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  • 写给新手:javascript写的简单的计算器,内容很多,方法实用,推荐!







    View Code
      1 var num=0,result=0,numshow="0";
    2 var operate=0; //判断输入状态的标志
    3 var calcul=0; //判断计算状态的标志
    4 var quit=0; //防止重复按键的标志
    6 function command(num){
    7 var str=String(document.calculator.numScreen.value); //获得当前显示数据
    8 str=(str!="0") ? ((operate==0) ? str : "") : ""; //如果当前值不是"0",且状态为0,则返回当前值,否则返回空值;
    9 str=str + String(num); //给当前值追加字符
    10 document.calculator.numScreen.value=str; //刷新显示
    11 operate=0; //重置输入状态
    12 quit=0; //重置防止重复按键的标志
    13 }
    15 function dzero(){
    16 var str=String(document.calculator.numScreen.value);
    17 str=(str!="0") ? ((operate==0) ? str + "00" : "0") : "0"; //如果当前值不是"0",且状态为0,则返回当str+"00",否则返回"0";
    18 document.calculator.numScreen.value=str;
    19 operate=0;
    20 }
    22 function dot(){
    23 var str=String(document.calculator.numScreen.value);
    24 str=(str!="0") ? ((operate==0) ? str : "0") : "0"; //如果当前值不是"0",且状态为0,则返回当前值,否则返回"0";
    25 for(i=0; i<=str.length;i++){ //判断是否已经有一个点号
    26 if(str.substr(i,1)==".") return false; //如果有则不再插入
    27 }
    28 str=str + ".";
    29 document.calculator.numScreen.value=str;
    30 operate=0;
    31 }
    33 function del(){ //退格
    34 var str=String(document.calculator.numScreen.value);
    35 str=(str!="0") ? str : "";
    36 str=str.substr(0,str.length-1);
    37 str=(str!="") ? str : "0";
    38 document.calculator.numScreen.value=str;
    39 }
    41 function clearscreen(){ //清除数据
    42 num=0;
    43 result=0;
    44 numshow="0";
    45 document.calculator.numScreen.value="0";
    46 }
    48 function plus(){ //加法
    49 calculate(); //调用计算函数
    50 operate=1; //更改输入状态
    51 calcul=1; //更改计算状态为加
    52 }
    54 function minus(){ //减法
    55 calculate();
    56 operate=1;
    57 calcul=2;
    58 }
    60 function times(){ //乘法
    61 calculate();
    62 operate=1;
    63 calcul=3;
    64 }
    66 function divide(){ //除法
    67 calculate();
    68 operate=1;
    69 calcul=4;
    70 }
    72 function persent(){ //求余
    73 calculate();
    74 operate=1;
    75 calcul=5;
    76 }
    78 function equal(){
    79 calculate(); //等于
    80 operate=1;
    81 num=0;
    82 result=0;
    83 numshow="0";
    84 }
    85 //
    86 function calculate(){
    87 numshow=Number(document.calculator.numScreen.value);
    88 if(num!=0 && quit!=1){ //判断前一个运算数是否为零以及防重复按键的状态
    89 switch(calcul){ //判断要输入状态
    90 case 1:result=num+numshow;break; //计算"+"
    91 case 2:result=num-numshow;break; //计算"-"
    92 case 3:result=num*numshow;break;
    93 case 4:if(numshow!=0){result=num/numshow;}else{document.getElementById("note").innerHTML="被除数不能为零!"; setTimeout(clearnote,4000)} break;
    94 case 5:result=num%numshow;break;
    95 }
    96 quit=1; //避免重复按键
    97 }
    98 else{
    99 result=numshow;
    100 }
    101 numshow=String(result);
    102 document.calculator.numScreen.value=numshow;
    103 num=result; //存储当前值
    104 }
    105 function clearnote(){ //清空提示
    106 document.getElementById("note").innerHTML="";
    107 }


    View Code
      1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    2 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    3 <head>
    4 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    5 <title>写给新手:js表单操作(四) 简单计算器(二)</title>
    6 <style type="text/css">
    7 body {
    8 font-size:12px;
    9 font-family:Arial, Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
    10 color:#555;
    11 text-align:center;
    12 background-color:#e2e2e2;
    13 }
    14 h6{
    15 margin:0;
    16 font-size:12px;
    17 }
    19 #calculator {
    20 width:240px;
    21 height:auto;
    22 overflow:hidden;
    23 margin:10px auto;
    24 border:#fff 1px solid;
    25 padding-bottom:10px;
    26 background-color:#f2f2f2;
    27 }
    28 #calculator div {
    29 clear:both;
    30 }
    31 #calculator ul{
    32 padding:0;
    33 margin:5px 14px;
    34 border:#fff 1px solid;
    35 height:auto;
    36 overflow:hidden
    37 }
    38 #calculator li{
    39 list-style:none;
    40 float:left;
    41 width:32px;
    42 height:32px;
    43 margin:5px;
    44 display:inline;
    45 line-height:32px;
    46 font-size:14px;
    47 background-color:#eaeaea;
    48 }
    49 #calculator li.tool{
    50 background-color:#e2e2e2;
    51 }
    52 #calculator li:hover{
    53 background-color:#f9f9f9;
    54 cursor:pointer;
    55 }
    56 #calculator li:active{
    57 background-color:#fc0;
    58 cursor:pointer;
    59 }
    60 #calculator li.tool:active{
    61 background-color:#d8e8ff;
    62 cursor:pointer;
    63 }
    64 #calcu-head {
    65 text-align:left;
    66 padding:10px 15px 5px;
    67 }
    68 span.imyeah {
    69 float:right;
    70 color:#ccc;
    71 }
    73 span.imyeah a{
    74 color:#ccc;
    75 }
    76 .screen{
    77 width:200px;
    78 height:24px;
    79 line-height:24px;
    80 padding:4px;
    81 border:#e6e6e6 1px solid;
    82 border-bottom:#f2f2f2 1px solid;
    83 border-right:#f2f2f2 1px solid;
    84 margin:10px auto;
    85 direction:ltr;
    86 text-align:right;
    87 font-size:16px;
    88 color:#999;
    89 }
    90 #calcu-foot{
    91 text-align:left;
    92 padding:10px 15px 5px;
    93 height:auto;
    94 overflow:hidden;
    95 }
    96 span#note{
    97 float:left;
    98 width:210px;
    99 height:auto;
    100 overflow:hidden;
    101 color:red;
    102 }
    103 span.welcome{
    104 clear:both;
    105 color:#999;
    106 }
    107 span.welcome a{
    108 float:right;
    109 color:#999;
    110 }
    111 </style>
    112 <script language="javascript">
    113 //此处插入上面的js代码
    114 </script>
    115 </head>
    116 <body>
    117 <div id="calculator">
    118 <div id="calcu-head"><span class="imyeah">&copy;&nbsp;<a href="http://www.cnblogs.com/imyeah/" target="_blank">I'm Yeah!</a></span><h6>简单的计算器</h6></div>
    119 <form name="calculator" action="" method="get">
    120 <div id="calcu-screen">
    121 <!--配置显示窗口,使用onfocus="this.blur();"避免键盘输入-->
    122 <input type="text" name="numScreen" class="screen" value="0" onfocus="this.blur();" />
    123 </div>
    124 <div id="calcu-btn">
    125 <ul> <!--配置按钮-->
    126 <li onclick="command(7)">7</li>
    127 <li onclick="command(8)">8</li>
    128 <li onclick="command(9)">9</li>
    129 <li class="tool" onclick="del()">&larr;</li>
    130 <li class="tool" onclick="clearscreen()">C</li>
    131 <li onclick="command(4)">4</li>
    132 <li onclick="command(5)">5</li>
    133 <li onclick="command(6)">6</li>
    134 <li class="tool" onclick="times()">&times;</li>
    135 <li class="tool" onclick="divide()">&divide;</li>
    136 <li onclick="command(1)">1</li>
    137 <li onclick="command(2)">2</li>
    138 <li onclick="command(3)">3</li>
    139 <li class="tool" onclick="plus()">+</li>
    140 <li class="tool" onclick="minus()">-</li>
    141 <li onclick="command(0)">0</li>
    142 <li onclick="dzero()">00</li>
    143 <li onclick="dot()">.</li>
    144 <li class="tool" onclick="persent()">%</li>
    145 <li class="tool" onclick="equal()">=</li>
    146 </ul>
    147 </div>
    148 <div id="calcu-foot">
    149 <span id="note"></span>
    150 <span class="welcome">欢迎使用javascript计算器!<a href="http://www.cnblogs.com/imyeah/archive/2011/12/28/2304197.html" target="_blank">反馈</a></span>
    151 </div>
    152 </form>
    153 </div>
    154 </body>
    155 </html>
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/imyeah/p/2304197.html
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