""" ------------------------------------ @Auth : Yuki @File : storyTest.py @IDE : PyCharm @Motto: ------------------------------------ """ import traceback import logging from KeyWordDriverTestFrameWork.action.PageAction import * from KeyWordDriverTestFrameWork.config.VarConfig import ( testCase_testIsExecute, testCase_testStepName, testStep_testNum, testStep_testStepDescribe, testStep_keyWord, testStep_elementBy, testStep_elementLocator, testStep_operateValue, testCase_testResult, excelPath ) from KeyWordDriverTestFrameWork.util.log import Logger from KeyWordDriverTestFrameWork.util.ParseExcel import ParseExcel log = Logger(__name__, CmdLevel=logging.INFO, FileLevel=logging.INFO) p = ParseExcel(excelPath) sheetName = p.wb.sheetnames # 获取到excel的所有sheet名称 def test_gdce_story(): try: test_case_pass_num = 0 required_case = 0 print(sheetName) is_execute_column_values = p.get_column_value(sheetName[0], testCase_testIsExecute) print(is_execute_column_values) # print(columnValues) for index, value in enumerate(is_execute_column_values): print(index, value) # 获取对应的步骤sheet名称 step_sheet_name = p.get_cell_of_value(sheetName[0], index + 2, testCase_testStepName) print(step_sheet_name) if value.strip().lower() == 'y': required_case += 1 test_step_pass_num = 0 print('开始执行测试用例"{}"'.format(step_sheet_name)) log.logger.info('开始执行测试用例"{}"'.format(step_sheet_name)) # 如果用例被标记为执行y,切换到对应的sheet页 # 获取对应的sheet表中的总步骤数,关键字,定位方式,定位表达式,操作值 # 步骤总数 values = p.get_column_value(step_sheet_name, testStep_testNum) # 第一列数据 #print(values) step_num = len(values) for step in range(2, step_num + 2): raw_value = p.get_row_value(step_sheet_name, step) #print(raw_value) # 执行步骤名称 step_name = raw_value[testStep_testStepDescribe - 2] # 关键字 key_word = raw_value[testStep_keyWord - 2] # 定位方式 by = raw_value[testStep_elementBy - 2] # 定位表达式 locator = raw_value[testStep_elementLocator - 2] # 操作值 operate_value = raw_value[testStep_operateValue - 2] if key_word and by and locator and operate_value: func = key_word + '(' + '"' + by + '"' + ',' + '"' + locator + '"' + ',' + '"' + operate_value + '"' + ')' elif key_word and by and locator and operate_value is None: func = key_word + '(' + '"' + by + '"' + ',' + '"' + locator + '"' + ')' elif key_word and operate_value and type(operate_value) == str and by is None and locator is None: func = key_word + '(' + '"' + operate_value + '"' + ')' elif key_word and operate_value and type(operate_value) == int and by is None and locator is None: func = key_word + '(' + str(operate_value) + ')' else: func = key_word + '(' + ')' try: # 执行测试步骤 #print(func) eval(func) except Exception: # 截图 pic_path = save_screen_shot() # 写回测试结果 error_info = traceback.format_exc() p.write_test_result(step_sheet_name, step, 'Failed', error_info, pic_path) print('步骤"{}"执行失败'.format(step_name)) log.logger.info('步骤"{}"执行失败'.format(step_name)) else: #print('步骤"{}"执行通过'.format(step_name)) log.logger.info('步骤"{}"执行通过'.format(step_name)) # 标记测试步骤为pass p.write_test_result(step_sheet_name, step, 'Pass') test_step_pass_num += 1 print('通过用例步数数:',test_step_pass_num) print('总步骤:',step_num) if test_step_pass_num == step_num: # 标记测试用例sheet页的执行结果为pass p.write_cell(sheetName[0], index + 2, testCase_testResult, 'Pass') test_case_pass_num += 1 print('test_case_pass_num1: ',test_case_pass_num) else: p.write_cell(sheetName[0], index + 2, testCase_testResult, 'Failed') print('test_case_pass_num: ') print('共{}条用例,{}条需要被执行,本次执行通过{}条'.format(len(is_execute_column_values), required_case, test_case_pass_num)) log.logger.info('共{}条用例,{}条需要被执行,本次执行通过{}条'.format(len(is_execute_column_values), required_case, test_case_pass_num)) except Exception as e: log.logger.info(e) if __name__ == '__main__': test_gdce_story()