { left.next = head; left = left.next; } else { right.next = head; right = right.next; } head = head.next; } //join up right.next = null; left.next = rightDummy.next; return leftDummy.next; } }