1. SQL脚本
[oracle@node3 ulcase]$ cat ulcase7e.sql
set termout off rem host write sys$output "Cleaning up Case 7 Trigger and Package." DROP PACKAGE uldemo7; DROP TRIGGER uldemo7_emp_insert; EXIT
[oracle@node3 ulcase]$ cat ulcase7s.sql
set termout off rem host write sys$output "Building Package and Trigger for Case 7.Please wait" CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE uldemo7 AS last_deptno NUMBER; last_job CHAR(9); last_mgr NUMBER; END uldemo7; / CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER uldemo7_emp_insert BEFORE INSERT ON emp FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF :new.deptno IS NOT NULL THEN uldemo7.last_deptno := :new.deptno; -- save value for later use ELSE :new.deptno := uldemo7.last_deptno; -- use last valid value END IF; IF :new.job IS NOT NULL THEN uldemo7.last_job := :new.job; -- save value for later use ELSE :new.job := uldemo7.last_job; -- use last valid value END IF; IF :new.mgr IS NOT NULL THEN uldemo7.last_mgr := :new.mgr; -- save value for later use ELSE :new.mgr := uldemo7.last_mgr; -- use last valid value END IF; END; / EXIT
2. 控制文件
[oracle@node3 ulcase]$ cat ulcase7.ctl
-- Copyright (c) 1991, 2004 Oracle. All rights reserved. -- NAME -- ulcase7.ctl - Extracting Data From a Formatted Report -- -- DESCRIPTION -- This case study demonstrates the following: -- Use of SQL*Loader with an INSERT trigger. -- -- Use of the SQL string to manipulate data. -- -- Use of different initial and trailing delimiters. -- -- Use of SYSDATE. -- -- Use of the TRAILING NULLCOLS clause. -- -- Ambiguous field length warnings. -- -- Use of a discard file. -- -- TO RUN THIS CASE STUDY: -- 1. Before executing this control file, log in to SQL*Plus as -- scott/tiger. Enter @ulcase7s to execute the SQL script for -- this case study. This creates a BEFORE INSERT trigger that -- is required to fill in the department number, job name, -- and manager's number when these fields are not present on -- a data line. When values are present, they should be saved -- in a global variable. When values are not present, the -- global variables are used. -- -- 2. At the system prompt, invoke the case study as follows: -- sqlldr USERID=scott/tiger CONTROL=ulcase7.ctl LOG=ulcase7.log -- -- 3. After you have run the case study and finished with it, you -- must run the ulcase7e.sql script before you can successfully -- run other case studies. This script drops the INSERT trigger -- and the global variables package. Log in to SQL*Plus as -- scott/tiger. Enter @ulcase7e. -- -- NOTES ABOUT THIS CONTROL FILE -- The WHEN (57) = '.' clause indicates that the decimal point -- in column 57 (the salary field) identifies a line with data -- on it. All other lines in the report are discarded. -- -- The TRAILING NULLCOLS clause causes SQL*Loader to treat any fields -- that are missing at the end of a record as null. Because the -- commission field is not present for every record, this clause says -- to load a null commission instead of rejecting the record when only -- seven fields are found instead of the expected eight. -- -- The hiredate is filled in using the current system date (SYSDATE). -- -- The specification for deptno will generate a warning message in -- the log file because the specified length does not agree with -- the length determined by the field's position. The specified -- length (3) is used. The length is in bytes with the default -- byte-length semantics. If character-length semantics were used -- instead, this length would be in characters. -- -- The NULLIF clause says that because the report shows only department -- number, job, and manager when the value changes, these fields may -- be blank. This control file causes them to be loaded as null, and -- an insert trigger fills in the last valid value. -- -- For the job field, the SQL string changes the job name to -- uppercase letters. -- -- For the mgr field, it is necessary to specify starting position. -- If the job field and the manager field were both blank, then the -- job field's TERMINATED BY WHITESPACE clause would cause SQL*Loader -- to scan forward to the employee name field. Without the POSITION -- clause, the employee name field would be mistakenly interpreted -- as the manager field. -- -- For the sal field, the SQL string translates the field from a -- formatted character string into a number. The numeric value takes -- less space and can be printed with a variety of formatting options. -- -- For the comm field, different initial and trailing delimiters pick the -- numeric value out of a formatted field. The SQL string then converts -- the value to its stored form. -- LOAD DATA INFILE 'ulcase7.dat' DISCARDFILE 'ulcase7.dsc' APPEND INTO TABLE emp WHEN (57)='.' TRAILING NULLCOLS (hiredate SYSDATE, deptno POSITION(1:2) INTEGER EXTERNAL(2) NULLIF deptno=BLANKS, job POSITION(7:14) CHAR TERMINATED BY WHITESPACE NULLIF job=BLANKS "UPPER(:job)", mgr POSITION(28:31) INTEGER EXTERNAL TERMINATED BY WHITESPACE NULLIF mgr=BLANKS, ename POSITION (34:41) CHAR TERMINATED BY WHITESPACE "UPPER(:ename)", empno INTEGER EXTERNAL TERMINATED BY WHITESPACE, sal POSITION(51) CHAR TERMINATED BY WHITESPACE "TO_NUMBER(:sal,'$99,999.99')", comm INTEGER EXTERNAL ENCLOSED BY '(' AND '%' ":comm * 100" )
3. 数据文件
[oracle@node3 ulcase]$ cat ulcase7.dat
Today's Newly Hired Employees Dept Job Manager MgrNo Emp Name EmpNo Salary/Commission ---- -------- -------- ----- -------- ----- ----------------- 20 Salesman Blake 7698 Shepard 8061 $1,600.00 (3%) Falstaff 8066 $1,250.00 (5%) Major 8064 $1,250.00 (14%) 30 Clerk Scott 7788 Conrad 8062 $1,100.00 Ford 7369 DeSilva 8063 $800.00 Manager King 7839 Provo 8065 $2,975.00
[oracle@node3 ulcase]$ sqlplus scott/tiger @ulcase7e.sql
[oracle@node3 ulcase]$ sqlplus scott/tiger @ulcase7s.sql
[oracle@node3 ulcase]$ sqlldr userid=scott/tiger control=ulcase7.ctl
SQL> select * from emp; EMPNO ENAME JOB MGR HIREDATE SAL COMM DEPTNO ----- ---------- --------- ----- --------- ------- ----- ------ 8061 SHEPARD SALESMAN 7698 19-SEP-14 1600 300 20 8066 FALSTAFF SALESMAN 7698 19-SEP-14 1250 500 20 8064 MAJOR SALESMAN 7698 19-SEP-14 1250 1400 20 8062 CONRAD CLERK 7788 19-SEP-14 1100 30 8063 DESILVA CLERK 7369 19-SEP-14 800 30 8065 PROVO MANAGER 7839 19-SEP-14 2975 30 6 rows selected.
[oracle@node3 ulcase]$ cat ulcase7.log
SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Fri Sep 19 03:20:19 2014 Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Control File: ulcase7.ctl Data File: ulcase7.dat Bad File: ulcase7.bad Discard File: ulcase7.dsc (Allow all discards) Number to load: ALL Number to skip: 0 Errors allowed: 50 Bind array: 64 rows, maximum of 256000 bytes Continuation: none specified Path used: Conventional Table EMP, loaded when 57:57 = 0X2e(character '.') Insert option in effect for this table: APPEND TRAILING NULLCOLS option in effect Column Name Position Len Term Encl Datatype ------------------------------ ---------- ----- ---- ---- --------------------- HIREDATE SYSDATE DEPTNO 1:2 2 CHARACTER NULL if DEPTNO = BLANKS JOB 7:14 8 WHT CHARACTER NULL if JOB = BLANKS SQL string for column : "UPPER(:job)" MGR 28:31 4 WHT CHARACTER NULL if MGR = BLANKS ENAME 34:41 8 WHT CHARACTER SQL string for column : "UPPER(:ename)" EMPNO NEXT * WHT CHARACTER SAL 51 * WHT CHARACTER SQL string for column : "TO_NUMBER(:sal,'$99,999.99')" COMM NEXT * ( CHARACTER % SQL string for column : ":comm * 100" Record 1: Discarded - failed all WHEN clauses. Record 2: Discarded - failed all WHEN clauses. Record 3: Discarded - failed all WHEN clauses. Record 4: Discarded - failed all WHEN clauses. Record 5: Discarded - failed all WHEN clauses. Record 6: Discarded - failed all WHEN clauses. Record 10: Discarded - failed all WHEN clauses. Table EMP: 6 Rows successfully loaded. 0 Rows not loaded due to data errors. 7 Rows not loaded because all WHEN clauses were failed. 0 Rows not loaded because all fields were null. Space allocated for bind array: 51456 bytes(64 rows) Read buffer bytes: 1048576 Total logical records skipped: 0 Total logical records read: 13 Total logical records rejected: 0 Total logical records discarded: 7 Run began on Fri Sep 19 03:20:19 2014 Run ended on Fri Sep 19 03:20:19 2014 Elapsed time was: 00:00:00.28 CPU time was: 00:00:00.17
查看Discard file:
[oracle@node3 ulcase]$ cat ulcase7.dsc
Today's Newly Hired Employees Dept Job Manager MgrNo Emp Name EmpNo Salary/Commission ---- -------- -------- ----- -------- ----- -----------------
1> TRAILING NULLCOLS指的是在一条记录中,如果最后的一列或若干列没有提供数据,则将这些列的值置为NULL.
2> WHEN (57) = '.'指的是第57位如果是个点,则代表这行是数据,没有点的行将被抛弃。
3> UPPER(:job)和UPPER(:ename)将该列值该为大写。