664行 CliDriver main启动
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
int ret = new CliDriver().run(args);
public int run(String[] args) throws Exception {
OptionsProcessor oproc = new OptionsProcessor();
if (!oproc.process_stage1(args)) {
return 1;
OptionsProcessor oproc = new OptionsProcessor();
OptionsProcessor 初始化 所有options
解析 options args
if (!oproc.process_stage1(args)) {
在new CliDriver()
public CliDriver() { SessionState ss = SessionState.get(); conf = (ss != null) ? ss.getConf() : new Configuration(); Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger("CliDriver"); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("CliDriver inited with classpath {}", System.getProperty("java.class.path")); } console = new LogHelper(LOG); }
看 SessionState.get
public static SessionState get() { return tss.get().state; }
tss.是threadlocal ,threadlocal我想大家都知道,解决多线程共享问题。 threadlocal 包装了一个hashmap 其中key 是this 当前线程。
private static ThreadLocal<SessionStates> tss = new ThreadLocal<SessionStates>() { @Override protected SessionStates initialValue() { return new SessionStates(); } };
重新 initialValue 当值不存在 new 一个
private static class SessionStates { private SessionState state; private HiveConf conf; private void attach(SessionState state) { this.state = state; attach(state.getConf()); } private void attach(HiveConf conf) { this.conf = conf; ClassLoader classLoader = conf.getClassLoader(); if (classLoader != null) { Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(classLoader); } } }
SessionStates 大家明白了
SessionStates 包含两部分
SessionState 代码
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SessionState.class); private static final String TMP_PREFIX = "_tmp_space.db"; private static final String LOCAL_SESSION_PATH_KEY = "_hive.local.session.path"; private static final String HDFS_SESSION_PATH_KEY = "_hive.hdfs.session.path"; private static final String TMP_TABLE_SPACE_KEY = "_hive.tmp_table_space"; static final String LOCK_FILE_NAME = "inuse.lck"; static final String INFO_FILE_NAME = "inuse.info"; private final Map<String, Map<String, Table>> tempTables = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Table>>(); private final Map<String, Map<String, ColumnStatisticsObj>> tempTableColStats = new HashMap<String, Map<String, ColumnStatisticsObj>>(); protected ClassLoader parentLoader; // Session-scope compile lock. private final ReentrantLock compileLock = new ReentrantLock(); /** * current configuration. */ private final HiveConf sessionConf; /** * silent mode. */ protected boolean isSilent; /** * verbose mode */ protected boolean isVerbose; /** * The flag to indicate if the session serves the queries from HiveServer2 or not. */ private boolean isHiveServerQuery = false; /** * The flag to indicate if the session using thrift jdbc binary serde or not. */ private boolean isUsingThriftJDBCBinarySerDe = false; /** * The flag to indicate if the session already started so we can skip the init */ private boolean isStarted = false; /* * HiveHistory Object */ protected HiveHistory hiveHist; /** * Streams to read/write from. */ public InputStream in; public PrintStream out; public PrintStream info; public PrintStream err;
上面部分代码 可以看出部分命令行的