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  • Centos7安装redis6.0.6教程


    分类专栏: Redis 文章标签: redis


    yum install gcc -y


    gcc -v



    yum -y install centos-release-scl
     yum -y install devtoolset-9-gcc devtoolset-9-gcc-c++ devtoolset-9-binutils
     scl enable devtoolset-9 bash

    scl enable devtoolset-9 bash只是临时修改系统gcc版本

    echo "source /opt/rh/devtoolset-9/enable" >>/etc/profile



    cd /usr/local
    mkdir soft
     cd soft




    wget http://download.redis.io/releases/redis-6.0.6.tar.gz


    tar xzf redis-6.0.6.tar.gz


    cd redis-6.0.6
    make install

    make install命令会将redis/src下的一些脚本拷贝到/usr/local/bin/目录下,因为/usr/local/bin/目录已经在path环境变量中配置了,所以在任何目录下都可以执行这些redis的脚本文件。


    vim redis.conf






    redis-server /usr/local/soft/redis-6.0.6/redis.conf


    redis-cli -h -p 6379 -a 12345678



    redis-cli -h -p 6379 -a 12345678 shutdown

    12.centos7 防火墙开启redis远程连接端口

    firewall-cmd --list-ports
    firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=6379/tcp --permanent
    firewall-cmd --reload #重启
    firewallsystemctl stop firewalld.service #停止
    firewallsystemctl disable firewalld.service #禁止firewall开机启动

    flex-doc.x86_64                                                            2.5.37-6.el7                                            base
    flite.i686                                                                 1.3-22.el7                                              base
    flite-devel.i686                                                           1.3-22.el7                                              base
    flite-devel.x86_64                                                         1.3-22.el7                                              base
    fltk.i686                                                                  1.3.4-2.el7                                             base
    fltk.x86_64                                                                1.3.4-2.el7                                             base
    fltk-devel.i686                                                            1.3.4-2.el7                                             base
    fltk-devel.x86_64                                                          1.3.4-2.el7                                             base
    fltk-fluid.x86_64                                                          1.3.4-2.el7                                             base
    fltk-static.i686                                                           1.3.4-2.el7                                             base
    fltk-static.x86_64                                                         1.3.4-2.el7                                             base
    flute.noarch                                                               1.3.0-11.OOo31.el7                                      base
    flute-javadoc.noarch                                                       1.3.0-11.OOo31.el7                                      base
    folks.i686                                                                 1:0.11.4-1.el7                                          base
    folks-devel.i686                                                           1:0.11.4-1.el7                                          base
    folks-devel.x86_64                                                         1:0.11.4-1.el7                                          base
    folks-tools.i686                                                           1:0.11.4-1.el7                                          base
    folks-tools.x86_64                                                         1:0.11.4-1.el7                                          base
    fontawesome-fonts-web.noarch                                               4.1.0-2.el7                                             base
    fontconfig.i686                                                            2.13.0-4.3.el7                                          base
    fontconfig-devel.i686                                                      2.13.0-4.3.el7                                          base
    fontconfig-devel.x86_64                                                    2.13.0-4.3.el7                                          base
    fontconfig-devel-doc.noarch                                                2.13.0-4.3.el7                                          base
    fontforge.i686                                                             20120731b-13.el7                                        base
    fontforge.x86_64                                                           20120731b-13.el7                                        base
    fontforge-devel.i686                                                       20120731b-13.el7                                        base
    fontforge-devel.x86_64                                                     20120731b-13.el7                                        base
    fontpackages-devel.noarch                                                  1.44-8.el7                                              base
    fontpackages-tools.noarch                                                  1.44-8.el7                                              base
    fonts-tweak-tool.i686                                                      0.3.2-5.el7                                             base
    fonts-tweak-tool.x86_64                                                    0.3.2-5.el7                                             base
    fonttools.x86_64                                                           2.4-3.el7                                               base
    foomatic.x86_64                                                            4.0.9-10.el7_9                                          updates
    foomatic-filters.x86_64                                                    4.0.9-10.el7_9                                          updates
    fop.noarch                                                                 1.1-6.el7                                               base
    fop-javadoc.noarch                                                         1.1-6.el7                                               base
    forge-parent.noarch                                                        31-2.el7                                                base
    fprintd-devel.noarch                                                       0.8.1-2.el7                                             base
    fprintd-pam.i686                                                           0.8.1-2.el7                                             base
    freeglut.i686                                                              3.0.0-8.el7                                             base
    freeglut.x86_64                                                            3.0.0-8.el7                                             base
    freeglut-devel.i686                                                        3.0.0-8.el7                                             base
    freeglut-devel.x86_64                                                      3.0.0-8.el7                                             base
    freeipmi.i686                                                              1.5.7-3.el7                                             base
    freeipmi.x86_64                                                            1.5.7-3.el7                                             base
    freeipmi-bmc-watchdog.x86_64                                               1.5.7-3.el7                                             base
    freeipmi-devel.i686                                                        1.5.7-3.el7                                             base
    freeipmi-devel.x86_64                                                      1.5.7-3.el7                                             base
    freeipmi-ipmidetectd.x86_64                                                1.5.7-3.el7                                             base
    freeipmi-ipmiseld.x86_64                                                   1.5.7-3.el7                                             base
    freeradius.x86_64                                                          3.0.13-15.el7                                           base
    freeradius-devel.i686                                                      3.0.13-15.el7                                           base
    freeradius-devel.x86_64                                                    3.0.13-15.el7                                           base
    freeradius-doc.x86_64                                                      3.0.13-15.el7                                           base
    freeradius-krb5.x86_64                                                     3.0.13-15.el7                                           base
    freeradius-ldap.x86_64                                                     3.0.13-15.el7                                           base
    freeradius-mysql.x86_64                                                    3.0.13-15.el7                                           base
    freeradius-perl.x86_64                                                     3.0.13-15.el7                                           base
    freeradius-postgresql.x86_64                                               3.0.13-15.el7                                           base
    freeradius-python.x86_64                                                   3.0.13-15.el7                                           base
    freeradius-sqlite.x86_64                                                   3.0.13-15.el7                                           base
    freeradius-unixODBC.x86_64                                                 3.0.13-15.el7                                           base
    freeradius-utils.x86_64                                                    3.0.13-15.el7                                           base
    freerdp.x86_64                                                             2.1.1-2.el7                                             base
    freerdp-devel.i686                                                         2.1.1-2.el7                                             base
    freerdp-devel.x86_64                                                       2.1.1-2.el7                                             base
    freerdp-libs.i686                                                          2.1.1-2.el7                                             base
    freetype.i686                                                              2.8-14.el7_9.1                                          updates
    freetype.x86_64                                                            2.8-14.el7_9.1                                          updates
    freetype-demos.x86_64                                                      2.8-14.el7_9.1                                          updates
    freetype-devel.i686                                                        2.8-14.el7_9.1                                          updates
    freetype-devel.x86_64                                                      2.8-14.el7_9.1                                          updates
    frei0r-devel.i686                                                          1.3-13.el7                                              base
    frei0r-devel.x86_64                                                        1.3-13.el7                                              base
    frei0r-plugins-opencv.x86_64                                               1.3-13.el7                                              base
    fribidi.i686                                                               1.0.2-1.el7_7.1                                         base
    fribidi-devel.i686                                                         1.0.2-1.el7_7.1                                         base
    fribidi-devel.x86_64                                                       1.0.2-1.el7_7.1                                         base
    fros-gnome.noarch                                                          1.0-5.el7                                               base
    ftp.x86_64                                                                 0.17-67.el7                                             base
    fuse-devel.i686                                                            2.9.2-11.el7                                            base
    fuse-devel.x86_64                                                          2.9.2-11.el7                                            base
    fuse-libs.i686                                                             2.9.2-11.el7                                            base
    fuse-overlayfs.x86_64                                                      0.7.2-6.el7_8                                           extras
    fuse3.x86_64                                                               3.6.1-4.el7                                             extras
    fuse3-devel.x86_64                                                         3.6.1-4.el7                                             extras
    fuse3-libs.x86_64                                                          3.6.1-4.el7                                             extras
    fuseiso.x86_64                                                             20070708-15.el7                                         base
    fusesource-pom.noarch                                                      1.9-7.el7                                               base
    fwupd.i686                                                                 1.0.8-5.el7                                             base
    fwupd-devel.i686                                                           1.0.8-5.el7                                             base
    fwupd-devel.x86_64                                                         1.0.8-5.el7                                             base
    fwupdate.x86_64                                                            12-6.el7.centos                                         base
    fwupdate-devel.x86_64                                                      12-6.el7.centos                                         base
    gamin.i686                                                                 0.1.10-16.el7                                           base
    gamin-devel.i686                                                           0.1.10-16.el7                                           base
    gamin-devel.x86_64                                                         0.1.10-16.el7                                           base
    gamin-python.x86_64                                                        0.1.10-16.el7                                           base
    gavl.i686                                                                  1.4.0-4.el7                                             base
    gavl-devel.i686                                                            1.4.0-4.el7                                             base
    gavl-devel.x86_64                                                          1.4.0-4.el7                                             base
    gc.i686                                                                    7.2d-7.el7                                              base
    gc.x86_64                                                                  7.2d-7.el7                                              base
    gc-devel.i686                                                              7.2d-7.el7                                              base
    gc-devel.x86_64                                                            7.2d-7.el7                                              base
    gcab.x86_64                                                                0.7-4.el7_4                                             base
    gcc-gnat.x86_64                                                            4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    gcc-go.x86_64                                                              4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    gcc-objc.x86_64                                                            4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    gcc-objc++.x86_64                                                          4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    gcc-plugin-devel.x86_64                                                    4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    gconf-editor.x86_64                                                        3.0.1-8.el7_1                                           base
    gcr.i686                                                                   3.28.0-1.el7                                            base
    gcr-devel.i686                                                             3.28.0-1.el7                                            base
    gcr-devel.x86_64                                                           3.28.0-1.el7                                            base
    gd.i686                                                                    2.0.35-27.el7_9                                         updates
    gd.x86_64                                                                  2.0.35-27.el7_9                                         updates
    gd-devel.i686                                                              2.0.35-27.el7_9                                         updates
    gd-devel.x86_64                                                            2.0.35-27.el7_9                                         updates
    gd-progs.x86_64                                                            2.0.35-27.el7_9                                         updates
    gdb-doc.noarch                                                             7.6.1-120.el7                                           base
    gdb-gdbserver.x86_64                                                       7.6.1-120.el7                                           base
    gdbm.i686                                                                  1.10-8.el7                                              base
    gdbm-devel.i686                                                            1.10-8.el7                                              base
    gdk-pixbuf2.i686                                                           2.36.12-3.el7                                           base
    gdk-pixbuf2-devel.i686                                                     2.36.12-3.el7                                           base
    gdk-pixbuf2-devel.x86_64                                                   2.36.12-3.el7                                           base
    gdk-pixbuf2-tests.x86_64                                                   2.36.12-3.el7                                           base
    gdm.i686                                                                   1:3.28.2-26.el7                                         updates
    gdm.x86_64                                                                 1:3.28.2-26.el7                                         updates
    gdm-devel.i686                                                             1:3.28.2-26.el7                                         updates
    gdm-devel.x86_64                                                           1:3.28.2-26.el7                                         updates
    gdm-pam-extensions-devel.i686                                              1:3.28.2-26.el7                                         updates
    gdm-pam-extensions-devel.x86_64                                            1:3.28.2-26.el7                                         updates
    gedit.i686                                                                 2:3.28.1-3.el7                                          base
    gedit-devel.i686                                                           2:3.28.1-3.el7                                          base
    gedit-devel.x86_64                                                         2:3.28.1-3.el7                                          base
    gedit-plugin-bookmarks.x86_64                                              3.28.1-1.el7                                            base
    gedit-plugin-bracketcompletion.x86_64                                      3.28.1-1.el7                                            base
    gedit-plugin-charmap.x86_64                                                3.28.1-1.el7                                            base
    gedit-plugin-codecomment.x86_64                                            3.28.1-1.el7                                            base
    gedit-plugin-colorpicker.x86_64                                            3.28.1-1.el7                                            base
    gedit-plugin-colorschemer.x86_64                                           3.28.1-1.el7                                            base
    gedit-plugin-commander.x86_64                                              3.28.1-1.el7                                            base
    gedit-plugin-drawspaces.x86_64                                             3.28.1-1.el7                                            base
    gedit-plugin-findinfiles.x86_64                                            3.28.1-1.el7                                            base
    gedit-plugin-joinlines.x86_64                                              3.28.1-1.el7                                            base
    gedit-plugin-multiedit.x86_64                                              3.28.1-1.el7                                            base
    gedit-plugin-smartspaces.x86_64                                            3.28.1-1.el7                                            base
    gedit-plugin-synctex.x86_64                                                3.28.1-1.el7                                            base
    gedit-plugin-terminal.x86_64                                               3.28.1-1.el7                                            base
    gedit-plugin-textsize.x86_64                                               3.28.1-1.el7                                            base
    gedit-plugin-translate.x86_64                                              3.28.1-1.el7                                            base
    gedit-plugin-wordcompletion.x86_64                                         3.28.1-1.el7                                            base
    gedit-plugins.x86_64                                                       3.28.1-1.el7                                            base
    gedit-plugins-data.x86_64                                                  3.28.1-1.el7                                            base
    gegl.i686                                                                  0.2.0-19.el7                                            base
    gegl.x86_64                                                                0.2.0-19.el7                                            base
    gegl-devel.i686                                                            0.2.0-19.el7                                            base
    gegl-devel.x86_64                                                          0.2.0-19.el7                                            base
    geoclue.i686                                                               0.12.99-7.el7                                           base
    geoclue.x86_64                                                             0.12.99-7.el7                                           base
    geoclue-devel.i686                                                         0.12.99-7.el7                                           base
    geoclue-devel.x86_64                                                       0.12.99-7.el7                                           base
    geoclue-doc.noarch                                                         0.12.99-7.el7                                           base
    geoclue-gsmloc.x86_64                                                      0.12.99-7.el7                                           base
    geoclue-gui.x86_64                                                         0.12.99-7.el7                                           base
    geoclue2.i686                                                              2.4.8-1.el7                                             base
    geoclue2-demos.x86_64                                                      2.4.8-1.el7                                             base
    geoclue2-devel.i686                                                        2.4.8-1.el7                                             base
    geoclue2-devel.x86_64                                                      2.4.8-1.el7                                             base
    geoclue2-libs.i686                                                         2.4.8-1.el7                                             base
    geocode-glib.i686                                                          3.26.0-3.el7                                            base
    geocode-glib-devel.i686                                                    3.26.0-3.el7                                            base
    geocode-glib-devel.x86_64                                                  3.26.0-3.el7                                            base
    geoipupdate-cron.noarch                                                    2.5.0-1.el7                                             base
    geolite2-city.noarch                                                       20180605-1.el7                                          base
    geolite2-country.noarch                                                    20180605-1.el7                                          base
    geronimo-annotation.noarch                                                 1.0-15.el7                                              base
    geronimo-annotation-javadoc.noarch                                         1.0-15.el7                                              base
    geronimo-jaspic-spec.noarch                                                1.1-9.el7                                               base
    geronimo-jaspic-spec-javadoc.noarch                                        1.1-9.el7                                               base
    geronimo-jaxrpc.noarch                                                     2.1-14.el7                                              base
    geronimo-jaxrpc-javadoc.noarch                                             2.1-14.el7                                              base
    geronimo-jms-javadoc.noarch                                                1.1.1-19.el7                                            base
    geronimo-jta-javadoc.noarch                                                1.1.1-17.el7                                            base
    geronimo-osgi-support.noarch                                               1.0-15.el7                                              base
    geronimo-osgi-support-javadoc.noarch                                       1.0-15.el7                                              base
    geronimo-parent-poms.noarch                                                1.6-16.el7                                              base
    geronimo-saaj.noarch                                                       1.1-14.el7                                              base
    geronimo-saaj-javadoc.noarch                                               1.1-14.el7                                              base
    gettext-devel.i686                                                                                         base
    gettext-libs.i686                                                                                          base
    gfs2-utils.x86_64                                                          3.1.10-11.el7_9.1                                       updates
    ghostscript.i686                                                           9.25-5.el7                                              base
    ghostscript-chinese.noarch                                                 0.4.0-4.el7                                             base
    ghostscript-chinese-zh_CN.noarch                                           0.4.0-4.el7                                             base
    ghostscript-chinese-zh_TW.noarch                                           0.4.0-4.el7                                             base
    ghostscript-doc.noarch                                                     9.25-5.el7                                              base
    ghostscript-fonts.noarch                                                   5.50-32.el7                                             base
    ghostscript-gtk.x86_64                                                     9.25-5.el7                                              base
    giflib.i686                                                                4.1.6-9.el7                                             base
    giflib-devel.i686                                                          4.1.6-9.el7                                             base
    giflib-devel.x86_64                                                        4.1.6-9.el7                                             base
    giflib-utils.x86_64                                                        4.1.6-9.el7                                             base
    gimp.x86_64                                                                2:2.8.22-1.el7                                          base
    gimp-data-extras.noarch                                                    2.0.2-9.el7                                             base
    gimp-devel.i686                                                            2:2.8.22-1.el7                                          base
    gimp-devel.x86_64                                                          2:2.8.22-1.el7                                          base
    gimp-devel-tools.x86_64                                                    2:2.8.22-1.el7                                          base
    gimp-help.noarch                                                           2.8.2-1.el7                                             base
    gimp-help-ca.noarch                                                        2.8.2-1.el7                                             base
    gimp-help-da.noarch                                                        2.8.2-1.el7                                             base
    gimp-help-de.noarch                                                        2.8.2-1.el7                                             base
    gimp-help-el.noarch                                                        2.8.2-1.el7                                             base
    gimp-help-en_GB.noarch                                                     2.8.2-1.el7                                             base
    gimp-help-es.noarch                                                        2.8.2-1.el7                                             base
    gimp-help-fr.noarch                                                        2.8.2-1.el7                                             base
    gimp-help-it.noarch                                                        2.8.2-1.el7                                             base
    gimp-help-ja.noarch                                                        2.8.2-1.el7                                             base
    gimp-help-ko.noarch                                                        2.8.2-1.el7                                             base
    gimp-help-nl.noarch                                                        2.8.2-1.el7                                             base
    gimp-help-nn.noarch                                                        2.8.2-1.el7                                             base
    gimp-help-pt_BR.noarch                                                     2.8.2-1.el7                                             base
    gimp-help-ru.noarch                                                        2.8.2-1.el7                                             base
    gimp-help-sl.noarch                                                        2.8.2-1.el7                                             base
    gimp-help-sv.noarch                                                        2.8.2-1.el7                                             base
    gimp-help-zh_CN.noarch                                                     2.8.2-1.el7                                             base
    gimp-libs.i686                                                             2:2.8.22-1.el7                                          base
    gimp-libs.x86_64                                                           2:2.8.22-1.el7                                          base
    git-all.noarch                                                                                           base
    git-bzr.noarch                                                                                           base
    git-cvs.noarch                                                                                           base
    git-daemon.x86_64                                                                                        base
    git-email.noarch                                                                                         base
    git-gnome-keyring.x86_64                                                                                 base
    git-gui.noarch                                                                                           base
    git-hg.noarch                                                                                            base
    git-instaweb.noarch                                                                                      base
    git-p4.noarch                                                                                            base
    git-svn.x86_64                                                                                           base
    gitk.noarch                                                                                              base
    gitweb.noarch                                                                                            base
    gjs.i686                                                                   1.52.5-1.el7_6                                          base
    gjs-devel.i686                                                             1.52.5-1.el7_6                                          base
    gjs-devel.x86_64                                                           1.52.5-1.el7_6                                          base
    gjs-tests.x86_64                                                           1.52.5-1.el7_6                                          base
    gl-manpages.noarch                                                         1.1-7.20130122.el7                                      base
    glade.x86_64                                                               3.22.1-1.el7                                            base
    glade-devel.i686                                                           3.22.1-1.el7                                            base
    glade-devel.x86_64                                                         3.22.1-1.el7                                            base
    glade-libs.i686                                                            3.22.1-1.el7                                            base
    glade3.x86_64                                                              2:3.8.3-6.el7                                           base
    glade3-libgladeui.i686                                                     2:3.8.3-6.el7                                           base
    glade3-libgladeui.x86_64                                                   2:3.8.3-6.el7                                           base
    glade3-libgladeui-devel.i686                                               2:3.8.3-6.el7                                           base
    glade3-libgladeui-devel.x86_64                                             2:3.8.3-6.el7                                           base
    glassfish-dtd-parser-javadoc.noarch                                        1.2-0.8.20120120svn.el7                                 base
    glassfish-el.noarch                                                        2.2.5-6.el7                                             base
    glassfish-el-api.noarch                                                    2.2.4-5.el7                                             base
    glassfish-el-api-javadoc.noarch                                            2.2.4-5.el7                                             base
    glassfish-el-javadoc.noarch                                                2.2.5-6.el7                                             base
    glassfish-fastinfoset-javadoc.noarch                                       1.2.12-9.el7                                            base
    glassfish-jaxb-api-javadoc.noarch                                          2.2.7-4.el7                                             base
    glassfish-jaxb-javadoc.noarch                                              2.2.5-6.el7                                             base
    glassfish-jsp.noarch                                                       2.2.6-11.el7                                            base
    glassfish-jsp-api.noarch                                                   2.2.1-9.el7                                             base
    glassfish-jsp-api-javadoc.noarch                                           2.2.1-9.el7                                             base
    glassfish-jsp-javadoc.noarch                                               2.2.6-11.el7                                            base
    glew.x86_64                                                                1.10.0-5.el7                                            base
    glew-devel.i686                                                            1.10.0-5.el7                                            base
    glew-devel.x86_64                                                          1.10.0-5.el7                                            base
    glib-networking.i686                                                       2.56.1-1.el7                                            base
    glib-networking-tests.x86_64                                               2.56.1-1.el7                                            base
    glib2.i686                                                                 2.56.1-9.el7_9                                          updates
    glib2.x86_64                                                               2.56.1-9.el7_9                                          updates
    glib2-devel.i686                                                           2.56.1-9.el7_9                                          updates
    glib2-devel.x86_64                                                         2.56.1-9.el7_9                                          updates
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    grub2-efi-ia32-modules.noarch                                              1:2.02-0.87.el7.centos.6                                updates
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    gsl-devel.x86_64                                                           1.15-13.el7                                             base
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    gsm-devel.i686                                                             1.0.13-11.el7                                           base
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    kate-libs.x86_64                                                           4.10.5-6.el7                                            base
    kate-part.i686                                                             4.10.5-6.el7                                            base
    kcm_colors.x86_64                                                          4.11.19-16.el7_9                                        updates
    kcoloredit.x86_64                                                          4.4.0-9.el7                                             base
    kde-baseapps-devel.i686                                                    4.10.5-6.el7                                            base
    kde-baseapps-devel.x86_64                                                  4.10.5-6.el7                                            base
    kde-baseapps-libs.i686                                                     4.10.5-6.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n.noarch                                                            4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Arabic.noarch                                                     4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Basque.noarch                                                     4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Bosnian.noarch                                                    4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Brazil.noarch                                                     4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-British.noarch                                                    4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Bulgarian.noarch                                                  4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Catalan.noarch                                                    4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Catalan-Valencian.noarch                                          4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Chinese.noarch                                                    4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Chinese-Traditional.noarch                                        4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Croatian.noarch                                                   4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Czech.noarch                                                      4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Danish.noarch                                                     4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Dutch.noarch                                                      4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Estonian.noarch                                                   4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Farsi.noarch                                                      4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Finnish.noarch                                                    4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-French.noarch                                                     4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Galician.noarch                                                   4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-German.noarch                                                     4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Greek.noarch                                                      4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Hebrew.noarch                                                     4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Hindi.noarch                                                      4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Hungarian.noarch                                                  4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Icelandic.noarch                                                  4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Interlingua.noarch                                                4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Irish.noarch                                                      4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Italian.noarch                                                    4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Japanese.noarch                                                   4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Kazakh.noarch                                                     4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Khmer.noarch                                                      4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Korean.noarch                                                     4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Latvian.noarch                                                    4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Lithuanian.noarch                                                 4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-LowSaxon.noarch                                                   4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Marathi.noarch                                                    4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Norwegian.noarch                                                  4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Norwegian-Nynorsk.noarch                                          4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Polish.noarch                                                     4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Portuguese.noarch                                                 4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Punjabi.noarch                                                    4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Romanian.noarch                                                   4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Russian.noarch                                                    4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Serbian.noarch                                                    4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Sinhala.noarch                                                    4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Slovak.noarch                                                     4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Slovenian.noarch                                                  4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Spanish.noarch                                                    4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Swedish.noarch                                                    4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Tajik.noarch                                                      4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Thai.noarch                                                       4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Turkish.noarch                                                    4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Ukrainian.noarch                                                  4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Uyghur.noarch                                                     4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Vietnamese.noarch                                                 4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-l10n-Walloon.noarch                                                    4.10.5-2.el7                                            base
    kde-plasma-networkmanagement-libreswan.x86_64                              1:                                         base
    kde-plasma-networkmanagement-libs.i686                                     1:                                         base
    kde-plasma-networkmanagement-mobile.x86_64                                 1:                                         base
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    kde-runtime-devel.i686                                                     4.10.5-11.el7                                           base
    kde-runtime-devel.x86_64                                                   4.10.5-11.el7                                           base
    kde-runtime-libs.i686                                                      4.10.5-11.el7                                           base
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    kde-style-oxygen.x86_64                                                    4.11.19-16.el7_9                                        updates
    kde-style-phase.i686                                                       4.10.5-4.el7                                            base
    kde-style-phase.x86_64                                                     4.10.5-4.el7                                            base
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    kde-workspace-devel.i686                                                   4.11.19-16.el7_9                                        updates
    kde-workspace-devel.x86_64                                                 4.11.19-16.el7_9                                        updates
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    kde-workspace-libs.x86_64                                                  4.11.19-16.el7_9                                        updates
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    kdeartwork-screensavers.x86_64                                             4.10.5-4.el7                                            base
    kdeartwork-sounds.noarch                                                   4.10.5-4.el7                                            base
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    kdegraphics.noarch                                                         7:4.10.5-3.el7                                          base
    kdegraphics-devel.noarch                                                   7:4.10.5-3.el7                                          base
    kdegraphics-libs.noarch                                                    7:4.10.5-3.el7                                          base
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    kdelibs-apidocs.noarch                                                     6:4.14.8-13.el7                                         base
    kdelibs-devel.i686                                                         6:4.14.8-13.el7                                         base
    kdelibs-devel.x86_64                                                       6:4.14.8-13.el7                                         base
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    kdemultimedia-common.noarch                                                6:4.10.5-2.el7                                          base
    kdemultimedia-devel.noarch                                                 6:4.10.5-2.el7                                          base
    kdemultimedia-libs.noarch                                                  6:4.10.5-2.el7                                          base
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    kdenetwork-devel.noarch                                                    7:4.10.5-8.el7_0                                        base
    kdenetwork-fileshare-samba.x86_64                                          7:4.10.5-8.el7_0                                        base
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    kdenetwork-kopete.x86_64                                                   7:4.10.5-8.el7_0                                        base
    kdenetwork-kopete-devel.i686                                               7:4.10.5-8.el7_0                                        base
    kdenetwork-kopete-devel.x86_64                                             7:4.10.5-8.el7_0                                        base
    kdenetwork-kopete-libs.i686                                                7:4.10.5-8.el7_0                                        base
    kdenetwork-kopete-libs.x86_64                                              7:4.10.5-8.el7_0                                        base
    kdenetwork-krdc.x86_64                                                     7:4.10.5-8.el7_0                                        base
    kdenetwork-krdc-devel.i686                                                 7:4.10.5-8.el7_0                                        base
    kdenetwork-krdc-devel.x86_64                                               7:4.10.5-8.el7_0                                        base
    kdenetwork-krdc-libs.i686                                                  7:4.10.5-8.el7_0                                        base
    kdenetwork-krdc-libs.x86_64                                                7:4.10.5-8.el7_0                                        base
    kdenetwork-krfb-libs.i686                                                  7:4.10.5-8.el7_0                                        base
    kdepim-devel.i686                                                          7:4.10.5-7.el7                                          base
    kdepim-devel.x86_64                                                        7:4.10.5-7.el7                                          base
    kdepim-libs.i686                                                           7:4.10.5-7.el7                                          base
    kdepim-runtime-libs.i686                                                   1:4.10.5-3.el7                                          base
    kdepimlibs.i686                                                            4.10.5-4.el7                                            base
    kdepimlibs-akonadi.i686                                                    4.10.5-4.el7                                            base
    kdepimlibs-apidocs.noarch                                                  4.10.5-4.el7                                            base
    kdepimlibs-devel.i686                                                      4.10.5-4.el7                                            base
    kdepimlibs-devel.x86_64                                                    4.10.5-4.el7                                            base
    kdepimlibs-kxmlrpcclient.i686                                              4.10.5-4.el7                                            base
    kdeplasma-addons-devel.i686                                                4.10.5-5.el7                                            base
    kdeplasma-addons-devel.x86_64                                              4.10.5-5.el7                                            base
    kdeplasma-addons-libs.i686                                                 4.10.5-5.el7                                            base
    kdesdk.x86_64                                                              4.10.5-8.el7                                            base
    kdesdk-cervisia.x86_64                                                     4.10.5-8.el7                                            base
    kdesdk-common.noarch                                                       4.10.5-8.el7                                            base
    kdesdk-devel.i686                                                          4.10.5-8.el7                                            base
    kdesdk-devel.x86_64                                                        4.10.5-8.el7                                            base
    kdesdk-dolphin-plugins.x86_64                                              4.10.5-8.el7                                            base
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    kdesdk-kapptemplate-template.noarch                                        4.10.5-8.el7                                            base
    kdesdk-kcachegrind.x86_64                                                  4.10.5-8.el7                                            base
    kdesdk-kioslave.x86_64                                                     4.10.5-8.el7                                            base
    kdesdk-kmtrace.x86_64                                                      4.10.5-8.el7                                            base
    kdesdk-kmtrace-devel.i686                                                  4.10.5-8.el7                                            base
    kdesdk-kmtrace-devel.x86_64                                                4.10.5-8.el7                                            base
    kdesdk-kmtrace-libs.i686                                                   4.10.5-8.el7                                            base
    kdesdk-kmtrace-libs.x86_64                                                 4.10.5-8.el7                                            base
    kdesdk-kompare.x86_64                                                      4.10.5-8.el7                                            base
    kdesdk-kompare-devel.i686                                                  4.10.5-8.el7                                            base
    kdesdk-kompare-devel.x86_64                                                4.10.5-8.el7                                            base
    kdesdk-kompare-libs.i686                                                   4.10.5-8.el7                                            base
    kdesdk-kompare-libs.x86_64                                                 4.10.5-8.el7                                            base
    kdesdk-kpartloader.x86_64                                                  4.10.5-8.el7                                            base
    kdesdk-kstartperf.x86_64                                                   4.10.5-8.el7                                            base
    kdesdk-kuiviewer.x86_64                                                    4.10.5-8.el7                                            base
    kdesdk-lokalize.x86_64                                                     4.10.5-8.el7                                            base
    kdesdk-okteta.x86_64                                                       4.10.5-8.el7                                            base
    kdesdk-okteta-devel.i686                                                   4.10.5-8.el7                                            base
    kdesdk-okteta-devel.x86_64                                                 4.10.5-8.el7                                            base
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    kdesdk-okteta-libs.x86_64                                                  4.10.5-8.el7                                            base
    kdesdk-poxml.x86_64                                                        4.10.5-8.el7                                            base
    kdesdk-scripts.noarch                                                      4.10.5-8.el7                                            base
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    kdesdk-thumbnailers.x86_64                                                 4.10.5-8.el7                                            base
    kdesdk-umbrello.x86_64                                                     4.10.5-8.el7                                            base
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    kdeutils-common.noarch                                                     6:4.10.5-3.el7                                          base
    kernel.x86_64                                                              3.10.0-1160.31.1.el7                                    updates
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    kernel-debug-devel.x86_64                                                  3.10.0-1160.31.1.el7                                    updates
    kernel-devel.x86_64                                                        3.10.0-1160.31.1.el7                                    updates
    kernel-doc.noarch                                                          3.10.0-1160.31.1.el7                                    updates
    kernel-headers.x86_64                                                      3.10.0-1160.31.1.el7                                    updates
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    kernel-tools-libs.x86_64                                                   3.10.0-1160.31.1.el7                                    updates
    kernel-tools-libs-devel.x86_64                                             3.10.0-1160.31.1.el7                                    updates
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    kexec-tools-anaconda-addon.x86_64                                          2.0.15-51.el7_9.3                                       updates
    kexec-tools-eppic.x86_64                                                   2.0.15-51.el7_9.3                                       updates
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    keybinder3-devel.i686                                                      0.3.0-1.el7                                             base
    keybinder3-devel.x86_64                                                    0.3.0-1.el7                                             base
    keybinder3-doc.noarch                                                      0.3.0-1.el7                                             base
    keycloak-httpd-client-install.noarch                                       0.8-1.el7                                               base
    keytool-maven-plugin.noarch                                                1.0-13.el7                                              base
    keytool-maven-plugin-javadoc.noarch                                        1.0-13.el7                                              base
    keyutils-libs.i686                                                         1.5.8-3.el7                                             base
    keyutils-libs-devel.i686                                                   1.5.8-3.el7                                             base
    keyutils-libs-devel.x86_64                                                 1.5.8-3.el7                                             base
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    khmeros-muol-fonts.noarch                                                  5.0-17.el7                                              base
    khmeros-siemreap-fonts.noarch                                              5.0-17.el7                                              base
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    khotkeys-libs.x86_64                                                       4.11.19-16.el7_9                                        updates
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    kmod-devel.x86_64                                                          20-28.el7                                               base
    kmod-libs.i686                                                             20-28.el7                                               base
    kmod-oracleasm.x86_64                                                      2.0.8-28.el7                                            base
    koji.noarch                                                                1.15.1-1.el7.centos                                     extras
    koji-builder.noarch                                                        1.15.1-1.el7.centos                                     extras
    koji-hub.noarch                                                            1.15.1-1.el7.centos                                     extras
    koji-hub-plugins.noarch                                                    1.15.1-1.el7.centos                                     extras
    koji-utils.noarch                                                          1.15.1-1.el7.centos                                     extras
    koji-vm.noarch                                                             1.15.1-1.el7.centos                                     extras
    koji-web.noarch                                                            1.15.1-1.el7.centos                                     extras
    kolourpaint.x86_64                                                         4.10.5-4.el7                                            base
    kolourpaint-libs.i686                                                      4.10.5-4.el7                                            base
    kolourpaint-libs.x86_64                                                    4.10.5-4.el7                                            base
    konkretcmpi.i686                                                           0.9.1-5.el7                                             base
    konkretcmpi-devel.i686                                                     0.9.1-5.el7                                             base
    konkretcmpi-devel.x86_64                                                   0.9.1-5.el7                                             base
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    kpartx.x86_64                                                              0.4.9-134.el7_9                                         updates
    krb5-devel.i686                                                            1.15.1-50.el7                                           base
    krb5-devel.x86_64                                                          1.15.1-50.el7                                           base
    krb5-libs.i686                                                             1.15.1-50.el7                                           base
    krb5-server-ldap.x86_64                                                    1.15.1-50.el7                                           base
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    kross-python.x86_64                                                        4.10.5-8.el7                                            base
    kross-ruby.x86_64                                                          4.10.5-8.el7                                            base
    ksc.noarch                                                                 0.11.0-1.el7                                            base
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    ksysguard.x86_64                                                           4.11.19-16.el7_9                                        updates
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    ksysguard-libs.x86_64                                                      4.11.19-16.el7_9                                        updates
    ksysguardd.x86_64                                                          4.11.19-16.el7_9                                        updates
    kubernetes.x86_64                                                          1.5.2-0.7.git269f928.el7                                extras
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    kubernetes-master.x86_64                                                   1.5.2-0.7.git269f928.el7                                extras
    kubernetes-node.x86_64                                                     1.5.2-0.7.git269f928.el7                                extras
    kurdit-unikurd-web-fonts.noarch                                            20020502-11.el7                                         base
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    kwin-libs.i686                                                             4.11.19-16.el7_9                                        updates
    kwin-libs.x86_64                                                           4.11.19-16.el7_9                                        updates
    kxml.noarch                                                                2.3.0-5.el7                                             base
    kxml-javadoc.noarch                                                        2.3.0-5.el7                                             base
    ladspa.x86_64                                                              1.13-12.el7                                             base
    ladspa-devel.i686                                                          1.13-12.el7                                             base
    ladspa-devel.x86_64                                                        1.13-12.el7                                             base
    lapack.i686                                                                3.4.2-8.el7                                             base
    lapack.x86_64                                                              3.4.2-8.el7                                             base
    lapack-devel.i686                                                          3.4.2-8.el7                                             base
    lapack-devel.x86_64                                                        3.4.2-8.el7                                             base
    lapack-static.i686                                                         3.4.2-8.el7                                             base
    lapack-static.x86_64                                                       3.4.2-8.el7                                             base
    lapack64.x86_64                                                            3.4.2-8.el7                                             base
    lapack64-devel.x86_64                                                      3.4.2-8.el7                                             base
    lapack64-static.x86_64                                                     3.4.2-8.el7                                             base
    lasso.i686                                                                 2.5.1-5.el7                                             base
    lasso.x86_64                                                               2.5.1-5.el7                                             base
    lasso-devel.i686                                                           2.5.1-5.el7                                             base
    lasso-devel.x86_64                                                         2.5.1-5.el7                                             base
    lasso-python.x86_64                                                        2.5.1-5.el7                                             base
    latex2html.noarch                                                          2012-3.el7                                              base
    latrace.i686                                                               0.5.11-6.1.el7                                          base
    latrace.x86_64                                                             0.5.11-6.1.el7                                          base
    lcms2.i686                                                                 2.6-3.el7                                               base
    lcms2-devel.i686                                                           2.6-3.el7                                               base
    lcms2-devel.x86_64                                                         2.6-3.el7                                               base
    lcms2-utils.x86_64                                                         2.6-3.el7                                               base
    ldapjdk-javadoc.noarch                                                     4.19-5.el7                                              base
    ldb-tools.x86_64                                                           1.5.4-2.el7                                             updates
    ldns.i686                                                                  1.6.16-10.el7                                           base
    ldns-devel.i686                                                            1.6.16-10.el7                                           base
    ldns-devel.x86_64                                                          1.6.16-10.el7                                           base
    ldns-doc.noarch                                                            1.6.16-10.el7                                           base
    ldns-python.x86_64                                                         1.6.16-10.el7                                           base
    lemon.x86_64                                                               3.7.17-8.el7_7.1                                        base
    lftp.i686                                                                  4.4.8-12.el7_8.1                                        base
    lftp.x86_64                                                                4.4.8-12.el7_8.1                                        base
    lftp-scripts.noarch                                                        4.4.8-12.el7_8.1                                        base
    libGLEW.i686                                                               1.10.0-5.el7                                            base
    libGLEW.x86_64                                                             1.10.0-5.el7                                            base
    libGLEWmx.i686                                                             1.10.0-5.el7                                            base
    libGLEWmx.x86_64                                                           1.10.0-5.el7                                            base
    libICE.i686                                                                1.0.9-9.el7                                             base
    libICE-devel.i686                                                          1.0.9-9.el7                                             base
    libICE-devel.x86_64                                                        1.0.9-9.el7                                             base
    libIDL.i686                                                                0.8.14-8.el7                                            base
    libIDL.x86_64                                                              0.8.14-8.el7                                            base
    libIDL-devel.i686                                                          0.8.14-8.el7                                            base
    libIDL-devel.x86_64                                                        0.8.14-8.el7                                            base
    libSM.i686                                                                 1.2.2-2.el7                                             base
    libSM-devel.i686                                                           1.2.2-2.el7                                             base
    libSM-devel.x86_64                                                         1.2.2-2.el7                                             base
    libX11.i686                                                                1.6.7-3.el7_9                                           updates
    libX11.x86_64                                                              1.6.7-3.el7_9                                           updates
    libX11-common.noarch                                                       1.6.7-3.el7_9                                           updates
    libX11-devel.i686                                                          1.6.7-3.el7_9                                           updates
    libX11-devel.x86_64                                                        1.6.7-3.el7_9                                           updates
    libXScrnSaver.i686                                                         1.2.2-6.1.el7                                           base
    libXScrnSaver-devel.i686                                                   1.2.2-6.1.el7                                           base
    libXScrnSaver-devel.x86_64                                                 1.2.2-6.1.el7                                           base
    libXau.i686                                                                1.0.8-2.1.el7                                           base
    libXau-devel.i686                                                          1.0.8-2.1.el7                                           base
    libXaw.i686                                                                1.0.13-4.el7                                            base
    libXaw-devel.i686                                                          1.0.13-4.el7                                            base
    libXaw-devel.x86_64                                                        1.0.13-4.el7                                            base
    libXcomposite.i686                                                         0.4.4-4.1.el7                                           base
    libXcomposite-devel.i686                                                   0.4.4-4.1.el7                                           base
    libXcomposite-devel.x86_64                                                 0.4.4-4.1.el7                                           base
    libXcursor.i686                                                            1.1.15-1.el7                                            base
    libXcursor-devel.i686                                                      1.1.15-1.el7                                            base
    libXcursor-devel.x86_64                                                    1.1.15-1.el7                                            base
    libXdamage.i686                                                            1.1.4-4.1.el7                                           base
    libXdamage-devel.i686                                                      1.1.4-4.1.el7                                           base
    libXdamage-devel.x86_64                                                    1.1.4-4.1.el7                                           base
    libXdmcp.i686                                                              1.1.2-6.el7                                             base
    libXdmcp-devel.i686                                                        1.1.2-6.el7                                             base
    libXdmcp-devel.x86_64                                                      1.1.2-6.el7                                             base
    libXevie.i686                                                              1.0.3-7.1.el7                                           base
    libXevie.x86_64                                                            1.0.3-7.1.el7                                           base
    libXevie-devel.i686                                                        1.0.3-7.1.el7                                           base
    libXevie-devel.x86_64                                                      1.0.3-7.1.el7                                           base
    libXext.i686                                                               1.3.3-3.el7                                             base
    libXext-devel.i686                                                         1.3.3-3.el7                                             base
    libXext-devel.x86_64                                                       1.3.3-3.el7                                             base
    libXfixes.i686                                                             5.0.3-1.el7                                             base
    libXfixes-devel.i686                                                       5.0.3-1.el7                                             base
    libXfixes-devel.x86_64                                                     5.0.3-1.el7                                             base
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    libXfont.x86_64                                                            1.5.4-1.el7                                             base
    libXfont-devel.i686                                                        1.5.4-1.el7                                             base
    libXfont-devel.x86_64                                                      1.5.4-1.el7                                             base
    libXfont2.i686                                                             2.0.3-1.el7                                             base
    libXfont2-devel.i686                                                       2.0.3-1.el7                                             base
    libXfont2-devel.x86_64                                                     2.0.3-1.el7                                             base
    libXft.i686                                                                2.3.2-2.el7                                             base
    libXft-devel.i686                                                          2.3.2-2.el7                                             base
    libXft-devel.x86_64                                                        2.3.2-2.el7                                             base
    libXi.i686                                                                 1.7.9-1.el7                                             base
    libXi-devel.i686                                                           1.7.9-1.el7                                             base
    libXi-devel.x86_64                                                         1.7.9-1.el7                                             base
    libXinerama.i686                                                           1.1.3-2.1.el7                                           base
    libXinerama-devel.i686                                                     1.1.3-2.1.el7                                           base
    libXinerama-devel.x86_64                                                   1.1.3-2.1.el7                                           base
    libXmu.i686                                                                1.1.2-2.el7                                             base
    libXmu-devel.i686                                                          1.1.2-2.el7                                             base
    libXmu-devel.x86_64                                                        1.1.2-2.el7                                             base
    libXp.i686                                                                 1.0.2-2.1.el7                                           base
    libXp.x86_64                                                               1.0.2-2.1.el7                                           base
    libXp-devel.i686                                                           1.0.2-2.1.el7                                           base
    libXp-devel.x86_64                                                         1.0.2-2.1.el7                                           base
    libXpm.i686                                                                3.5.12-1.el7                                            base
    libXpm-devel.i686                                                          3.5.12-1.el7                                            base
    libXpm-devel.x86_64                                                        3.5.12-1.el7                                            base
    libXrandr.i686                                                             1.5.1-2.el7                                             base
    libXrandr-devel.i686                                                       1.5.1-2.el7                                             base
    libXrandr-devel.x86_64                                                     1.5.1-2.el7                                             base
    libXrender.i686                                                            0.9.10-1.el7                                            base
    libXrender-devel.i686                                                      0.9.10-1.el7                                            base
    libXrender-devel.x86_64                                                    0.9.10-1.el7                                            base
    libXres.i686                                                               1.2.0-1.el7                                             base
    libXres-devel.i686                                                         1.2.0-1.el7                                             base
    libXres-devel.x86_64                                                       1.2.0-1.el7                                             base
    libXt.i686                                                                 1.1.5-3.el7                                             base
    libXt-devel.i686                                                           1.1.5-3.el7                                             base
    libXt-devel.x86_64                                                         1.1.5-3.el7                                             base
    libXtst.i686                                                               1.2.3-1.el7                                             base
    libXtst-devel.i686                                                         1.2.3-1.el7                                             base
    libXtst-devel.x86_64                                                       1.2.3-1.el7                                             base
    libXv.i686                                                                 1.0.11-1.el7                                            base
    libXv-devel.i686                                                           1.0.11-1.el7                                            base
    libXv-devel.x86_64                                                         1.0.11-1.el7                                            base
    libXvMC.i686                                                               1.0.10-1.el7                                            base
    libXvMC-devel.i686                                                         1.0.10-1.el7                                            base
    libXvMC-devel.x86_64                                                       1.0.10-1.el7                                            base
    libXxf86dga.i686                                                           1.1.4-2.1.el7                                           base
    libXxf86dga-devel.i686                                                     1.1.4-2.1.el7                                           base
    libXxf86dga-devel.x86_64                                                   1.1.4-2.1.el7                                           base
    libXxf86misc.i686                                                          1.0.3-7.1.el7                                           base
    libXxf86misc-devel.i686                                                    1.0.3-7.1.el7                                           base
    libXxf86misc-devel.x86_64                                                  1.0.3-7.1.el7                                           base
    libXxf86vm.i686                                                            1.1.4-1.el7                                             base
    libXxf86vm-devel.i686                                                      1.1.4-1.el7                                             base
    libXxf86vm-devel.x86_64                                                    1.1.4-1.el7                                             base
    libabw.i686                                                                0.1.1-2.el7                                             base
    libabw.x86_64                                                              0.1.1-2.el7                                             base
    libabw-devel.i686                                                          0.1.1-2.el7                                             base
    libabw-devel.x86_64                                                        0.1.1-2.el7                                             base
    libabw-doc.noarch                                                          0.1.1-2.el7                                             base
    libabw-tools.x86_64                                                        0.1.1-2.el7                                             base
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    libacl-devel.i686                                                          2.2.51-15.el7                                           base
    libacl-devel.x86_64                                                        2.2.51-15.el7                                           base
    libaio.i686                                                                0.3.109-13.el7                                          base
    libaio-devel.i686                                                          0.3.109-13.el7                                          base
    libaio-devel.x86_64                                                        0.3.109-13.el7                                          base
    libao.i686                                                                 1.1.0-8.el7                                             base
    libao-devel.i686                                                           1.1.0-8.el7                                             base
    libao-devel.x86_64                                                         1.1.0-8.el7                                             base
    libappindicator.i686                                                       12.10.0-13.el7                                          base
    libappindicator.x86_64                                                     12.10.0-13.el7                                          base
    libappindicator-devel.i686                                                 12.10.0-13.el7                                          base
    libappindicator-devel.x86_64                                               12.10.0-13.el7                                          base
    libappindicator-docs.noarch                                                12.10.0-13.el7                                          base
    libappindicator-gtk3.i686                                                  12.10.0-13.el7                                          base
    libappindicator-gtk3.x86_64                                                12.10.0-13.el7                                          base
    libappindicator-gtk3-devel.i686                                            12.10.0-13.el7                                          base
    libappindicator-gtk3-devel.x86_64                                          12.10.0-13.el7                                          base
    libappstream-glib.i686                                                     0.7.8-2.el7                                             base
    libappstream-glib-builder.i686                                             0.7.8-2.el7                                             base
    libappstream-glib-builder.x86_64                                           0.7.8-2.el7                                             base
    libappstream-glib-builder-devel.i686                                       0.7.8-2.el7                                             base
    libappstream-glib-builder-devel.x86_64                                     0.7.8-2.el7                                             base
    libappstream-glib-devel.i686                                               0.7.8-2.el7                                             base
    libappstream-glib-devel.x86_64                                             0.7.8-2.el7                                             base
    libarchive.i686                                                            3.1.2-14.el7_7                                          base
    libarchive-devel.i686                                                      3.1.2-14.el7_7                                          base
    libarchive-devel.x86_64                                                    3.1.2-14.el7_7                                          base
    libart_lgpl.i686                                                           2.3.21-10.el7                                           base
    libart_lgpl-devel.i686                                                     2.3.21-10.el7                                           base
    libart_lgpl-devel.x86_64                                                   2.3.21-10.el7                                           base
    libasan.i686                                                               4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    libasan.x86_64                                                             4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    libasan-static.i686                                                        4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    libasan-static.x86_64                                                      4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    libassuan.i686                                                             2.1.0-3.el7                                             base
    libassuan-devel.i686                                                       2.1.0-3.el7                                             base
    libassuan-devel.x86_64                                                     2.1.0-3.el7                                             base
    libasyncns.i686                                                            0.8-7.el7                                               base
    libasyncns-devel.i686                                                      0.8-7.el7                                               base
    libasyncns-devel.x86_64                                                    0.8-7.el7                                               base
    libatasmart.i686                                                           0.19-6.el7                                              base
    libatasmart-devel.i686                                                     0.19-6.el7                                              base
    libatasmart-devel.x86_64                                                   0.19-6.el7                                              base
    libatomic.i686                                                             4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    libatomic.x86_64                                                           4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    libatomic-static.i686                                                      4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    libatomic-static.x86_64                                                    4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    libatomic_ops-devel.i686                                                   7.2d-7.el7                                              base
    libatomic_ops-devel.x86_64                                                 7.2d-7.el7                                              base
    libattr.i686                                                               2.4.46-13.el7                                           base
    libattr-devel.i686                                                         2.4.46-13.el7                                           base
    libattr-devel.x86_64                                                       2.4.46-13.el7                                           base
    libavc1394.i686                                                            0.5.3-14.el7                                            base
    libavc1394-devel.i686                                                      0.5.3-14.el7                                            base
    libavc1394-devel.x86_64                                                    0.5.3-14.el7                                            base
    libbase.noarch                                                             1.1.3-10.el7                                            base
    libbase-javadoc.noarch                                                     1.1.3-10.el7                                            base
    libbasicobjects.i686                                                       0.1.1-32.el7                                            base
    libbasicobjects-devel.i686                                                 0.1.1-32.el7                                            base
    libbasicobjects-devel.x86_64                                               0.1.1-32.el7                                            base
    libblkid.i686                                                              2.23.2-65.el7_9.1                                       updates
    libblkid.x86_64                                                            2.23.2-65.el7_9.1                                       updates
    libblkid-devel.i686                                                        2.23.2-65.el7_9.1                                       updates
    libblkid-devel.x86_64                                                      2.23.2-65.el7_9.1                                       updates
    libblockdev.i686                                                           2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-btrfs.i686                                                     2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-btrfs.x86_64                                                   2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-btrfs-devel.i686                                               2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-btrfs-devel.x86_64                                             2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-crypto.i686                                                    2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-crypto-devel.i686                                              2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-crypto-devel.x86_64                                            2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-devel.i686                                                     2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-devel.x86_64                                                   2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-dm.i686                                                        2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-dm.x86_64                                                      2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-dm-devel.i686                                                  2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-dm-devel.x86_64                                                2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-fs.i686                                                        2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-fs-devel.i686                                                  2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-fs-devel.x86_64                                                2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-kbd.i686                                                       2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-kbd.x86_64                                                     2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-kbd-devel.i686                                                 2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-kbd-devel.x86_64                                               2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-loop.i686                                                      2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-loop-devel.i686                                                2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-loop-devel.x86_64                                              2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-lvm.i686                                                       2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-lvm.x86_64                                                     2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-lvm-devel.i686                                                 2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-lvm-devel.x86_64                                               2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-mdraid.i686                                                    2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-mdraid-devel.i686                                              2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-mdraid-devel.x86_64                                            2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-mpath.i686                                                     2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-mpath.x86_64                                                   2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-mpath-devel.i686                                               2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-mpath-devel.x86_64                                             2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-nvdimm.i686                                                    2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-nvdimm-devel.i686                                              2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-nvdimm-devel.x86_64                                            2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-part.i686                                                      2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-part-devel.i686                                                2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-part-devel.x86_64                                              2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-plugins-all.x86_64                                             2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-swap.i686                                                      2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-swap-devel.i686                                                2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-swap-devel.x86_64                                              2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-utils.i686                                                     2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-utils-devel.i686                                               2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-utils-devel.x86_64                                             2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-vdo.x86_64                                                     2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libblockdev-vdo-devel.x86_64                                               2.18-5.el7                                              base
    libbluedevil.i686                                                          2.1-1.el7                                               base
    libbluedevil-devel.i686                                                    2.1-1.el7                                               base
    libbluedevil-devel.x86_64                                                  2.1-1.el7                                               base
    libbluray.i686                                                             0.2.3-6.el7                                             base
    libbluray-devel.i686                                                       0.2.3-6.el7                                             base
    libbluray-devel.x86_64                                                     0.2.3-6.el7                                             base
    libbonobo.i686                                                             2.32.1-7.el7                                            base
    libbonobo.x86_64                                                           2.32.1-7.el7                                            base
    libbonobo-devel.i686                                                       2.32.1-7.el7                                            base
    libbonobo-devel.x86_64                                                     2.32.1-7.el7                                            base
    libbonoboui.i686                                                           2.24.5-7.el7                                            base
    libbonoboui.x86_64                                                         2.24.5-7.el7                                            base
    libbonoboui-devel.i686                                                     2.24.5-7.el7                                            base
    libbonoboui-devel.x86_64                                                   2.24.5-7.el7                                            base
    libburn.i686                                                               1.2.8-4.el7                                             base
    libburn-devel.i686                                                         1.2.8-4.el7                                             base
    libburn-devel.x86_64                                                       1.2.8-4.el7                                             base
    libbytesize.i686                                                           1.2-1.el7                                               base
    libbytesize-devel.i686                                                     1.2-1.el7                                               base
    libbytesize-devel.x86_64                                                   1.2-1.el7                                               base
    libcacard.i686                                                             40:2.7.0-1.el7                                          base
    libcacard-devel.i686                                                       40:2.7.0-1.el7                                          base
    libcacard-devel.x86_64                                                     40:2.7.0-1.el7                                          base
    libcacard-tools.x86_64                                                     40:2.7.0-1.el7                                          base
    libcanberra.i686                                                           0.30-9.el7                                              base
    libcanberra-devel.i686                                                     0.30-9.el7                                              base
    libcanberra-devel.x86_64                                                   0.30-9.el7                                              base
    libcanberra-gtk2.i686                                                      0.30-9.el7                                              base
    libcanberra-gtk3.i686                                                      0.30-9.el7                                              base
    libcap.i686                                                                2.22-11.el7                                             base
    libcap-devel.i686                                                          2.22-11.el7                                             base
    libcap-devel.x86_64                                                        2.22-11.el7                                             base
    libcap-ng.i686                                                             0.7.5-4.el7                                             base
    libcap-ng-devel.i686                                                       0.7.5-4.el7                                             base
    libcap-ng-devel.x86_64                                                     0.7.5-4.el7                                             base
    libcap-ng-python.x86_64                                                    0.7.5-4.el7                                             base
    libcap-ng-utils.x86_64                                                     0.7.5-4.el7                                             base
    libcdio.i686                                                               0.92-3.el7                                              base
    libcdio-devel.i686                                                         0.92-3.el7                                              base
    libcdio-devel.x86_64                                                       0.92-3.el7                                              base
    libcdio-paranoia.i686                                                      10.2+0.90-11.el7                                        base
    libcdio-paranoia-devel.i686                                                10.2+0.90-11.el7                                        base
    libcdio-paranoia-devel.x86_64                                              10.2+0.90-11.el7                                        base
    libcdr.i686                                                                0.1.4-1.el7                                             base
    libcdr.x86_64                                                              0.1.4-1.el7                                             base
    libcdr-devel.i686                                                          0.1.4-1.el7                                             base
    libcdr-devel.x86_64                                                        0.1.4-1.el7                                             base
    libcdr-doc.noarch                                                          0.1.4-1.el7                                             base
    libcdr-tools.x86_64                                                        0.1.4-1.el7                                             base
    libcgroup.i686                                                             0.41-21.el7                                             base
    libcgroup-devel.i686                                                       0.41-21.el7                                             base
    libcgroup-devel.x86_64                                                     0.41-21.el7                                             base
    libcgroup-pam.i686                                                         0.41-21.el7                                             base
    libcgroup-pam.x86_64                                                       0.41-21.el7                                             base
    libchamplain.i686                                                          0.12.16-2.el7                                           base
    libchamplain-demos.noarch                                                  0.12.16-2.el7                                           base
    libchamplain-devel.i686                                                    0.12.16-2.el7                                           base
    libchamplain-devel.x86_64                                                  0.12.16-2.el7                                           base
    libchamplain-gtk.i686                                                      0.12.16-2.el7                                           base
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    libchewing-devel.i686                                                      0.3.4-6.el7                                             base
    libchewing-devel.x86_64                                                    0.3.4-6.el7                                             base
    libchewing-python.x86_64                                                   0.3.4-6.el7                                             base
    libcmis.i686                                                               0.5.1-2.el7                                             base
    libcmis.x86_64                                                             0.5.1-2.el7                                             base
    libcmis-devel.i686                                                         0.5.1-2.el7                                             base
    libcmis-devel.x86_64                                                       0.5.1-2.el7                                             base
    libcmis-tools.x86_64                                                       0.5.1-2.el7                                             base
    libcmpiCppImpl0.i686                                                       2.0.3-5.el7                                             base
    libcmpiCppImpl0.x86_64                                                     2.0.3-5.el7                                             base
    libcmpiutil.i686                                                           0.5.7-3.el7                                             base
    libcmpiutil.x86_64                                                         0.5.7-3.el7                                             base
    libcmpiutil-devel.i686                                                     0.5.7-3.el7                                             base
    libcmpiutil-devel.x86_64                                                   0.5.7-3.el7                                             base
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    libcollection-devel.i686                                                   0.7.0-32.el7                                            base
    libcollection-devel.x86_64                                                 0.7.0-32.el7                                            base
    libcom_err.i686                                                            1.42.9-19.el7                                           base
    libcom_err-devel.i686                                                      1.42.9-19.el7                                           base
    libcom_err-devel.x86_64                                                    1.42.9-19.el7                                           base
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    libcomps-devel.x86_64                                                      0.1.8-14.el7                                            extras
    libcomps-doc.noarch                                                        0.1.8-14.el7                                            extras
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    libconfig-devel.i686                                                       1.4.9-5.el7                                             base
    libconfig-devel.x86_64                                                     1.4.9-5.el7                                             base
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    libcroco.x86_64                                                            0.6.12-6.el7_9                                          updates
    libcroco-devel.i686                                                        0.6.12-6.el7_9                                          updates
    libcroco-devel.x86_64                                                      0.6.12-6.el7_9                                          updates
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    libcryptui.x86_64                                                          3.12.2-1.el7                                            base
    libcryptui-devel.i686                                                      3.12.2-1.el7                                            base
    libcryptui-devel.x86_64                                                    3.12.2-1.el7                                            base
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    libcurl-devel.i686                                                         7.29.0-59.el7_9.1                                       updates
    libcurl-devel.x86_64                                                       7.29.0-59.el7_9.1                                       updates
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    libdaemon-devel.i686                                                       0.14-7.el7                                              base
    libdaemon-devel.x86_64                                                     0.14-7.el7                                              base
    libdb.i686                                                                 5.3.21-25.el7                                           base
    libdb-cxx.i686                                                             5.3.21-25.el7                                           base
    libdb-cxx.x86_64                                                           5.3.21-25.el7                                           base
    libdb-cxx-devel.i686                                                       5.3.21-25.el7                                           base
    libdb-cxx-devel.x86_64                                                     5.3.21-25.el7                                           base
    libdb-devel.i686                                                           5.3.21-25.el7                                           base
    libdb-devel-doc.noarch                                                     5.3.21-25.el7                                           base
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    libdb-devel-static.x86_64                                                  5.3.21-25.el7                                           base
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    libdb-java.x86_64                                                          5.3.21-25.el7                                           base
    libdb-java-devel.i686                                                      5.3.21-25.el7                                           base
    libdb-java-devel.x86_64                                                    5.3.21-25.el7                                           base
    libdb-sql.i686                                                             5.3.21-25.el7                                           base
    libdb-sql.x86_64                                                           5.3.21-25.el7                                           base
    libdb-sql-devel.i686                                                       5.3.21-25.el7                                           base
    libdb-sql-devel.x86_64                                                     5.3.21-25.el7                                           base
    libdb-tcl.i686                                                             5.3.21-25.el7                                           base
    libdb-tcl.x86_64                                                           5.3.21-25.el7                                           base
    libdb-tcl-devel.i686                                                       5.3.21-25.el7                                           base
    libdb-tcl-devel.x86_64                                                     5.3.21-25.el7                                           base
    libdbi.i686                                                                0.8.4-6.el7                                             base
    libdbi.x86_64                                                              0.8.4-6.el7                                             base
    libdbi-dbd-mysql.x86_64                                                    0.8.3-16.el7                                            base
    libdbi-dbd-pgsql.x86_64                                                    0.8.3-16.el7                                            base
    libdbi-dbd-sqlite.x86_64                                                   0.8.3-16.el7                                            base
    libdbi-devel.i686                                                          0.8.4-6.el7                                             base
    libdbi-devel.x86_64                                                        0.8.4-6.el7                                             base
    libdbi-drivers.x86_64                                                      0.8.3-16.el7                                            base
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    libdbusmenu.x86_64                                                         16.04.0-4.el7                                           base
    libdbusmenu-devel.i686                                                     16.04.0-4.el7                                           base
    libdbusmenu-devel.x86_64                                                   16.04.0-4.el7                                           base
    libdbusmenu-doc.noarch                                                     16.04.0-4.el7                                           base
    libdbusmenu-gtk2.i686                                                      16.04.0-4.el7                                           base
    libdbusmenu-gtk2.x86_64                                                    16.04.0-4.el7                                           base
    libdbusmenu-gtk2-devel.i686                                                16.04.0-4.el7                                           base
    libdbusmenu-gtk2-devel.x86_64                                              16.04.0-4.el7                                           base
    libdbusmenu-gtk3.i686                                                      16.04.0-4.el7                                           base
    libdbusmenu-gtk3.x86_64                                                    16.04.0-4.el7                                           base
    libdbusmenu-gtk3-devel.i686                                                16.04.0-4.el7                                           base
    libdbusmenu-gtk3-devel.x86_64                                              16.04.0-4.el7                                           base
    libdbusmenu-jsonloader.i686                                                16.04.0-4.el7                                           base
    libdbusmenu-jsonloader.x86_64                                              16.04.0-4.el7                                           base
    libdbusmenu-jsonloader-devel.i686                                          16.04.0-4.el7                                           base
    libdbusmenu-jsonloader-devel.x86_64                                        16.04.0-4.el7                                           base
    libdbusmenu-tools.x86_64                                                   16.04.0-4.el7                                           base
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    libdhash-devel.i686                                                        0.5.0-32.el7                                            base
    libdhash-devel.x86_64                                                      0.5.0-32.el7                                            base
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    libdmapsharing-devel.i686                                                  2.9.37-1.el7                                            base
    libdmapsharing-devel.x86_64                                                2.9.37-1.el7                                            base
    libdmmp.i686                                                               0.4.9-134.el7_9                                         updates
    libdmmp.x86_64                                                             0.4.9-134.el7_9                                         updates
    libdmmp-devel.i686                                                         0.4.9-134.el7_9                                         updates
    libdmmp-devel.x86_64                                                       0.4.9-134.el7_9                                         updates
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    libdmx-devel.i686                                                          1.1.3-3.el7                                             base
    libdmx-devel.x86_64                                                        1.1.3-3.el7                                             base
    libdnet.i686                                                               1.12-13.1.el7                                           base
    libdnet.x86_64                                                             1.12-13.1.el7                                           base
    libdnet-devel.i686                                                         1.12-13.1.el7                                           base
    libdnet-devel.x86_64                                                       1.12-13.1.el7                                           base
    libdnet-progs.x86_64                                                       1.12-13.1.el7                                           base
    libdnet-python.x86_64                                                      1.12-13.1.el7                                           base
    libdnf.x86_64                                                              0.22.5-2.el7_9                                          extras
    libdnf-devel.x86_64                                                        0.22.5-2.el7_9                                          extras
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    libdrm-devel.i686                                                          2.4.97-2.el7                                            base
    libdrm-devel.x86_64                                                        2.4.97-2.el7                                            base
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    libdv-devel.i686                                                           1.0.0-17.el7                                            base
    libdv-devel.x86_64                                                         1.0.0-17.el7                                            base
    libdv-tools.x86_64                                                         1.0.0-17.el7                                            base
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    libdvdnav-devel.i686                                                       5.0.3-1.el7                                             base
    libdvdnav-devel.x86_64                                                     5.0.3-1.el7                                             base
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    libdvdread-devel.i686                                                      5.0.3-3.el7                                             base
    libdvdread-devel.x86_64                                                    5.0.3-3.el7                                             base
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    libdwarf-devel.i686                                                        20130207-4.el7                                          base
    libdwarf-devel.x86_64                                                      20130207-4.el7                                          base
    libdwarf-static.i686                                                       20130207-4.el7                                          base
    libdwarf-static.x86_64                                                     20130207-4.el7                                          base
    libdwarf-tools.x86_64                                                      20130207-4.el7                                          base
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    libeasyfc.x86_64                                                           0.13.0-3.el7                                            base
    libeasyfc-devel.i686                                                       0.13.0-3.el7                                            base
    libeasyfc-devel.x86_64                                                     0.13.0-3.el7                                            base
    libeasyfc-gobject.i686                                                     0.13.0-3.el7                                            base
    libeasyfc-gobject.x86_64                                                   0.13.0-3.el7                                            base
    libeasyfc-gobject-devel.i686                                               0.13.0-3.el7                                            base
    libeasyfc-gobject-devel.x86_64                                             0.13.0-3.el7                                            base
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    libecap.x86_64                                                             1.0.0-1.el7                                             base
    libecap-devel.i686                                                         1.0.0-1.el7                                             base
    libecap-devel.x86_64                                                       1.0.0-1.el7                                             base
    libedit.i686                                                               3.0-12.20121213cvs.el7                                  base
    libedit-devel.i686                                                         3.0-12.20121213cvs.el7                                  base
    libedit-devel.x86_64                                                       3.0-12.20121213cvs.el7                                  base
    libee.i686                                                                 0.4.1-6.el7                                             base
    libee.x86_64                                                               0.4.1-6.el7                                             base
    libee-devel.i686                                                           0.4.1-6.el7                                             base
    libee-devel.x86_64                                                         0.4.1-6.el7                                             base
    libee-utils.x86_64                                                         0.4.1-6.el7                                             base
    libepoxy.i686                                                              1.5.2-1.el7                                             base
    libepoxy-devel.i686                                                        1.5.2-1.el7                                             base
    libepoxy-devel.x86_64                                                      1.5.2-1.el7                                             base
    liberation-fonts.noarch                                                    1:1.07.2-16.el7                                         base
    liberation-narrow-fonts.noarch                                             1:1.07.2-16.el7                                         base
    libesmtp.i686                                                              1.0.6-7.el7                                             base
    libesmtp.x86_64                                                            1.0.6-7.el7                                             base
    libesmtp-devel.i686                                                        1.0.6-7.el7                                             base
    libesmtp-devel.x86_64                                                      1.0.6-7.el7                                             base
    libestr.i686                                                               0.1.9-2.el7                                             base
    libestr-devel.i686                                                         0.1.9-2.el7                                             base
    libestr-devel.x86_64                                                       0.1.9-2.el7                                             base
    libetonyek.i686                                                            0.1.7-1.el7                                             base
    libetonyek.x86_64                                                          0.1.7-1.el7                                             base
    libetonyek-devel.i686                                                      0.1.7-1.el7                                             base
    libetonyek-devel.x86_64                                                    0.1.7-1.el7                                             base
    libetonyek-doc.noarch                                                      0.1.7-1.el7                                             base
    libetonyek-tools.x86_64                                                    0.1.7-1.el7                                             base
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    libev-devel.x86_64                                                         4.15-7.el7                                              extras
    libev-libevent-devel.x86_64                                                4.15-7.el7                                              extras
    libev-source.noarch                                                        4.15-7.el7                                              extras
    libevdev.i686                                                              1.5.6-1.el7                                             base
    libevdev-devel.i686                                                        1.5.6-1.el7                                             base
    libevdev-devel.x86_64                                                      1.5.6-1.el7                                             base
    libevdev-utils.x86_64                                                      1.5.6-1.el7                                             base
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    libevent-devel.i686                                                        2.0.21-4.el7                                            base
    libevent-devel.x86_64                                                      2.0.21-4.el7                                            base
    libevent-doc.noarch                                                        2.0.21-4.el7                                            base
    libexif.i686                                                               0.6.22-2.el7_9                                          updates
    libexif.x86_64                                                             0.6.22-2.el7_9                                          updates
    libexif-devel.i686                                                         0.6.22-2.el7_9                                          updates
    libexif-devel.x86_64                                                       0.6.22-2.el7_9                                          updates
    libexif-doc.x86_64                                                         0.6.22-2.el7_9                                          updates
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    libexttextcat.x86_64                                                       3.4.1-3.el7                                             base
    libexttextcat-devel.i686                                                   3.4.1-3.el7                                             base
    libexttextcat-devel.x86_64                                                 3.4.1-3.el7                                             base
    libexttextcat-tools.x86_64                                                 3.4.1-3.el7                                             base
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    libfabric.x86_64                                                           1.7.2-1.el7                                             base
    libfabric-devel.i686                                                       1.7.2-1.el7                                             base
    libfabric-devel.x86_64                                                     1.7.2-1.el7                                             base
    libfastjson.i686                                                           0.99.4-3.el7                                            base
    libfastjson-devel.i686                                                     0.99.4-3.el7                                            base
    libfastjson-devel.x86_64                                                   0.99.4-3.el7                                            base
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    libfdt-devel.x86_64                                                        1.4.6-1.el7                                             extras
    libffi.i686                                                                3.0.13-19.el7                                           base
    libffi-devel.i686                                                          3.0.13-19.el7                                           base
    libffi-devel.x86_64                                                        3.0.13-19.el7                                           base
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    libfontenc-devel.i686                                                      1.1.3-3.el7                                             base
    libfontenc-devel.x86_64                                                    1.1.3-3.el7                                             base
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    libfonts-javadoc.noarch                                                    1.1.3-13.el7                                            base
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    libformula-javadoc.noarch                                                  1.1.3-10.el7                                            base
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    libfprint-devel.i686                                                       0.8.2-1.el7                                             base
    libfprint-devel.x86_64                                                     0.8.2-1.el7                                             base
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    libfreehand-devel.i686                                                     0.1.1-1.el7                                             base
    libfreehand-devel.x86_64                                                   0.1.1-1.el7                                             base
    libfreehand-doc.noarch                                                     0.1.1-1.el7                                             base
    libfreehand-tools.x86_64                                                   0.1.1-1.el7                                             base
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    libgcab1-devel.i686                                                        0.7-4.el7_4                                             base
    libgcab1-devel.x86_64                                                      0.7-4.el7_4                                             base
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    libgcrypt-devel.i686                                                       1.5.3-14.el7                                            base
    libgcrypt-devel.x86_64                                                     1.5.3-14.el7                                            base
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    libgdata-devel.i686                                                        0.17.9-1.el7                                            base
    libgdata-devel.x86_64                                                      0.17.9-1.el7                                            base
    libgdither.i686                                                            0.6-8.el7                                               base
    libgdither-devel.i686                                                      0.6-8.el7                                               base
    libgdither-devel.x86_64                                                    0.6-8.el7                                               base
    libgee.i686                                                                0.20.1-1.el7                                            base
    libgee-devel.i686                                                          0.20.1-1.el7                                            base
    libgee-devel.x86_64                                                        0.20.1-1.el7                                            base
    libgee06.i686                                                              0.6.8-3.el7                                             base
    libgee06-devel.i686                                                        0.6.8-3.el7                                             base
    libgee06-devel.x86_64                                                      0.6.8-3.el7                                             base
    libgepub.i686                                                              0.6.0-1.el7                                             base
    libgepub.x86_64                                                            0.6.0-1.el7                                             base
    libgepub-devel.i686                                                        0.6.0-1.el7                                             base
    libgepub-devel.x86_64                                                      0.6.0-1.el7                                             base
    libgexiv2.i686                                                             0.10.8-1.el7                                            base
    libgexiv2.x86_64                                                           0.10.8-1.el7                                            base
    libgexiv2-devel.i686                                                       0.10.8-1.el7                                            base
    libgexiv2-devel.x86_64                                                     0.10.8-1.el7                                            base
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    libgfortran-static.i686                                                    4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    libgfortran-static.x86_64                                                  4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    libgfortran4.i686                                                          8.3.1-2.1.1.el7                                         base
    libgfortran4.x86_64                                                        8.3.1-2.1.1.el7                                         base
    libgfortran5.i686                                                          8.3.1-2.1.1.el7                                         base
    libgfortran5.x86_64                                                        8.3.1-2.1.1.el7                                         base
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    libgit2-devel.x86_64                                                       0.26.8-1.el7_9                                          extras
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    libgit2-glib-devel.x86_64                                                  0.26.4-8.el7                                            extras
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    libglade2-devel.i686                                                       2.6.4-11.el7                                            base
    libglade2-devel.x86_64                                                     2.6.4-11.el7                                            base
    libglvnd.i686                                                              1:1.0.1-0.8.git5baa1e5.el7                              base
    libglvnd-core-devel.i686                                                   1:1.0.1-0.8.git5baa1e5.el7                              base
    libglvnd-core-devel.x86_64                                                 1:1.0.1-0.8.git5baa1e5.el7                              base
    libglvnd-devel.i686                                                        1:1.0.1-0.8.git5baa1e5.el7                              base
    libglvnd-devel.x86_64                                                      1:1.0.1-0.8.git5baa1e5.el7                              base
    libglvnd-egl.i686                                                          1:1.0.1-0.8.git5baa1e5.el7                              base
    libglvnd-gles.i686                                                         1:1.0.1-0.8.git5baa1e5.el7                              base
    libglvnd-glx.i686                                                          1:1.0.1-0.8.git5baa1e5.el7                              base
    libglvnd-opengl.i686                                                       1:1.0.1-0.8.git5baa1e5.el7                              base
    libglvnd-opengl.x86_64                                                     1:1.0.1-0.8.git5baa1e5.el7                              base
    libgnat.i686                                                               4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    libgnat.x86_64                                                             4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    libgnat-devel.i686                                                         4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    libgnat-devel.x86_64                                                       4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    libgnat-static.i686                                                        4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    libgnat-static.x86_64                                                      4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
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    libgnome.x86_64                                                            2.32.1-9.el7                                            base
    libgnome-devel.i686                                                        2.32.1-9.el7                                            base
    libgnome-devel.x86_64                                                      2.32.1-9.el7                                            base
    libgnome-keyring.i686                                                      3.12.0-1.el7                                            base
    libgnome-keyring-devel.i686                                                3.12.0-1.el7                                            base
    libgnome-keyring-devel.x86_64                                              3.12.0-1.el7                                            base
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    libgnomecanvas-devel.i686                                                  2.30.3-8.el7                                            base
    libgnomecanvas-devel.x86_64                                                2.30.3-8.el7                                            base
    libgnomekbd.i686                                                           3.26.0-3.el7                                            base
    libgnomekbd-devel.i686                                                     3.26.0-3.el7                                            base
    libgnomekbd-devel.x86_64                                                   3.26.0-3.el7                                            base
    libgnomeui.i686                                                            2.24.5-8.el7                                            base
    libgnomeui.x86_64                                                          2.24.5-8.el7                                            base
    libgnomeui-devel.i686                                                      2.24.5-8.el7                                            base
    libgnomeui-devel.x86_64                                                    2.24.5-8.el7                                            base
    libgo.i686                                                                 4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    libgo.x86_64                                                               4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    libgo-devel.i686                                                           4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    libgo-devel.x86_64                                                         4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    libgo-static.i686                                                          4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    libgo-static.x86_64                                                        4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    libgomp.i686                                                               4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    libgovirt.i686                                                             0.3.4-5.el7                                             base
    libgovirt-devel.i686                                                       0.3.4-5.el7                                             base
    libgovirt-devel.x86_64                                                     0.3.4-5.el7                                             base
    libgpg-error.i686                                                          1.12-3.el7                                              base
    libgpg-error-devel.i686                                                    1.12-3.el7                                              base
    libgpg-error-devel.x86_64                                                  1.12-3.el7                                              base
    libgphoto2.i686                                                            2.5.15-3.el7                                            base
    libgphoto2-devel.i686                                                      2.5.15-3.el7                                            base
    libgphoto2-devel.x86_64                                                    2.5.15-3.el7                                            base
    libgpod.i686                                                               0.8.2-12.el7                                            base
    libgpod.x86_64                                                             0.8.2-12.el7                                            base
    libgpod-devel.i686                                                         0.8.2-12.el7                                            base
    libgpod-devel.x86_64                                                       0.8.2-12.el7                                            base
    libgpod-doc.x86_64                                                         0.8.2-12.el7                                            base
    libgs.i686                                                                 9.25-5.el7                                              base
    libgs-devel.i686                                                           9.25-5.el7                                              base
    libgs-devel.x86_64                                                         9.25-5.el7                                              base
    libgsf.i686                                                                1.14.26-7.el7                                           base
    libgsf-devel.i686                                                          1.14.26-7.el7                                           base
    libgsf-devel.x86_64                                                        1.14.26-7.el7                                           base
    libgtop2.i686                                                              2.38.0-3.el7                                            base
    libgtop2-devel.i686                                                        2.38.0-3.el7                                            base
    libgtop2-devel.x86_64                                                      2.38.0-3.el7                                            base
    libgudev1.i686                                                             219-78.el7_9.3                                          updates
    libgudev1.x86_64                                                           219-78.el7_9.3                                          updates
    libgudev1-devel.i686                                                       219-78.el7_9.3                                          updates
    libgudev1-devel.x86_64                                                     219-78.el7_9.3                                          updates
    libguestfs-bash-completion.noarch                                          1:1.40.2-10.el7                                         base
    libguestfs-benchmarking.x86_64                                             1:1.40.2-10.el7                                         base
    libguestfs-devel.x86_64                                                    1:1.40.2-10.el7                                         base
    libguestfs-gfs2.x86_64                                                     1:1.40.2-10.el7                                         base
    libguestfs-gobject.x86_64                                                  1:1.40.2-10.el7                                         base
    libguestfs-gobject-devel.x86_64                                            1:1.40.2-10.el7                                         base
    libguestfs-inspect-icons.noarch                                            1:1.40.2-10.el7                                         base
    libguestfs-java.x86_64                                                     1:1.40.2-10.el7                                         base
    libguestfs-java-devel.x86_64                                               1:1.40.2-10.el7                                         base
    libguestfs-javadoc.noarch                                                  1:1.40.2-10.el7                                         base
    libguestfs-man-pages-ja.noarch                                             1:1.40.2-10.el7                                         base
    libguestfs-man-pages-uk.noarch                                             1:1.40.2-10.el7                                         base
    libguestfs-rescue.x86_64                                                   1:1.40.2-10.el7                                         base
    libguestfs-rsync.x86_64                                                    1:1.40.2-10.el7                                         base
    libguestfs-tools.noarch                                                    1:1.40.2-10.el7                                         base
    libguestfs-tools-c.x86_64                                                  1:1.40.2-10.el7                                         base
    libguestfs-winsupport.x86_64                                               7.2-3.el7                                               base
    libguestfs-xfs.x86_64                                                      1:1.40.2-10.el7                                         base
    libgusb.i686                                                               0.2.9-1.el7                                             base
    libgusb-devel.i686                                                         0.2.9-1.el7                                             base
    libgusb-devel.x86_64                                                       0.2.9-1.el7                                             base
    libgweather.i686                                                           3.28.2-4.el7_9                                          updates
    libgweather.x86_64                                                         3.28.2-4.el7_9                                          updates
    libgweather-devel.i686                                                     3.28.2-4.el7_9                                          updates
    libgweather-devel.x86_64                                                   3.28.2-4.el7_9                                          updates
    libgxim.i686                                                               0.5.0-3.el7                                             base
    libgxim.x86_64                                                             0.5.0-3.el7                                             base
    libgxim-devel.i686                                                         0.5.0-3.el7                                             base
    libgxim-devel.x86_64                                                       0.5.0-3.el7                                             base
    libgxps.i686                                                               0.3.0-4.el7                                             base
    libgxps-devel.i686                                                         0.3.0-4.el7                                             base
    libgxps-devel.x86_64                                                       0.3.0-4.el7                                             base
    libgxps-tools.x86_64                                                       0.3.0-4.el7                                             base
    libhangul.i686                                                             0.1.0-8.el7                                             base
    libhangul-devel.i686                                                       0.1.0-8.el7                                             base
    libhangul-devel.x86_64                                                     0.1.0-8.el7                                             base
    libhbaapi.i686                                                             2.2.9-6.el7                                             base
    libhbaapi.x86_64                                                           2.2.9-6.el7                                             base
    libhbaapi-devel.i686                                                       2.2.9-6.el7                                             base
    libhbaapi-devel.x86_64                                                     2.2.9-6.el7                                             base
    libhbalinux.i686                                                           1.0.17-2.el7                                            base
    libhbalinux.x86_64                                                         1.0.17-2.el7                                            base
    libhbalinux-devel.i686                                                     1.0.17-2.el7                                            base
    libhbalinux-devel.x86_64                                                   1.0.17-2.el7                                            base
    libhif.i686                                                                0.2.1-2.el7                                             base
    libhif.x86_64                                                              0.2.1-2.el7                                             base
    libhif-devel.i686                                                          0.2.1-2.el7                                             base
    libhif-devel.x86_64                                                        0.2.1-2.el7                                             base
    libhugetlbfs-devel.i686                                                    2.16-13.el7                                             base
    libhugetlbfs-devel.x86_64                                                  2.16-13.el7                                             base
    libibcommon.i686                                                           1.2.0-8.el7                                             base
    libibcommon.x86_64                                                         1.2.0-8.el7                                             base
    libibcommon-devel.i686                                                     1.2.0-8.el7                                             base
    libibcommon-devel.x86_64                                                   1.2.0-8.el7                                             base
    libibcommon-static.i686                                                    1.2.0-8.el7                                             base
    libibcommon-static.x86_64                                                  1.2.0-8.el7                                             base
    libibmad.i686                                                              1.3.13-1.el7                                            base
    libibmad.x86_64                                                            1.3.13-1.el7                                            base
    libibmad-devel.i686                                                        1.3.13-1.el7                                            base
    libibmad-devel.x86_64                                                      1.3.13-1.el7                                            base
    libibmad-static.i686                                                       1.3.13-1.el7                                            base
    libibmad-static.x86_64                                                     1.3.13-1.el7                                            base
    libibumad.i686                                                             22.4-6.el7_9                                            updates
    libibumad.x86_64                                                           22.4-6.el7_9                                            updates
    libibverbs.i686                                                            22.4-6.el7_9                                            updates
    libibverbs.x86_64                                                          22.4-6.el7_9                                            updates
    libibverbs-utils.x86_64                                                    22.4-6.el7_9                                            updates
    libical.i686                                                               3.0.3-2.el7                                             base
    libical-devel.i686                                                         3.0.3-2.el7                                             base
    libical-devel.x86_64                                                       3.0.3-2.el7                                             base
    libical-glib.i686                                                          3.0.3-2.el7                                             base
    libical-glib.x86_64                                                        3.0.3-2.el7                                             base
    libical-glib-devel.i686                                                    3.0.3-2.el7                                             base
    libical-glib-devel.x86_64                                                  3.0.3-2.el7                                             base
    libical-glib-doc.noarch                                                    3.0.3-2.el7                                             base
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    libicu-devel.i686                                                          50.2-4.el7_7                                            base
    libicu-devel.x86_64                                                        50.2-4.el7_7                                            base
    libicu-doc.noarch                                                          50.2-4.el7_7                                            base
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    libid3tag.x86_64                                                           0.15.1b-17.el7                                          base
    libid3tag-devel.i686                                                       0.15.1b-17.el7                                          base
    libid3tag-devel.x86_64                                                     0.15.1b-17.el7                                          base
    libidn.i686                                                                1.28-4.el7                                              base
    libidn-devel.i686                                                          1.28-4.el7                                              base
    libidn-devel.x86_64                                                        1.28-4.el7                                              base
    libiec61883.i686                                                           1.2.0-10.el7                                            base
    libiec61883-devel.i686                                                     1.2.0-10.el7                                            base
    libiec61883-devel.x86_64                                                   1.2.0-10.el7                                            base
    libiec61883-utils.x86_64                                                   1.2.0-10.el7                                            base
    libieee1284.i686                                                           0.2.11-15.el7                                           base
    libieee1284-devel.i686                                                     0.2.11-15.el7                                           base
    libieee1284-devel.x86_64                                                   0.2.11-15.el7                                           base
    libieee1284-python.x86_64                                                  0.2.11-15.el7                                           base
    libimobiledevice.i686                                                      1.2.0-1.el7                                             base
    libimobiledevice-devel.i686                                                1.2.0-1.el7                                             base
    libimobiledevice-devel.x86_64                                              1.2.0-1.el7                                             base
    libimobiledevice-python.x86_64                                             1.2.0-1.el7                                             base
    libimobiledevice-utils.x86_64                                              1.2.0-1.el7                                             base
    libindicator.i686                                                          12.10.1-6.el7                                           base
    libindicator.x86_64                                                        12.10.1-6.el7                                           base
    libindicator-devel.i686                                                    12.10.1-6.el7                                           base
    libindicator-devel.x86_64                                                  12.10.1-6.el7                                           base
    libindicator-gtk3.i686                                                     12.10.1-6.el7                                           base
    libindicator-gtk3.x86_64                                                   12.10.1-6.el7                                           base
    libindicator-gtk3-devel.i686                                               12.10.1-6.el7                                           base
    libindicator-gtk3-devel.x86_64                                             12.10.1-6.el7                                           base
    libindicator-gtk3-tools.x86_64                                             12.10.1-6.el7                                           base
    libindicator-tools.x86_64                                                  12.10.1-6.el7                                           base
    libini_config.i686                                                         1.3.1-32.el7                                            base
    libini_config-devel.i686                                                   1.3.1-32.el7                                            base
    libini_config-devel.x86_64                                                 1.3.1-32.el7                                            base
    libinput.i686                                                              1.10.7-2.el7                                            base
    libinput-devel.i686                                                        1.10.7-2.el7                                            base
    libinput-devel.x86_64                                                      1.10.7-2.el7                                            base
    libinvm-cim.x86_64                                                                                       base
    libinvm-cim-devel.x86_64                                                                                 base
    libinvm-cli.x86_64                                                                                       base
    libinvm-cli-devel.x86_64                                                                                 base
    libinvm-i18n.x86_64                                                                                      base
    libinvm-i18n-devel.x86_64                                                                                base
    libiodbc.i686                                                              3.52.7-7.el7                                            base
    libiodbc-devel.i686                                                        3.52.7-7.el7                                            base
    libiodbc-devel.x86_64                                                      3.52.7-7.el7                                            base
    libipa_hbac.i686                                                           1.16.5-10.el7_9.8                                       updates
    libipa_hbac.x86_64                                                         1.16.5-10.el7_9.8                                       updates
    libipa_hbac-devel.i686                                                     1.16.5-10.el7_9.8                                       updates
    libipa_hbac-devel.x86_64                                                   1.16.5-10.el7_9.8                                       updates
    libiptcdata.i686                                                           1.0.4-11.el7                                            base
    libiptcdata-devel.i686                                                     1.0.4-11.el7                                            base
    libiptcdata-devel.x86_64                                                   1.0.4-11.el7                                            base
    libiptcdata-python.x86_64                                                  1.0.4-11.el7                                            base
    libiscsi.i686                                                              1.9.0-7.el7                                             base
    libiscsi-devel.i686                                                        1.9.0-7.el7                                             base
    libiscsi-devel.x86_64                                                      1.9.0-7.el7                                             base
    libiscsi-utils.x86_64                                                      1.9.0-7.el7                                             base
    libisofs.i686                                                              1.2.8-4.el7                                             base
    libisofs-devel.i686                                                        1.2.8-4.el7                                             base
    libisofs-devel.x86_64                                                      1.2.8-4.el7                                             base
    libitm.i686                                                                4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    libitm.x86_64                                                              4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    libitm-devel.i686                                                          4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    libitm-devel.x86_64                                                        4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    libitm-static.i686                                                         4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    libitm-static.x86_64                                                       4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    libixpdimm-cim.x86_64                                                                                 base
    libixpdimm-core.x86_64                                                                                base
    libjose.i686                                                               10-1.el7                                                base
    libjose.x86_64                                                             10-1.el7                                                base
    libjose-devel.i686                                                         10-1.el7                                                base
    libjose-devel.x86_64                                                       10-1.el7                                                base
    libjpeg-turbo.i686                                                         1.2.90-8.el7                                            base
    libjpeg-turbo-devel.i686                                                   1.2.90-8.el7                                            base
    libjpeg-turbo-devel.x86_64                                                 1.2.90-8.el7                                            base
    libjpeg-turbo-static.i686                                                  1.2.90-8.el7                                            base
    libjpeg-turbo-static.x86_64                                                1.2.90-8.el7                                            base
    libjpeg-turbo-utils.x86_64                                                 1.2.90-8.el7                                            base
    libkadm5.i686                                                              1.15.1-50.el7                                           base
    libkcddb.i686                                                              4.10.5-3.el7                                            base
    libkcddb.x86_64                                                            4.10.5-3.el7                                            base
    libkcddb-devel.i686                                                        4.10.5-3.el7                                            base
    libkcddb-devel.x86_64                                                      4.10.5-3.el7                                            base
    libkcompactdisc.i686                                                       4.10.5-3.el7                                            base
    libkcompactdisc.x86_64                                                     4.10.5-3.el7                                            base
    libkcompactdisc-devel.i686                                                 4.10.5-3.el7                                            base
    libkcompactdisc-devel.x86_64                                               4.10.5-3.el7                                            base
    libkdcraw.i686                                                             4.10.5-7.el7                                            base
    libkdcraw-devel.i686                                                       4.10.5-7.el7                                            base
    libkdcraw-devel.x86_64                                                     4.10.5-7.el7                                            base
    libkexiv2.i686                                                             4.10.5-4.el7                                            base
    libkexiv2-devel.i686                                                       4.10.5-4.el7                                            base
    libkexiv2-devel.x86_64                                                     4.10.5-4.el7                                            base
    libkipi.i686                                                               4.10.5-3.el7                                            base
    libkipi-devel.i686                                                         4.10.5-3.el7                                            base
    libkipi-devel.x86_64                                                       4.10.5-3.el7                                            base
    libkkc.i686                                                                0.3.1-9.el7                                             base
    libkkc-devel.i686                                                          0.3.1-9.el7                                             base
    libkkc-devel.x86_64                                                        0.3.1-9.el7                                             base
    libkkc-tools.x86_64                                                        0.3.1-9.el7                                             base
    libksane.i686                                                              4.10.5-4.el7                                            base
    libksane-devel.i686                                                        4.10.5-4.el7                                            base
    libksane-devel.x86_64                                                      4.10.5-4.el7                                            base
    libksba.i686                                                               1.3.0-5.el7                                             base
    libksba.x86_64                                                             1.3.0-5.el7                                             base
    libksba-devel.i686                                                         1.3.0-5.el7                                             base
    libksba-devel.x86_64                                                       1.3.0-5.el7                                             base
    libkscreen.i686                                                            1:1.0.1-8.el7                                           base
    libkscreen-devel.i686                                                      1:1.0.1-8.el7                                           base
    libkscreen-devel.x86_64                                                    1:1.0.1-8.el7                                           base
    libkworkspace.i686                                                         4.11.19-16.el7_9                                        updates
    libkworkspace.x86_64                                                       4.11.19-16.el7_9                                        updates
    liblangtag.i686                                                            0.6.2-1.1.el7                                           base
    liblangtag.x86_64                                                          0.6.2-1.1.el7                                           base
    liblangtag-devel.i686                                                      0.6.2-1.1.el7                                           base
    liblangtag-devel.x86_64                                                    0.6.2-1.1.el7                                           base
    liblangtag-doc.noarch                                                      0.6.2-1.1.el7                                           base
    liblangtag-gobject.i686                                                    0.6.2-1.1.el7                                           base
    liblangtag-gobject.x86_64                                                  0.6.2-1.1.el7                                           base
    liblayout.noarch                                                           0.2.10-8.el7                                            base
    liblayout-javadoc.noarch                                                   0.2.10-8.el7                                            base
    libldb.i686                                                                1.5.4-2.el7                                             updates
    libldb.x86_64                                                              1.5.4-2.el7                                             updates
    libldb-devel.i686                                                          1.5.4-2.el7                                             updates
    libldb-devel.x86_64                                                        1.5.4-2.el7                                             updates
    libloader.noarch                                                           1.1.3-9.el7                                             base
    libloader-javadoc.noarch                                                   1.1.3-9.el7                                             base
    liblockfile.i686                                                           1.08-17.el7                                             base
    liblockfile.x86_64                                                         1.08-17.el7                                             base
    liblockfile-devel.i686                                                     1.08-17.el7                                             base
    liblockfile-devel.x86_64                                                   1.08-17.el7                                             base
    liblognorm.i686                                                            2.0.2-3.el7                                             base
    liblognorm.x86_64                                                          2.0.2-3.el7                                             base
    liblognorm-devel.i686                                                      2.0.2-3.el7                                             base
    liblognorm-devel.x86_64                                                    2.0.2-3.el7                                             base
    liblognorm-doc.x86_64                                                      2.0.2-3.el7                                             base
    liblognorm-utils.x86_64                                                    2.0.2-3.el7                                             base
    liblouis.i686                                                              2.5.2-12.el7_4                                          base
    liblouis-devel.i686                                                        2.5.2-12.el7_4                                          base
    liblouis-devel.x86_64                                                      2.5.2-12.el7_4                                          base
    liblouis-doc.noarch                                                        2.5.2-12.el7_4                                          base
    liblouis-utils.x86_64                                                      2.5.2-12.el7_4                                          base
    libluksmeta.i686                                                           8-2.el7                                                 base
    libluksmeta.x86_64                                                         8-2.el7                                                 base
    libluksmeta-devel.i686                                                     8-2.el7                                                 base
    libluksmeta-devel.x86_64                                                   8-2.el7                                                 base
    libmalaga.i686                                                             7.12-16.el7                                             base
    libmalaga.x86_64                                                           7.12-16.el7                                             base
    libmatchbox.i686                                                           1.9-15.el7                                              base
    libmatchbox.x86_64                                                         1.9-15.el7                                              base
    libmatchbox-devel.i686                                                     1.9-15.el7                                              base
    libmatchbox-devel.x86_64                                                   1.9-15.el7                                              base
    libmaxminddb.i686                                                          1.2.0-6.el7                                             base
    libmaxminddb.x86_64                                                        1.2.0-6.el7                                             base
    libmaxminddb-devel.i686                                                    1.2.0-6.el7                                             base
    libmaxminddb-devel.x86_64                                                  1.2.0-6.el7                                             base
    libmbim.i686                                                               1.14.2-1.el7                                            base
    libmbim-devel.i686                                                         1.14.2-1.el7                                            base
    libmbim-devel.x86_64                                                       1.14.2-1.el7                                            base
    libmediaart.i686                                                           1.9.4-1.el7                                             base
    libmediaart-devel.i686                                                     1.9.4-1.el7                                             base
    libmediaart-devel.x86_64                                                   1.9.4-1.el7                                             base
    libmediaart-tests.x86_64                                                   1.9.4-1.el7                                             base
    libmemcached.i686                                                          1.0.16-5.el7                                            base
    libmemcached.x86_64                                                        1.0.16-5.el7                                            base
    libmemcached-devel.i686                                                    1.0.16-5.el7                                            base
    libmemcached-devel.x86_64                                                  1.0.16-5.el7                                            base
    libmicrohttpd.i686                                                         0.9.33-2.el7                                            base
    libmicrohttpd.x86_64                                                       0.9.33-2.el7                                            base
    libmicrohttpd-devel.i686                                                   0.9.33-2.el7                                            base
    libmicrohttpd-devel.x86_64                                                 0.9.33-2.el7                                            base
    libmicrohttpd-doc.noarch                                                   0.9.33-2.el7                                            base
    libmng.i686                                                                1.0.10-14.el7                                           base
    libmng-devel.i686                                                          1.0.10-14.el7                                           base
    libmng-devel.x86_64                                                        1.0.10-14.el7                                           base
    libmnl.i686                                                                1.0.3-7.el7                                             base
    libmnl-devel.i686                                                          1.0.3-7.el7                                             base
    libmnl-devel.x86_64                                                        1.0.3-7.el7                                             base
    libmnl-static.i686                                                         1.0.3-7.el7                                             base
    libmnl-static.x86_64                                                       1.0.3-7.el7                                             base
    libmodman.i686                                                             2.0.1-8.el7                                             base
    libmodman-devel.i686                                                       2.0.1-8.el7                                             base
    libmodman-devel.x86_64                                                     2.0.1-8.el7                                             base
    libmodulemd.x86_64                                                         1.6.3-1.el7                                             extras
    libmodulemd-devel.x86_64                                                   1.6.3-1.el7                                             extras
    libmount.i686                                                              2.23.2-65.el7_9.1                                       updates
    libmount.x86_64                                                            2.23.2-65.el7_9.1                                       updates
    libmount-devel.i686                                                        2.23.2-65.el7_9.1                                       updates
    libmount-devel.x86_64                                                      2.23.2-65.el7_9.1                                       updates
    libmpc.i686                                                                1.0.1-3.el7                                             base
    libmpc-devel.i686                                                          1.0.1-3.el7                                             base
    libmpc-devel.x86_64                                                        1.0.1-3.el7                                             base
    libmpcdec.i686                                                             1.2.6-12.el7                                            base
    libmpcdec-devel.i686                                                       1.2.6-12.el7                                            base
    libmpcdec-devel.x86_64                                                     1.2.6-12.el7                                            base
    libmsn.i686                                                                4.2.1-7.el7                                             base
    libmsn.x86_64                                                              4.2.1-7.el7                                             base
    libmsn-devel.i686                                                          4.2.1-7.el7                                             base
    libmsn-devel.x86_64                                                        4.2.1-7.el7                                             base
    libmspack.i686                                                             0.5-0.8.alpha.el7                                       base
    libmspack-devel.i686                                                       0.5-0.8.alpha.el7                                       base
    libmspack-devel.x86_64                                                     0.5-0.8.alpha.el7                                       base
    libmspub.i686                                                              0.1.2-1.el7                                             base
    libmspub.x86_64                                                            0.1.2-1.el7                                             base
    libmspub-devel.i686                                                        0.1.2-1.el7                                             base
    libmspub-devel.x86_64                                                      0.1.2-1.el7                                             base
    libmspub-doc.noarch                                                        0.1.2-1.el7                                             base
    libmspub-tools.x86_64                                                      0.1.2-1.el7                                             base
    libmtp.i686                                                                1.1.14-1.el7                                            base
    libmtp-devel.i686                                                          1.1.14-1.el7                                            base
    libmtp-devel.x86_64                                                        1.1.14-1.el7                                            base
    libmtp-examples.x86_64                                                     1.1.14-1.el7                                            base
    libmudflap.i686                                                            4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    libmudflap.x86_64                                                          4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    libmudflap-devel.i686                                                      4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    libmudflap-devel.x86_64                                                    4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    libmudflap-static.i686                                                     4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    libmudflap-static.x86_64                                                   4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    libmusicbrainz.i686                                                        2.1.5-17.el7                                            base
    libmusicbrainz.x86_64                                                      2.1.5-17.el7                                            base
    libmusicbrainz-devel.i686                                                  2.1.5-17.el7                                            base
    libmusicbrainz-devel.x86_64                                                2.1.5-17.el7                                            base
    libmusicbrainz5.i686                                                       5.0.1-9.el7                                             base
    libmusicbrainz5-devel.i686                                                 5.0.1-9.el7                                             base
    libmusicbrainz5-devel.x86_64                                               5.0.1-9.el7                                             base
    libmwaw.i686                                                               0.3.5-1.el7                                             base
    libmwaw.x86_64                                                             0.3.5-1.el7                                             base
    libmwaw-devel.i686                                                         0.3.5-1.el7                                             base
    libmwaw-devel.x86_64                                                       0.3.5-1.el7                                             base
    libmwaw-doc.noarch                                                         0.3.5-1.el7                                             base
    libmwaw-tools.x86_64                                                       0.3.5-1.el7                                             base
    libmx.i686                                                                 1.4.7-10.el7                                            base
    libmx.x86_64                                                               1.4.7-10.el7                                            base
    libmx-devel.i686                                                           1.4.7-10.el7                                            base
    libmx-devel.x86_64                                                         1.4.7-10.el7                                            base
    libmx-docs.noarch                                                          1.4.7-10.el7                                            base
    libndp.i686                                                                1.2-9.el7                                               base
    libndp-devel.i686                                                          1.2-9.el7                                               base
    libndp-devel.x86_64                                                        1.2-9.el7                                               base
    libnet.i686                                                                1.1.6-7.el7                                             base
    libnet.x86_64                                                              1.1.6-7.el7                                             base
    libnet-devel.i686                                                          1.1.6-7.el7                                             base
    libnet-devel.x86_64                                                        1.1.6-7.el7                                             base
    libnetfilter_conntrack.i686                                                1.0.6-1.el7_3                                           base
    libnetfilter_conntrack-devel.i686                                          1.0.6-1.el7_3                                           base
    libnetfilter_conntrack-devel.x86_64                                        1.0.6-1.el7_3                                           base
    libnetfilter_cthelper.i686                                                 1.0.0-11.el7                                            base
    libnetfilter_cthelper.x86_64                                               1.0.0-11.el7                                            base
    libnetfilter_cthelper-devel.i686                                           1.0.0-11.el7                                            base
    libnetfilter_cthelper-devel.x86_64                                         1.0.0-11.el7                                            base
    libnetfilter_cttimeout.i686                                                1.0.0-7.el7                                             base
    libnetfilter_cttimeout.x86_64                                              1.0.0-7.el7                                             base
    libnetfilter_cttimeout-devel.i686                                          1.0.0-7.el7                                             base
    libnetfilter_cttimeout-devel.x86_64                                        1.0.0-7.el7                                             base
    libnetfilter_queue.i686                                                    1.0.2-2.el7_2                                           base
    libnetfilter_queue.x86_64                                                  1.0.2-2.el7_2                                           base
    libnetfilter_queue-devel.i686                                              1.0.2-2.el7_2                                           base
    libnetfilter_queue-devel.x86_64                                            1.0.2-2.el7_2                                           base
    libnfnetlink.i686                                                          1.0.1-4.el7                                             base
    libnfnetlink-devel.i686                                                    1.0.1-4.el7                                             base
    libnfnetlink-devel.x86_64                                                  1.0.1-4.el7                                             base
    libnfsidmap.i686                                                           0.25-19.el7                                             base
    libnfsidmap-devel.i686                                                     0.25-19.el7                                             base
    libnfsidmap-devel.x86_64                                                   0.25-19.el7                                             base
    libnftnl.i686                                                              1.0.8-3.el7                                             base
    libnftnl.x86_64                                                            1.0.8-3.el7                                             base
    libnftnl-devel.i686                                                        1.0.8-3.el7                                             base
    libnftnl-devel.x86_64                                                      1.0.8-3.el7                                             base
    libnice.i686                                                               0.1.3-4.el7                                             base
    libnice-devel.i686                                                         0.1.3-4.el7                                             base
    libnice-devel.x86_64                                                       0.1.3-4.el7                                             base
    libnl.i686                                                                 1.1.4-3.el7                                             base
    libnl-devel.i686                                                           1.1.4-3.el7                                             base
    libnl-devel.x86_64                                                         1.1.4-3.el7                                             base
    libnl3.i686                                                                3.2.28-4.el7                                            base
    libnl3-cli.i686                                                            3.2.28-4.el7                                            base
    libnl3-devel.i686                                                          3.2.28-4.el7                                            base
    libnl3-devel.x86_64                                                        3.2.28-4.el7                                            base
    libnl3-doc.x86_64                                                          3.2.28-4.el7                                            base
    libnm-gtk.i686                                                             1.8.6-2.el7                                             base
    libnm-gtk-devel.i686                                                       1.8.6-2.el7                                             base
    libnm-gtk-devel.x86_64                                                     1.8.6-2.el7                                             base
    libnma.i686                                                                1.8.6-2.el7                                             base
    libnma-devel.i686                                                          1.8.6-2.el7                                             base
    libnma-devel.x86_64                                                        1.8.6-2.el7                                             base
    libnotify.i686                                                             0.7.7-1.el7                                             base
    libnotify-devel.i686                                                       0.7.7-1.el7                                             base
    libnotify-devel.x86_64                                                     0.7.7-1.el7                                             base
    libntlm.i686                                                               1.3-6.el7                                               base
    libntlm.x86_64                                                             1.3-6.el7                                               base
    libntlm-devel.i686                                                         1.3-6.el7                                               base
    libntlm-devel.x86_64                                                       1.3-6.el7                                               base
    liboauth.i686                                                              0.9.7-4.el7                                             base
    liboauth-devel.i686                                                        0.9.7-4.el7                                             base
    liboauth-devel.x86_64                                                      0.9.7-4.el7                                             base
    libobjc.i686                                                               4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    libobjc.x86_64                                                             4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    libodfgen.i686                                                             0.1.4-1.el7                                             base
    libodfgen.x86_64                                                           0.1.4-1.el7                                             base
    libodfgen-devel.i686                                                       0.1.4-1.el7                                             base
    libodfgen-devel.x86_64                                                     0.1.4-1.el7                                             base
    libodfgen-doc.noarch                                                       0.1.4-1.el7                                             base
    libofa.i686                                                                0.9.3-24.el7                                            base
    libofa-devel.i686                                                          0.9.3-24.el7                                            base
    libofa-devel.x86_64                                                        0.9.3-24.el7                                            base
    libogg.i686                                                                2:1.3.0-7.el7                                           base
    libogg-devel.i686                                                          2:1.3.0-7.el7                                           base
    libogg-devel.x86_64                                                        2:1.3.0-7.el7                                           base
    libogg-devel-docs.noarch                                                   2:1.3.0-7.el7                                           base
    liboil.i686                                                                0.3.16-10.el7                                           base
    liboil.x86_64                                                              0.3.16-10.el7                                           base
    liboil-devel.i686                                                          0.3.16-10.el7                                           base
    liboil-devel.x86_64                                                        0.3.16-10.el7                                           base
    libopenraw.i686                                                            0.0.9-7.el7                                             base
    libopenraw.x86_64                                                          0.0.9-7.el7                                             base
    libopenraw-devel.i686                                                      0.0.9-7.el7                                             base
    libopenraw-devel.x86_64                                                    0.0.9-7.el7                                             base
    libopenraw-gnome.i686                                                      0.0.9-7.el7                                             base
    libopenraw-gnome.x86_64                                                    0.0.9-7.el7                                             base
    libopenraw-gnome-devel.i686                                                0.0.9-7.el7                                             base
    libopenraw-gnome-devel.x86_64                                              0.0.9-7.el7                                             base
    libopenraw-pixbuf-loader.i686                                              0.0.9-7.el7                                             base
    libopenraw-pixbuf-loader.x86_64                                            0.0.9-7.el7                                             base
    liborcus.i686                                                              0.12.1-2.el7                                            base
    liborcus.x86_64                                                            0.12.1-2.el7                                            base
    liborcus-devel.i686                                                        0.12.1-2.el7                                            base
    liborcus-devel.x86_64                                                      0.12.1-2.el7                                            base
    liborcus-doc.noarch                                                        0.12.1-2.el7                                            base
    liborcus-tools.x86_64                                                      0.12.1-2.el7                                            base
    libosinfo.i686                                                             1.1.0-5.el7                                             base
    libosinfo-devel.i686                                                       1.1.0-5.el7                                             base
    libosinfo-devel.x86_64                                                     1.1.0-5.el7                                             base
    libosinfo-vala.x86_64                                                      1.1.0-5.el7                                             base
    libotf.i686                                                                0.9.13-4.el7                                            base
    libotf.x86_64                                                              0.9.13-4.el7                                            base
    libotf-devel.i686                                                          0.9.13-4.el7                                            base
    libotf-devel.x86_64                                                        0.9.13-4.el7                                            base
    libpagemaker.i686                                                          0.0.3-1.el7                                             base
    libpagemaker.x86_64                                                        0.0.3-1.el7                                             base
    libpagemaker-devel.i686                                                    0.0.3-1.el7                                             base
    libpagemaker-devel.x86_64                                                  0.0.3-1.el7                                             base
    libpagemaker-doc.noarch                                                    0.0.3-1.el7                                             base
    libpagemaker-tools.x86_64                                                  0.0.3-1.el7                                             base
    libpaper.i686                                                              1.1.24-9.el7                                            base
    libpaper-devel.i686                                                        1.1.24-9.el7                                            base
    libpaper-devel.x86_64                                                      1.1.24-9.el7                                            base
    libpath_utils.i686                                                         0.2.1-32.el7                                            base
    libpath_utils-devel.i686                                                   0.2.1-32.el7                                            base
    libpath_utils-devel.x86_64                                                 0.2.1-32.el7                                            base
    libpcap.i686                                                               14:1.5.3-12.el7                                         base
    libpcap-devel.i686                                                         14:1.5.3-12.el7                                         base
    libpcap-devel.x86_64                                                       14:1.5.3-12.el7                                         base
    libpciaccess.i686                                                          0.14-1.el7                                              base
    libpciaccess-devel.i686                                                    0.14-1.el7                                              base
    libpciaccess-devel.x86_64                                                  0.14-1.el7                                              base
    libpeas.i686                                                               1.22.0-1.el7                                            base
    libpeas-devel.i686                                                         1.22.0-1.el7                                            base
    libpeas-devel.x86_64                                                       1.22.0-1.el7                                            base
    libpeas-gtk.i686                                                           1.22.0-1.el7                                            base
    libpeas-loader-python.i686                                                 1.22.0-1.el7                                            base
    libpfm.i686                                                                4.7.0-10.el7                                            base
    libpfm.x86_64                                                              4.7.0-10.el7                                            base
    libpfm-devel.i686                                                          4.7.0-10.el7                                            base
    libpfm-devel.x86_64                                                        4.7.0-10.el7                                            base
    libpfm-python.x86_64                                                       4.7.0-10.el7                                            base
    libpfm-static.i686                                                         4.7.0-10.el7                                            base
    libpfm-static.x86_64                                                       4.7.0-10.el7                                            base
    libpinyin.i686                                                             0.9.93-4.el7                                            base
    libpinyin-data.i686                                                        0.9.93-4.el7                                            base
    libpinyin-devel.i686                                                       0.9.93-4.el7                                            base
    libpinyin-devel.x86_64                                                     0.9.93-4.el7                                            base
    libpinyin-tools.x86_64                                                     0.9.93-4.el7                                            base
    libpipeline.i686                                                           1.2.3-3.el7                                             base
    libpipeline-devel.i686                                                     1.2.3-3.el7                                             base
    libpipeline-devel.x86_64                                                   1.2.3-3.el7                                             base
    libplist.i686                                                              1.12-3.el7                                              base
    libplist-devel.i686                                                        1.12-3.el7                                              base
    libplist-devel.x86_64                                                      1.12-3.el7                                              base
    libplist-python.x86_64                                                     1.12-3.el7                                              base
    libpmem.x86_64                                                             1.5.1-2.1.el7                                           base
    libpmem-debug.x86_64                                                       1.5.1-2.1.el7                                           base
    libpmem-devel.x86_64                                                       1.5.1-2.1.el7                                           base
    libpmemblk.x86_64                                                          1.5.1-2.1.el7                                           base
    libpmemblk-debug.x86_64                                                    1.5.1-2.1.el7                                           base
    libpmemblk-devel.x86_64                                                    1.5.1-2.1.el7                                           base
    libpmemlog.x86_64                                                          1.5.1-2.1.el7                                           base
    libpmemlog-debug.x86_64                                                    1.5.1-2.1.el7                                           base
    libpmemlog-devel.x86_64                                                    1.5.1-2.1.el7                                           base
    libpmemobj.x86_64                                                          1.5.1-2.1.el7                                           base
    libpmemobj++-devel.x86_64                                                  1.5-1.el7                                               base
    libpmemobj++-doc.x86_64                                                    1.5-1.el7                                               base
    libpmemobj-debug.x86_64                                                    1.5.1-2.1.el7                                           base
    libpmemobj-devel.x86_64                                                    1.5.1-2.1.el7                                           base
    libpmempool.x86_64                                                         1.5.1-2.1.el7                                           base
    libpmempool-debug.x86_64                                                   1.5.1-2.1.el7                                           base
    libpmempool-devel.x86_64                                                   1.5.1-2.1.el7                                           base
    libpng.i686                                                                2:1.5.13-8.el7                                          base
    libpng-devel.i686                                                          2:1.5.13-8.el7                                          base
    libpng-devel.x86_64                                                        2:1.5.13-8.el7                                          base
    libpng-static.i686                                                         2:1.5.13-8.el7                                          base
    libpng-static.x86_64                                                       2:1.5.13-8.el7                                          base
    libpng12.i686                                                              1.2.50-10.el7                                           base
    libpng12-devel.i686                                                        1.2.50-10.el7                                           base
    libpng12-devel.x86_64                                                      1.2.50-10.el7                                           base
    libproxy.i686                                                              0.4.11-11.el7                                           base
    libproxy-bin.x86_64                                                        0.4.11-11.el7                                           base
    libproxy-devel.i686                                                        0.4.11-11.el7                                           base
    libproxy-devel.x86_64                                                      0.4.11-11.el7                                           base
    libproxy-gnome.x86_64                                                      0.4.11-11.el7                                           base
    libproxy-kde.x86_64                                                        0.4.11-11.el7                                           base
    libproxy-networkmanager.x86_64                                             0.4.11-11.el7                                           base
    libproxy-python.noarch                                                     0.4.11-11.el7                                           base
    libproxy-webkitgtk3.x86_64                                                 0.4.11-11.el7                                           base
    libpsm2.x86_64                                                             11.2.78-1.el7                                           base
    libpsm2-compat.x86_64                                                      11.2.78-1.el7                                           base
    libpsm2-devel.x86_64                                                       11.2.78-1.el7                                           base
    libpst.x86_64                                                              0.6.59-4.el7                                            base
    libpst-devel.i686                                                          0.6.59-4.el7                                            base
    libpst-devel.x86_64                                                        0.6.59-4.el7                                            base
    libpst-devel-doc.x86_64                                                    0.6.59-4.el7                                            base
    libpst-doc.x86_64                                                          0.6.59-4.el7                                            base
    libpst-libs.i686                                                           0.6.59-4.el7                                            base
    libpst-libs.x86_64                                                         0.6.59-4.el7                                            base
    libpst-python.x86_64                                                       0.6.59-4.el7                                            base
    libpurple.i686                                                             2.10.11-9.el7                                           base
    libpurple-devel.i686                                                       2.10.11-9.el7                                           base
    libpurple-devel.x86_64                                                     2.10.11-9.el7                                           base
    libpurple-perl.x86_64                                                      2.10.11-9.el7                                           base
    libpurple-tcl.x86_64                                                       2.10.11-9.el7                                           base
    libpwquality.i686                                                          1.2.3-5.el7                                             base
    libpwquality-devel.i686                                                    1.2.3-5.el7                                             base
    libpwquality-devel.x86_64                                                  1.2.3-5.el7                                             base
    libqb.i686                                                                 1.0.1-9.el7                                             base
    libqb-devel.i686                                                           1.0.1-9.el7                                             base
    libqb-devel.x86_64                                                         1.0.1-9.el7                                             base
    libqmi.i686                                                                1.18.0-2.el7                                            base
    libqmi-devel.i686                                                          1.18.0-2.el7                                            base
    libqmi-devel.x86_64                                                        1.18.0-2.el7                                            base
    libquadmath.i686                                                           4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    libquadmath-devel.i686                                                     4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    libquadmath-static.i686                                                    4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    libquadmath-static.x86_64                                                  4.8.5-44.el7                                            base
    libquvi.i686                                                               0.4.1-5.el7                                             base
    libquvi.x86_64                                                             0.4.1-5.el7                                             base
    libquvi-devel.i686                                                         0.4.1-5.el7                                             base
    libquvi-devel.x86_64                                                       0.4.1-5.el7                                             base
    libquvi-scripts.noarch                                                     0.4.10-3.el7                                            base
    librabbitmq.i686                                                           0.8.0-3.el7                                             base
    librabbitmq.x86_64                                                         0.8.0-3.el7                                             base
    librabbitmq-devel.i686                                                     0.8.0-3.el7                                             base
    librabbitmq-devel.x86_64                                                   0.8.0-3.el7                                             base
    librabbitmq-examples.x86_64                                                0.8.0-3.el7                                             base
    librados2.i686                                                             1:10.2.5-4.el7                                          base
    librados2-devel.i686                                                       1:10.2.5-4.el7                                          base
    librados2-devel.x86_64                                                     1:10.2.5-4.el7                                          base
    libraw1394.i686                                                            2.1.0-2.el7                                             base
    libraw1394-devel.i686                                                      2.1.0-2.el7                                             base
    libraw1394-devel.x86_64                                                    2.1.0-2.el7                                             base
    librbd1.i686                                                               1:10.2.5-4.el7                                          base
    librbd1-devel.i686                                                         1:10.2.5-4.el7                                          base
    librbd1-devel.x86_64                                                       1:10.2.5-4.el7                                          base
    librdkafka.i686                                                            0.11.4-1.el7                                            base
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    librdkafka-devel.i686                                                      0.11.4-1.el7                                            base
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    libtalloc-devel.x86_64                                                     2.1.16-1.el7                                            base
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    libthai-devel.x86_64                                                       0.1.14-9.el7                                            base
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    libtheora-devel.i686                                                       1:1.1.1-8.el7                                           base
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    libtimezonemap-devel.x86_64                                                0.4.4-1.el7                                             base
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    libtirpc-devel.i686                                                        0.2.4-0.16.el7                                          base
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    libvirt-gobject-devel.i686                                                 1.0.0-1.el7                                             base
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    libvoikko-devel.x86_64                                                     3.6-5.el7                                               base
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    mpg123-devel.x86_64                                                        1.25.6-1.el7                                            base
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    mpg123-plugins-pulseaudio.x86_64                                           1.25.6-1.el7                                            base
    mpich-3.0.i686                                                             3.0.4-10.el7                                            base
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    mpich-3.0-devel.x86_64                                                     3.0.4-10.el7                                            base
    mpich-3.0-doc.noarch                                                       3.0.4-10.el7                                            base
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    mpich-3.2-autoload.x86_64                                                  3.2-2.el7                                               base
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    mpich-3.2-devel.x86_64                                                     3.2-2.el7                                               base
    mpich-3.2-doc.noarch                                                       3.2-2.el7                                               base
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    mpitests-mvapich222-psm2.x86_64                                            5.4.2-1.el7                                             base
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    mpitests-mvapich23-psm2.x86_64                                             5.4.2-1.el7                                             base
    mpitests-openmpi.x86_64                                                    5.4.2-1.el7                                             base
    mpitests-openmpi3.x86_64                                                   5.4.2-1.el7                                             base
    mrtg.x86_64                                                                2.17.4-11.el7                                           base
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    msv-javadoc.noarch                                                         1:2013.5.1-7.el7                                        base
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    mtdev-devel.i686                                                           1.1.5-5.el7                                             base
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    mtr-gtk.x86_64                                                             2:0.85-7.el7                                            base
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    munge-maven-plugin-javadoc.noarch                                          1.0-2.el7                                               base
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    mvapich2-2.2-psm2-devel.x86_64                                             2.2-4.el7                                               base
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    mvapich23-psm2-devel.x86_64                                                2.3-4.el7                                               base
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    mythes-lb.noarch                                                           0.20121128-2.el7                                        base
    mythes-lv.noarch                                                           0.9.4-5.el7                                             base
    mythes-mi.noarch                                                           0.20080630-9.el7                                        base
    mythes-nb.noarch                                                           1:2.0.10-1.el7                                          base
    mythes-ne.noarch                                                           1.1-6.el7                                               base
    mythes-nl.noarch                                                           0.20130131-2.el7                                        base
    mythes-nn.noarch                                                           1:2.0.10-1.el7                                          base
    mythes-pl.noarch                                                           1.5-11.el7                                              base
    mythes-pt.noarch                                                           0.20060817-11.el7                                       base
    mythes-ro.noarch                                                           3.3-7.el7                                               base
    mythes-ru.noarch                                                           0.20070613-9.el7                                        base
    mythes-sk.noarch                                                           0.20130130-2.el7                                        base
    mythes-sl.noarch                                                           0.20130130-2.el7                                        base
    mythes-sv.noarch                                                           1.3-6.el7                                               base
    mythes-uk.noarch                                                           1.6.5-6.el7                                             base
    nafees-web-naskh-fonts.noarch                                              1.2-11.el7                                              base
    nagios-plugins-bacula.x86_64                                               5.2.13-23.1.el7                                         base
    nasm.x86_64                                                                2.10.07-7.el7                                           base
    nasm-doc.noarch                                                            2.10.07-7.el7                                           base
    nasm-rdoff.x86_64                                                          2.10.07-7.el7                                           base
    nautilus.i686                                                                                              base
    nautilus-devel.i686                                                                                        base
    nautilus-devel.x86_64                                                                                      base
    nautilus-extensions.i686                                                                                   base
    navilu-fonts.noarch                                                        1.2-3.el7                                               base
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    nbdkit-basic-plugins.x86_64                                                1.8.0-4.el7                                             base
    nbdkit-devel.x86_64                                                        1.8.0-4.el7                                             base
    nbdkit-example-plugins.x86_64                                              1.8.0-4.el7                                             base
    nbdkit-plugin-python-common.x86_64                                         1.8.0-4.el7                                             base
    nbdkit-plugin-python2.x86_64                                               1.8.0-4.el7                                             base
    nbdkit-plugin-vddk.x86_64                                                  1.8.0-4.el7                                             base
    ncurses-devel.i686                                                         5.9-14.20130511.el7_4                                   base
    ncurses-devel.x86_64                                                       5.9-14.20130511.el7_4                                   base
    ncurses-libs.i686                                                          5.9-14.20130511.el7_4                                   base
    ncurses-static.i686                                                        5.9-14.20130511.el7_4                                   base
    ncurses-static.x86_64                                                      5.9-14.20130511.el7_4                                   base
    ncurses-term.noarch                                                        5.9-14.20130511.el7_4                                   base
    ndctl-devel.i686                                                           65-5.el7                                                base
    ndctl-devel.x86_64                                                         65-5.el7                                                base
    ndctl-libs.i686                                                            65-5.el7                                                base
    nekohtml.noarch                                                            1.9.14-13.el7                                           base
    nekohtml-demo.noarch                                                       1.9.14-13.el7                                           base
    nekohtml-javadoc.noarch                                                    1.9.14-13.el7                                           base
    neon.i686                                                                  0.30.0-4.el7                                            base
    neon-devel.i686                                                            0.30.0-4.el7                                            base
    neon-devel.x86_64                                                          0.30.0-4.el7                                            base
    nepomuk-core-devel.i686                                                    4.10.5-6.el7                                            base
    nepomuk-core-devel.x86_64                                                  4.10.5-6.el7                                            base
    nepomuk-core-libs.i686                                                     4.10.5-6.el7                                            base
    nepomuk-widgets.i686                                                       4.10.5-3.el7                                            base
    nepomuk-widgets-devel.i686                                                 4.10.5-3.el7                                            base
    nepomuk-widgets-devel.x86_64                                               4.10.5-3.el7                                            base
    net-snmp.x86_64                                                            1:5.7.2-49.el7_9.1                                      updates
    net-snmp-agent-libs.i686                                                   1:5.7.2-49.el7_9.1                                      updates
    net-snmp-agent-libs.x86_64                                                 1:5.7.2-49.el7_9.1                                      updates
    net-snmp-devel.i686                                                        1:5.7.2-49.el7_9.1                                      updates
    net-snmp-devel.x86_64                                                      1:5.7.2-49.el7_9.1                                      updates
    net-snmp-gui.x86_64                                                        1:5.7.2-49.el7_9.1                                      updates
    net-snmp-libs.i686                                                         1:5.7.2-49.el7_9.1                                      updates
    net-snmp-libs.x86_64                                                       1:5.7.2-49.el7_9.1                                      updates
    net-snmp-perl.x86_64                                                       1:5.7.2-49.el7_9.1                                      updates
    net-snmp-python.x86_64                                                     1:5.7.2-49.el7_9.1                                      updates
    net-snmp-sysvinit.x86_64                                                   1:5.7.2-49.el7_9.1                                      updates
    net-snmp-utils.x86_64                                                      1:5.7.2-49.el7_9.1                                      updates
    netcf.x86_64                                                               0.2.8-4.el7                                             base
    netcf-devel.i686                                                           0.2.8-4.el7                                             base
    netcf-devel.x86_64                                                         0.2.8-4.el7                                             base
    netcf-libs.i686                                                            0.2.8-4.el7                                             base
    netlabel_tools.x86_64                                                      0.20-5.el7                                              base
    netpbm.i686                                                                10.79.00-7.el7                                          base
    netpbm.x86_64                                                              10.79.00-7.el7                                          base
    netpbm-devel.i686                                                          10.79.00-7.el7                                          base
    netpbm-devel.x86_64                                                        10.79.00-7.el7                                          base
    netpbm-doc.x86_64                                                          10.79.00-7.el7                                          base
    netpbm-progs.x86_64                                                        10.79.00-7.el7                                          base
    netsniff-ng.x86_64                                                         0.5.8-10.el7                                            base
    nettle.i686                                                                2.7.1-9.el7_9                                           updates
    nettle.x86_64                                                              2.7.1-9.el7_9                                           updates
    nettle-devel.i686                                                          2.7.1-9.el7_9                                           updates
    nettle-devel.x86_64                                                        2.7.1-9.el7_9                                           updates
    network-manager-applet.x86_64                                              1.8.6-2.el7                                             base
    newt.i686                                                                  0.52.15-4.el7                                           base
    newt-devel.i686                                                            0.52.15-4.el7                                           base
    newt-devel.x86_64                                                          0.52.15-4.el7                                           base
    newt-static.i686                                                           0.52.15-4.el7                                           base
    newt-static.x86_64                                                         0.52.15-4.el7                                           base
    nextgen-yum4.noarch                                                                                       extras
    nfsometer.noarch                                                           1.7-1.el7                                               base
    nfstest.noarch                                                             2.1.5-1.el7                                             base
    nftables.x86_64                                                            1:0.8-14.el7                                            base
    nhn-nanum-brush-fonts.noarch                                               1.100-9.el7                                             base
    nhn-nanum-myeongjo-fonts.noarch                                            3.020-9.el7                                             base
    nhn-nanum-pen-fonts.noarch                                                 1.100-9.el7                                             base
    nmap.x86_64                                                                2:6.40-19.el7                                           base
    nmap-frontend.noarch                                                       2:6.40-19.el7                                           base
    nscd.x86_64                                                                2.17-324.el7_9                                          updates
    nspr.i686                                                                  4.25.0-2.el7_9                                          updates
    nspr.x86_64                                                                4.25.0-2.el7_9                                          updates
    nspr-devel.i686                                                            4.25.0-2.el7_9                                          updates
    nspr-devel.x86_64                                                          4.25.0-2.el7_9                                          updates
    nss.i686                                                                   3.53.1-7.el7_9                                          updates
    nss.x86_64                                                                 3.53.1-7.el7_9                                          updates
    nss-devel.i686                                                             3.53.1-7.el7_9                                          updates
    nss-devel.x86_64                                                           3.53.1-7.el7_9                                          updates
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    nss-pam-ldapd.x86_64                                                       0.8.13-25.el7                                           base
    nss-pem.i686                                                               1.0.3-7.el7                                             base
    nss-pkcs11-devel.i686                                                      3.53.1-7.el7_9                                          updates
    nss-pkcs11-devel.x86_64                                                    3.53.1-7.el7_9                                          updates
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    nss-softokn.x86_64                                                         3.53.1-6.el7_9                                          updates
    nss-softokn-devel.i686                                                     3.53.1-6.el7_9                                          updates
    nss-softokn-devel.x86_64                                                   3.53.1-6.el7_9                                          updates
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    nss-softokn-freebl.x86_64                                                  3.53.1-6.el7_9                                          updates
    nss-softokn-freebl-devel.i686                                              3.53.1-6.el7_9                                          updates
    nss-softokn-freebl-devel.x86_64                                            3.53.1-6.el7_9                                          updates
    nss-sysinit.x86_64                                                         3.53.1-7.el7_9                                          updates
    nss-tools.x86_64                                                           3.53.1-7.el7_9                                          updates
    nss-util.i686                                                              3.53.1-1.el7_9                                          updates
    nss-util.x86_64                                                            3.53.1-1.el7_9                                          updates
    nss-util-devel.i686                                                        3.53.1-1.el7_9                                          updates
    nss-util-devel.x86_64                                                      3.53.1-1.el7_9                                          updates
    nss_compat_ossl.i686                                                       0.9.6-8.el7                                             base
    nss_compat_ossl.x86_64                                                     0.9.6-8.el7                                             base
    nss_compat_ossl-devel.i686                                                 0.9.6-8.el7                                             base
    nss_compat_ossl-devel.x86_64                                               0.9.6-8.el7                                             base
    ntp-doc.noarch                                                             4.2.6p5-29.el7.centos.2                                 base
    ntp-perl.noarch                                                            4.2.6p5-29.el7.centos.2                                 base
    numactl-devel.i686                                                         2.0.12-5.el7                                            base
    numactl-devel.x86_64                                                       2.0.12-5.el7                                            base
    numactl-libs.i686                                                          2.0.12-5.el7                                            base
    numpy.x86_64                                                               1:1.7.1-13.el7                                          base
    numpy-f2py.x86_64                                                          1:1.7.1-13.el7                                          base
    nuvola-icon-theme.noarch                                                   4.10.5-4.el7                                            base
    nuxwdog.i686                                                               1.0.5-1.el7                                             base
    nuxwdog-client-perl.x86_64                                                 1.0.5-1.el7                                             base
    nuxwdog-devel.i686                                                         1.0.5-1.el7                                             base
    nuxwdog-devel.x86_64                                                       1.0.5-1.el7                                             base
    nvme-cli.x86_64                                                            1.8.1-3.el7                                             base
    nvmetcli.noarch                                                            0.6-1.el7                                               base
    obex-data-server.x86_64                                                    1:0.4.6-6.el7                                           base
    obexd.x86_64                                                               1:0.46-5.el7                                            base
    objectweb-anttask.noarch                                                   1.3.2-10.el7                                            base
    objectweb-anttask-javadoc.noarch                                           1.3.2-10.el7                                            base
    objectweb-asm-javadoc.noarch                                               3.3.1-9.el7                                             base
    objectweb-asm4.noarch                                                      4.0-3.el7                                               base
    objectweb-asm4-javadoc.noarch                                              4.0-3.el7                                               base
    ocaml.x86_64                                                               4.05.0-6.el7                                            base
    ocaml-brlapi.x86_64                                                        0.6.0-16.el7                                            base
    ocaml-calendar.x86_64                                                      2.03.2-7.el7                                            base
    ocaml-calendar-devel.x86_64                                                2.03.2-7.el7                                            base
    ocaml-camlp4.x86_64                                                        4.05.0-0.4.gitfc12d8c7.el7                              base
    ocaml-camlp4-devel.x86_64                                                  4.05.0-0.4.gitfc12d8c7.el7                              base
    ocaml-compiler-libs.x86_64                                                 4.05.0-6.el7                                            base
    ocaml-csv.x86_64                                                           1.2.3-8.el7                                             base
    ocaml-csv-devel.x86_64                                                     1.2.3-8.el7                                             base
    ocaml-curses.x86_64                                                        1.0.3-20.el7                                            base
    ocaml-curses-devel.x86_64                                                  1.0.3-20.el7                                            base
    ocaml-docs.x86_64                                                          4.05.0-6.el7                                            base
    ocaml-emacs.x86_64                                                         4.05.0-6.el7                                            base
    ocaml-extlib.x86_64                                                        1.5.3-7.el7                                             base
    ocaml-extlib-devel.x86_64                                                  1.5.3-7.el7                                             base
    ocaml-fileutils.x86_64                                                     0.4.4-9.el7                                             base
    ocaml-fileutils-devel.x86_64                                               0.4.4-9.el7                                             base
    ocaml-findlib.x86_64                                                       1.7.3-7.el7                                             base
    ocaml-findlib-devel.x86_64                                                 1.7.3-7.el7                                             base
    ocaml-gettext.x86_64                                                       0.3.7-1.el7                                             base
    ocaml-gettext-devel.x86_64                                                 0.3.7-1.el7                                             base
    ocaml-hivex.x86_64                                                         1.3.10-6.11.el7_9                                       updates
    ocaml-hivex-devel.x86_64                                                   1.3.10-6.11.el7_9                                       updates
    ocaml-libguestfs.x86_64                                                    1:1.40.2-10.el7                                         base
    ocaml-libguestfs-devel.x86_64                                              1:1.40.2-10.el7                                         base
    ocaml-libvirt.x86_64                                                                                       base
    ocaml-libvirt-devel.x86_64                                                                                 base
    ocaml-ocamlbuild.x86_64                                                    0.11.0-9.el7                                            base
    ocaml-ocamlbuild-devel.x86_64                                              0.11.0-9.el7                                            base
    ocaml-ocamlbuild-doc.x86_64                                                0.11.0-9.el7                                            base
    ocaml-ocamldoc.x86_64                                                      4.05.0-6.el7                                            base
    ocaml-runtime.x86_64                                                       4.05.0-6.el7                                            base
    ocaml-source.x86_64                                                        4.05.0-6.el7                                            base
    ocaml-srpm-macros.noarch                                                   5-2.el7                                                 base
    ocaml-x11.x86_64                                                           4.05.0-6.el7                                            base
    ocaml-xml-light.x86_64                                                     2.3-0.8.svn234.el7                                      base
    ocaml-xml-light-devel.x86_64                                               2.3-0.8.svn234.el7                                      base
    oci-register-machine.x86_64                                                1:0-6.git2b44233.el7                                    extras
    oci-systemd-hook.x86_64                                                    1:0.2.0-1.git05e6923.el7_6                              extras
    oci-umount.x86_64                                                          2:2.5-3.el7                                             extras
    oddjob-mkhomedir.i686                                                      0.31.5-4.el7                                            base
    okular-devel.i686                                                          4.10.5-9.el7                                            base
    okular-devel.x86_64                                                        4.10.5-9.el7                                            base
    okular-libs.i686                                                           4.10.5-9.el7                                            base
    opa-fm.x86_64                                                              1:                                    base
    opa-libopamgt-devel.x86_64                                                 1:                                    base
    opa-snapconfig.x86_64                                                      1:                                    base
    opal.i686                                                                  3.10.10-4.el7                                           base
    opal.x86_64                                                                3.10.10-4.el7                                           base
    opal-devel.i686                                                            3.10.10-4.el7                                           base
    opal-devel.x86_64                                                          3.10.10-4.el7                                           base
    open-vm-tools.x86_64                                                       11.0.5-3.el7_9.3                                        updates
    open-vm-tools-desktop.x86_64                                               11.0.5-3.el7_9.3                                        updates
    open-vm-tools-devel.x86_64                                                 11.0.5-3.el7_9.3                                        updates
    open-vm-tools-test.x86_64                                                  11.0.5-3.el7_9.3                                        updates
    opencc.i686                                                                0.4.3-3.el7                                             base
    opencc-devel.i686                                                          0.4.3-3.el7                                             base
    opencc-devel.x86_64                                                        0.4.3-3.el7                                             base
    opencc-doc.x86_64                                                          0.4.3-3.el7                                             base
    opencc-tools.x86_64                                                        0.4.3-3.el7                                             base
    openchange.i686                                                            2.3-3.el7                                               base
    openchange.x86_64                                                          2.3-3.el7                                               base
    openchange-client.x86_64                                                   2.3-3.el7                                               base
    openchange-devel.i686                                                      2.3-3.el7                                               base
    openchange-devel.x86_64                                                    2.3-3.el7                                               base
    openchange-devel-docs.noarch                                               2.3-3.el7                                               base
    opencryptoki.i686                                                          3.12.1-3.el7_9                                          updates
    opencryptoki.x86_64                                                        3.12.1-3.el7_9                                          updates
    opencryptoki-devel.i686                                                    3.12.1-3.el7_9                                          updates
    opencryptoki-devel.x86_64                                                  3.12.1-3.el7_9                                          updates
    opencryptoki-icsftok.i686                                                  3.12.1-3.el7_9                                          updates
    opencryptoki-icsftok.x86_64                                                3.12.1-3.el7_9                                          updates
    opencryptoki-libs.i686                                                     3.12.1-3.el7_9                                          updates
    opencryptoki-libs.x86_64                                                   3.12.1-3.el7_9                                          updates
    opencryptoki-swtok.i686                                                    3.12.1-3.el7_9                                          updates
    opencryptoki-swtok.x86_64                                                  3.12.1-3.el7_9                                          updates
    opencryptoki-tpmtok.i686                                                   3.12.1-3.el7_9                                          updates
    opencryptoki-tpmtok.x86_64                                                 3.12.1-3.el7_9                                          updates
    opencv.i686                                                                2.4.5-3.el7                                             base
    opencv.x86_64                                                              2.4.5-3.el7                                             base
    opencv-core.i686                                                           2.4.5-3.el7                                             base
    opencv-core.x86_64                                                         2.4.5-3.el7                                             base
    opencv-devel.i686                                                          2.4.5-3.el7                                             base
    opencv-devel.x86_64                                                        2.4.5-3.el7                                             base
    opencv-devel-docs.noarch                                                   2.4.5-3.el7                                             base
    opencv-python.x86_64                                                       2.4.5-3.el7                                             base
    opendnssec.x86_64                                                          1.4.7-4.el7                                             base
    openhpi.i686                                                               3.8.0-1.el7                                             base
    openhpi.x86_64                                                             3.8.0-1.el7                                             base
    openhpi-devel.i686                                                         3.8.0-1.el7                                             base
    openhpi-devel.x86_64                                                       3.8.0-1.el7                                             base
    openhpi-libs.i686                                                          3.8.0-1.el7                                             base
    openhpi-libs.x86_64                                                        3.8.0-1.el7                                             base
    openjade.i686                                                              1.3.2-45.el7                                            base
    openjade.x86_64                                                            1.3.2-45.el7                                            base
    openjpeg.x86_64                                                            1.5.1-18.el7                                            base
    openjpeg-devel.i686                                                        1.5.1-18.el7                                            base
    openjpeg-devel.x86_64                                                      1.5.1-18.el7                                            base
    openjpeg-libs.i686                                                         1.5.1-18.el7                                            base
    openjpeg2.i686                                                             2.3.1-3.el7_7                                           base
    openjpeg2-devel.i686                                                       2.3.1-3.el7_7                                           base
    openjpeg2-devel.x86_64                                                     2.3.1-3.el7_7                                           base
    openjpeg2-devel-docs.noarch                                                2.3.1-3.el7_7                                           base
    openjpeg2-tools.i686                                                       2.3.1-3.el7_7                                           base
    openjpeg2-tools.x86_64                                                     2.3.1-3.el7_7                                           base
    openldap.i686                                                              2.4.44-23.el7_9                                         updates
    openldap.x86_64                                                            2.4.44-23.el7_9                                         updates
    openldap-clients.x86_64                                                    2.4.44-23.el7_9                                         updates
    openldap-devel.i686                                                        2.4.44-23.el7_9                                         updates
    openldap-devel.x86_64                                                      2.4.44-23.el7_9                                         updates
    openldap-servers.x86_64                                                    2.4.44-23.el7_9                                         updates
    openldap-servers-sql.x86_64                                                2.4.44-23.el7_9                                         updates
    openlmi.noarch                                                             1.0.2-4.el7                                             base
    openlmi-account-doc.noarch                                                 0.5.0-4.el7                                             base
    openlmi-fan.x86_64                                                         0.5.0-4.el7                                             base
    openlmi-fan-doc.noarch                                                     0.5.0-4.el7                                             base
    openlmi-hardware-doc.noarch                                                0.5.0-4.el7                                             base
    openlmi-indicationmanager-libs.i686                                        0.5.0-4.el7                                             base
    openlmi-indicationmanager-libs-devel.i686                                  0.5.0-4.el7                                             base
    openlmi-indicationmanager-libs-devel.x86_64                                0.5.0-4.el7                                             base
    openlmi-journald.x86_64                                                    0.5.0-4.el7                                             base
    openlmi-journald-doc.noarch                                                0.5.0-4.el7                                             base
    openlmi-logicalfile-doc.noarch                                             0.5.0-4.el7                                             base
    openlmi-networking-doc.noarch                                              0.3.0-3.el7                                             base
    openlmi-pcp.noarch                                                         0.5.0-4.el7                                             base
    openlmi-powermanagement.x86_64                                             0.5.0-4.el7                                             base
    openlmi-powermanagement-doc.noarch                                         0.5.0-4.el7                                             base
    openlmi-providers.i686                                                     0.5.0-4.el7                                             base
    openlmi-providers-devel.i686                                               0.5.0-4.el7                                             base
    openlmi-providers-devel.x86_64                                             0.5.0-4.el7                                             base
    openlmi-python-test.noarch                                                 0.5.0-4.el7                                             base
    openlmi-realmd.x86_64                                                      0.5.0-4.el7                                             base
    openlmi-realmd-doc.noarch                                                  0.5.0-4.el7                                             base
    openlmi-service-doc.noarch                                                 0.5.0-4.el7                                             base
    openlmi-software-doc.noarch                                                0.5.0-4.el7                                             base
    openlmi-storage-doc.noarch                                                 0.8.0-2.el7                                             base
    openlmi-tools.noarch                                                       0.9-22.el7                                              base
    openlmi-tools-doc.noarch                                                   0.9-22.el7                                              base
    openmpi.i686                                                               1.10.7-5.el7                                            base
    openmpi.x86_64                                                             1.10.7-5.el7                                            base
    openmpi-devel.i686                                                         1.10.7-5.el7                                            base
    openmpi-devel.x86_64                                                       1.10.7-5.el7                                            base
    openmpi3.i686                                                              3.1.3-2.el7                                             base
    openmpi3.x86_64                                                            3.1.3-2.el7                                             base
    openmpi3-devel.i686                                                        3.1.3-2.el7                                             base
    openmpi3-devel.x86_64                                                      3.1.3-2.el7                                             base
    openobex.i686                                                              1.5-8.el7                                               base
    openobex.x86_64                                                            1.5-8.el7                                               base
    openobex-apps.x86_64                                                       1.5-8.el7                                               base
    openobex-devel.i686                                                        1.5-8.el7                                               base
    openobex-devel.x86_64                                                      1.5-8.el7                                               base
    opensc.i686                                                                0.19.0-4.el7_9                                          updates
    opensc.x86_64                                                              0.19.0-4.el7_9                                          updates
    openscap.i686                                                              1.2.17-13.el7_9                                         updates
    openscap.x86_64                                                            1.2.17-13.el7_9                                         updates
    openscap-containers.noarch                                                 1.2.17-13.el7_9                                         updates
    openscap-devel.i686                                                        1.2.17-13.el7_9                                         updates
    openscap-devel.x86_64                                                      1.2.17-13.el7_9                                         updates
    openscap-engine-sce.i686                                                   1.2.17-13.el7_9                                         updates
    openscap-engine-sce.x86_64                                                 1.2.17-13.el7_9                                         updates
    openscap-engine-sce-devel.i686                                             1.2.17-13.el7_9                                         updates
    openscap-engine-sce-devel.x86_64                                           1.2.17-13.el7_9                                         updates
    openscap-extra-probes.x86_64                                               1.2.17-13.el7_9                                         updates
    openscap-python.x86_64                                                     1.2.17-13.el7_9                                         updates
    openscap-scanner.x86_64                                                    1.2.17-13.el7_9                                         updates
    openscap-utils.x86_64                                                      1.2.17-13.el7_9                                         updates
    openslp.i686                                                               1:2.0.0-8.el7_7                                         base
    openslp-devel.i686                                                         1:2.0.0-8.el7_7                                         base
    openslp-devel.x86_64                                                       1:2.0.0-8.el7_7                                         base
    opensm.x86_64                                                              3.3.21-4.el7_9                                          updates
    opensm-devel.i686                                                          3.3.21-4.el7_9                                          updates
    opensm-devel.x86_64                                                        3.3.21-4.el7_9                                          updates
    opensm-libs.i686                                                           3.3.21-4.el7_9                                          updates
    opensm-libs.x86_64                                                         3.3.21-4.el7_9                                          updates
    opensm-static.i686                                                         3.3.21-4.el7_9                                          updates
    opensm-static.x86_64                                                       3.3.21-4.el7_9                                          updates
    opensp.i686                                                                1.5.2-19.el7                                            base
    opensp.x86_64                                                              1.5.2-19.el7                                            base
    opensp-devel.i686                                                          1.5.2-19.el7                                            base
    opensp-devel.x86_64                                                        1.5.2-19.el7                                            base
    openssh-askpass.x86_64                                                     7.4p1-21.el7                                            base
    openssh-cavs.x86_64                                                        7.4p1-21.el7                                            base
    openssh-keycat.x86_64                                                      7.4p1-21.el7                                            base
    openssh-ldap.x86_64                                                        7.4p1-21.el7                                            base
    openssh-server-sysvinit.x86_64                                             7.4p1-21.el7                                            base
    openssl.x86_64                                                             1:1.0.2k-21.el7_9                                       updates
    openssl-devel.i686                                                         1:1.0.2k-21.el7_9                                       updates
    openssl-devel.x86_64                                                       1:1.0.2k-21.el7_9                                       updates
    openssl-libs.i686                                                          1:1.0.2k-21.el7_9                                       updates
    openssl-libs.x86_64                                                        1:1.0.2k-21.el7_9                                       updates
    openssl-perl.x86_64                                                        1:1.0.2k-21.el7_9                                       updates
    openssl-static.i686                                                        1:1.0.2k-21.el7_9                                       updates
    openssl-static.x86_64                                                      1:1.0.2k-21.el7_9                                       updates
    openssl098e.i686                                                           0.9.8e-29.el7.centos.3                                  base
    openwsman-client.i686                                                      2.6.3-7.git4391e5c.el7                                  base
    openwsman-perl.x86_64                                                      2.6.3-7.git4391e5c.el7                                  base
    openwsman-ruby.x86_64                                                      2.6.3-7.git4391e5c.el7                                  base
    openwsman-server.i686                                                      2.6.3-7.git4391e5c.el7                                  base
    openwsman-server.x86_64                                                    2.6.3-7.git4391e5c.el7                                  base
    oprofile-devel.i686                                                        0.9.9-27.el7                                            base
    oprofile-devel.x86_64                                                      0.9.9-27.el7                                            base
    oprofile-gui.x86_64                                                        0.9.9-27.el7                                            base
    oprofile-jit.i686                                                          0.9.9-27.el7                                            base
    oprofile-jit.x86_64                                                        0.9.9-27.el7                                            base
    optipng.x86_64                                                             0.7.4-4.el7                                             base
    opus.i686                                                                  1.0.2-6.el7                                             base
    opus-devel.i686                                                            1.0.2-6.el7                                             base
    opus-devel.x86_64                                                          1.0.2-6.el7                                             base
    orc.i686                                                                   0.4.26-1.el7                                            base
    orc-compiler.x86_64                                                        0.4.26-1.el7                                            base
    orc-devel.i686                                                             0.4.26-1.el7                                            base
    orc-devel.x86_64                                                           0.4.26-1.el7                                            base
    orc-doc.noarch                                                             0.4.26-1.el7                                            base
    ortp.i686                                                                  1:0.20.0-10.el7                                         base
    ortp.x86_64                                                                1:0.20.0-10.el7                                         base
    ortp-devel.i686                                                            1:0.20.0-10.el7                                         base
    ortp-devel.x86_64                                                          1:0.20.0-10.el7                                         base
    oscap-anaconda-addon.noarch                                                0.9-3.el7.centos                                        base
    oscilloscope.noarch                                                        0.13-9.el7                                              base
    ostree.x86_64                                                              2019.1-2.el7                                            extras
    ostree-devel.x86_64                                                        2019.1-2.el7                                            extras
    ostree-fuse.x86_64                                                         2019.1-2.el7                                            extras
    ostree-grub2.x86_64                                                        2019.1-2.el7                                            extras
    oxygen-cursor-themes.noarch                                                4.11.19-16.el7_9                                        updates
    oxygen-gtk2.i686                                                           1.3.4-3.el7                                             base
    oxygen-gtk3.x86_64                                                         1:1.1.4-5.el7                                           base
    p11-kit.i686                                                               0.23.5-3.el7                                            base
    p11-kit-devel.i686                                                         0.23.5-3.el7                                            base
    p11-kit-devel.x86_64                                                       0.23.5-3.el7                                            base
    p11-kit-doc.noarch                                                         0.23.5-3.el7                                            base
    p11-kit-trust.i686                                                         0.23.5-3.el7                                            base
    pacemaker.x86_64                                                           1.1.23-1.el7_9.1                                        updates
    pacemaker-cli.x86_64                                                       1.1.23-1.el7_9.1                                        updates
    pacemaker-cluster-libs.i686                                                1.1.23-1.el7_9.1                                        updates
    pacemaker-cluster-libs.x86_64                                              1.1.23-1.el7_9.1                                        updates
    pacemaker-cts.x86_64                                                       1.1.23-1.el7_9.1                                        updates
    pacemaker-doc.x86_64                                                       1.1.23-1.el7_9.1                                        updates
    pacemaker-libs.i686                                                        1.1.23-1.el7_9.1                                        updates
    pacemaker-libs.x86_64                                                      1.1.23-1.el7_9.1                                        updates
    pacemaker-libs-devel.i686                                                  1.1.23-1.el7_9.1                                        updates
    pacemaker-libs-devel.x86_64                                                1.1.23-1.el7_9.1                                        updates
    pacemaker-nagios-plugins-metadata.x86_64                                   1.1.23-1.el7_9.1                                        updates
    pacemaker-remote.x86_64                                                    1.1.23-1.el7_9.1                                        updates
    pakchois.i686                                                              0.4-10.el7                                              base
    pakchois-devel.i686                                                        0.4-10.el7                                              base
    pakchois-devel.x86_64                                                      0.4-10.el7                                              base
    paktype-naqsh-fonts.noarch                                                 4.1-2.el7                                               base
    paktype-tehreer-fonts.noarch                                               4.1-2.el7                                               base
    pam.i686                                                                   1.1.8-23.el7                                            base
    pam-devel.i686                                                             1.1.8-23.el7                                            base
    pam-devel.x86_64                                                           1.1.8-23.el7                                            base
    pam_krb5.i686                                                              2.4.8-6.el7                                             base
    pam_krb5.x86_64                                                            2.4.8-6.el7                                             base
    pam_pkcs11.i686                                                            0.6.2-30.el7                                            base
    pam_pkcs11.x86_64                                                          0.6.2-30.el7                                            base
    pam_snapper.i686                                                           0.2.8-4.el7                                             base
    pam_snapper.x86_64                                                         0.2.8-4.el7                                             base
    pam_ssh_agent_auth.i686                                                    0.10.3-2.21.el7                                         base
    pam_ssh_agent_auth.x86_64                                                  0.10.3-2.21.el7                                         base
    pango.i686                                                                 1.42.4-4.el7_7                                          base
    pango-devel.i686                                                           1.42.4-4.el7_7                                          base
    pango-devel.x86_64                                                         1.42.4-4.el7_7                                          base
    pango-tests.x86_64                                                         1.42.4-4.el7_7                                          base
    pangomm.i686                                                               2.40.1-1.el7                                            base
    pangomm-devel.i686                                                         2.40.1-1.el7                                            base
    pangomm-devel.x86_64                                                       2.40.1-1.el7                                            base
    pangomm-doc.noarch                                                         2.40.1-1.el7                                            base
    papi.i686                                                                  5.2.0-26.el7                                            base
    papi.x86_64                                                                5.2.0-26.el7                                            base
    papi-devel.i686                                                            5.2.0-26.el7                                            base
    papi-devel.x86_64                                                          5.2.0-26.el7                                            base
    papi-static.i686                                                           5.2.0-26.el7                                            base
    papi-static.x86_64                                                         5.2.0-26.el7                                            base
    papi-testsuite.x86_64                                                      5.2.0-26.el7                                            base
    paps-devel.i686                                                            0.6.8-28.el7.1                                          base
    paps-devel.x86_64                                                          0.6.8-28.el7.1                                          base
    paps-libs.i686                                                             0.6.8-28.el7.1                                          base
    paratype-pt-sans-caption-fonts.noarch                                      20101909-3.el7                                          base
    parfait-examples.noarch                                                    0.5.4-2.el7                                             base
    parfait-javadoc.noarch                                                     0.5.4-2.el7                                             base
    parted.i686                                                                3.1-32.el7                                              base
    parted-devel.i686                                                          3.1-32.el7                                              base
    parted-devel.x86_64                                                        3.1-32.el7                                              base
    passivetex.noarch                                                          1.25-17.el7                                             base
    patchutils.x86_64                                                          0.3.3-5.el7_9                                           updates
    pavucontrol.x86_64                                                         3.0-5.el7                                               base
    pax.x86_64                                                                 3.4-19.el7                                              base
    pciutils-devel.i686                                                        3.5.1-3.el7                                             base
    pciutils-devel.x86_64                                                      3.5.1-3.el7                                             base
    pciutils-devel-static.i686                                                 3.5.1-3.el7                                             base
    pciutils-devel-static.x86_64                                               3.5.1-3.el7                                             base
    pciutils-libs.i686                                                         3.5.1-3.el7                                             base
    pcp.x86_64                                                                 4.3.2-13.el7_9                                          updates
    pcp-conf.x86_64                                                            4.3.2-13.el7_9                                          updates
    pcp-devel.i686                                                             4.3.2-12.el7                                            base
    pcp-devel.x86_64                                                           4.3.2-13.el7_9                                          updates
    pcp-doc.noarch                                                             4.3.2-13.el7_9                                          updates
    pcp-export-pcp2elasticsearch.x86_64                                        4.3.2-13.el7_9                                          updates
    pcp-export-pcp2graphite.x86_64                                             4.3.2-13.el7_9                                          updates
    pcp-export-pcp2influxdb.x86_64                                             4.3.2-13.el7_9                                          updates
    pcp-export-pcp2json.x86_64                                                 4.3.2-13.el7_9                                          updates
    pcp-export-pcp2spark.x86_64                                                4.3.2-13.el7_9                                          updates
    pcp-export-pcp2xml.x86_64                                                  4.3.2-13.el7_9                                          updates
    pcp-export-pcp2zabbix.x86_64                                               4.3.2-13.el7_9                                          updates
    pcp-export-zabbix-agent.x86_64                                             4.3.2-13.el7_9                                          updates
    pcp-gui.x86_64                                                             4.3.2-13.el7_9                                          updates
    pcp-import-collectl2pcp.x86_64                                             4.3.2-13.el7_9                                          updates
    pcp-import-ganglia2pcp.x86_64                                              4.3.2-13.el7_9                                          updates
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    pcp-import-sar2pcp.x86_64                                                  4.3.2-13.el7_9                                          updates
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    pcp-libs.x86_64                                                            4.3.2-13.el7_9                                          updates
    pcp-libs-devel.i686                                                        4.3.2-12.el7                                            base
    pcp-libs-devel.x86_64                                                      4.3.2-13.el7_9                                          updates
    pcp-manager.x86_64                                                         4.3.2-13.el7_9                                          updates
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    pcre-devel.x86_64                                                          8.32-17.el7                                             base
    pcre-static.i686                                                           8.32-17.el7                                             base
    pcre-static.x86_64                                                         8.32-17.el7                                             base
    pcre-tools.x86_64                                                          8.32-17.el7                                             base
    pcre2.i686                                                                 10.23-2.el7                                             base
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    pcre2-devel.x86_64                                                         10.23-2.el7                                             base
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    phonon-devel.x86_64                                                        4.6.0-10.el7                                            base
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    php-dba.x86_64                                                             5.4.16-48.el7                                           base
    php-devel.x86_64                                                           5.4.16-48.el7                                           base
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    php-gd.x86_64                                                              5.4.16-48.el7                                           base
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    php-mbstring.x86_64                                                        5.4.16-48.el7                                           base
    php-mysql.x86_64                                                           5.4.16-48.el7                                           base
    php-mysqlnd.x86_64                                                         5.4.16-48.el7                                           base
    php-odbc.x86_64                                                            5.4.16-48.el7                                           base
    php-pdo.x86_64                                                             5.4.16-48.el7                                           base
    php-pear.noarch                                                            1:1.9.4-22.el7                                          base
    php-pecl-memcache.x86_64                                                   3.0.8-4.el7                                             base
    php-pgsql.x86_64                                                           5.4.16-48.el7                                           base
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    php-xmlrpc.x86_64                                                          5.4.16-48.el7                                           base
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    pidgin-devel.x86_64                                                        2.10.11-9.el7                                           base
    pidgin-perl.x86_64                                                         2.10.11-9.el7                                           base
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    pixman-devel.i686                                                          0.34.0-1.el7                                            base
    pixman-devel.x86_64                                                        0.34.0-1.el7                                            base
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    plexus-archiver-javadoc.noarch                                             2.4.2-5.el7_5                                           base
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    plexus-bsh-factory-javadoc.noarch                                          1.0-0.14.a7.el7                                         base
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    plexus-build-api-javadoc.noarch                                            0.0.7-11.el7                                            base
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    plexus-cdc-javadoc.noarch                                                  1.0-0.20.a14.el7                                        base
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    plexus-cipher-javadoc.noarch                                               1.7-5.el7                                               base
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    plexus-classworlds-javadoc.noarch                                          2.4.2-8.el7                                             base
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    plexus-cli-javadoc.noarch                                                  1.2-20.el7                                              base
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    plexus-compiler-javadoc.noarch                                             2.2-7.el7                                               base
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    plexus-i18n-javadoc.noarch                                                 1.0-0.6.b10.4.el7                                       base
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    plexus-interpolation-javadoc.noarch                                        1.15-8.el7                                              base
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    plexus-mail-sender-javadoc.noarch                                          1.0-1.a2.25.el7                                         base
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    plexus-velocity-javadoc.noarch                                             1.1.8-16.el7                                            base
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    plymouth-theme-spinner.x86_64                                              0.8.9-0.34.20140113.el7.centos                          base
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    pm-utils-devel.x86_64                                                      1.4.1-27.el7                                            base
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    pngnq.x86_64                                                               1.1-9.el7                                               base
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    polkit-qt-devel.i686                                                       0.103.0-10.el7_0                                        base
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    popt-devel.i686                                                            1.13-16.el7                                             base
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    popt-static.i686                                                           1.13-16.el7                                             base
    popt-static.x86_64                                                         1.13-16.el7                                             base
    postfix-perl-scripts.x86_64                                                2:2.10.1-9.el7                                          base
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    ppp-devel.x86_64                                                           2.4.5-34.el7_7                                          base
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    pps-tools-devel.x86_64                                                     0-0.9.20120407git0deb9c.el7                             base
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    procps-ng-devel.i686                                                       3.3.10-28.el7                                           base
    procps-ng-devel.x86_64                                                     3.3.10-28.el7                                           base
    procps-ng-i18n.x86_64                                                      3.3.10-28.el7                                           base
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    protobuf-c.x86_64                                                          1.0.2-3.el7                                             base
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    protobuf-c-devel.x86_64                                                    1.0.2-3.el7                                             base
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    protobuf-compiler.x86_64                                                   2.5.0-8.el7                                             base
    protobuf-devel.i686                                                        2.5.0-8.el7                                             base
    protobuf-devel.x86_64                                                      2.5.0-8.el7                                             base
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    protobuf-lite-devel.i686                                                   2.5.0-8.el7                                             base
    protobuf-lite-devel.x86_64                                                 2.5.0-8.el7                                             base
    protobuf-lite-static.i686                                                  2.5.0-8.el7                                             base
    protobuf-lite-static.x86_64                                                2.5.0-8.el7                                             base
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    protobuf-static.x86_64                                                     2.5.0-8.el7                                             base
    protobuf-vim.x86_64                                                        2.5.0-8.el7                                             base
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    pth-devel.x86_64                                                           2.0.7-23.el7                                            base
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    ptlib-devel.i686                                                           2.10.10-6.el7                                           base
    ptlib-devel.x86_64                                                         2.10.10-6.el7                                           base
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    publican-common-web.noarch                                                 3.2.0-4.el7                                             base
    publican-doc.noarch                                                        3.2.0-4.el7                                             base
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    pulseaudio-esound-compat.x86_64                                            10.0-6.el7_9                                            updates
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    pycairo-devel.x86_64                                                       1.8.10-8.el7                                            base
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    pygtk2-devel.x86_64                                                        2.24.0-9.el7                                            base
    pygtk2-doc.noarch                                                          2.24.0-9.el7                                            base
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    qt5-qtbase.x86_64                                                          5.9.7-5.el7_9                                           updates
    qt5-qtbase-common.noarch                                                   5.9.7-5.el7_9                                           updates
    qt5-qtbase-devel.i686                                                      5.9.7-5.el7_9                                           updates
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    qt5-qtbase-doc.x86_64                                                      5.9.7-5.el7_9                                           updates
    qt5-qtbase-examples.x86_64                                                 5.9.7-5.el7_9                                           updates
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    qt5-qtbase-gui.x86_64                                                      5.9.7-5.el7_9                                           updates
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    qt5-qtbase-mysql.x86_64                                                    5.9.7-5.el7_9                                           updates
    qt5-qtbase-odbc.i686                                                       5.9.7-5.el7_9                                           updates
    qt5-qtbase-odbc.x86_64                                                     5.9.7-5.el7_9                                           updates
    qt5-qtbase-postgresql.i686                                                 5.9.7-5.el7_9                                           updates
    qt5-qtbase-postgresql.x86_64                                               5.9.7-5.el7_9                                           updates
    qt5-qtbase-static.i686                                                     5.9.7-5.el7_9                                           updates
    qt5-qtbase-static.x86_64                                                   5.9.7-5.el7_9                                           updates
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    qt5-qtcanvas3d-doc.noarch                                                  5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtcanvas3d-examples.x86_64                                             5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtconnectivity.i686                                                    5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtconnectivity.x86_64                                                  5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtconnectivity-devel.i686                                              5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtconnectivity-devel.x86_64                                            5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtconnectivity-doc.noarch                                              5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtconnectivity-examples.x86_64                                         5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtdeclarative.i686                                                     5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtdeclarative.x86_64                                                   5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtdeclarative-devel.i686                                               5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtdeclarative-devel.x86_64                                             5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtdeclarative-doc.x86_64                                               5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtdeclarative-examples.x86_64                                          5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtdeclarative-static.i686                                              5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtdeclarative-static.x86_64                                            5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtdoc.noarch                                                           5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtenginio.i686                                                         1:1.6.2-2.el7                                           base
    qt5-qtenginio.x86_64                                                       1:1.6.2-2.el7                                           base
    qt5-qtenginio-devel.i686                                                   1:1.6.2-2.el7                                           base
    qt5-qtenginio-devel.x86_64                                                 1:1.6.2-2.el7                                           base
    qt5-qtenginio-doc.noarch                                                   1:1.6.2-2.el7                                           base
    qt5-qtenginio-examples.x86_64                                              1:1.6.2-2.el7                                           base
    qt5-qtgraphicaleffects.i686                                                5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtgraphicaleffects.x86_64                                              5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtgraphicaleffects-doc.noarch                                          5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtimageformats.i686                                                    5.9.7-2.el7_9                                           updates
    qt5-qtimageformats.x86_64                                                  5.9.7-2.el7_9                                           updates
    qt5-qtimageformats-doc.noarch                                              5.9.7-2.el7_9                                           updates
    qt5-qtlocation.i686                                                        5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtlocation.x86_64                                                      5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtlocation-devel.i686                                                  5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtlocation-devel.x86_64                                                5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtlocation-doc.noarch                                                  5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtlocation-examples.x86_64                                             5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtmultimedia.i686                                                      5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtmultimedia.x86_64                                                    5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtmultimedia-devel.i686                                                5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtmultimedia-devel.x86_64                                              5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtmultimedia-doc.noarch                                                5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtmultimedia-examples.i686                                             5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtmultimedia-examples.x86_64                                           5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtquickcontrols.x86_64                                                 5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtquickcontrols-doc.noarch                                             5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtquickcontrols-examples.x86_64                                        5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtquickcontrols2.i686                                                  5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtquickcontrols2.x86_64                                                5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtquickcontrols2-devel.i686                                            5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtquickcontrols2-devel.x86_64                                          5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtquickcontrols2-doc.x86_64                                            5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtquickcontrols2-examples.x86_64                                       5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
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    qt5-qtscript.x86_64                                                        5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtscript-devel.i686                                                    5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtscript-devel.x86_64                                                  5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtscript-doc.noarch                                                    5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtscript-examples.x86_64                                               5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
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    qt5-qtsensors.x86_64                                                       5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtsensors-devel.i686                                                   5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtsensors-devel.x86_64                                                 5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtsensors-doc.noarch                                                   5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtsensors-examples.i686                                                5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtsensors-examples.x86_64                                              5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtserialbus.i686                                                       5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtserialbus.x86_64                                                     5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtserialbus-devel.i686                                                 5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtserialbus-devel.x86_64                                               5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtserialbus-doc.noarch                                                 5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtserialbus-examples.x86_64                                            5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtserialport.i686                                                      5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtserialport.x86_64                                                    5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtserialport-devel.i686                                                5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtserialport-devel.x86_64                                              5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtserialport-doc.noarch                                                5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtserialport-examples.x86_64                                           5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtsvg.i686                                                             5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtsvg.x86_64                                                           5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtsvg-devel.i686                                                       5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtsvg-devel.x86_64                                                     5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtsvg-doc.noarch                                                       5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtsvg-examples.x86_64                                                  5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qttools.x86_64                                                         5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qttools-common.noarch                                                  5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qttools-devel.i686                                                     5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qttools-devel.x86_64                                                   5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qttools-doc.noarch                                                     5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qttools-examples.x86_64                                                5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qttools-libs-designer.i686                                             5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qttools-libs-designer.x86_64                                           5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qttools-libs-designercomponents.i686                                   5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qttools-libs-designercomponents.x86_64                                 5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qttools-libs-help.i686                                                 5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qttools-libs-help.x86_64                                               5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qttools-static.i686                                                    5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qttools-static.x86_64                                                  5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qttranslations.noarch                                                  5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtwayland.i686                                                         5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtwayland.x86_64                                                       5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtwayland-devel.i686                                                   5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtwayland-devel.x86_64                                                 5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtwayland-doc.noarch                                                   5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtwayland-examples.x86_64                                              5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtwebchannel.i686                                                      5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtwebchannel.x86_64                                                    5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtwebchannel-devel.i686                                                5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtwebchannel-devel.x86_64                                              5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtwebchannel-doc.noarch                                                5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtwebchannel-examples.x86_64                                           5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtwebsockets.i686                                                      5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtwebsockets.x86_64                                                    5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtwebsockets-devel.i686                                                5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtwebsockets-devel.x86_64                                              5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtwebsockets-doc.noarch                                                5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtwebsockets-examples.x86_64                                           5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtx11extras.i686                                                       5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtx11extras.x86_64                                                     5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtx11extras-devel.i686                                                 5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtx11extras-devel.x86_64                                               5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtx11extras-doc.noarch                                                 5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtxmlpatterns.i686                                                     5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtxmlpatterns.x86_64                                                   5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtxmlpatterns-devel.i686                                               5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-qtxmlpatterns-devel.x86_64                                             5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
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    qt5-qtxmlpatterns-examples.x86_64                                          5.9.7-1.el7                                             base
    qt5-rpm-macros.noarch                                                      5.9.7-5.el7_9                                           updates
    quagga.i686                                                                                             base
    quagga.x86_64                                                                                           base
    quagga-contrib.x86_64                                                                                   base
    quagga-devel.i686                                                                                       base
    quagga-devel.x86_64                                                                                     base
    quota-devel.i686                                                           1:4.01-19.el7                                           base
    quota-devel.x86_64                                                         1:4.01-19.el7                                           base
    quota-doc.noarch                                                           1:4.01-19.el7                                           base
    quota-nld.x86_64                                                           1:4.01-19.el7                                           base
    quota-warnquota.x86_64                                                     1:4.01-19.el7                                           base
    qv4l2.x86_64                                                               0.9.5-4.el7                                             base
    raptor2.i686                                                               2.0.9-3.el7                                             base
    raptor2-devel.i686                                                         2.0.9-3.el7                                             base
    raptor2-devel.x86_64                                                       2.0.9-3.el7                                             base
    rarian.i686                                                                0.8.1-11.el7                                            base
    rarian-devel.i686                                                          0.8.1-11.el7                                            base
    rarian-devel.x86_64                                                        0.8.1-11.el7                                            base
    ras-utils.x86_64                                                           7.0-6.el7                                               base
    rasqal.i686                                                                0.9.30-4.el7                                            base
    rasqal-devel.i686                                                          0.9.30-4.el7                                            base
    rasqal-devel.x86_64                                                        0.9.30-4.el7                                            base
    rdist.x86_64                                                               1:6.1.5-61.el7                                          base
    rdma-core.i686                                                             22.4-6.el7_9                                            updates
    rdma-core.x86_64                                                           22.4-6.el7_9                                            updates
    rdma-core-devel.i686                                                       22.4-6.el7_9                                            updates
    rdma-core-devel.x86_64                                                     22.4-6.el7_9                                            updates
    readline.i686                                                              6.2-11.el7                                              base
    readline-devel.i686                                                        6.2-11.el7                                              base
    readline-devel.x86_64                                                      6.2-11.el7                                              base
    readline-static.i686                                                       6.2-11.el7                                              base
    readline-static.x86_64                                                     6.2-11.el7                                              base
    realmd.x86_64                                                              0.16.1-12.el7_9.1                                       updates
    realmd-devel-docs.x86_64                                                   0.16.1-12.el7_9.1                                       updates
    rear.x86_64                                                                2.4-13.el7                                              base
    recode.i686                                                                3.6-38.el7                                              base
    recode.x86_64                                                              3.6-38.el7                                              base
    recode-devel.i686                                                          3.6-38.el7                                              base
    recode-devel.x86_64                                                        3.6-38.el7                                              base
    redfish-finder.noarch                                                      0.3-4.el7                                               base
    redhat-lsb.i686                                                            4.1-27.el7.centos.1                                     base
    redhat-lsb.x86_64                                                          4.1-27.el7.centos.1                                     base
    redhat-lsb-core.i686                                                       4.1-27.el7.centos.1                                     base
    redhat-lsb-core.x86_64                                                     4.1-27.el7.centos.1                                     base
    redhat-lsb-cxx.i686                                                        4.1-27.el7.centos.1                                     base
    redhat-lsb-cxx.x86_64                                                      4.1-27.el7.centos.1                                     base
    redhat-lsb-desktop.i686                                                    4.1-27.el7.centos.1                                     base
    redhat-lsb-desktop.x86_64                                                  4.1-27.el7.centos.1                                     base
    redhat-lsb-languages.i686                                                  4.1-27.el7.centos.1                                     base
    redhat-lsb-languages.x86_64                                                4.1-27.el7.centos.1                                     base
    redhat-lsb-printing.i686                                                   4.1-27.el7.centos.1                                     base
    redhat-lsb-printing.x86_64                                                 4.1-27.el7.centos.1                                     base
    redhat-lsb-submod-multimedia.i686                                          4.1-27.el7.centos.1                                     base
    redhat-lsb-submod-multimedia.x86_64                                        4.1-27.el7.centos.1                                     base
    redhat-lsb-submod-security.i686                                            4.1-27.el7.centos.1                                     base
    redhat-lsb-submod-security.x86_64                                          4.1-27.el7.centos.1                                     base
    redhat-lsb-supplemental.x86_64                                             4.1-27.el7.centos.1                                     base
    redhat-lsb-trialuse.i686                                                   4.1-27.el7.centos.1                                     base
    redhat-lsb-trialuse.x86_64                                                 4.1-27.el7.centos.1                                     base
    redhat-support-lib-python.noarch                                           0.12.1-1.el7                                            base
    redhat-support-tool.noarch                                                 0.12.2-1.el7                                            base
    redhat-upgrade-dracut.x86_64                                               0.8.10-1.el7                                            base
    redhat-upgrade-dracut-plymouth.noarch                                      0.8.10-1.el7                                            base
    redhat-upgrade-tool.noarch                                                 2:0.7.6-1.el7.centos                                    extras
    redland.i686                                                               1.0.16-6.el7                                            base
    redland-devel.i686                                                         1.0.16-6.el7                                            base
    redland-devel.x86_64                                                       1.0.16-6.el7                                            base
    redland-mysql.x86_64                                                       1.0.16-6.el7                                            base
    redland-pgsql.x86_64                                                       1.0.16-6.el7                                            base
    regexp-javadoc.noarch                                                      1.5-13.el7                                              base
    relaxngDatatype-javadoc.noarch                                             1.0-11.el7                                              base
    relaxngcc.noarch                                                           1.12-6.el7                                              base
    relaxngcc-javadoc.noarch                                                   1.12-6.el7                                              base
    resource-agents.x86_64                                                     4.1.1-61.el7_9.11                                       updates
    resource-agents-aliyun.x86_64                                              4.1.1-61.el7_9.11                                       updates
    resource-agents-gcp.x86_64                                                 4.1.1-61.el7_9.11                                       updates
    rest.i686                                                                  0.8.1-2.el7                                             base
    rest-devel.i686                                                            0.8.1-2.el7                                             base
    rest-devel.x86_64                                                          0.8.1-2.el7                                             base
    resteasy-base.noarch                                                       3.0.6-4.el7                                             base
    resteasy-base-javadoc.noarch                                               3.0.6-4.el7                                             base
    resteasy-base-jaxrs-all.noarch                                             3.0.6-4.el7                                             base
    resteasy-base-jettison-provider.noarch                                     3.0.6-4.el7                                             base
    resteasy-base-providers-pom.noarch                                         3.0.6-4.el7                                             base
    resteasy-base-resteasy-pom.noarch                                          3.0.6-4.el7                                             base
    resteasy-base-tjws.noarch                                                  3.0.6-4.el7                                             base
    rhdb-utils.x86_64                                                          9.2.0-5.el7                                             base
    rhel-system-roles.noarch                                                   1.0-10.el7_7                                            extras
    rhel-system-roles-techpreview.noarch                                       1.0-2.el7                                               extras
    rhino-demo.noarch                                                          1.7R5-1.el7                                             base
    rhino-javadoc.noarch                                                       1.7R5-1.el7                                             base
    rhino-manual.noarch                                                        1.7R5-1.el7                                             base
    rhn-check.x86_64                                                           2.0.2-24.el7                                            base
    rhn-client-tools.x86_64                                                    2.0.2-24.el7                                            base
    rhn-setup.x86_64                                                           2.0.2-24.el7                                            base
    rhn-setup-gnome.x86_64                                                     2.0.2-24.el7                                            base
    rhnlib.noarch                                                              2.5.65-8.el7                                            base
    rhnsd.x86_64                                                               5.0.13-10.el7                                           base
    rhsm-gtk.x86_64                                                            1.24.48-1.el7.centos                                    updates
    rhythmbox.x86_64                                                           3.4.2-2.el7                                             base
    rhythmbox-devel.x86_64                                                     3.4.2-2.el7                                             base
    rmt.x86_64                                                                 2:1.5.2-13.el7                                          base
    rngom-javadoc.noarch                                                       201103-0.8.20120119svn.el7                              base
    rp-pppoe.x86_64                                                            3.11-7.el7                                              base
    rpm-apidocs.noarch                                                         4.11.3-45.el7                                           base
    rpm-build-libs.i686                                                        4.11.3-45.el7                                           base
    rpm-cron.noarch                                                            4.11.3-45.el7                                           base
    rpm-devel.i686                                                             4.11.3-45.el7                                           base
    rpm-devel.x86_64                                                           4.11.3-45.el7                                           base
    rpm-libs.i686                                                              4.11.3-45.el7                                           base
    rpm-plugin-systemd-inhibit.x86_64                                          4.11.3-45.el7                                           base
    rpmdevtools.noarch                                                         8.3-8.el7_9                                             updates
    rpmemd.x86_64                                                              1.5.1-2.1.el7                                           base
    rpmlint.noarch                                                             1.5-4.el7                                               base
    rrdtool.i686                                                               1.4.8-9.el7                                             base
    rrdtool.x86_64                                                             1.4.8-9.el7                                             base
    rrdtool-devel.i686                                                         1.4.8-9.el7                                             base
    rrdtool-devel.x86_64                                                       1.4.8-9.el7                                             base
    rrdtool-doc.x86_64                                                         1.4.8-9.el7                                             base
    rrdtool-lua.x86_64                                                         1.4.8-9.el7                                             base
    rrdtool-perl.x86_64                                                        1.4.8-9.el7                                             base
    rrdtool-php.x86_64                                                         1.4.8-9.el7                                             base
    rrdtool-python.x86_64                                                      1.4.8-9.el7                                             base
    rrdtool-ruby.x86_64                                                        1.4.8-9.el7                                             base
    rrdtool-tcl.x86_64                                                         1.4.8-9.el7                                             base
    rsh.x86_64                                                                 0.17-80.el7                                             base
    rsh-server.x86_64                                                          0.17-80.el7                                             base
    rsyslog.x86_64                                                             8.24.0-57.el7_9.1                                       updates
    rsyslog-crypto.x86_64                                                      8.24.0-57.el7_9.1                                       updates
    rsyslog-doc.noarch                                                         8.24.0-57.el7_9.1                                       updates
    rsyslog-elasticsearch.x86_64                                               8.24.0-57.el7_9.1                                       updates
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    ruby-libguestfs.x86_64                                                     1:1.40.2-10.el7                                         base
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    rubygems-devel.noarch                                                                                     base
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    samba-test-libs.x86_64                                                     4.10.16-15.el7_9                                        updates
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    samba-winbind-krb5-locator.x86_64                                          4.10.16-15.el7_9                                        updates
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    samba-winbind-modules.x86_64                                               4.10.16-15.el7_9                                        updates
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    samyak-tamil-fonts.noarch                                                  1.2.2-12.el7                                            base
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    sane-backends-drivers-cameras.x86_64                                       1.0.24-12.el7                                           base
    sane-backends-drivers-scanners.i686                                        1.0.24-12.el7                                           base
    sane-backends-libs.i686                                                    1.0.24-12.el7                                           base
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    sanlock.x86_64                                                             3.7.3-1.el7                                             base
    sanlock-devel.x86_64                                                       3.7.3-1.el7                                             base
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    saslwrapper-devel.x86_64                                                   0.16-5.el7                                              extras
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    sblim-cmpi-devel.x86_64                                                    2.0.3-5.el7                                             base
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    sblim-cmpi-fsvol-devel.x86_64                                              1.5.1-12.el7                                            base
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    sblim-cmpi-network-test.x86_64                                             1.4.0-11.el7                                            base
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    sblim-cmpi-nfsv3-test.x86_64                                               1.1.1-9.el7                                             base
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    sblim-cmpi-nfsv4.x86_64                                                    1.1.0-10.el7                                            base
    sblim-cmpi-nfsv4-test.x86_64                                               1.1.0-10.el7                                            base
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    sblim-cmpi-sysfs-test.x86_64                                               1.2.0-10.el7                                            base
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    sblim-cmpi-syslog-test.x86_64                                              0.9.0-4.el7                                             base
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    sblim-gather.x86_64                                                        2.2.8-9.el7                                             base
    sblim-gather-devel.i686                                                    2.2.8-9.el7                                             base
    sblim-gather-devel.x86_64                                                  2.2.8-9.el7                                             base
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    sblim-gather-provider.x86_64                                               2.2.8-9.el7                                             base
    sblim-gather-test.x86_64                                                   2.2.8-9.el7                                             base
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    sblim-indication_helper.x86_64                                             0.4.2-12.el7                                            base
    sblim-indication_helper-devel.i686                                         0.4.2-12.el7                                            base
    sblim-indication_helper-devel.x86_64                                       0.4.2-12.el7                                            base
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    sblim-sfcb.x86_64                                                          1.3.16-12.el7_0                                         base
    sblim-sfcc.i686                                                            2.2.5-6.el7                                             base
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    sblim-sfcc-devel.i686                                                      2.2.5-6.el7                                             base
    sblim-sfcc-devel.x86_64                                                    2.2.5-6.el7                                             base
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    sblim-smis-hba.x86_64                                                      1.0.0-10.el7                                            base
    sblim-testsuite.noarch                                                     1.3.0-8.el7                                             base
    sblim-wbemcli.x86_64                                                       1.6.2-11.el7                                            base
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    scap-security-guide-doc.noarch                                             0.1.54-3.el7.centos                                     updates
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    scl-utils-build.x86_64                                                     20130529-19.el7                                         base
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    screen.x86_64                                                              4.1.0-0.27.20120314git3c2946.el7_9                      updates
    sdparm.x86_64                                                              1.08-3.el7                                              base
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    sendmail-devel.x86_64                                                      8.14.7-6.el7                                            base
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    sendmail-milter.x86_64                                                     8.14.7-6.el7                                            base
    sendmail-sysvinit.noarch                                                   8.14.7-6.el7                                            base
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    setools-console.x86_64                                                     3.3.8-4.el7                                             base
    setools-devel.i686                                                         3.3.8-4.el7                                             base
    setools-devel.x86_64                                                       3.3.8-4.el7                                             base
    setools-gui.x86_64                                                         3.3.8-4.el7                                             base
    setools-libs.i686                                                          3.3.8-4.el7                                             base
    setools-libs-tcl.x86_64                                                    3.3.8-4.el7                                             base
    sg3_utils-devel.i686                                                       1:1.37-19.el7                                           base
    sg3_utils-devel.x86_64                                                     1:1.37-19.el7                                           base
    sg3_utils-libs.i686                                                        1:1.37-19.el7                                           base
    sgabios.x86_64                                                             1:0.20110622svn-4.el7                                   base
    shared-desktop-ontologies-devel.noarch                                     0.11.0-2.el7                                            base
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    shim-ia32.x86_64                                                           15-8.el7                                                base
    shim-unsigned-ia32.x86_64                                                  15-8.el7                                                base
    shim-unsigned-x64.x86_64                                                   15-8.el7                                                base
    shotwell.i686                                                              0.28.4-2.el7                                            base
    shotwell.x86_64                                                            0.28.4-2.el7                                            base
    si-units-javadoc.noarch                                                    0.6.5-1.el7                                             base
    sil-padauk-book-fonts.noarch                                               2.8-5.el7                                               base
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    sip-devel.i686                                                             4.14.6-4.el7                                            base
    sip-devel.x86_64                                                           4.14.6-4.el7                                            base
    sip-macros.x86_64                                                          4.14.6-4.el7                                            base
    sisu.noarch                                                                2.3.0-11.el7                                            base
    sisu-bean.noarch                                                           2.3.0-11.el7                                            base
    sisu-bean-binders.noarch                                                   2.3.0-11.el7                                            base
    sisu-bean-containers.noarch                                                2.3.0-11.el7                                            base
    sisu-bean-converters.noarch                                                2.3.0-11.el7                                            base
    sisu-bean-inject.noarch                                                    2.3.0-11.el7                                            base
    sisu-bean-locators.noarch                                                  2.3.0-11.el7                                            base
    sisu-bean-reflect.noarch                                                   2.3.0-11.el7                                            base
    sisu-bean-scanners.noarch                                                  2.3.0-11.el7                                            base
    sisu-containers.noarch                                                     2.3.0-11.el7                                            base
    sisu-inject.noarch                                                         2.3.0-11.el7                                            base
    sisu-inject-bean.noarch                                                    2.3.0-11.el7                                            base
    sisu-inject-plexus.noarch                                                  2.3.0-11.el7                                            base
    sisu-javadoc.noarch                                                        2.3.0-11.el7                                            base
    sisu-maven-plugin.noarch                                                   1.1-8.el7                                               base
    sisu-maven-plugin-javadoc.noarch                                           1.1-8.el7                                               base
    sisu-osgi-registry.noarch                                                  2.3.0-11.el7                                            base
    sisu-parent.noarch                                                         2.3.0-11.el7                                            base
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    sisu-plexus-binders.noarch                                                 2.3.0-11.el7                                            base
    sisu-plexus-converters.noarch                                              2.3.0-11.el7                                            base
    sisu-plexus-lifecycles.noarch                                              2.3.0-11.el7                                            base
    sisu-plexus-locators.noarch                                                2.3.0-11.el7                                            base
    sisu-plexus-metadata.noarch                                                2.3.0-11.el7                                            base
    sisu-plexus-scanners.noarch                                                2.3.0-11.el7                                            base
    sisu-plexus-shim.noarch                                                    2.3.0-11.el7                                            base
    sisu-registries.noarch                                                     2.3.0-11.el7                                            base
    sisu-spi-registry.noarch                                                   2.3.0-11.el7                                            base
    skopeo.x86_64                                                              1:0.1.40-11.el7_8                                       extras
    skopeo-containers.x86_64                                                   1:0.1.31-1.dev.gitae64ff7.el7.centos                    extras
    slang.i686                                                                 2.2.4-11.el7                                            base
    slang-devel.i686                                                           2.2.4-11.el7                                            base
    slang-devel.x86_64                                                         2.2.4-11.el7                                            base
    slang-slsh.x86_64                                                          2.2.4-11.el7                                            base
    slang-static.i686                                                          2.2.4-11.el7                                            base
    slang-static.x86_64                                                        2.2.4-11.el7                                            base
    slapi-nis.x86_64                                                           0.56.5-3.el7_9                                          updates
    slf4j-javadoc.noarch                                                       1.7.4-4.el7_4                                           base
    slf4j-manual.noarch                                                        1.7.4-4.el7_4                                           base
    slirp4netns.x86_64                                                         0.4.3-4.el7_8                                           extras
    smbios-utils.x86_64                                                        2.3.3-8.el7                                             base
    smbios-utils-bin.x86_64                                                    2.3.3-8.el7                                             base
    smbios-utils-python.x86_64                                                 2.3.3-8.el7                                             base
    smc-anjalioldlipi-fonts.noarch                                             6.0-7.el7                                               base
    smc-dyuthi-fonts.noarch                                                    6.0-7.el7                                               base
    smc-kalyani-fonts.noarch                                                   6.0-7.el7                                               base
    smc-rachana-fonts.noarch                                                   6.0-7.el7                                               base
    smc-raghumalayalam-fonts.noarch                                            6.0-7.el7                                               base
    smc-suruma-fonts.noarch                                                    6.0-7.el7                                               base
    snakeyaml.noarch                                                           1.11-8.el7                                              base
    snakeyaml-javadoc.noarch                                                   1.11-8.el7                                              base
    snapper.i686                                                               0.2.8-4.el7                                             base
    snapper.x86_64                                                             0.2.8-4.el7                                             base
    snapper-devel.i686                                                         0.2.8-4.el7                                             base
    snapper-devel.x86_64                                                       0.2.8-4.el7                                             base
    snapper-libs.i686                                                          0.2.8-4.el7                                             base
    snapper-libs.x86_64                                                        0.2.8-4.el7                                             base
    snappy.i686                                                                1.1.0-3.el7                                             base
    snappy-devel.i686                                                          1.1.0-3.el7                                             base
    snappy-devel.x86_64                                                        1.1.0-3.el7                                             base
    sntp.x86_64                                                                4.2.6p5-29.el7.centos.2                                 base
    socat.x86_64                                                                                                base
    softhsm-devel.i686                                                         2.1.0-3.el7                                             base
    softhsm-devel.x86_64                                                       2.1.0-3.el7                                             base
    sonatype-oss-parent.noarch                                                 7-6.el7                                                 base
    sonatype-plugins-parent.noarch                                             8-6.el7                                                 base
    soprano.i686                                                               2.9.2-3.el7                                             base
    soprano-apidocs.noarch                                                     2.9.2-3.el7                                             base
    soprano-devel.i686                                                         2.9.2-3.el7                                             base
    soprano-devel.x86_64                                                       2.9.2-3.el7                                             base
    sos.noarch                                                                 3.9-5.el7.centos.4                                      updates
    sos-collector.noarch                                                       1.8-2.el7_8                                             base
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    source-highlight-devel.i686                                                3.1.6-6.el7                                             base
    source-highlight-devel.x86_64                                              3.1.6-6.el7                                             base
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    speech-dispatcher-devel.x86_64                                             0.7.1-15.el7                                            base
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    startup-notification-devel.x86_64                                          0.12-8.el7                                              base
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    zziplib-devel.x86_64                                                       0.13.62-12.el7                                          base
    zziplib-utils.x86_64                                                       0.13.62-12.el7                                          base
    [root@localhost ~]# gcc -v
    Using built-in specs.
    Target: x86_64-redhat-linux
    Configured with: ../configure --prefix=/usr --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --with-bugurl=http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla --enable-bootstrap --enable-shared --enable-threads=posix --enable-checking=release --with-system-zlib --enable-__cxa_atexit --disable-libunwind-exceptions --enable-gnu-unique-object --enable-linker-build-id --with-linker-hash-style=gnu --enable-languages=c,c++,objc,obj-c++,java,fortran,ada,go,lto --enable-plugin --enable-initfini-array --disable-libgcj --with-isl=/builddir/build/BUILD/gcc-4.8.5-20150702/obj-x86_64-redhat-linux/isl-install --with-cloog=/builddir/build/BUILD/gcc-4.8.5-20150702/obj-x86_64-redhat-linux/cloog-install --enable-gnu-indirect-function --with-tune=generic --with-arch_32=x86-64 --build=x86_64-redhat-linux
    Thread model: posix
    gcc version 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-44) (GCC)
    [root@localhost ~]# yum -y install centos-release-scl
    Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks
    Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
     * base: ftp.sjtu.edu.cn
     * extras: ftp.sjtu.edu.cn
     * updates: ftp.sjtu.edu.cn
    base                                                                                                                 | 3.6 kB  00:00:00
    extras                                                                                                               | 2.9 kB  00:00:00
    updates                                                                                                              | 2.9 kB  00:00:00
    Resolving Dependencies
    --> Running transaction check
    ---> Package centos-release-scl.noarch 0:2-3.el7.centos will be installed
    --> Processing Dependency: centos-release-scl-rh for package: centos-release-scl-2-3.el7.centos.noarch
    --> Running transaction check
    ---> Package centos-release-scl-rh.noarch 0:2-3.el7.centos will be installed
    --> Finished Dependency Resolution
    Dependencies Resolved
     Package                                   Arch                       Version                              Repository                  Size
     centos-release-scl                        noarch                     2-3.el7.centos                       extras                      12 k
    Installing for dependencies:
     centos-release-scl-rh                     noarch                     2-3.el7.centos                       extras                      12 k
    Transaction Summary
    Install  1 Package (+1 Dependent package)
    Total download size: 24 k
    Installed size: 39 k
    Downloading packages:
    warning: /var/cache/yum/x86_64/7/extras/packages/centos-release-scl-2-3.el7.centos.noarch.rpm: Header V3 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID f4a80eb5: NOKEY
    Public key for centos-release-scl-2-3.el7.centos.noarch.rpm is not installed
    (1/2): centos-release-scl-2-3.el7.centos.noarch.rpm                                                                  |  12 kB  00:00:00
    (2/2): centos-release-scl-rh-2-3.el7.centos.noarch.rpm                                                               |  12 kB  00:00:00
    Total                                                                                                       100 kB/s |  24 kB  00:00:00
    Retrieving key from file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-7
    Importing GPG key 0xF4A80EB5:
     Userid     : "CentOS-7 Key (CentOS 7 Official Signing Key) <security@centos.org>"
     Fingerprint: 6341 ab27 53d7 8a78 a7c2 7bb1 24c6 a8a7 f4a8 0eb5
     Package    : centos-release-7-9.2009.0.el7.centos.x86_64 (@anaconda)
     From       : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-7
    Running transaction check
    Running transaction test
    Transaction test succeeded
    Running transaction
      Installing : centos-release-scl-rh-2-3.el7.centos.noarch                                                                              1/2
      Installing : centos-release-scl-2-3.el7.centos.noarch                                                                                 2/2
      Verifying  : centos-release-scl-2-3.el7.centos.noarch                                                                                 1/2
      Verifying  : centos-release-scl-rh-2-3.el7.centos.noarch                                                                              2/2
      centos-release-scl.noarch 0:2-3.el7.centos
    Dependency Installed:
      centos-release-scl-rh.noarch 0:2-3.el7.centos
    [root@localhost ~]# yum -y install devtoolset-9-gcc devtoolset-9-gcc-c++ devtoolset-9-binutils
    Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks
    Existing lock /var/run/yum.pid: another copy is running as pid 102431.
    Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit...
      The other application is: PackageKit
        Memory :  61 M RSS (496 MB VSZ)
        Started: Thu Jun 24 20:46:34 2021 - 00:10 ago
        State  : Sleeping, pid: 102431
    Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit...
      The other application is: PackageKit
        Memory :  61 M RSS (496 MB VSZ)
        Started: Thu Jun 24 20:46:34 2021 - 00:12 ago
        State  : Sleeping, pid: 102431
    Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
     * base: ftp.sjtu.edu.cn
     * centos-sclo-rh: ftp.sjtu.edu.cn
     * centos-sclo-sclo: ftp.sjtu.edu.cn
     * extras: ftp.sjtu.edu.cn
     * updates: ftp.sjtu.edu.cn
    Resolving Dependencies
    --> Running transaction check
    ---> Package devtoolset-9-binutils.x86_64 0:2.32-16.el7 will be installed
    --> Processing Dependency: devtoolset-9-runtime for package: devtoolset-9-binutils-2.32-16.el7.x86_64
    ---> Package devtoolset-9-gcc.x86_64 0:9.3.1-2.el7 will be installed
    ---> Package devtoolset-9-gcc-c++.x86_64 0:9.3.1-2.el7 will be installed
    --> Processing Dependency: devtoolset-9-libstdc++-devel = 9.3.1-2.el7 for package: devtoolset-9-gcc-c++-9.3.1-2.el7.x86_64
    --> Running transaction check
    ---> Package devtoolset-9-libstdc++-devel.x86_64 0:9.3.1-2.el7 will be installed
    ---> Package devtoolset-9-runtime.x86_64 0:9.1-0.el7 will be installed
    --> Finished Dependency Resolution
    Dependencies Resolved
     Package                                       Arch                    Version                        Repository                       Size
     devtoolset-9-binutils                         x86_64                  2.32-16.el7                    centos-sclo-rh                  5.9 M
     devtoolset-9-gcc                              x86_64                  9.3.1-2.el7                    centos-sclo-rh                   32 M
     devtoolset-9-gcc-c++                          x86_64                  9.3.1-2.el7                    centos-sclo-rh                   12 M
    Installing for dependencies:
     devtoolset-9-libstdc++-devel                  x86_64                  9.3.1-2.el7                    centos-sclo-rh                  3.1 M
     devtoolset-9-runtime                          x86_64                  9.1-0.el7                      centos-sclo-rh                   20 k
    Transaction Summary
    Install  3 Packages (+2 Dependent packages)
    Total download size: 53 M
    Installed size: 151 M
    Downloading packages:
    warning: /var/cache/yum/x86_64/7/centos-sclo-rh/packages/devtoolset-9-binutils-2.32-16.el7.x86_64.rpm: Header V4 RSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID f2ee9d55: NOKEY
    Public key for devtoolset-9-binutils-2.32-16.el7.x86_64.rpm is not installed
    (1/5): devtoolset-9-binutils-2.32-16.el7.x86_64.rpm                                                                  | 5.9 MB  00:00:07
    (2/5): devtoolset-9-libstdc++-devel-9.3.1-2.el7.x86_64.rpm                                                           | 3.1 MB  00:00:06
    (3/5): devtoolset-9-runtime-9.1-0.el7.x86_64.rpm                                                                     |  20 kB  00:00:00
    (4/5): devtoolset-9-gcc-c++-9.3.1-2.el7.x86_64.rpm                                                                   |  12 MB  00:00:19
    (5/5): devtoolset-9-gcc-9.3.1-2.el7.x86_64.rpm                                                                       |  32 MB  00:00:29
    Total                                                                                                       1.8 MB/s |  53 MB  00:00:29
    Retrieving key from file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-SIG-SCLo
    Importing GPG key 0xF2EE9D55:
     Userid     : "CentOS SoftwareCollections SIG (https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/SCLo) <security@centos.org>"
     Fingerprint: c4db d535 b1fb ba14 f8ba 64a8 4eb8 4e71 f2ee 9d55
     Package    : centos-release-scl-rh-2-3.el7.centos.noarch (@extras)
     From       : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-SIG-SCLo
    Running transaction check
    Running transaction test
    Transaction test succeeded
    Running transaction
      Installing : devtoolset-9-runtime-9.1-0.el7.x86_64                                                                                    1/5
      Installing : devtoolset-9-libstdc++-devel-9.3.1-2.el7.x86_64                                                                          2/5
      Installing : devtoolset-9-binutils-2.32-16.el7.x86_64                                                                                 3/5
      Installing : devtoolset-9-gcc-9.3.1-2.el7.x86_64                                                                                      4/5
      Installing : devtoolset-9-gcc-c++-9.3.1-2.el7.x86_64                                                                                  5/5
      Verifying  : devtoolset-9-gcc-9.3.1-2.el7.x86_64                                                                                      1/5
      Verifying  : devtoolset-9-gcc-c++-9.3.1-2.el7.x86_64                                                                                  2/5
      Verifying  : devtoolset-9-libstdc++-devel-9.3.1-2.el7.x86_64                                                                          3/5
      Verifying  : devtoolset-9-binutils-2.32-16.el7.x86_64                                                                                 4/5
      Verifying  : devtoolset-9-runtime-9.1-0.el7.x86_64                                                                                    5/5
      devtoolset-9-binutils.x86_64 0:2.32-16.el7      devtoolset-9-gcc.x86_64 0:9.3.1-2.el7      devtoolset-9-gcc-c++.x86_64 0:9.3.1-2.el7
    Dependency Installed:
      devtoolset-9-libstdc++-devel.x86_64 0:9.3.1-2.el7                         devtoolset-9-runtime.x86_64 0:9.1-0.el7
    [root@localhost ~]# scl enable devtoolset-9 bash
    [root@192 ~]# echo "source /opt/rh/devtoolset-9/enable" >>/etc/profile
    [root@192 ~]# gcc -v
    Using built-in specs.
    Target: x86_64-redhat-linux
    Configured with: ../configure --enable-bootstrap --enable-languages=c,c++,fortran,lto --prefix=/opt/rh/devtoolset-9/root/usr --mandir=/opt/rh/devtoolset-9/root/usr/share/man --infodir=/opt/rh/devtoolset-9/root/usr/share/info --with-bugurl=http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla --enable-shared --enable-threads=posix --enable-checking=release --enable-multilib --with-system-zlib --enable-__cxa_atexit --disable-libunwind-exceptions --enable-gnu-unique-object --enable-linker-build-id --with-gcc-major-version-only --with-linker-hash-style=gnu --with-default-libstdcxx-abi=gcc4-compatible --enable-plugin --enable-initfini-array --with-isl=/builddir/build/BUILD/gcc-9.3.1-20200408/obj-x86_64-redhat-linux/isl-install --disable-libmpx --enable-gnu-indirect-function --with-tune=generic --with-arch_32=x86-64 --build=x86_64-redhat-linux
    Thread model: posix
    gcc version 9.3.1 20200408 (Red Hat 9.3.1-2) (GCC)
    [root@192 ~]# cd /usr/local
    [root@192 local]# mkdir soft
    [root@192 local]# cd soft
    [root@192 soft]# wget http://download.redis.io/releases/redis-6.0.6.tar.gz
    --2021-06-24 20:50:15--  http://download.redis.io/releases/redis-6.0.6.tar.gz
    Resolving download.redis.io (download.redis.io)...
    Connecting to download.redis.io (download.redis.io)||:80... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
    Length: 2228781 (2.1M) [application/octet-stream]
    Saving to: ‘redis-6.0.6.tar.gz’
    100%[==================================================================================================>] 2,228,781    245KB/s   in 17s
    2021-06-24 20:50:33 (130 KB/s) - ‘redis-6.0.6.tar.gz’ saved [2228781/2228781]
    [root@192 soft]# ls -all
    total 2180
    drwxr-xr-x.  2 root root      32 Jun 24 20:50 .
    drwxr-xr-x. 13 root root     143 Jun 24 20:49 ..
    -rw-r--r--.  1 root root 2228781 Jul 21  2020 redis-6.0.6.tar.gz
    [root@192 soft]# tar xzf redis-6.0.6.tar.gz
    [root@192 soft]# ls -all
    total 2184
    drwxr-xr-x.  3 root root      51 Jun 24 20:51 .
    drwxr-xr-x. 13 root root     143 Jun 24 20:49 ..
    drwxrwxr-x.  7 root root    4096 Jul 21  2020 redis-6.0.6
    -rw-r--r--.  1 root root 2228781 Jul 21  2020 redis-6.0.6.tar.gz
    [root@192 soft]# cd redis-6.0.6/
    [root@192 redis-6.0.6]# make install
    cd src && make install
    make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/soft/redis-6.0.6/src'
        CC Makefile.dep
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/soft/redis-6.0.6/src'
    make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/soft/redis-6.0.6/src'
    rm -rf redis-server redis-sentinel redis-cli redis-benchmark redis-check-rdb redis-check-aof *.o *.gcda *.gcno *.gcov redis.info lcov-html Makefile.dep dict-benchmark
    rm -f adlist.d quicklist.d ae.d anet.d dict.d server.d sds.d zmalloc.d lzf_c.d lzf_d.d pqsort.d zipmap.d sha1.d ziplist.d release.d networking.d util.d object.d db.d replication.d rdb.d t_string.d t_list.d t_set.d t_zset.d t_hash.d config.d aof.d pubsub.d multi.d debug.d sort.d intset.d syncio.d cluster.d crc16.d endianconv.d slowlog.d scripting.d bio.d rio.d rand.d memtest.d crcspeed.d crc64.d bitops.d sentinel.d notify.d setproctitle.d blocked.d hyperloglog.d latency.d sparkline.d redis-check-rdb.d redis-check-aof.d geo.d lazyfree.d module.d evict.d expire.d geohash.d geohash_helper.d childinfo.d defrag.d siphash.d rax.d t_stream.d listpack.d localtime.d lolwut.d lolwut5.d lolwut6.d acl.d gopher.d tracking.d connection.d tls.d sha256.d timeout.d setcpuaffinity.d anet.d adlist.d dict.d redis-cli.d zmalloc.d release.d ae.d crcspeed.d crc64.d siphash.d crc16.d ae.d anet.d redis-benchmark.d adlist.d dict.d zmalloc.d siphash.d
    (cd ../deps && make distclean)
    make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/local/soft/redis-6.0.6/deps'
    (cd hiredis && make clean) > /dev/null || true
    (cd linenoise && make clean) > /dev/null || true
    (cd lua && make clean) > /dev/null || true
    (cd jemalloc && [ -f Makefile ] && make distclean) > /dev/null || true
    (rm -f .make-*)
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/soft/redis-6.0.6/deps'
    (rm -f .make-*)
    echo STD=-std=c11 -pedantic -DREDIS_STATIC='' >> .make-settings
    echo WARN=-Wall -W -Wno-missing-field-initializers >> .make-settings
    echo OPT=-O2 >> .make-settings
    echo MALLOC=jemalloc >> .make-settings
    echo CFLAGS= >> .make-settings
    echo LDFLAGS= >> .make-settings
    echo REDIS_CFLAGS= >> .make-settings
    echo REDIS_LDFLAGS= >> .make-settings
    echo PREV_FINAL_CFLAGS=-std=c11 -pedantic -DREDIS_STATIC='' -Wall -W -Wno-missing-field-initializers -O2 -g -ggdb   -I../deps/hiredis -I../deps/linenoise -I../deps/lua/src -DUSE_JEMALLOC -I../deps/jemalloc/include >> .make-settings
    echo PREV_FINAL_LDFLAGS=  -g -ggdb -rdynamic >> .make-settings
    (cd ../deps && make hiredis linenoise lua jemalloc)
    make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/local/soft/redis-6.0.6/deps'
    (cd hiredis && make clean) > /dev/null || true
    (cd linenoise && make clean) > /dev/null || true
    (cd lua && make clean) > /dev/null || true
    (cd jemalloc && [ -f Makefile ] && make distclean) > /dev/null || true
    (rm -f .make-*)
    (echo "" > .make-cflags)
    (echo "" > .make-ldflags)
    MAKE hiredis
    cd hiredis && make static
    make[3]: Entering directory `/usr/local/soft/redis-6.0.6/deps/hiredis'
    cc -std=c99 -pedantic -c -O3 -fPIC   -Wall -W -Wstrict-prototypes -Wwrite-strings -Wno-missing-field-initializers -g -ggdb net.c
    cc -std=c99 -pedantic -c -O3 -fPIC   -Wall -W -Wstrict-prototypes -Wwrite-strings -Wno-missing-field-initializers -g -ggdb hiredis.c
    cc -std=c99 -pedantic -c -O3 -fPIC   -Wall -W -Wstrict-prototypes -Wwrite-strings -Wno-missing-field-initializers -g -ggdb sds.c
    cc -std=c99 -pedantic -c -O3 -fPIC   -Wall -W -Wstrict-prototypes -Wwrite-strings -Wno-missing-field-initializers -g -ggdb async.c
    cc -std=c99 -pedantic -c -O3 -fPIC   -Wall -W -Wstrict-prototypes -Wwrite-strings -Wno-missing-field-initializers -g -ggdb read.c
    cc -std=c99 -pedantic -c -O3 -fPIC   -Wall -W -Wstrict-prototypes -Wwrite-strings -Wno-missing-field-initializers -g -ggdb sockcompat.c
    ar rcs libhiredis.a net.o hiredis.o sds.o async.o read.o sockcompat.o
    make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/soft/redis-6.0.6/deps/hiredis'
    MAKE linenoise
    cd linenoise && make
    make[3]: Entering directory `/usr/local/soft/redis-6.0.6/deps/linenoise'
    cc  -Wall -Os -g  -c linenoise.c
    make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/soft/redis-6.0.6/deps/linenoise'
    MAKE lua
    cd lua/src && make all CFLAGS="-O2 -Wall -DLUA_ANSI -DENABLE_CJSON_GLOBAL -DREDIS_STATIC='' " MYLDFLAGS="" AR="ar rcu"
    make[3]: Entering directory `/usr/local/soft/redis-6.0.6/deps/lua/src'
    cc -O2 -Wall -DLUA_ANSI -DENABLE_CJSON_GLOBAL -DREDIS_STATIC=''    -c -o lapi.o lapi.c
    cc -O2 -Wall -DLUA_ANSI -DENABLE_CJSON_GLOBAL -DREDIS_STATIC=''    -c -o lcode.o lcode.c
    cc -O2 -Wall -DLUA_ANSI -DENABLE_CJSON_GLOBAL -DREDIS_STATIC=''    -c -o ldebug.o ldebug.c
    cc -O2 -Wall -DLUA_ANSI -DENABLE_CJSON_GLOBAL -DREDIS_STATIC=''    -c -o ldo.o ldo.c
    ldo.c: In function ‘f_parser’:
    ldo.c:496:7: warning: unused variable ‘c’ [-Wunused-variable]
      496 |   int c = luaZ_lookahead(p->z);
          |       ^
    cc -O2 -Wall -DLUA_ANSI -DENABLE_CJSON_GLOBAL -DREDIS_STATIC=''    -c -o ldump.o ldump.c
    cc -O2 -Wall -DLUA_ANSI -DENABLE_CJSON_GLOBAL -DREDIS_STATIC=''    -c -o lfunc.o lfunc.c
    cc -O2 -Wall -DLUA_ANSI -DENABLE_CJSON_GLOBAL -DREDIS_STATIC=''    -c -o lgc.o lgc.c
    cc -O2 -Wall -DLUA_ANSI -DENABLE_CJSON_GLOBAL -DREDIS_STATIC=''    -c -o llex.o llex.c
    cc -O2 -Wall -DLUA_ANSI -DENABLE_CJSON_GLOBAL -DREDIS_STATIC=''    -c -o lmem.o lmem.c
    cc -O2 -Wall -DLUA_ANSI -DENABLE_CJSON_GLOBAL -DREDIS_STATIC=''    -c -o lobject.o lobject.c
    cc -O2 -Wall -DLUA_ANSI -DENABLE_CJSON_GLOBAL -DREDIS_STATIC=''    -c -o lopcodes.o lopcodes.c
    cc -O2 -Wall -DLUA_ANSI -DENABLE_CJSON_GLOBAL -DREDIS_STATIC=''    -c -o lparser.o lparser.c
    cc -O2 -Wall -DLUA_ANSI -DENABLE_CJSON_GLOBAL -DREDIS_STATIC=''    -c -o lstate.o lstate.c
    cc -O2 -Wall -DLUA_ANSI -DENABLE_CJSON_GLOBAL -DREDIS_STATIC=''    -c -o lstring.o lstring.c
    cc -O2 -Wall -DLUA_ANSI -DENABLE_CJSON_GLOBAL -DREDIS_STATIC=''    -c -o ltable.o ltable.c
    cc -O2 -Wall -DLUA_ANSI -DENABLE_CJSON_GLOBAL -DREDIS_STATIC=''    -c -o ltm.o ltm.c
    cc -O2 -Wall -DLUA_ANSI -DENABLE_CJSON_GLOBAL -DREDIS_STATIC=''    -c -o lundump.o lundump.c
    cc -O2 -Wall -DLUA_ANSI -DENABLE_CJSON_GLOBAL -DREDIS_STATIC=''    -c -o lvm.o lvm.c
    cc -O2 -Wall -DLUA_ANSI -DENABLE_CJSON_GLOBAL -DREDIS_STATIC=''    -c -o lzio.o lzio.c
    cc -O2 -Wall -DLUA_ANSI -DENABLE_CJSON_GLOBAL -DREDIS_STATIC=''    -c -o strbuf.o strbuf.c
    cc -O2 -Wall -DLUA_ANSI -DENABLE_CJSON_GLOBAL -DREDIS_STATIC=''    -c -o fpconv.o fpconv.c
    cc -O2 -Wall -DLUA_ANSI -DENABLE_CJSON_GLOBAL -DREDIS_STATIC=''    -c -o lauxlib.o lauxlib.c
    lauxlib.c: In function ‘luaL_loadfile’:
    lauxlib.c:577:4: warning: this ‘while’ clause does not guard... [-Wmisleading-indentation]
      577 |    while ((c = getc(lf.f)) != EOF && c != LUA_SIGNATURE[0]) ;
          |    ^~~~~
    lauxlib.c:578:5: note: ...this statement, but the latter is misleadingly indented as if it were guarded by the ‘while’
      578 |     lf.extraline = 0;
          |     ^~
    cc -O2 -Wall -DLUA_ANSI -DENABLE_CJSON_GLOBAL -DREDIS_STATIC=''    -c -o lbaselib.o lbaselib.c
    cc -O2 -Wall -DLUA_ANSI -DENABLE_CJSON_GLOBAL -DREDIS_STATIC=''    -c -o ldblib.o ldblib.c
    cc -O2 -Wall -DLUA_ANSI -DENABLE_CJSON_GLOBAL -DREDIS_STATIC=''    -c -o liolib.o liolib.c
    cc -O2 -Wall -DLUA_ANSI -DENABLE_CJSON_GLOBAL -DREDIS_STATIC=''    -c -o lmathlib.o lmathlib.c
    cc -O2 -Wall -DLUA_ANSI -DENABLE_CJSON_GLOBAL -DREDIS_STATIC=''    -c -o loslib.o loslib.c
    cc -O2 -Wall -DLUA_ANSI -DENABLE_CJSON_GLOBAL -DREDIS_STATIC=''    -c -o ltablib.o ltablib.c
    ltablib.c: In function ‘addfield’:
    ltablib.c:137:3: warning: this ‘if’ clause does not guard... [-Wmisleading-indentation]
      137 |   if (!lua_isstring(L, -1))
          |   ^~
    ltablib.c:140:5: note: ...this statement, but the latter is misleadingly indented as if it were guarded by the ‘if’
      140 |     luaL_addvalue(b);
          |     ^~~~~~~~~~~~~
    cc -O2 -Wall -DLUA_ANSI -DENABLE_CJSON_GLOBAL -DREDIS_STATIC=''    -c -o lstrlib.o lstrlib.c
    cc -O2 -Wall -DLUA_ANSI -DENABLE_CJSON_GLOBAL -DREDIS_STATIC=''    -c -o loadlib.o loadlib.c
    cc -O2 -Wall -DLUA_ANSI -DENABLE_CJSON_GLOBAL -DREDIS_STATIC=''    -c -o linit.o linit.c
    cc -O2 -Wall -DLUA_ANSI -DENABLE_CJSON_GLOBAL -DREDIS_STATIC=''    -c -o lua_cjson.o lua_cjson.c
    cc -O2 -Wall -DLUA_ANSI -DENABLE_CJSON_GLOBAL -DREDIS_STATIC=''    -c -o lua_struct.o lua_struct.c
    cc -O2 -Wall -DLUA_ANSI -DENABLE_CJSON_GLOBAL -DREDIS_STATIC=''    -c -o lua_cmsgpack.o lua_cmsgpack.c
    cc -O2 -Wall -DLUA_ANSI -DENABLE_CJSON_GLOBAL -DREDIS_STATIC=''    -c -o lua_bit.o lua_bit.c
    ar rcu liblua.a lapi.o lcode.o ldebug.o ldo.o ldump.o lfunc.o lgc.o llex.o lmem.o lobject.o lopcodes.o lparser.o lstate.o lstring.o ltable.o ltm.o lundump.o lvm.o lzio.o strbuf.o fpconv.o lauxlib.o lbaselib.o ldblib.o liolib.o lmathlib.o loslib.o ltablib.o lstrlib.o loadlib.o linit.o lua_cjson.o lua_struct.o lua_cmsgpack.o lua_bit.o	# DLL needs all object files
    ranlib liblua.a
    cc -O2 -Wall -DLUA_ANSI -DENABLE_CJSON_GLOBAL -DREDIS_STATIC=''    -c -o lua.o lua.c
    cc -o lua  lua.o liblua.a -lm
    /opt/rh/devtoolset-9/root/usr/libexec/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/9/ld: liblua.a(loslib.o): in function `os_tmpname':
    loslib.c:(.text+0x27c): warning: the use of `tmpnam' is dangerous, better use `mkstemp'
    cc -O2 -Wall -DLUA_ANSI -DENABLE_CJSON_GLOBAL -DREDIS_STATIC=''    -c -o luac.o luac.c
    cc -O2 -Wall -DLUA_ANSI -DENABLE_CJSON_GLOBAL -DREDIS_STATIC=''    -c -o print.o print.c
    cc -o luac  luac.o print.o liblua.a -lm
    make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/soft/redis-6.0.6/deps/lua/src'
    MAKE jemalloc
    cd jemalloc && ./configure --with-version=5.1.0-0-g0 --with-lg-quantum=3 --with-jemalloc-prefix=je_ --enable-cc-silence CFLAGS="-std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops " LDFLAGS=""
    configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --enable-cc-silence
    checking for xsltproc... /usr/bin/xsltproc
    checking for gcc... gcc
    checking whether the C compiler works... yes
    checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
    checking for suffix of executables...
    checking whether we are cross compiling... no
    checking for suffix of object files... o
    checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
    checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
    checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
    checking whether compiler is cray... no
    checking whether compiler supports -std=gnu11... yes
    checking whether compiler supports -Wall... yes
    checking whether compiler supports -Wshorten-64-to-32... no
    checking whether compiler supports -Wsign-compare... yes
    checking whether compiler supports -Wundef... yes
    checking whether compiler supports -Wno-format-zero-length... yes
    checking whether compiler supports -pipe... yes
    checking whether compiler supports -g3... yes
    checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
    checking for g++... g++
    checking whether we are using the GNU C++ compiler... yes
    checking whether g++ accepts -g... yes
    checking whether g++ supports C++14 features by default... yes
    checking whether compiler supports -Wall... yes
    checking whether compiler supports -g3... yes
    checking whether libstdc++ linkage is compilable... yes
    checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep
    checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E
    checking for ANSI C header files... yes
    checking for sys/types.h... yes
    checking for sys/stat.h... yes
    checking for stdlib.h... yes
    checking for string.h... yes
    checking for memory.h... yes
    checking for strings.h... yes
    checking for inttypes.h... yes
    checking for stdint.h... yes
    checking for unistd.h... yes
    checking whether byte ordering is bigendian... no
    checking size of void *... 8
    checking size of int... 4
    checking size of long... 8
    checking size of long long... 8
    checking size of intmax_t... 8
    checking build system type... x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
    checking host system type... x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
    checking whether pause instruction is compilable... yes
    checking number of significant virtual address bits... 48
    checking for ar... ar
    checking for nm... nm
    checking for gawk... gawk
    checking malloc.h usability... yes
    checking malloc.h presence... yes
    checking for malloc.h... yes
    checking whether malloc_usable_size definition can use const argument... no
    checking for library containing log... -lm
    checking whether __attribute__ syntax is compilable... yes
    checking whether compiler supports -fvisibility=hidden... yes
    checking whether compiler supports -fvisibility=hidden... yes
    checking whether compiler supports -Werror... yes
    checking whether compiler supports -herror_on_warning... no
    checking whether tls_model attribute is compilable... yes
    checking whether compiler supports -Werror... yes
    checking whether compiler supports -herror_on_warning... no
    checking whether alloc_size attribute is compilable... yes
    checking whether compiler supports -Werror... yes
    checking whether compiler supports -herror_on_warning... no
    checking whether format(gnu_printf, ...) attribute is compilable... yes
    checking whether compiler supports -Werror... yes
    checking whether compiler supports -herror_on_warning... no
    checking whether format(printf, ...) attribute is compilable... yes
    checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
    checking for ranlib... ranlib
    checking for ld... /opt/rh/devtoolset-9/root/usr/bin/ld
    checking for autoconf... /usr/bin/autoconf
    checking for memalign... yes
    checking for valloc... yes
    checking whether compiler supports -O3... yes
    checking whether compiler supports -O3... yes
    checking whether compiler supports -funroll-loops... yes
    checking configured backtracing method... N/A
    checking for sbrk... yes
    checking whether utrace(2) is compilable... no
    checking whether a program using __builtin_unreachable is compilable... yes
    checking whether a program using __builtin_ffsl is compilable... yes
    checking LG_PAGE... 12
    checking pthread.h usability... yes
    checking pthread.h presence... yes
    checking for pthread.h... yes
    checking for pthread_create in -lpthread... yes
    checking dlfcn.h usability... yes
    checking dlfcn.h presence... yes
    checking for dlfcn.h... yes
    checking for dlsym... no
    checking for dlsym in -ldl... yes
    checking whether pthread_atfork(3) is compilable... yes
    checking whether pthread_setname_np(3) is compilable... yes
    checking for library containing clock_gettime... none required
    checking whether clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE, ...) is compilable... yes
    checking whether clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, ...) is compilable... yes
    checking whether mach_absolute_time() is compilable... no
    checking whether compiler supports -Werror... yes
    checking whether syscall(2) is compilable... yes
    checking for secure_getenv... yes
    checking for sched_getcpu... yes
    checking for sched_setaffinity... yes
    checking for issetugid... no
    checking for _malloc_thread_cleanup... no
    checking for _pthread_mutex_init_calloc_cb... no
    checking for TLS... yes
    checking whether C11 atomics is compilable... no
    checking whether GCC __atomic atomics is compilable... yes
    checking whether GCC __sync atomics is compilable... yes
    checking whether Darwin OSAtomic*() is compilable... no
    checking whether madvise(2) is compilable... yes
    checking whether madvise(..., MADV_FREE) is compilable... no
    checking whether madvise(..., MADV_DONTNEED) is compilable... yes
    checking whether madvise(..., MADV_DO[NT]DUMP) is compilable... yes
    checking whether madvise(..., MADV_[NO]HUGEPAGE) is compilable... yes
    checking whether to force 32-bit __sync_{add,sub}_and_fetch()... no
    checking whether to force 64-bit __sync_{add,sub}_and_fetch()... no
    checking for __builtin_clz... yes
    checking whether Darwin os_unfair_lock_*() is compilable... no
    checking whether Darwin OSSpin*() is compilable... no
    checking whether glibc malloc hook is compilable... yes
    checking whether glibc memalign hook is compilable... yes
    checking whether pthreads adaptive mutexes is compilable... yes
    checking whether compiler supports -D_GNU_SOURCE... yes
    checking whether compiler supports -Werror... yes
    checking whether compiler supports -herror_on_warning... no
    checking whether strerror_r returns char with gnu source is compilable... yes
    checking for stdbool.h that conforms to C99... yes
    checking for _Bool... yes
    configure: creating ./config.status
    config.status: creating Makefile
    config.status: creating jemalloc.pc
    config.status: creating doc/html.xsl
    config.status: creating doc/manpages.xsl
    config.status: creating doc/jemalloc.xml
    config.status: creating include/jemalloc/jemalloc_macros.h
    config.status: creating include/jemalloc/jemalloc_protos.h
    config.status: creating include/jemalloc/jemalloc_typedefs.h
    config.status: creating include/jemalloc/internal/jemalloc_preamble.h
    config.status: creating test/test.sh
    config.status: creating test/include/test/jemalloc_test.h
    config.status: creating config.stamp
    config.status: creating bin/jemalloc-config
    config.status: creating bin/jemalloc.sh
    config.status: creating bin/jeprof
    config.status: creating include/jemalloc/jemalloc_defs.h
    config.status: creating include/jemalloc/internal/jemalloc_internal_defs.h
    config.status: creating test/include/test/jemalloc_test_defs.h
    config.status: executing include/jemalloc/internal/public_symbols.txt commands
    config.status: executing include/jemalloc/internal/private_symbols.awk commands
    config.status: executing include/jemalloc/internal/private_symbols_jet.awk commands
    config.status: executing include/jemalloc/internal/public_namespace.h commands
    config.status: executing include/jemalloc/internal/public_unnamespace.h commands
    config.status: executing include/jemalloc/internal/size_classes.h commands
    config.status: executing include/jemalloc/jemalloc_protos_jet.h commands
    config.status: executing include/jemalloc/jemalloc_rename.h commands
    config.status: executing include/jemalloc/jemalloc_mangle.h commands
    config.status: executing include/jemalloc/jemalloc_mangle_jet.h commands
    config.status: executing include/jemalloc/jemalloc.h commands
    configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --enable-cc-silence
    jemalloc version   : 5.1.0-0-g0
    library revision   : 2
    CONFIG             : --with-version=5.1.0-0-g0 --with-lg-quantum=3 --with-jemalloc-prefix=je_ --enable-cc-silence 'CFLAGS=-std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops ' LDFLAGS=
    CC                 : gcc
    CONFIGURE_CFLAGS   : -std=gnu11 -Wall -Wsign-compare -Wundef -Wno-format-zero-length -pipe -g3 -fvisibility=hidden -O3 -funroll-loops
    SPECIFIED_CFLAGS   : -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops
    EXTRA_CFLAGS       :
    CXX                : g++
    CONFIGURE_CXXFLAGS : -Wall -g3 -fvisibility=hidden -O3
    LDFLAGS            :
    EXTRA_LDFLAGS      :
    DSO_LDFLAGS        : -shared -Wl,-soname,$(@F)
    LIBS               : -lm -lstdc++ -lpthread -ldl
    RPATH_EXTRA        :
    XSLTPROC           : /usr/bin/xsltproc
    XSLROOT            : /usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets
    PREFIX             : /usr/local
    BINDIR             : /usr/local/bin
    DATADIR            : /usr/local/share
    INCLUDEDIR         : /usr/local/include
    LIBDIR             : /usr/local/lib
    MANDIR             : /usr/local/share/man
    srcroot            :
    abs_srcroot        : /usr/local/soft/redis-6.0.6/deps/jemalloc/
    objroot            :
    abs_objroot        : /usr/local/soft/redis-6.0.6/deps/jemalloc/
    JEMALLOC_PREFIX    : je_
                       : je_
    install_suffix     :
    malloc_conf        :
    autogen            : 0
    debug              : 0
    stats              : 1
    prof               : 0
    prof-libunwind     : 0
    prof-libgcc        : 0
    prof-gcc           : 0
    fill               : 1
    utrace             : 0
    xmalloc            : 0
    log                : 0
    lazy_lock          : 0
    cache-oblivious    : 1
    cxx                : 1
    cd jemalloc && make CFLAGS="-std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops " LDFLAGS="" lib/libjemalloc.a
    make[3]: Entering directory `/usr/local/soft/redis-6.0.6/deps/jemalloc'
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -DJEMALLOC_NO_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE -o src/jemalloc.sym.o src/jemalloc.c
    nm -a src/jemalloc.sym.o | gawk -f include/jemalloc/internal/private_symbols.awk > src/jemalloc.sym
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -DJEMALLOC_NO_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE -o src/arena.sym.o src/arena.c
    nm -a src/arena.sym.o | gawk -f include/jemalloc/internal/private_symbols.awk > src/arena.sym
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -DJEMALLOC_NO_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE -o src/background_thread.sym.o src/background_thread.c
    nm -a src/background_thread.sym.o | gawk -f include/jemalloc/internal/private_symbols.awk > src/background_thread.sym
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -DJEMALLOC_NO_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE -o src/base.sym.o src/base.c
    nm -a src/base.sym.o | gawk -f include/jemalloc/internal/private_symbols.awk > src/base.sym
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -DJEMALLOC_NO_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE -o src/bin.sym.o src/bin.c
    nm -a src/bin.sym.o | gawk -f include/jemalloc/internal/private_symbols.awk > src/bin.sym
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -DJEMALLOC_NO_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE -o src/bitmap.sym.o src/bitmap.c
    nm -a src/bitmap.sym.o | gawk -f include/jemalloc/internal/private_symbols.awk > src/bitmap.sym
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -DJEMALLOC_NO_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE -o src/ckh.sym.o src/ckh.c
    nm -a src/ckh.sym.o | gawk -f include/jemalloc/internal/private_symbols.awk > src/ckh.sym
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -DJEMALLOC_NO_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE -o src/ctl.sym.o src/ctl.c
    nm -a src/ctl.sym.o | gawk -f include/jemalloc/internal/private_symbols.awk > src/ctl.sym
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -DJEMALLOC_NO_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE -o src/div.sym.o src/div.c
    nm -a src/div.sym.o | gawk -f include/jemalloc/internal/private_symbols.awk > src/div.sym
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -DJEMALLOC_NO_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE -o src/extent.sym.o src/extent.c
    nm -a src/extent.sym.o | gawk -f include/jemalloc/internal/private_symbols.awk > src/extent.sym
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -DJEMALLOC_NO_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE -o src/extent_dss.sym.o src/extent_dss.c
    nm -a src/extent_dss.sym.o | gawk -f include/jemalloc/internal/private_symbols.awk > src/extent_dss.sym
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -DJEMALLOC_NO_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE -o src/extent_mmap.sym.o src/extent_mmap.c
    nm -a src/extent_mmap.sym.o | gawk -f include/jemalloc/internal/private_symbols.awk > src/extent_mmap.sym
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -DJEMALLOC_NO_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE -o src/hash.sym.o src/hash.c
    nm -a src/hash.sym.o | gawk -f include/jemalloc/internal/private_symbols.awk > src/hash.sym
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -DJEMALLOC_NO_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE -o src/hooks.sym.o src/hooks.c
    nm -a src/hooks.sym.o | gawk -f include/jemalloc/internal/private_symbols.awk > src/hooks.sym
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -DJEMALLOC_NO_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE -o src/large.sym.o src/large.c
    nm -a src/large.sym.o | gawk -f include/jemalloc/internal/private_symbols.awk > src/large.sym
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -DJEMALLOC_NO_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE -o src/log.sym.o src/log.c
    nm -a src/log.sym.o | gawk -f include/jemalloc/internal/private_symbols.awk > src/log.sym
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -DJEMALLOC_NO_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE -o src/malloc_io.sym.o src/malloc_io.c
    src/malloc_io.c: In function ‘malloc_vsnprintf’:
    src/malloc_io.c:369:2: warning: case label value exceeds maximum value for type
      369 |  case '?' | 0x80:      
          |  ^~~~
    src/malloc_io.c:581:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘GET_ARG_NUMERIC’
      581 |     GET_ARG_NUMERIC(val, 'p');
          |     ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    src/malloc_io.c:387:2: warning: case label value exceeds maximum value for type
      387 |  case 'j' | 0x80:      
          |  ^~~~
    src/malloc_io.c:581:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘GET_ARG_NUMERIC’
      581 |     GET_ARG_NUMERIC(val, 'p');
          |     ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    src/malloc_io.c:375:2: warning: case label value exceeds maximum value for type
      375 |  case 'l' | 0x80:      
          |  ^~~~
    src/malloc_io.c:581:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘GET_ARG_NUMERIC’
      581 |     GET_ARG_NUMERIC(val, 'p');
          |     ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    src/malloc_io.c:381:2: warning: case label value exceeds maximum value for type
      381 |  case 'q' | 0x80:      
          |  ^~~~
    src/malloc_io.c:581:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘GET_ARG_NUMERIC’
      581 |     GET_ARG_NUMERIC(val, 'p');
          |     ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    src/malloc_io.c:396:2: warning: case label value exceeds maximum value for type
      396 |  case 'z' | 0x80:      
          |  ^~~~
    src/malloc_io.c:581:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘GET_ARG_NUMERIC’
      581 |     GET_ARG_NUMERIC(val, 'p');
          |     ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    nm -a src/malloc_io.sym.o | gawk -f include/jemalloc/internal/private_symbols.awk > src/malloc_io.sym
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -DJEMALLOC_NO_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE -o src/mutex.sym.o src/mutex.c
    nm -a src/mutex.sym.o | gawk -f include/jemalloc/internal/private_symbols.awk > src/mutex.sym
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -DJEMALLOC_NO_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE -o src/mutex_pool.sym.o src/mutex_pool.c
    nm -a src/mutex_pool.sym.o | gawk -f include/jemalloc/internal/private_symbols.awk > src/mutex_pool.sym
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -DJEMALLOC_NO_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE -o src/nstime.sym.o src/nstime.c
    nm -a src/nstime.sym.o | gawk -f include/jemalloc/internal/private_symbols.awk > src/nstime.sym
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -DJEMALLOC_NO_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE -o src/pages.sym.o src/pages.c
    nm -a src/pages.sym.o | gawk -f include/jemalloc/internal/private_symbols.awk > src/pages.sym
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -DJEMALLOC_NO_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE -o src/prng.sym.o src/prng.c
    nm -a src/prng.sym.o | gawk -f include/jemalloc/internal/private_symbols.awk > src/prng.sym
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -DJEMALLOC_NO_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE -o src/prof.sym.o src/prof.c
    nm -a src/prof.sym.o | gawk -f include/jemalloc/internal/private_symbols.awk > src/prof.sym
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -DJEMALLOC_NO_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE -o src/rtree.sym.o src/rtree.c
    nm -a src/rtree.sym.o | gawk -f include/jemalloc/internal/private_symbols.awk > src/rtree.sym
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -DJEMALLOC_NO_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE -o src/stats.sym.o src/stats.c
    nm -a src/stats.sym.o | gawk -f include/jemalloc/internal/private_symbols.awk > src/stats.sym
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -DJEMALLOC_NO_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE -o src/sz.sym.o src/sz.c
    nm -a src/sz.sym.o | gawk -f include/jemalloc/internal/private_symbols.awk > src/sz.sym
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -DJEMALLOC_NO_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE -o src/tcache.sym.o src/tcache.c
    nm -a src/tcache.sym.o | gawk -f include/jemalloc/internal/private_symbols.awk > src/tcache.sym
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -DJEMALLOC_NO_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE -o src/ticker.sym.o src/ticker.c
    nm -a src/ticker.sym.o | gawk -f include/jemalloc/internal/private_symbols.awk > src/ticker.sym
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -DJEMALLOC_NO_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE -o src/tsd.sym.o src/tsd.c
    nm -a src/tsd.sym.o | gawk -f include/jemalloc/internal/private_symbols.awk > src/tsd.sym
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -DJEMALLOC_NO_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE -o src/witness.sym.o src/witness.c
    nm -a src/witness.sym.o | gawk -f include/jemalloc/internal/private_symbols.awk > src/witness.sym
    /bin/sh include/jemalloc/internal/private_namespace.sh src/jemalloc.sym src/arena.sym src/background_thread.sym src/base.sym src/bin.sym src/bitmap.sym src/ckh.sym src/ctl.sym src/div.sym src/extent.sym src/extent_dss.sym src/extent_mmap.sym src/hash.sym src/hooks.sym src/large.sym src/log.sym src/malloc_io.sym src/mutex.sym src/mutex_pool.sym src/nstime.sym src/pages.sym src/prng.sym src/prof.sym src/rtree.sym src/stats.sym src/sz.sym src/tcache.sym src/ticker.sym src/tsd.sym src/witness.sym > include/jemalloc/internal/private_namespace.gen.h
    cp include/jemalloc/internal/private_namespace.gen.h include/jemalloc/internal/private_namespace.gen.h
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -o src/jemalloc.o src/jemalloc.c
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -o src/arena.o src/arena.c
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -o src/background_thread.o src/background_thread.c
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -o src/base.o src/base.c
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -o src/bin.o src/bin.c
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -o src/bitmap.o src/bitmap.c
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -o src/ckh.o src/ckh.c
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -o src/ctl.o src/ctl.c
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -o src/div.o src/div.c
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -o src/extent.o src/extent.c
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -o src/extent_dss.o src/extent_dss.c
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -o src/extent_mmap.o src/extent_mmap.c
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -o src/hash.o src/hash.c
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -o src/hooks.o src/hooks.c
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -o src/large.o src/large.c
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -o src/log.o src/log.c
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -o src/malloc_io.o src/malloc_io.c
    src/malloc_io.c: In function ‘je_malloc_vsnprintf’:
    src/malloc_io.c:369:2: warning: case label value exceeds maximum value for type
      369 |  case '?' | 0x80:      
          |  ^~~~
    src/malloc_io.c:581:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘GET_ARG_NUMERIC’
      581 |     GET_ARG_NUMERIC(val, 'p');
          |     ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    src/malloc_io.c:387:2: warning: case label value exceeds maximum value for type
      387 |  case 'j' | 0x80:      
          |  ^~~~
    src/malloc_io.c:581:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘GET_ARG_NUMERIC’
      581 |     GET_ARG_NUMERIC(val, 'p');
          |     ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    src/malloc_io.c:375:2: warning: case label value exceeds maximum value for type
      375 |  case 'l' | 0x80:      
          |  ^~~~
    src/malloc_io.c:581:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘GET_ARG_NUMERIC’
      581 |     GET_ARG_NUMERIC(val, 'p');
          |     ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    src/malloc_io.c:381:2: warning: case label value exceeds maximum value for type
      381 |  case 'q' | 0x80:      
          |  ^~~~
    src/malloc_io.c:581:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘GET_ARG_NUMERIC’
      581 |     GET_ARG_NUMERIC(val, 'p');
          |     ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    src/malloc_io.c:396:2: warning: case label value exceeds maximum value for type
      396 |  case 'z' | 0x80:      
          |  ^~~~
    src/malloc_io.c:581:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘GET_ARG_NUMERIC’
      581 |     GET_ARG_NUMERIC(val, 'p');
          |     ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -o src/mutex.o src/mutex.c
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -o src/mutex_pool.o src/mutex_pool.c
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -o src/nstime.o src/nstime.c
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -o src/pages.o src/pages.c
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -o src/prng.o src/prng.c
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -o src/prof.o src/prof.c
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -o src/rtree.o src/rtree.c
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -o src/stats.o src/stats.c
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -o src/sz.o src/sz.c
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -o src/tcache.o src/tcache.c
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -o src/ticker.o src/ticker.c
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -o src/tsd.o src/tsd.c
    gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pipe -g3 -O3 -funroll-loops  -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -o src/witness.o src/witness.c
    g++ -Wall -g3 -fvisibility=hidden -O3 -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Iinclude -Iinclude -o src/jemalloc_cpp.o src/jemalloc_cpp.cpp
    ar crus lib/libjemalloc.a src/jemalloc.o src/arena.o src/background_thread.o src/base.o src/bin.o src/bitmap.o src/ckh.o src/ctl.o src/div.o src/extent.o src/extent_dss.o src/extent_mmap.o src/hash.o src/hooks.o src/large.o src/log.o src/malloc_io.o src/mutex.o src/mutex_pool.o src/nstime.o src/pages.o src/prng.o src/prof.o src/rtree.o src/stats.o src/sz.o src/tcache.o src/ticker.o src/tsd.o src/witness.o src/jemalloc_cpp.o
    make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/soft/redis-6.0.6/deps/jemalloc'
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/soft/redis-6.0.6/deps'
        CC adlist.o
        CC quicklist.o
        CC ae.o
        CC anet.o
        CC dict.o
        CC server.o
        CC sds.o
        CC zmalloc.o
        CC lzf_c.o
        CC lzf_d.o
        CC pqsort.o
        CC zipmap.o
        CC sha1.o
        CC ziplist.o
        CC release.o
        CC networking.o
        CC util.o
        CC object.o
        CC db.o
        CC replication.o
        CC rdb.o
        CC t_string.o
        CC t_list.o
        CC t_set.o
        CC t_zset.o
        CC t_hash.o
        CC config.o
        CC aof.o
        CC pubsub.o
        CC multi.o
        CC debug.o
        CC sort.o
        CC intset.o
        CC syncio.o
        CC cluster.o
        CC crc16.o
        CC endianconv.o
        CC slowlog.o
        CC scripting.o
        CC bio.o
        CC rio.o
        CC rand.o
        CC memtest.o
        CC crcspeed.o
        CC crc64.o
        CC bitops.o
        CC sentinel.o
        CC notify.o
        CC setproctitle.o
        CC blocked.o
        CC hyperloglog.o
        CC latency.o
        CC sparkline.o
        CC redis-check-rdb.o
        CC redis-check-aof.o
        CC geo.o
        CC lazyfree.o
        CC module.o
        CC evict.o
        CC expire.o
        CC geohash.o
        CC geohash_helper.o
        CC childinfo.o
        CC defrag.o
        CC siphash.o
        CC rax.o
        CC t_stream.o
        CC listpack.o
        CC localtime.o
        CC lolwut.o
        CC lolwut5.o
        CC lolwut6.o
        CC acl.o
        CC gopher.o
        CC tracking.o
        CC connection.o
        CC tls.o
        CC sha256.o
        CC timeout.o
        CC setcpuaffinity.o
        LINK redis-server
        INSTALL redis-sentinel
        CC redis-cli.o
        LINK redis-cli
        CC redis-benchmark.o
        LINK redis-benchmark
        INSTALL redis-check-rdb
        INSTALL redis-check-aof
    Hint: It's a good idea to run 'make test' ;)
        INSTALL install
        INSTALL install
        INSTALL install
        INSTALL install
        INSTALL install
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/soft/redis-6.0.6/src'
    [root@192 redis-6.0.6]# ls -all
    total 272
    drwxrwxr-x.  7 root root  4096 Jul 21  2020 .
    drwxr-xr-x.  3 root root    51 Jun 24 20:51 ..
    -rw-rw-r--.  1 root root 80561 Jul 21  2020 00-RELEASENOTES
    -rw-rw-r--.  1 root root    51 Jul 21  2020 BUGS
    -rw-rw-r--.  1 root root  2381 Jul 21  2020 CONTRIBUTING
    -rw-rw-r--.  1 root root  1487 Jul 21  2020 COPYING
    drwxrwxr-x.  6 root root   192 Jun 24 20:52 deps
    drwxrwxr-x.  3 root root    23 Jul 21  2020 .github
    -rw-rw-r--.  1 root root   408 Jul 21  2020 .gitignore
    -rw-rw-r--.  1 root root    11 Jul 21  2020 INSTALL
    -rw-rw-r--.  1 root root   151 Jul 21  2020 Makefile
    -rw-rw-r--.  1 root root  6888 Jul 21  2020 MANIFESTO
    -rw-rw-r--.  1 root root 20806 Jul 21  2020 README.md
    -rw-rw-r--.  1 root root 83392 Jul 21  2020 redis.conf
    -rwxrwxr-x.  1 root root   275 Jul 21  2020 runtest
    -rwxrwxr-x.  1 root root   280 Jul 21  2020 runtest-cluster
    -rwxrwxr-x.  1 root root   679 Jul 21  2020 runtest-moduleapi
    -rwxrwxr-x.  1 root root   281 Jul 21  2020 runtest-sentinel
    -rw-rw-r--.  1 root root 10743 Jul 21  2020 sentinel.conf
    drwxrwxr-x.  3 root root  8192 Jun 24 20:54 src
    drwxrwxr-x. 11 root root   182 Jul 21  2020 tests
    -rw-rw-r--.  1 root root  3055 Jul 21  2020 TLS.md
    drwxrwxr-x.  9 root root  4096 Jul 21  2020 utils
    [root@192 redis-6.0.6]# vim redis.conf
    [root@192 redis-6.0.6]# cat redis.conf
    # Redis configuration file example.
    # Note that in order to read the configuration file, Redis must be
    # started with the file path as first argument:
    # ./redis-server /path/to/redis.conf
    # Note on units: when memory size is needed, it is possible to specify
    # it in the usual form of 1k 5GB 4M and so forth:
    # 1k => 1000 bytes
    # 1kb => 1024 bytes
    # 1m => 1000000 bytes
    # 1mb => 1024*1024 bytes
    # 1g => 1000000000 bytes
    # 1gb => 1024*1024*1024 bytes
    # units are case insensitive so 1GB 1Gb 1gB are all the same.
    ################################## INCLUDES ###################################
    # Include one or more other config files here.  This is useful if you
    # have a standard template that goes to all Redis servers but also need
    # to customize a few per-server settings.  Include files can include
    # other files, so use this wisely.
    # Notice option "include" won't be rewritten by command "CONFIG REWRITE"
    # from admin or Redis Sentinel. Since Redis always uses the last processed
    # line as value of a configuration directive, you'd better put includes
    # at the beginning of this file to avoid overwriting config change at runtime.
    # If instead you are interested in using includes to override configuration
    # options, it is better to use include as the last line.
    # include /path/to/local.conf
    # include /path/to/other.conf
    ################################## MODULES #####################################
    # Load modules at startup. If the server is not able to load modules
    # it will abort. It is possible to use multiple loadmodule directives.
    # loadmodule /path/to/my_module.so
    # loadmodule /path/to/other_module.so
    ################################## NETWORK #####################################
    # By default, if no "bind" configuration directive is specified, Redis listens
    # for connections from all the network interfaces available on the server.
    # It is possible to listen to just one or multiple selected interfaces using
    # the "bind" configuration directive, followed by one or more IP addresses.
    # Examples:
    # bind
    # bind ::1
    # ~~~ WARNING ~~~ If the computer running Redis is directly exposed to the
    # internet, binding to all the interfaces is dangerous and will expose the
    # instance to everybody on the internet. So by default we uncomment the
    # following bind directive, that will force Redis to listen only into
    # the IPv4 loopback interface address (this means Redis will be able to
    # accept connections only from clients running into the same computer it
    # is running).
    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    # Protected mode is a layer of security protection, in order to avoid that
    # Redis instances left open on the internet are accessed and exploited.
    # When protected mode is on and if:
    # 1) The server is not binding explicitly to a set of addresses using the
    #    "bind" directive.
    # 2) No password is configured.
    # The server only accepts connections from clients connecting from the
    # IPv4 and IPv6 loopback addresses and ::1, and from Unix domain
    # sockets.
    # By default protected mode is enabled. You should disable it only if
    # you are sure you want clients from other hosts to connect to Redis
    # even if no authentication is configured, nor a specific set of interfaces
    # are explicitly listed using the "bind" directive.
    protected-mode no
    # Accept connections on the specified port, default is 6379 (IANA #815344).
    # If port 0 is specified Redis will not listen on a TCP socket.
    port 6379
    # TCP listen() backlog.
    # In high requests-per-second environments you need an high backlog in order
    # to avoid slow clients connections issues. Note that the Linux kernel
    # will silently truncate it to the value of /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn so
    # make sure to raise both the value of somaxconn and tcp_max_syn_backlog
    # in order to get the desired effect.
    tcp-backlog 511
    # Unix socket.
    # Specify the path for the Unix socket that will be used to listen for
    # incoming connections. There is no default, so Redis will not listen
    # on a unix socket when not specified.
    # unixsocket /tmp/redis.sock
    # unixsocketperm 700
    # Close the connection after a client is idle for N seconds (0 to disable)
    timeout 0
    # TCP keepalive.
    # If non-zero, use SO_KEEPALIVE to send TCP ACKs to clients in absence
    # of communication. This is useful for two reasons:
    # 1) Detect dead peers.
    # 2) Take the connection alive from the point of view of network
    #    equipment in the middle.
    # On Linux, the specified value (in seconds) is the period used to send ACKs.
    # Note that to close the connection the double of the time is needed.
    # On other kernels the period depends on the kernel configuration.
    # A reasonable value for this option is 300 seconds, which is the new
    # Redis default starting with Redis 3.2.1.
    tcp-keepalive 300
    ################################# TLS/SSL #####################################
    # By default, TLS/SSL is disabled. To enable it, the "tls-port" configuration
    # directive can be used to define TLS-listening ports. To enable TLS on the
    # default port, use:
    # port 0
    # tls-port 6379
    # Configure a X.509 certificate and private key to use for authenticating the
    # server to connected clients, masters or cluster peers.  These files should be
    # PEM formatted.
    # tls-cert-file redis.crt
    # tls-key-file redis.key
    # Configure a DH parameters file to enable Diffie-Hellman (DH) key exchange:
    # tls-dh-params-file redis.dh
    # Configure a CA certificate(s) bundle or directory to authenticate TLS/SSL
    # clients and peers.  Redis requires an explicit configuration of at least one
    # of these, and will not implicitly use the system wide configuration.
    # tls-ca-cert-file ca.crt
    # tls-ca-cert-dir /etc/ssl/certs
    # By default, clients (including replica servers) on a TLS port are required
    # to authenticate using valid client side certificates.
    # It is possible to disable authentication using this directive.
    # tls-auth-clients no
    # By default, a Redis replica does not attempt to establish a TLS connection
    # with its master.
    # Use the following directive to enable TLS on replication links.
    # tls-replication yes
    # By default, the Redis Cluster bus uses a plain TCP connection. To enable
    # TLS for the bus protocol, use the following directive:
    # tls-cluster yes
    # Explicitly specify TLS versions to support. Allowed values are case insensitive
    # and include "TLSv1", "TLSv1.1", "TLSv1.2", "TLSv1.3" (OpenSSL >= 1.1.1) or
    # any combination. To enable only TLSv1.2 and TLSv1.3, use:
    # tls-protocols "TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3"
    # Configure allowed ciphers.  See the ciphers(1ssl) manpage for more information
    # about the syntax of this string.
    # Note: this configuration applies only to <= TLSv1.2.
    # tls-ciphers DEFAULT:!MEDIUM
    # Configure allowed TLSv1.3 ciphersuites.  See the ciphers(1ssl) manpage for more
    # information about the syntax of this string, and specifically for TLSv1.3
    # ciphersuites.
    # tls-ciphersuites TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256
    # When choosing a cipher, use the server's preference instead of the client
    # preference. By default, the server follows the client's preference.
    # tls-prefer-server-ciphers yes
    # By default, TLS session caching is enabled to allow faster and less expensive
    # reconnections by clients that support it. Use the following directive to disable
    # caching.
    # tls-session-caching no
    # Change the default number of TLS sessions cached. A zero value sets the cache
    # to unlimited size. The default size is 20480.
    # tls-session-cache-size 5000
    # Change the default timeout of cached TLS sessions. The default timeout is 300
    # seconds.
    # tls-session-cache-timeout 60
    ################################# GENERAL #####################################
    # By default Redis does not run as a daemon. Use 'yes' if you need it.
    # Note that Redis will write a pid file in /var/run/redis.pid when daemonized.
    daemonize no
    # If you run Redis from upstart or systemd, Redis can interact with your
    # supervision tree. Options:
    #   supervised no      - no supervision interaction
    #   supervised upstart - signal upstart by putting Redis into SIGSTOP mode
    #   supervised systemd - signal systemd by writing READY=1 to $NOTIFY_SOCKET
    #   supervised auto    - detect upstart or systemd method based on
    #                        UPSTART_JOB or NOTIFY_SOCKET environment variables
    # Note: these supervision methods only signal "process is ready."
    #       They do not enable continuous liveness pings back to your supervisor.
    supervised no
    # If a pid file is specified, Redis writes it where specified at startup
    # and removes it at exit.
    # When the server runs non daemonized, no pid file is created if none is
    # specified in the configuration. When the server is daemonized, the pid file
    # is used even if not specified, defaulting to "/var/run/redis.pid".
    # Creating a pid file is best effort: if Redis is not able to create it
    # nothing bad happens, the server will start and run normally.
    pidfile /var/run/redis_6379.pid
    # Specify the server verbosity level.
    # This can be one of:
    # debug (a lot of information, useful for development/testing)
    # verbose (many rarely useful info, but not a mess like the debug level)
    # notice (moderately verbose, what you want in production probably)
    # warning (only very important / critical messages are logged)
    loglevel notice
    # Specify the log file name. Also the empty string can be used to force
    # Redis to log on the standard output. Note that if you use standard
    # output for logging but daemonize, logs will be sent to /dev/null
    logfile ""
    # To enable logging to the system logger, just set 'syslog-enabled' to yes,
    # and optionally update the other syslog parameters to suit your needs.
    # syslog-enabled no
    # Specify the syslog identity.
    # syslog-ident redis
    # Specify the syslog facility. Must be USER or between LOCAL0-LOCAL7.
    # syslog-facility local0
    # Set the number of databases. The default database is DB 0, you can select
    # a different one on a per-connection basis using SELECT <dbid> where
    # dbid is a number between 0 and 'databases'-1
    databases 16
    # By default Redis shows an ASCII art logo only when started to log to the
    # standard output and if the standard output is a TTY. Basically this means
    # that normally a logo is displayed only in interactive sessions.
    # However it is possible to force the pre-4.0 behavior and always show a
    # ASCII art logo in startup logs by setting the following option to yes.
    always-show-logo yes
    ################################ SNAPSHOTTING  ################################
    # Save the DB on disk:
    #   save <seconds> <changes>
    #   Will save the DB if both the given number of seconds and the given
    #   number of write operations against the DB occurred.
    #   In the example below the behaviour will be to save:
    #   after 900 sec (15 min) if at least 1 key changed
    #   after 300 sec (5 min) if at least 10 keys changed
    #   after 60 sec if at least 10000 keys changed
    #   Note: you can disable saving completely by commenting out all "save" lines.
    #   It is also possible to remove all the previously configured save
    #   points by adding a save directive with a single empty string argument
    #   like in the following example:
    #   save ""
    save 900 1
    save 300 10
    save 60 10000
    # By default Redis will stop accepting writes if RDB snapshots are enabled
    # (at least one save point) and the latest background save failed.
    # This will make the user aware (in a hard way) that data is not persisting
    # on disk properly, otherwise chances are that no one will notice and some
    # disaster will happen.
    # If the background saving process will start working again Redis will
    # automatically allow writes again.
    # However if you have setup your proper monitoring of the Redis server
    # and persistence, you may want to disable this feature so that Redis will
    # continue to work as usual even if there are problems with disk,
    # permissions, and so forth.
    stop-writes-on-bgsave-error yes
    # Compress string objects using LZF when dump .rdb databases?
    # For default that's set to 'yes' as it's almost always a win.
    # If you want to save some CPU in the saving child set it to 'no' but
    # the dataset will likely be bigger if you have compressible values or keys.
    rdbcompression yes
    # Since version 5 of RDB a CRC64 checksum is placed at the end of the file.
    # This makes the format more resistant to corruption but there is a performance
    # hit to pay (around 10%) when saving and loading RDB files, so you can disable it
    # for maximum performances.
    # RDB files created with checksum disabled have a checksum of zero that will
    # tell the loading code to skip the check.
    rdbchecksum yes
    # The filename where to dump the DB
    dbfilename dump.rdb
    # Remove RDB files used by replication in instances without persistence
    # enabled. By default this option is disabled, however there are environments
    # where for regulations or other security concerns, RDB files persisted on
    # disk by masters in order to feed replicas, or stored on disk by replicas
    # in order to load them for the initial synchronization, should be deleted
    # ASAP. Note that this option ONLY WORKS in instances that have both AOF
    # and RDB persistence disabled, otherwise is completely ignored.
    # An alternative (and sometimes better) way to obtain the same effect is
    # to use diskless replication on both master and replicas instances. However
    # in the case of replicas, diskless is not always an option.
    rdb-del-sync-files no
    # The working directory.
    # The DB will be written inside this directory, with the filename specified
    # above using the 'dbfilename' configuration directive.
    # The Append Only File will also be created inside this directory.
    # Note that you must specify a directory here, not a file name.
    dir ./
    ################################# REPLICATION #################################
    # Master-Replica replication. Use replicaof to make a Redis instance a copy of
    # another Redis server. A few things to understand ASAP about Redis replication.
    #   +------------------+      +---------------+
    #   |      Master      | ---> |    Replica    |
    #   | (receive writes) |      |  (exact copy) |
    #   +------------------+      +---------------+
    # 1) Redis replication is asynchronous, but you can configure a master to
    #    stop accepting writes if it appears to be not connected with at least
    #    a given number of replicas.
    # 2) Redis replicas are able to perform a partial resynchronization with the
    #    master if the replication link is lost for a relatively small amount of
    #    time. You may want to configure the replication backlog size (see the next
    #    sections of this file) with a sensible value depending on your needs.
    # 3) Replication is automatic and does not need user intervention. After a
    #    network partition replicas automatically try to reconnect to masters
    #    and resynchronize with them.
    # replicaof <masterip> <masterport>
    # If the master is password protected (using the "requirepass" configuration
    # directive below) it is possible to tell the replica to authenticate before
    # starting the replication synchronization process, otherwise the master will
    # refuse the replica request.
    # masterauth <master-password>
    # However this is not enough if you are using Redis ACLs (for Redis version
    # 6 or greater), and the default user is not capable of running the PSYNC
    # command and/or other commands needed for replication. In this case it's
    # better to configure a special user to use with replication, and specify the
    # masteruser configuration as such:
    # masteruser <username>
    # When masteruser is specified, the replica will authenticate against its
    # master using the new AUTH form: AUTH <username> <password>.
    # When a replica loses its connection with the master, or when the replication
    # is still in progress, the replica can act in two different ways:
    # 1) if replica-serve-stale-data is set to 'yes' (the default) the replica will
    #    still reply to client requests, possibly with out of date data, or the
    #    data set may just be empty if this is the first synchronization.
    # 2) if replica-serve-stale-data is set to 'no' the replica will reply with
    #    an error "SYNC with master in progress" to all the kind of commands
    replica-serve-stale-data yes
    # You can configure a replica instance to accept writes or not. Writing against
    # a replica instance may be useful to store some ephemeral data (because data
    # written on a replica will be easily deleted after resync with the master) but
    # may also cause problems if clients are writing to it because of a
    # misconfiguration.
    # Since Redis 2.6 by default replicas are read-only.
    # Note: read only replicas are not designed to be exposed to untrusted clients
    # on the internet. It's just a protection layer against misuse of the instance.
    # Still a read only replica exports by default all the administrative commands
    # such as CONFIG, DEBUG, and so forth. To a limited extent you can improve
    # security of read only replicas using 'rename-command' to shadow all the
    # administrative / dangerous commands.
    replica-read-only yes
    # Replication SYNC strategy: disk or socket.
    # New replicas and reconnecting replicas that are not able to continue the
    # replication process just receiving differences, need to do what is called a
    # "full synchronization". An RDB file is transmitted from the master to the
    # replicas.
    # The transmission can happen in two different ways:
    # 1) Disk-backed: The Redis master creates a new process that writes the RDB
    #                 file on disk. Later the file is transferred by the parent
    #                 process to the replicas incrementally.
    # 2) Diskless: The Redis master creates a new process that directly writes the
    #              RDB file to replica sockets, without touching the disk at all.
    # With disk-backed replication, while the RDB file is generated, more replicas
    # can be queued and served with the RDB file as soon as the current child
    # producing the RDB file finishes its work. With diskless replication instead
    # once the transfer starts, new replicas arriving will be queued and a new
    # transfer will start when the current one terminates.
    # When diskless replication is used, the master waits a configurable amount of
    # time (in seconds) before starting the transfer in the hope that multiple
    # replicas will arrive and the transfer can be parallelized.
    # With slow disks and fast (large bandwidth) networks, diskless replication
    # works better.
    repl-diskless-sync no
    # When diskless replication is enabled, it is possible to configure the delay
    # the server waits in order to spawn the child that transfers the RDB via socket
    # to the replicas.
    # This is important since once the transfer starts, it is not possible to serve
    # new replicas arriving, that will be queued for the next RDB transfer, so the
    # server waits a delay in order to let more replicas arrive.
    # The delay is specified in seconds, and by default is 5 seconds. To disable
    # it entirely just set it to 0 seconds and the transfer will start ASAP.
    repl-diskless-sync-delay 5
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # WARNING: RDB diskless load is experimental. Since in this setup the replica
    # does not immediately store an RDB on disk, it may cause data loss during
    # failovers. RDB diskless load + Redis modules not handling I/O reads may also
    # cause Redis to abort in case of I/O errors during the initial synchronization
    # stage with the master. Use only if your do what you are doing.
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Replica can load the RDB it reads from the replication link directly from the
    # socket, or store the RDB to a file and read that file after it was completely
    # recived from the master.
    # In many cases the disk is slower than the network, and storing and loading
    # the RDB file may increase replication time (and even increase the master's
    # Copy on Write memory and salve buffers).
    # However, parsing the RDB file directly from the socket may mean that we have
    # to flush the contents of the current database before the full rdb was
    # received. For this reason we have the following options:
    # "disabled"    - Don't use diskless load (store the rdb file to the disk first)
    # "on-empty-db" - Use diskless load only when it is completely safe.
    # "swapdb"      - Keep a copy of the current db contents in RAM while parsing
    #                 the data directly from the socket. note that this requires
    #                 sufficient memory, if you don't have it, you risk an OOM kill.
    repl-diskless-load disabled
    # Replicas send PINGs to server in a predefined interval. It's possible to
    # change this interval with the repl_ping_replica_period option. The default
    # value is 10 seconds.
    # repl-ping-replica-period 10
    # The following option sets the replication timeout for:
    # 1) Bulk transfer I/O during SYNC, from the point of view of replica.
    # 2) Master timeout from the point of view of replicas (data, pings).
    # 3) Replica timeout from the point of view of masters (REPLCONF ACK pings).
    # It is important to make sure that this value is greater than the value
    # specified for repl-ping-replica-period otherwise a timeout will be detected
    # every time there is low traffic between the master and the replica.
    # repl-timeout 60
    # Disable TCP_NODELAY on the replica socket after SYNC?
    # If you select "yes" Redis will use a smaller number of TCP packets and
    # less bandwidth to send data to replicas. But this can add a delay for
    # the data to appear on the replica side, up to 40 milliseconds with
    # Linux kernels using a default configuration.
    # If you select "no" the delay for data to appear on the replica side will
    # be reduced but more bandwidth will be used for replication.
    # By default we optimize for low latency, but in very high traffic conditions
    # or when the master and replicas are many hops away, turning this to "yes" may
    # be a good idea.
    repl-disable-tcp-nodelay no
    # Set the replication backlog size. The backlog is a buffer that accumulates
    # replica data when replicas are disconnected for some time, so that when a
    # replica wants to reconnect again, often a full resync is not needed, but a
    # partial resync is enough, just passing the portion of data the replica
    # missed while disconnected.
    # The bigger the replication backlog, the longer the time the replica can be
    # disconnected and later be able to perform a partial resynchronization.
    # The backlog is only allocated once there is at least a replica connected.
    # repl-backlog-size 1mb
    # After a master has no longer connected replicas for some time, the backlog
    # will be freed. The following option configures the amount of seconds that
    # need to elapse, starting from the time the last replica disconnected, for
    # the backlog buffer to be freed.
    # Note that replicas never free the backlog for timeout, since they may be
    # promoted to masters later, and should be able to correctly "partially
    # resynchronize" with the replicas: hence they should always accumulate backlog.
    # A value of 0 means to never release the backlog.
    # repl-backlog-ttl 3600
    # The replica priority is an integer number published by Redis in the INFO
    # output. It is used by Redis Sentinel in order to select a replica to promote
    # into a master if the master is no longer working correctly.
    # A replica with a low priority number is considered better for promotion, so
    # for instance if there are three replicas with priority 10, 100, 25 Sentinel
    # will pick the one with priority 10, that is the lowest.
    # However a special priority of 0 marks the replica as not able to perform the
    # role of master, so a replica with priority of 0 will never be selected by
    # Redis Sentinel for promotion.
    # By default the priority is 100.
    replica-priority 100
    # It is possible for a master to stop accepting writes if there are less than
    # N replicas connected, having a lag less or equal than M seconds.
    # The N replicas need to be in "online" state.
    # The lag in seconds, that must be <= the specified value, is calculated from
    # the last ping received from the replica, that is usually sent every second.
    # This option does not GUARANTEE that N replicas will accept the write, but
    # will limit the window of exposure for lost writes in case not enough replicas
    # are available, to the specified number of seconds.
    # For example to require at least 3 replicas with a lag <= 10 seconds use:
    # min-replicas-to-write 3
    # min-replicas-max-lag 10
    # Setting one or the other to 0 disables the feature.
    # By default min-replicas-to-write is set to 0 (feature disabled) and
    # min-replicas-max-lag is set to 10.
    # A Redis master is able to list the address and port of the attached
    # replicas in different ways. For example the "INFO replication" section
    # offers this information, which is used, among other tools, by
    # Redis Sentinel in order to discover replica instances.
    # Another place where this info is available is in the output of the
    # "ROLE" command of a master.
    # The listed IP and address normally reported by a replica is obtained
    # in the following way:
    #   IP: The address is auto detected by checking the peer address
    #   of the socket used by the replica to connect with the master.
    #   Port: The port is communicated by the replica during the replication
    #   handshake, and is normally the port that the replica is using to
    #   listen for connections.
    # However when port forwarding or Network Address Translation (NAT) is
    # used, the replica may be actually reachable via different IP and port
    # pairs. The following two options can be used by a replica in order to
    # report to its master a specific set of IP and port, so that both INFO
    # and ROLE will report those values.
    # There is no need to use both the options if you need to override just
    # the port or the IP address.
    # replica-announce-ip
    # replica-announce-port 1234
    ############################### KEYS TRACKING #################################
    # Redis implements server assisted support for client side caching of values.
    # This is implemented using an invalidation table that remembers, using
    # 16 millions of slots, what clients may have certain subsets of keys. In turn
    # this is used in order to send invalidation messages to clients. Please
    # to understand more about the feature check this page:
    #   https://redis.io/topics/client-side-caching
    # When tracking is enabled for a client, all the read only queries are assumed
    # to be cached: this will force Redis to store information in the invalidation
    # table. When keys are modified, such information is flushed away, and
    # invalidation messages are sent to the clients. However if the workload is
    # heavily dominated by reads, Redis could use more and more memory in order
    # to track the keys fetched by many clients.
    # For this reason it is possible to configure a maximum fill value for the
    # invalidation table. By default it is set to 1M of keys, and once this limit
    # is reached, Redis will start to evict keys in the invalidation table
    # even if they were not modified, just to reclaim memory: this will in turn
    # force the clients to invalidate the cached values. Basically the table
    # maximum size is a trade off between the memory you want to spend server
    # side to track information about who cached what, and the ability of clients
    # to retain cached objects in memory.
    # If you set the value to 0, it means there are no limits, and Redis will
    # retain as many keys as needed in the invalidation table.
    # In the "stats" INFO section, you can find information about the number of
    # keys in the invalidation table at every given moment.
    # Note: when key tracking is used in broadcasting mode, no memory is used
    # in the server side so this setting is useless.
    # tracking-table-max-keys 1000000
    ################################## SECURITY ###################################
    # Warning: since Redis is pretty fast an outside user can try up to
    # 1 million passwords per second against a modern box. This means that you
    # should use very strong passwords, otherwise they will be very easy to break.
    # Note that because the password is really a shared secret between the client
    # and the server, and should not be memorized by any human, the password
    # can be easily a long string from /dev/urandom or whatever, so by using a
    # long and unguessable password no brute force attack will be possible.
    # Redis ACL users are defined in the following format:
    #   user <username> ... acl rules ...
    # For example:
    #   user worker +@list +@connection ~jobs:* on >ffa9203c493aa99
    # The special username "default" is used for new connections. If this user
    # has the "nopass" rule, then new connections will be immediately authenticated
    # as the "default" user without the need of any password provided via the
    # AUTH command. Otherwise if the "default" user is not flagged with "nopass"
    # the connections will start in not authenticated state, and will require
    # AUTH (or the HELLO command AUTH option) in order to be authenticated and
    # start to work.
    # The ACL rules that describe what an user can do are the following:
    #  on           Enable the user: it is possible to authenticate as this user.
    #  off          Disable the user: it's no longer possible to authenticate
    #               with this user, however the already authenticated connections
    #               will still work.
    #  +<command>   Allow the execution of that command
    #  -<command>   Disallow the execution of that command
    #  +@<category> Allow the execution of all the commands in such category
    #               with valid categories are like @admin, @set, @sortedset, ...
    #               and so forth, see the full list in the server.c file where
    #               the Redis command table is described and defined.
    #               The special category @all means all the commands, but currently
    #               present in the server, and that will be loaded in the future
    #               via modules.
    #  +<command>|subcommand    Allow a specific subcommand of an otherwise
    #                           disabled command. Note that this form is not
    #                           allowed as negative like -DEBUG|SEGFAULT, but
    #                           only additive starting with "+".
    #  allcommands  Alias for +@all. Note that it implies the ability to execute
    #               all the future commands loaded via the modules system.
    #  nocommands   Alias for -@all.
    #  ~<pattern>   Add a pattern of keys that can be mentioned as part of
    #               commands. For instance ~* allows all the keys. The pattern
    #               is a glob-style pattern like the one of KEYS.
    #               It is possible to specify multiple patterns.
    #  allkeys      Alias for ~*
    #  resetkeys    Flush the list of allowed keys patterns.
    #  ><password>  Add this passowrd to the list of valid password for the user.
    #               For example >mypass will add "mypass" to the list.
    #               This directive clears the "nopass" flag (see later).
    #  <<password>  Remove this password from the list of valid passwords.
    #  nopass       All the set passwords of the user are removed, and the user
    #               is flagged as requiring no password: it means that every
    #               password will work against this user. If this directive is
    #               used for the default user, every new connection will be
    #               immediately authenticated with the default user without
    #               any explicit AUTH command required. Note that the "resetpass"
    #               directive will clear this condition.
    #  resetpass    Flush the list of allowed passwords. Moreover removes the
    #               "nopass" status. After "resetpass" the user has no associated
    #               passwords and there is no way to authenticate without adding
    #               some password (or setting it as "nopass" later).
    #  reset        Performs the following actions: resetpass, resetkeys, off,
    #               -@all. The user returns to the same state it has immediately
    #               after its creation.
    # ACL rules can be specified in any order: for instance you can start with
    # passwords, then flags, or key patterns. However note that the additive
    # and subtractive rules will CHANGE MEANING depending on the ordering.
    # For instance see the following example:
    #   user alice on +@all -DEBUG ~* >somepassword
    # This will allow "alice" to use all the commands with the exception of the
    # DEBUG command, since +@all added all the commands to the set of the commands
    # alice can use, and later DEBUG was removed. However if we invert the order
    # of two ACL rules the result will be different:
    #   user alice on -DEBUG +@all ~* >somepassword
    # Now DEBUG was removed when alice had yet no commands in the set of allowed
    # commands, later all the commands are added, so the user will be able to
    # execute everything.
    # Basically ACL rules are processed left-to-right.
    # For more information about ACL configuration please refer to
    # the Redis web site at https://redis.io/topics/acl
    # ACL LOG
    # The ACL Log tracks failed commands and authentication events associated
    # with ACLs. The ACL Log is useful to troubleshoot failed commands blocked
    # by ACLs. The ACL Log is stored in memory. You can reclaim memory with
    # ACL LOG RESET. Define the maximum entry length of the ACL Log below.
    acllog-max-len 128
    # Using an external ACL file
    # Instead of configuring users here in this file, it is possible to use
    # a stand-alone file just listing users. The two methods cannot be mixed:
    # if you configure users here and at the same time you activate the exteranl
    # ACL file, the server will refuse to start.
    # The format of the external ACL user file is exactly the same as the
    # format that is used inside redis.conf to describe users.
    # aclfile /etc/redis/users.acl
    # IMPORTANT NOTE: starting with Redis 6 "requirepass" is just a compatiblity
    # layer on top of the new ACL system. The option effect will be just setting
    # the password for the default user. Clients will still authenticate using
    # AUTH <password> as usually, or more explicitly with AUTH default <password>
    # if they follow the new protocol: both will work.
     requirepass 12345678
    # Command renaming (DEPRECATED).
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # WARNING: avoid using this option if possible. Instead use ACLs to remove
    # commands from the default user, and put them only in some admin user you
    # create for administrative purposes.
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # It is possible to change the name of dangerous commands in a shared
    # environment. For instance the CONFIG command may be renamed into something
    # hard to guess so that it will still be available for internal-use tools
    # but not available for general clients.
    # Example:
    # rename-command CONFIG b840fc02d524045429941cc15f59e41cb7be6c52
    # It is also possible to completely kill a command by renaming it into
    # an empty string:
    # rename-command CONFIG ""
    # Please note that changing the name of commands that are logged into the
    # AOF file or transmitted to replicas may cause problems.
    ################################### CLIENTS ####################################
    # Set the max number of connected clients at the same time. By default
    # this limit is set to 10000 clients, however if the Redis server is not
    # able to configure the process file limit to allow for the specified limit
    # the max number of allowed clients is set to the current file limit
    # minus 32 (as Redis reserves a few file descriptors for internal uses).
    # Once the limit is reached Redis will close all the new connections sending
    # an error 'max number of clients reached'.
    # IMPORTANT: When Redis Cluster is used, the max number of connections is also
    # shared with the cluster bus: every node in the cluster will use two
    # connections, one incoming and another outgoing. It is important to size the
    # limit accordingly in case of very large clusters.
    # maxclients 10000
    ############################## MEMORY MANAGEMENT ################################
    # Set a memory usage limit to the specified amount of bytes.
    # When the memory limit is reached Redis will try to remove keys
    # according to the eviction policy selected (see maxmemory-policy).
    # If Redis can't remove keys according to the policy, or if the policy is
    # set to 'noeviction', Redis will start to reply with errors to commands
    # that would use more memory, like SET, LPUSH, and so on, and will continue
    # to reply to read-only commands like GET.
    # This option is usually useful when using Redis as an LRU or LFU cache, or to
    # set a hard memory limit for an instance (using the 'noeviction' policy).
    # WARNING: If you have replicas attached to an instance with maxmemory on,
    # the size of the output buffers needed to feed the replicas are subtracted
    # from the used memory count, so that network problems / resyncs will
    # not trigger a loop where keys are evicted, and in turn the output
    # buffer of replicas is full with DELs of keys evicted triggering the deletion
    # of more keys, and so forth until the database is completely emptied.
    # In short... if you have replicas attached it is suggested that you set a lower
    # limit for maxmemory so that there is some free RAM on the system for replica
    # output buffers (but this is not needed if the policy is 'noeviction').
    # maxmemory <bytes>
    # MAXMEMORY POLICY: how Redis will select what to remove when maxmemory
    # is reached. You can select one from the following behaviors:
    # volatile-lru -> Evict using approximated LRU, only keys with an expire set.
    # allkeys-lru -> Evict any key using approximated LRU.
    # volatile-lfu -> Evict using approximated LFU, only keys with an expire set.
    # allkeys-lfu -> Evict any key using approximated LFU.
    # volatile-random -> Remove a random key having an expire set.
    # allkeys-random -> Remove a random key, any key.
    # volatile-ttl -> Remove the key with the nearest expire time (minor TTL)
    # noeviction -> Don't evict anything, just return an error on write operations.
    # LRU means Least Recently Used
    # LFU means Least Frequently Used
    # Both LRU, LFU and volatile-ttl are implemented using approximated
    # randomized algorithms.
    # Note: with any of the above policies, Redis will return an error on write
    #       operations, when there are no suitable keys for eviction.
    #       At the date of writing these commands are: set setnx setex append
    #       incr decr rpush lpush rpushx lpushx linsert lset rpoplpush sadd
    #       sinter sinterstore sunion sunionstore sdiff sdiffstore zadd zincrby
    #       zunionstore zinterstore hset hsetnx hmset hincrby incrby decrby
    #       getset mset msetnx exec sort
    # The default is:
    # maxmemory-policy noeviction
    # LRU, LFU and minimal TTL algorithms are not precise algorithms but approximated
    # algorithms (in order to save memory), so you can tune it for speed or
    # accuracy. For default Redis will check five keys and pick the one that was
    # used less recently, you can change the sample size using the following
    # configuration directive.
    # The default of 5 produces good enough results. 10 Approximates very closely
    # true LRU but costs more CPU. 3 is faster but not very accurate.
    # maxmemory-samples 5
    # Starting from Redis 5, by default a replica will ignore its maxmemory setting
    # (unless it is promoted to master after a failover or manually). It means
    # that the eviction of keys will be just handled by the master, sending the
    # DEL commands to the replica as keys evict in the master side.
    # This behavior ensures that masters and replicas stay consistent, and is usually
    # what you want, however if your replica is writable, or you want the replica
    # to have a different memory setting, and you are sure all the writes performed
    # to the replica are idempotent, then you may change this default (but be sure
    # to understand what you are doing).
    # Note that since the replica by default does not evict, it may end using more
    # memory than the one set via maxmemory (there are certain buffers that may
    # be larger on the replica, or data structures may sometimes take more memory
    # and so forth). So make sure you monitor your replicas and make sure they
    # have enough memory to never hit a real out-of-memory condition before the
    # master hits the configured maxmemory setting.
    # replica-ignore-maxmemory yes
    # Redis reclaims expired keys in two ways: upon access when those keys are
    # found to be expired, and also in background, in what is called the
    # "active expire key". The key space is slowly and interactively scanned
    # looking for expired keys to reclaim, so that it is possible to free memory
    # of keys that are expired and will never be accessed again in a short time.
    # The default effort of the expire cycle will try to avoid having more than
    # ten percent of expired keys still in memory, and will try to avoid consuming
    # more than 25% of total memory and to add latency to the system. However
    # it is possible to increase the expire "effort" that is normally set to
    # "1", to a greater value, up to the value "10". At its maximum value the
    # system will use more CPU, longer cycles (and technically may introduce
    # more latency), and will tollerate less already expired keys still present
    # in the system. It's a tradeoff betweeen memory, CPU and latecy.
    # active-expire-effort 1
    ############################# LAZY FREEING ####################################
    # Redis has two primitives to delete keys. One is called DEL and is a blocking
    # deletion of the object. It means that the server stops processing new commands
    # in order to reclaim all the memory associated with an object in a synchronous
    # way. If the key deleted is associated with a small object, the time needed
    # in order to execute the DEL command is very small and comparable to most other
    # O(1) or O(log_N) commands in Redis. However if the key is associated with an
    # aggregated value containing millions of elements, the server can block for
    # a long time (even seconds) in order to complete the operation.
    # For the above reasons Redis also offers non blocking deletion primitives
    # such as UNLINK (non blocking DEL) and the ASYNC option of FLUSHALL and
    # FLUSHDB commands, in order to reclaim memory in background. Those commands
    # are executed in constant time. Another thread will incrementally free the
    # object in the background as fast as possible.
    # DEL, UNLINK and ASYNC option of FLUSHALL and FLUSHDB are user-controlled.
    # It's up to the design of the application to understand when it is a good
    # idea to use one or the other. However the Redis server sometimes has to
    # delete keys or flush the whole database as a side effect of other operations.
    # Specifically Redis deletes objects independently of a user call in the
    # following scenarios:
    # 1) On eviction, because of the maxmemory and maxmemory policy configurations,
    #    in order to make room for new data, without going over the specified
    #    memory limit.
    # 2) Because of expire: when a key with an associated time to live (see the
    #    EXPIRE command) must be deleted from memory.
    # 3) Because of a side effect of a command that stores data on a key that may
    #    already exist. For example the RENAME command may delete the old key
    #    content when it is replaced with another one. Similarly SUNIONSTORE
    #    or SORT with STORE option may delete existing keys. The SET command
    #    itself removes any old content of the specified key in order to replace
    #    it with the specified string.
    # 4) During replication, when a replica performs a full resynchronization with
    #    its master, the content of the whole database is removed in order to
    #    load the RDB file just transferred.
    # In all the above cases the default is to delete objects in a blocking way,
    # like if DEL was called. However you can configure each case specifically
    # in order to instead release memory in a non-blocking way like if UNLINK
    # was called, using the following configuration directives.
    lazyfree-lazy-eviction no
    lazyfree-lazy-expire no
    lazyfree-lazy-server-del no
    replica-lazy-flush no
    # It is also possible, for the case when to replace the user code DEL calls
    # with UNLINK calls is not easy, to modify the default behavior of the DEL
    # command to act exactly like UNLINK, using the following configuration
    # directive:
    lazyfree-lazy-user-del no
    ################################ THREADED I/O #################################
    # Redis is mostly single threaded, however there are certain threaded
    # operations such as UNLINK, slow I/O accesses and other things that are
    # performed on side threads.
    # Now it is also possible to handle Redis clients socket reads and writes
    # in different I/O threads. Since especially writing is so slow, normally
    # Redis users use pipelining in order to speedup the Redis performances per
    # core, and spawn multiple instances in order to scale more. Using I/O
    # threads it is possible to easily speedup two times Redis without resorting
    # to pipelining nor sharding of the instance.
    # By default threading is disabled, we suggest enabling it only in machines
    # that have at least 4 or more cores, leaving at least one spare core.
    # Using more than 8 threads is unlikely to help much. We also recommend using
    # threaded I/O only if you actually have performance problems, with Redis
    # instances being able to use a quite big percentage of CPU time, otherwise
    # there is no point in using this feature.
    # So for instance if you have a four cores boxes, try to use 2 or 3 I/O
    # threads, if you have a 8 cores, try to use 6 threads. In order to
    # enable I/O threads use the following configuration directive:
    # io-threads 4
    # Setting io-threads to 1 will just use the main thread as usually.
    # When I/O threads are enabled, we only use threads for writes, that is
    # to thread the write(2) syscall and transfer the client buffers to the
    # socket. However it is also possible to enable threading of reads and
    # protocol parsing using the following configuration directive, by setting
    # it to yes:
    # io-threads-do-reads no
    # Usually threading reads doesn't help much.
    # NOTE 1: This configuration directive cannot be changed at runtime via
    # CONFIG SET. Aso this feature currently does not work when SSL is
    # enabled.
    # NOTE 2: If you want to test the Redis speedup using redis-benchmark, make
    # sure you also run the benchmark itself in threaded mode, using the
    # --threads option to match the number of Redis theads, otherwise you'll not
    # be able to notice the improvements.
    ############################## APPEND ONLY MODE ###############################
    # By default Redis asynchronously dumps the dataset on disk. This mode is
    # good enough in many applications, but an issue with the Redis process or
    # a power outage may result into a few minutes of writes lost (depending on
    # the configured save points).
    # The Append Only File is an alternative persistence mode that provides
    # much better durability. For instance using the default data fsync policy
    # (see later in the config file) Redis can lose just one second of writes in a
    # dramatic event like a server power outage, or a single write if something
    # wrong with the Redis process itself happens, but the operating system is
    # still running correctly.
    # AOF and RDB persistence can be enabled at the same time without problems.
    # If the AOF is enabled on startup Redis will load the AOF, that is the file
    # with the better durability guarantees.
    # Please check http://redis.io/topics/persistence for more information.
    appendonly no
    # The name of the append only file (default: "appendonly.aof")
    appendfilename "appendonly.aof"
    # The fsync() call tells the Operating System to actually write data on disk
    # instead of waiting for more data in the output buffer. Some OS will really flush
    # data on disk, some other OS will just try to do it ASAP.
    # Redis supports three different modes:
    # no: don't fsync, just let the OS flush the data when it wants. Faster.
    # always: fsync after every write to the append only log. Slow, Safest.
    # everysec: fsync only one time every second. Compromise.
    # The default is "everysec", as that's usually the right compromise between
    # speed and data safety. It's up to you to understand if you can relax this to
    # "no" that will let the operating system flush the output buffer when
    # it wants, for better performances (but if you can live with the idea of
    # some data loss consider the default persistence mode that's snapshotting),
    # or on the contrary, use "always" that's very slow but a bit safer than
    # everysec.
    # More details please check the following article:
    # http://antirez.com/post/redis-persistence-demystified.html
    # If unsure, use "everysec".
    # appendfsync always
    appendfsync everysec
    # appendfsync no
    # When the AOF fsync policy is set to always or everysec, and a background
    # saving process (a background save or AOF log background rewriting) is
    # performing a lot of I/O against the disk, in some Linux configurations
    # Redis may block too long on the fsync() call. Note that there is no fix for
    # this currently, as even performing fsync in a different thread will block
    # our synchronous write(2) call.
    # In order to mitigate this problem it's possible to use the following option
    # that will prevent fsync() from being called in the main process while a
    # BGSAVE or BGREWRITEAOF is in progress.
    # This means that while another child is saving, the durability of Redis is
    # the same as "appendfsync none". In practical terms, this means that it is
    # possible to lose up to 30 seconds of log in the worst scenario (with the
    # default Linux settings).
    # If you have latency problems turn this to "yes". Otherwise leave it as
    # "no" that is the safest pick from the point of view of durability.
    no-appendfsync-on-rewrite no
    # Automatic rewrite of the append only file.
    # Redis is able to automatically rewrite the log file implicitly calling
    # BGREWRITEAOF when the AOF log size grows by the specified percentage.
    # This is how it works: Redis remembers the size of the AOF file after the
    # latest rewrite (if no rewrite has happened since the restart, the size of
    # the AOF at startup is used).
    # This base size is compared to the current size. If the current size is
    # bigger than the specified percentage, the rewrite is triggered. Also
    # you need to specify a minimal size for the AOF file to be rewritten, this
    # is useful to avoid rewriting the AOF file even if the percentage increase
    # is reached but it is still pretty small.
    # Specify a percentage of zero in order to disable the automatic AOF
    # rewrite feature.
    auto-aof-rewrite-percentage 100
    auto-aof-rewrite-min-size 64mb
    # An AOF file may be found to be truncated at the end during the Redis
    # startup process, when the AOF data gets loaded back into memory.
    # This may happen when the system where Redis is running
    # crashes, especially when an ext4 filesystem is mounted without the
    # data=ordered option (however this can't happen when Redis itself
    # crashes or aborts but the operating system still works correctly).
    # Redis can either exit with an error when this happens, or load as much
    # data as possible (the default now) and start if the AOF file is found
    # to be truncated at the end. The following option controls this behavior.
    # If aof-load-truncated is set to yes, a truncated AOF file is loaded and
    # the Redis server starts emitting a log to inform the user of the event.
    # Otherwise if the option is set to no, the server aborts with an error
    # and refuses to start. When the option is set to no, the user requires
    # to fix the AOF file using the "redis-check-aof" utility before to restart
    # the server.
    # Note that if the AOF file will be found to be corrupted in the middle
    # the server will still exit with an error. This option only applies when
    # Redis will try to read more data from the AOF file but not enough bytes
    # will be found.
    aof-load-truncated yes
    # When rewriting the AOF file, Redis is able to use an RDB preamble in the
    # AOF file for faster rewrites and recoveries. When this option is turned
    # on the rewritten AOF file is composed of two different stanzas:
    #   [RDB file][AOF tail]
    # When loading Redis recognizes that the AOF file starts with the "REDIS"
    # string and loads the prefixed RDB file, and continues loading the AOF
    # tail.
    aof-use-rdb-preamble yes
    ################################ LUA SCRIPTING  ###############################
    # Max execution time of a Lua script in milliseconds.
    # If the maximum execution time is reached Redis will log that a script is
    # still in execution after the maximum allowed time and will start to
    # reply to queries with an error.
    # When a long running script exceeds the maximum execution time only the
    # SCRIPT KILL and SHUTDOWN NOSAVE commands are available. The first can be
    # used to stop a script that did not yet called write commands. The second
    # is the only way to shut down the server in the case a write command was
    # already issued by the script but the user doesn't want to wait for the natural
    # termination of the script.
    # Set it to 0 or a negative value for unlimited execution without warnings.
    lua-time-limit 5000
    ################################ REDIS CLUSTER  ###############################
    # Normal Redis instances can't be part of a Redis Cluster; only nodes that are
    # started as cluster nodes can. In order to start a Redis instance as a
    # cluster node enable the cluster support uncommenting the following:
    # cluster-enabled yes
    # Every cluster node has a cluster configuration file. This file is not
    # intended to be edited by hand. It is created and updated by Redis nodes.
    # Every Redis Cluster node requires a different cluster configuration file.
    # Make sure that instances running in the same system do not have
    # overlapping cluster configuration file names.
    # cluster-config-file nodes-6379.conf
    # Cluster node timeout is the amount of milliseconds a node must be unreachable
    # for it to be considered in failure state.
    # Most other internal time limits are multiple of the node timeout.
    # cluster-node-timeout 15000
    # A replica of a failing master will avoid to start a failover if its data
    # looks too old.
    # There is no simple way for a replica to actually have an exact measure of
    # its "data age", so the following two checks are performed:
    # 1) If there are multiple replicas able to failover, they exchange messages
    #    in order to try to give an advantage to the replica with the best
    #    replication offset (more data from the master processed).
    #    Replicas will try to get their rank by offset, and apply to the start
    #    of the failover a delay proportional to their rank.
    # 2) Every single replica computes the time of the last interaction with
    #    its master. This can be the last ping or command received (if the master
    #    is still in the "connected" state), or the time that elapsed since the
    #    disconnection with the master (if the replication link is currently down).
    #    If the last interaction is too old, the replica will not try to failover
    #    at all.
    # The point "2" can be tuned by user. Specifically a replica will not perform
    # the failover if, since the last interaction with the master, the time
    # elapsed is greater than:
    #   (node-timeout * replica-validity-factor) + repl-ping-replica-period
    # So for example if node-timeout is 30 seconds, and the replica-validity-factor
    # is 10, and assuming a default repl-ping-replica-period of 10 seconds, the
    # replica will not try to failover if it was not able to talk with the master
    # for longer than 310 seconds.
    # A large replica-validity-factor may allow replicas with too old data to failover
    # a master, while a too small value may prevent the cluster from being able to
    # elect a replica at all.
    # For maximum availability, it is possible to set the replica-validity-factor
    # to a value of 0, which means, that replicas will always try to failover the
    # master regardless of the last time they interacted with the master.
    # (However they'll always try to apply a delay proportional to their
    # offset rank).
    # Zero is the only value able to guarantee that when all the partitions heal
    # the cluster will always be able to continue.
    # cluster-replica-validity-factor 10
    # Cluster replicas are able to migrate to orphaned masters, that are masters
    # that are left without working replicas. This improves the cluster ability
    # to resist to failures as otherwise an orphaned master can't be failed over
    # in case of failure if it has no working replicas.
    # Replicas migrate to orphaned masters only if there are still at least a
    # given number of other working replicas for their old master. This number
    # is the "migration barrier". A migration barrier of 1 means that a replica
    # will migrate only if there is at least 1 other working replica for its master
    # and so forth. It usually reflects the number of replicas you want for every
    # master in your cluster.
    # Default is 1 (replicas migrate only if their masters remain with at least
    # one replica). To disable migration just set it to a very large value.
    # A value of 0 can be set but is useful only for debugging and dangerous
    # in production.
    # cluster-migration-barrier 1
    # By default Redis Cluster nodes stop accepting queries if they detect there
    # is at least an hash slot uncovered (no available node is serving it).
    # This way if the cluster is partially down (for example a range of hash slots
    # are no longer covered) all the cluster becomes, eventually, unavailable.
    # It automatically returns available as soon as all the slots are covered again.
    # However sometimes you want the subset of the cluster which is working,
    # to continue to accept queries for the part of the key space that is still
    # covered. In order to do so, just set the cluster-require-full-coverage
    # option to no.
    # cluster-require-full-coverage yes
    # This option, when set to yes, prevents replicas from trying to failover its
    # master during master failures. However the master can still perform a
    # manual failover, if forced to do so.
    # This is useful in different scenarios, especially in the case of multiple
    # data center operations, where we want one side to never be promoted if not
    # in the case of a total DC failure.
    # cluster-replica-no-failover no
    # This option, when set to yes, allows nodes to serve read traffic while the
    # the cluster is in a down state, as long as it believes it owns the slots.
    # This is useful for two cases.  The first case is for when an application
    # doesn't require consistency of data during node failures or network partitions.
    # One example of this is a cache, where as long as the node has the data it
    # should be able to serve it.
    # The second use case is for configurations that don't meet the recommended
    # three shards but want to enable cluster mode and scale later. A
    # master outage in a 1 or 2 shard configuration causes a read/write outage to the
    # entire cluster without this option set, with it set there is only a write outage.
    # Without a quorum of masters, slot ownership will not change automatically.
    # cluster-allow-reads-when-down no
    # In order to setup your cluster make sure to read the documentation
    # available at http://redis.io web site.
    ########################## CLUSTER DOCKER/NAT support  ########################
    # In certain deployments, Redis Cluster nodes address discovery fails, because
    # addresses are NAT-ted or because ports are forwarded (the typical case is
    # Docker and other containers).
    # In order to make Redis Cluster working in such environments, a static
    # configuration where each node knows its public address is needed. The
    # following two options are used for this scope, and are:
    # * cluster-announce-ip
    # * cluster-announce-port
    # * cluster-announce-bus-port
    # Each instruct the node about its address, client port, and cluster message
    # bus port. The information is then published in the header of the bus packets
    # so that other nodes will be able to correctly map the address of the node
    # publishing the information.
    # If the above options are not used, the normal Redis Cluster auto-detection
    # will be used instead.
    # Note that when remapped, the bus port may not be at the fixed offset of
    # clients port + 10000, so you can specify any port and bus-port depending
    # on how they get remapped. If the bus-port is not set, a fixed offset of
    # 10000 will be used as usually.
    # Example:
    # cluster-announce-ip
    # cluster-announce-port 6379
    # cluster-announce-bus-port 6380
    ################################## SLOW LOG ###################################
    # The Redis Slow Log is a system to log queries that exceeded a specified
    # execution time. The execution time does not include the I/O operations
    # like talking with the client, sending the reply and so forth,
    # but just the time needed to actually execute the command (this is the only
    # stage of command execution where the thread is blocked and can not serve
    # other requests in the meantime).
    # You can configure the slow log with two parameters: one tells Redis
    # what is the execution time, in microseconds, to exceed in order for the
    # command to get logged, and the other parameter is the length of the
    # slow log. When a new command is logged the oldest one is removed from the
    # queue of logged commands.
    # The following time is expressed in microseconds, so 1000000 is equivalent
    # to one second. Note that a negative number disables the slow log, while
    # a value of zero forces the logging of every command.
    slowlog-log-slower-than 10000
    # There is no limit to this length. Just be aware that it will consume memory.
    # You can reclaim memory used by the slow log with SLOWLOG RESET.
    slowlog-max-len 128
    ################################ LATENCY MONITOR ##############################
    # The Redis latency monitoring subsystem samples different operations
    # at runtime in order to collect data related to possible sources of
    # latency of a Redis instance.
    # Via the LATENCY command this information is available to the user that can
    # print graphs and obtain reports.
    # The system only logs operations that were performed in a time equal or
    # greater than the amount of milliseconds specified via the
    # latency-monitor-threshold configuration directive. When its value is set
    # to zero, the latency monitor is turned off.
    # By default latency monitoring is disabled since it is mostly not needed
    # if you don't have latency issues, and collecting data has a performance
    # impact, that while very small, can be measured under big load. Latency
    # monitoring can easily be enabled at runtime using the command
    # "CONFIG SET latency-monitor-threshold <milliseconds>" if needed.
    latency-monitor-threshold 0
    ############################# EVENT NOTIFICATION ##############################
    # Redis can notify Pub/Sub clients about events happening in the key space.
    # This feature is documented at http://redis.io/topics/notifications
    # For instance if keyspace events notification is enabled, and a client
    # performs a DEL operation on key "foo" stored in the Database 0, two
    # messages will be published via Pub/Sub:
    # PUBLISH __keyspace@0__:foo del
    # PUBLISH __keyevent@0__:del foo
    # It is possible to select the events that Redis will notify among a set
    # of classes. Every class is identified by a single character:
    #  K     Keyspace events, published with __keyspace@<db>__ prefix.
    #  E     Keyevent events, published with __keyevent@<db>__ prefix.
    #  g     Generic commands (non-type specific) like DEL, EXPIRE, RENAME, ...
    #  $     String commands
    #  l     List commands
    #  s     Set commands
    #  h     Hash commands
    #  z     Sorted set commands
    #  x     Expired events (events generated every time a key expires)
    #  e     Evicted events (events generated when a key is evicted for maxmemory)
    #  t     Stream commands
    #  m     Key-miss events (Note: It is not included in the 'A' class)
    #  A     Alias for g$lshzxet, so that the "AKE" string means all the events
    #        (Except key-miss events which are excluded from 'A' due to their
    #         unique nature).
    #  The "notify-keyspace-events" takes as argument a string that is composed
    #  of zero or multiple characters. The empty string means that notifications
    #  are disabled.
    #  Example: to enable list and generic events, from the point of view of the
    #           event name, use:
    #  notify-keyspace-events Elg
    #  Example 2: to get the stream of the expired keys subscribing to channel
    #             name __keyevent@0__:expired use:
    #  notify-keyspace-events Ex
    #  By default all notifications are disabled because most users don't need
    #  this feature and the feature has some overhead. Note that if you don't
    #  specify at least one of K or E, no events will be delivered.
    notify-keyspace-events ""
    ############################### GOPHER SERVER #################################
    # Redis contains an implementation of the Gopher protocol, as specified in
    # the RFC 1436 (https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1436.txt).
    # The Gopher protocol was very popular in the late '90s. It is an alternative
    # to the web, and the implementation both server and client side is so simple
    # that the Redis server has just 100 lines of code in order to implement this
    # support.
    # What do you do with Gopher nowadays? Well Gopher never *really* died, and
    # lately there is a movement in order for the Gopher more hierarchical content
    # composed of just plain text documents to be resurrected. Some want a simpler
    # internet, others believe that the mainstream internet became too much
    # controlled, and it's cool to create an alternative space for people that
    # want a bit of fresh air.
    # Anyway for the 10nth birthday of the Redis, we gave it the Gopher protocol
    # as a gift.
    # --- HOW IT WORKS? ---
    # The Redis Gopher support uses the inline protocol of Redis, and specifically
    # two kind of inline requests that were anyway illegal: an empty request
    # or any request that starts with "/" (there are no Redis commands starting
    # with such a slash). Normal RESP2/RESP3 requests are completely out of the
    # path of the Gopher protocol implementation and are served as usually as well.
    # If you open a connection to Redis when Gopher is enabled and send it
    # a string like "/foo", if there is a key named "/foo" it is served via the
    # Gopher protocol.
    # In order to create a real Gopher "hole" (the name of a Gopher site in Gopher
    # talking), you likely need a script like the following:
    #   https://github.com/antirez/gopher2redis
    # --- SECURITY WARNING ---
    # If you plan to put Redis on the internet in a publicly accessible address
    # to server Gopher pages MAKE SURE TO SET A PASSWORD to the instance.
    # Once a password is set:
    #   1. The Gopher server (when enabled, not by default) will still serve
    #      content via Gopher.
    #   2. However other commands cannot be called before the client will
    #      authenticate.
    # So use the 'requirepass' option to protect your instance.
    # To enable Gopher support uncomment the following line and set
    # the option from no (the default) to yes.
    # gopher-enabled no
    ############################### ADVANCED CONFIG ###############################
    # Hashes are encoded using a memory efficient data structure when they have a
    # small number of entries, and the biggest entry does not exceed a given
    # threshold. These thresholds can be configured using the following directives.
    hash-max-ziplist-entries 512
    hash-max-ziplist-value 64
    # Lists are also encoded in a special way to save a lot of space.
    # The number of entries allowed per internal list node can be specified
    # as a fixed maximum size or a maximum number of elements.
    # For a fixed maximum size, use -5 through -1, meaning:
    # -5: max size: 64 Kb  <-- not recommended for normal workloads
    # -4: max size: 32 Kb  <-- not recommended
    # -3: max size: 16 Kb  <-- probably not recommended
    # -2: max size: 8 Kb   <-- good
    # -1: max size: 4 Kb   <-- good
    # Positive numbers mean store up to _exactly_ that number of elements
    # per list node.
    # The highest performing option is usually -2 (8 Kb size) or -1 (4 Kb size),
    # but if your use case is unique, adjust the settings as necessary.
    list-max-ziplist-size -2
    # Lists may also be compressed.
    # Compress depth is the number of quicklist ziplist nodes from *each* side of
    # the list to *exclude* from compression.  The head and tail of the list
    # are always uncompressed for fast push/pop operations.  Settings are:
    # 0: disable all list compression
    # 1: depth 1 means "don't start compressing until after 1 node into the list,
    #    going from either the head or tail"
    #    So: [head]->node->node->...->node->[tail]
    #    [head], [tail] will always be uncompressed; inner nodes will compress.
    # 2: [head]->[next]->node->node->...->node->[prev]->[tail]
    #    2 here means: don't compress head or head->next or tail->prev or tail,
    #    but compress all nodes between them.
    # 3: [head]->[next]->[next]->node->node->...->node->[prev]->[prev]->[tail]
    # etc.
    list-compress-depth 0
    # Sets have a special encoding in just one case: when a set is composed
    # of just strings that happen to be integers in radix 10 in the range
    # of 64 bit signed integers.
    # The following configuration setting sets the limit in the size of the
    # set in order to use this special memory saving encoding.
    set-max-intset-entries 512
    # Similarly to hashes and lists, sorted sets are also specially encoded in
    # order to save a lot of space. This encoding is only used when the length and
    # elements of a sorted set are below the following limits:
    zset-max-ziplist-entries 128
    zset-max-ziplist-value 64
    # HyperLogLog sparse representation bytes limit. The limit includes the
    # 16 bytes header. When an HyperLogLog using the sparse representation crosses
    # this limit, it is converted into the dense representation.
    # A value greater than 16000 is totally useless, since at that point the
    # dense representation is more memory efficient.
    # The suggested value is ~ 3000 in order to have the benefits of
    # the space efficient encoding without slowing down too much PFADD,
    # which is O(N) with the sparse encoding. The value can be raised to
    # ~ 10000 when CPU is not a concern, but space is, and the data set is
    # composed of many HyperLogLogs with cardinality in the 0 - 15000 range.
    hll-sparse-max-bytes 3000
    # Streams macro node max size / items. The stream data structure is a radix
    # tree of big nodes that encode multiple items inside. Using this configuration
    # it is possible to configure how big a single node can be in bytes, and the
    # maximum number of items it may contain before switching to a new node when
    # appending new stream entries. If any of the following settings are set to
    # zero, the limit is ignored, so for instance it is possible to set just a
    # max entires limit by setting max-bytes to 0 and max-entries to the desired
    # value.
    stream-node-max-bytes 4096
    stream-node-max-entries 100
    # Active rehashing uses 1 millisecond every 100 milliseconds of CPU time in
    # order to help rehashing the main Redis hash table (the one mapping top-level
    # keys to values). The hash table implementation Redis uses (see dict.c)
    # performs a lazy rehashing: the more operation you run into a hash table
    # that is rehashing, the more rehashing "steps" are performed, so if the
    # server is idle the rehashing is never complete and some more memory is used
    # by the hash table.
    # The default is to use this millisecond 10 times every second in order to
    # actively rehash the main dictionaries, freeing memory when possible.
    # If unsure:
    # use "activerehashing no" if you have hard latency requirements and it is
    # not a good thing in your environment that Redis can reply from time to time
    # to queries with 2 milliseconds delay.
    # use "activerehashing yes" if you don't have such hard requirements but
    # want to free memory asap when possible.
    activerehashing yes
    # The client output buffer limits can be used to force disconnection of clients
    # that are not reading data from the server fast enough for some reason (a
    # common reason is that a Pub/Sub client can't consume messages as fast as the
    # publisher can produce them).
    # The limit can be set differently for the three different classes of clients:
    # normal -> normal clients including MONITOR clients
    # replica  -> replica clients
    # pubsub -> clients subscribed to at least one pubsub channel or pattern
    # The syntax of every client-output-buffer-limit directive is the following:
    # client-output-buffer-limit <class> <hard limit> <soft limit> <soft seconds>
    # A client is immediately disconnected once the hard limit is reached, or if
    # the soft limit is reached and remains reached for the specified number of
    # seconds (continuously).
    # So for instance if the hard limit is 32 megabytes and the soft limit is
    # 16 megabytes / 10 seconds, the client will get disconnected immediately
    # if the size of the output buffers reach 32 megabytes, but will also get
    # disconnected if the client reaches 16 megabytes and continuously overcomes
    # the limit for 10 seconds.
    # By default normal clients are not limited because they don't receive data
    # without asking (in a push way), but just after a request, so only
    # asynchronous clients may create a scenario where data is requested faster
    # than it can read.
    # Instead there is a default limit for pubsub and replica clients, since
    # subscribers and replicas receive data in a push fashion.
    # Both the hard or the soft limit can be disabled by setting them to zero.
    client-output-buffer-limit normal 0 0 0
    client-output-buffer-limit replica 256mb 64mb 60
    client-output-buffer-limit pubsub 32mb 8mb 60
    # Client query buffers accumulate new commands. They are limited to a fixed
    # amount by default in order to avoid that a protocol desynchronization (for
    # instance due to a bug in the client) will lead to unbound memory usage in
    # the query buffer. However you can configure it here if you have very special
    # needs, such us huge multi/exec requests or alike.
    # client-query-buffer-limit 1gb
    # In the Redis protocol, bulk requests, that are, elements representing single
    # proto-max-bulk-len 512mb
    # Redis calls an internal function to perform many background tasks, like
    # closing connections of clients in timeout, purging expired keys that are
    # never requested, and so forth.
    # Not all tasks are performed with the same frequency, but Redis checks for
    # tasks to perform according to the specified "hz" value.
    # By default "hz" is set to 10. Raising the value will use more CPU when
    # Redis is idle, but at the same time will make Redis more responsive when
    # there are many keys expiring at the same time, and timeouts may be
    # handled with more precision.
    # The range is between 1 and 500, however a value over 100 is usually not
    # a good idea. Most users should use the default of 10 and raise this up to
    # 100 only in environments where very low latency is required.
    hz 10
    # Normally it is useful to have an HZ value which is proportional to the
    # number of clients connected. This is useful in order, for instance, to
    # avoid too many clients are processed for each background task invocation
    # in order to avoid latency spikes.
    # Since the default HZ value by default is conservatively set to 10, Redis
    # offers, and enables by default, the ability to use an adaptive HZ value
    # which will temporary raise when there are many connected clients.
    # When dynamic HZ is enabled, the actual configured HZ will be used
    # as a baseline, but multiples of the configured HZ value will be actually
    # used as needed once more clients are connected. In this way an idle
    # instance will use very little CPU time while a busy instance will be
    # more responsive.
    dynamic-hz yes
    # When a child rewrites the AOF file, if the following option is enabled
    # the file will be fsync-ed every 32 MB of data generated. This is useful
    # in order to commit the file to the disk more incrementally and avoid
    # big latency spikes.
    aof-rewrite-incremental-fsync yes
    # When redis saves RDB file, if the following option is enabled
    # the file will be fsync-ed every 32 MB of data generated. This is useful
    # in order to commit the file to the disk more incrementally and avoid
    # big latency spikes.
    rdb-save-incremental-fsync yes
    # Redis LFU eviction (see maxmemory setting) can be tuned. However it is a good
    # idea to start with the default settings and only change them after investigating
    # how to improve the performances and how the keys LFU change over time, which
    # is possible to inspect via the OBJECT FREQ command.
    # There are two tunable parameters in the Redis LFU implementation: the
    # counter logarithm factor and the counter decay time. It is important to
    # understand what the two parameters mean before changing them.
    # The LFU counter is just 8 bits per key, it's maximum value is 255, so Redis
    # uses a probabilistic increment with logarithmic behavior. Given the value
    # of the old counter, when a key is accessed, the counter is incremented in
    # this way:
    # 1. A random number R between 0 and 1 is extracted.
    # 2. A probability P is calculated as 1/(old_value*lfu_log_factor+1).
    # 3. The counter is incremented only if R < P.
    # The default lfu-log-factor is 10. This is a table of how the frequency
    # counter changes with a different number of accesses with different
    # logarithmic factors:
    # +--------+------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+
    # | factor | 100 hits   | 1000 hits  | 100K hits  | 1M hits    | 10M hits   |
    # +--------+------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+
    # | 0      | 104        | 255        | 255        | 255        | 255        |
    # +--------+------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+
    # | 1      | 18         | 49         | 255        | 255        | 255        |
    # +--------+------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+
    # | 10     | 10         | 18         | 142        | 255        | 255        |
    # +--------+------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+
    # | 100    | 8          | 11         | 49         | 143        | 255        |
    # +--------+------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+
    # NOTE: The above table was obtained by running the following commands:
    #   redis-benchmark -n 1000000 incr foo
    #   redis-cli object freq foo
    # NOTE 2: The counter initial value is 5 in order to give new objects a chance
    # to accumulate hits.
    # The counter decay time is the time, in minutes, that must elapse in order
    # for the key counter to be divided by two (or decremented if it has a value
    # less <= 10).
    # The default value for the lfu-decay-time is 1. A Special value of 0 means to
    # decay the counter every time it happens to be scanned.
    # lfu-log-factor 10
    # lfu-decay-time 1
    ########################### ACTIVE DEFRAGMENTATION #######################
    # What is active defragmentation?
    # -------------------------------
    # Active (online) defragmentation allows a Redis server to compact the
    # spaces left between small allocations and deallocations of data in memory,
    # thus allowing to reclaim back memory.
    # Fragmentation is a natural process that happens with every allocator (but
    # less so with Jemalloc, fortunately) and certain workloads. Normally a server
    # restart is needed in order to lower the fragmentation, or at least to flush
    # away all the data and create it again. However thanks to this feature
    # implemented by Oran Agra for Redis 4.0 this process can happen at runtime
    # in an "hot" way, while the server is running.
    # Basically when the fragmentation is over a certain level (see the
    # configuration options below) Redis will start to create new copies of the
    # values in contiguous memory regions by exploiting certain specific Jemalloc
    # features (in order to understand if an allocation is causing fragmentation
    # and to allocate it in a better place), and at the same time, will release the
    # old copies of the data. This process, repeated incrementally for all the keys
    # will cause the fragmentation to drop back to normal values.
    # Important things to understand:
    # 1. This feature is disabled by default, and only works if you compiled Redis
    #    to use the copy of Jemalloc we ship with the source code of Redis.
    #    This is the default with Linux builds.
    # 2. You never need to enable this feature if you don't have fragmentation
    #    issues.
    # 3. Once you experience fragmentation, you can enable this feature when
    #    needed with the command "CONFIG SET activedefrag yes".
    # The configuration parameters are able to fine tune the behavior of the
    # defragmentation process. If you are not sure about what they mean it is
    # a good idea to leave the defaults untouched.
    # Enabled active defragmentation
    # activedefrag no
    # Minimum amount of fragmentation waste to start active defrag
    # active-defrag-ignore-bytes 100mb
    # Minimum percentage of fragmentation to start active defrag
    # active-defrag-threshold-lower 10
    # Maximum percentage of fragmentation at which we use maximum effort
    # active-defrag-threshold-upper 100
    # Minimal effort for defrag in CPU percentage, to be used when the lower
    # threshold is reached
    # active-defrag-cycle-min 1
    # Maximal effort for defrag in CPU percentage, to be used when the upper
    # threshold is reached
    # active-defrag-cycle-max 25
    # Maximum number of set/hash/zset/list fields that will be processed from
    # the main dictionary scan
    # active-defrag-max-scan-fields 1000
    # Jemalloc background thread for purging will be enabled by default
    jemalloc-bg-thread yes
    # It is possible to pin different threads and processes of Redis to specific
    # CPUs in your system, in order to maximize the performances of the server.
    # This is useful both in order to pin different Redis threads in different
    # CPUs, but also in order to make sure that multiple Redis instances running
    # in the same host will be pinned to different CPUs.
    # Normally you can do this using the "taskset" command, however it is also
    # possible to this via Redis configuration directly, both in Linux and FreeBSD.
    # You can pin the server/IO threads, bio threads, aof rewrite child process, and
    # the bgsave child process. The syntax to specify the cpu list is the same as
    # the taskset command:
    # Set redis server/io threads to cpu affinity 0,2,4,6:
    # server_cpulist 0-7:2
    # Set bio threads to cpu affinity 1,3:
    # bio_cpulist 1,3
    # Set aof rewrite child process to cpu affinity 8,9,10,11:
    # aof_rewrite_cpulist 8-11
    # Set bgsave child process to cpu affinity 1,10,11
    # bgsave_cpulist 1,10-11
    [root@192 redis-6.0.6]# vim redis.conf
    [root@192 redis-6.0.6]# redis-server /usr/local/soft/redis-6.0.6/redis.conf
    106969:C 24 Jun 2021 21:08:50.819 # oO0OoO0OoO0Oo Redis is starting oO0OoO0OoO0Oo
    106969:C 24 Jun 2021 21:08:50.819 # Redis version=6.0.6, bits=64, commit=00000000, modified=0, pid=106969, just started
    106969:C 24 Jun 2021 21:08:50.819 # Configuration loaded
    [root@192 redis-6.0.6]# redis-cli -h -p 6379 -a 12345678
    Warning: Using a password with '-a' or '-u' option on the command line interface may not be safe.
    [root@192 redis-6.0.6]# redis-cli -h -p 6379 -a 12345678
    Warning: Using a password with '-a' or '-u' option on the command line interface may not be safe.> set name fiser
    OK> get name






    firewall-cmd --reload #重启

    firewallsystemctl stop firewalld.service#停止

    firewallsystemctl disable firewalld.service#禁止firewall开机启动

    为人:谦逊、激情、博学、审问、慎思、明辨、 笃行
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