RouterOS SCript课程系列
第65课程 RouterOS Script语言
RouterOS script语言是RouterOS内置的,功能强大,语法灵活,脚本经常与命令结合,通过脚本,可以实现自动化操作,提高工作效率等,
简单的符号也是命令,如下:/ ,..
beep --
blink --
caps-man --
certificate -- Certificate management
console --
delay -- does nothing for a while *#delay 5s
disk --
do -- executes command
environment -- list of all variables * #:environment print;
error -- make error value * error ("aaa")
execute -- run script as separate console job *
file -- Local router file storage.
find -- Find items by value * #:put [:find "abc" "a" -1];
for -- executes command for a range of integer values
foreach -- executes command for every element in a list
global -- set value global variable
if -- executes command if condition is true
import -- *
interface -- Interface configuration
ip --
ipv6 --
len -- return number of elements in value * #:put [:len "length=8"];
local -- set value of local variable
log -- System logs * :log info "Hello from script";
metarouter --
nothing -- do nothing and return nothing
parse -- build command from text
partitions --
password -- Change password
pick -- return range of string characters or array values * #:put [:pick "abcde" 1 3]
ping -- Send ICMP Echo packets
port -- Serial ports
ppp -- Point to Point Protocol
put -- prints argument on the screen *
queue -- Bandwidth management
quit -- Quit console
radius -- Radius client settings
redo -- Redo previously undone action
resolve -- perform a dns lookup of domain name *#:put [:resolve "www.mikrotik.com"];
return -- return value from function *
routing --
set -- Change item properties *
snmp -- SNMP settings
special-login -- Special login users
system --
terminal -- commands related to terminal handling
time -- returns time taken by command to execute * #:put [:time {:for i from=1 to=10 do={ :delay 100ms }}];
toarray -- convert argument to array value
tobool -- convert argument to truth value
toid -- convert argument to internal number value
toip -- convert argument to IP address value
toip6 -- convert argument to IPv6 address value
tonum -- convert argument to integer number value
tool -- Diagnostics tools
tostr -- convert argument to string value
totime -- convert argument to time interval value
typeof -- return type of value * #:put [:typeof 4];
undo -- Undo previous action
user -- User management
while -- executes command while condition is true
export -- Print or save an export script that can be used to restore configuration *
命令的操作 选项:
add add <param>=<value>..<param>=<value> add new item
remove remove <id> remove selected item
enable enable <id> enable selected item
disable disable <id> disable selected item
set set <id> <param>=<value>..<param>=<value> change selected items parameter, more than one parameter can be specified at the time. Parameter can be unset by specifying '!' before parameter.
/ip firewall filter add chain=input action=accept protocol=tcp port=123 nth=4,2
set 0 !port chain=output !nth protocol=udp
get get <id> <param>=<value> get selected items parameter value
print print <param><param>=[<value>] print menu items. Output depends on print parameters specified. Most common print parameters are described here
export export [file=<value>]
edit edit <id> <param> edit selected items property in built-in text editor
find find <expression> Returns list of internal numbers for items that are matched by given expression. For example: :put [/interface find name~"ether"]
print :
print as-value 将输出作为数组保存 :put [/ip address print as-value]
print file= 输出到文件
follow: 跟随 打印所有当前条目并跟踪新条目,直到按ctrl-c为止,这在查看日志条目时非常有用 /log print follow
from: #/user print from=admin
where :/ip route print where interface="ether1"
{:local a { "aX"=1 ; ay=2 }; :put ($a->"aX")}
:foreach k,v in={2; "aX"=1 ; y=2; 5} do={:put ("$k=$v")}
:foreach k in={5; "aX"=1 ; y=2; 3} do={:put ("$k")}
:global a {x=10; y=20}
:set ($a->"x") 50
#set($ arrayVariable-> $arrayIndex)$ newValue
:environment print
a={x=50; y=20}
:global month January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December
# Usage: [$returnOctet <ip> <octet number (0-4)>]
# Input an IP Address and 0-3 argument to return a specific octet number or input a 4 to return all octets as an array
:global returnOctet do={
:if ($1="") do={ :error "You did not specify an IP Address."; }
:if ($2="") do={ :error "You did not specify an octet to return."; }
:if (($2>"4") || ($2<"0")) do={ :error "Octet argument out of range."; }
:local decimalPos "0";
:local octet1;
:local octet2;
:local octet3;
:local octet4;
:local octetArray;
:set decimalPos [:find $1 "."];
:set octet1 [:pick $1 0 $decimalPos];
:set decimalPos ($decimalPos+1);
:set octet2 [:pick $1 $decimalPos [:find $1 "." $decimalPos]];
:set decimalPos ([:find $1 "." $decimalPos]+1);
:set octet3 [:pick $1 $decimalPos [:find $1 "." $decimalPos]];
:set decimalPos ([:find $1 "." $decimalPos]+1);
:set octet4 [:pick $1 $decimalPos [:len $1]];
:set octetArray [:toarray "$octet1,$octet2,$octet3,$octet4"];
:if (($octet1<"0" || $octet1>"255") || ($octet2<"0" || $octet2>"255") || ($octet3<"0" || $octet3>"255") || ($octet4<"0" || $octet4>"255")) do={ :error "Octet out of range."; }
:if ($2="0") do={ :return $octet1; }
:if ($2="1") do={ :return $octet2; }
:if ($2="2") do={ :return $octet3; }
:if ($2="3") do={ :return $octet4; }
:if ($2="4") do={ :return $octetArray; }
#edit by 大玩家 qq:1247004718
:global ipsplit do={
:if ($1="") do={ :error "You did not specify an IP Address."; }
:if ($2="") do={ :error "You did not specify an octet to return."; }
:if (($2>"4") || ($2<"1")) do={ :error "Octet argument out of range."; }
:local a1;
:local a2;
:local a3;
:local a4;
:local a11 ( $1 & );
:set a1 [:pick $a11 0 [:find $a11 "."]];
:local a12 (( $1 & )<<8);
:set a12 [:pick $a12 0 [:find $a12 "."]];
:local a13 (( $1 & )<<16);
:set a13 [:pick $a13 0 [:find $a13 "."]];
:local a14 (( $1 & )<<24);
:set a14 [:pick $a14 0 [:find $a14 "."]];
:if ($2="1") do={:return $a1}
:if ($2="2") do={:return $a12}
:if ($2="3") do={:return $a13}
:if ($2="4") do={:return $a14}