#!/usr/bin/env python # coding:utf-8 shopping_list =[ ['Mi 5s',1999], ['HaWei Mate8',2799], ['IPhone 6s plus',6888], ['ThinkPad T460P',7888], ['MacBook Air 13',6988], ['MacBook Pro 13',9288], ] salary = 100000 total = 0 shop_list = [] while True: welcome_1 = "欢迎使用xx在线购物商城" we_1 = welcome_1.center(30,'*') print(we_1) choice_1 = "1.注册 2.登陆 q.退出" ch_1 = choice_1.center(32,'*') exit_1 = "谢谢使用,欢迎下次光临!" ex_1 = exit_1.center(30,'*') error_1 = "你输入的用户已存在,请重新输入" er_1 = error_1.center(30,'-') error_2 = "密码不能为空,请重新输入" er_2 = error_2.center(30,'-') error_3 = "输入的密码太短,请重新输入" er_3 = error_3.center(30,'-') error_4 = "输入有误,请重新输入" er_4 = error_4.center(28,'-') error_5 = "账号已锁定,请联系管理员" er_5 = error_5.center(25,'-') print(ch_1) st_1 = input("选择功能:") if st_1 == '1': while True: with open('names.txt','r') as read_1: temp = read_1.readlines() usl = [] for ust in temp: ust = ust.strip().split(':') usl.append(ust[0]) useradd = input("账户名称:") success_1 = "创建用户成功:%s" %(useradd) if useradd in usl: print(er_1) elif useradd == "exit": break else: passwd = input("请输入密码:") length = len(passwd) if length == 0: print(er_2) elif length > 6: with open('names.txt','a') as pas_3: we_1 = '%s:%s:0 ' %(useradd,passwd) pas_3.write(we_1) ok_1 =success_1.center(30,'-') print(ok_1) break else: print(er_3) elif st_1 == '2': flag =False while True: username = input("账户名称:") lo = open('lock.txt','r') for loline in lo.readlines(): loline = loline.strip() if username == loline: print("账号已锁定!") flag = True lo.close() break if flag == True: break ul = open('names.txt','r') for ulline in ul.readlines(): user,password,mony = ulline.strip().split(':') if username == user: i = 0 while i < 3 : passwd = input('密码:') i +=1 if passwd == password: print('欢迎%s登陆在线购物平台' % username) flag = True ul.close() break else: if i >= 3: with open('lock.txt','a') as lock_2: lock_2.write(username + ' ') ul.close() exit("尝试次数太多,账户将被锁定。") print('密码输入错误,还有%d次机会' % (3 - i)) break else: print("密码错误,请重新输入") while True: print("1.购物 2.查看购物车 3.查询余额 4.充值 b.返回登陆 q.退出") print('----------------------------------------------------') choice_2 = input("输入序号:") flag_1 = False while True: if choice_2 == "1": while True: for index,g in enumerate(shopping_list): print(index,g[0],g[1]) print('--------------------') print("c.查看购物车 b.返回 q.退出") print('-----------------------------') choice = input("请输入数字选择商品:").strip() if choice.isdigit(): choice = int(choice) p_price = shopping_list[choice][1] if p_price < salary: shop_list.append(shopping_list[choice]) total += p_price salary -= p_price print('-----------------------------') print("您购买了%s,余额为%s" %(shopping_list[choice][0],salary)) print('--------------------') else: print('-----------------------------') print("您的余额不足") print('-----------------------------') elif choice == "c": while True: print("----------购物车----------") for k,v in enumerate(shop_list): print(k,v[0],v[1]) print("已消费金额为:%s" %total) print("您的可用余额为:%s" %salary) print('-----------------------------') print("d.删除商品 b.返回购物 q.结算退出") print('-----------------------------') choice_1 = input("请输入字母选择功能:") print('-----------------------------') if choice_1 == "d": print('-----------------------------') print("输入数字为删除商品,输入字母b为返回购物车") print('-----------------------------') while True: choice_2 = input("请选择:") if choice_2.isdigit(): choice_2 = int(choice_2) d_price = shop_list[choice_2][1] shop_list.remove(shop_list[choice_2]) total -= d_price salary += d_price print('-----------------------------') print("商品%s删除成功,可用余额为:%s" %(shop_list[choice_2][0],salary)) print('-----------------------------') elif choice_2 == "b": break elif choice_1 == "b": flag = True break else: print("-----------购物清单-------------") for k,v in enumerate(shop_list): print(k,v[0],v[1]) print('总消费金额为:%s' %total) print("您的可用余额:%s" %salary) print('---------欢迎下次光临---------') exit(0) elif choice == "b": break elif choice == "q": print("-----------购物清单-------------") for k,v in enumerate(shop_list): print(k,v[0].v[1]) print('总消费金额为:%s' % total) print("您的可用余额:%s" % salary) print('---------欢迎下次光临---------') exit(0) else: print("--------------------------------") print("您输入的密码有误,请重新输入") print("--------------------------------") if flag == True: break elif choice_2 == "2": print("----------购物车----------") for k,v in enumerate(shop_list): print(k,v[0],v[1]) print('总消费金额为:%s' % total) print("您的可用余额:%s" % salary) print("--------------------------------") break elif choice_2 == "3": with open('names.txt','r') as m_1: mony_1 = m_1.readlines() for mline in mony_1: (user,password,mony) = mline.strip().split(':') print(salary) flag_1 = True break break elif choice_2 == "4": z = 0 while z < 1: chongzhi = int(input("输入金额:")) passwd_1 = input("请输入密码:") m = open('names.txt','r+') m_2 = m.readlines() for mline in m_2: (user,password,mony) = mline.strip().split(':') if passwd_1 == password: mony_2 = (chongzhi + int(mony)) w_2 = '%s:%s%s ' %(username,password,mony_2) m.write(w_2) print("充值成功") print(mony) flag = True break continue break if flag == True: break elif choice_2 == "b": flag =True break elif choice_2 == "q": exit(ex_1) else: print(er_4) break break if flag == True: break break elif st_1 == 'q': exit(ex_1) else: print(er_4) print (' ')