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  • pt-heartbeat

    pt-heartbeat是用来监测主从延迟的情况的,众所周知,传统的通过show slave statusG命令中的Seconds_Behind_Master值来判断主从延迟并不靠谱。





    # pt-heartbeat --update -h -u monitor -p monitor123 -D test

    其中,--update会每秒更新一次heartbeat表的记录 -D指的是heartbeat表所在的database

    -D是--database的缩写,--database后面即可以直接加参数,如--database test,也可用等号加参数,如--database=test,但是缩写只能通过-D test加参数。

    # pt-heartbeat --update -h -u monitor -p monitor123 --database test 
    # pt-heartbeat --update -h -u monitor -p monitor123 --database=test 

    注意:在第一次运行时,需带上 --create-table参数创建heartbeat表并插入第一条记录。也可加上--daemonize参数,让该脚本以后台进程运行。


    # pt-heartbeat --update -h -u monitor -p monitor123 -D test --create-table --daemonize




    # pt-heartbeat -D test --monitor -h --master-server-id=1 -u monitor -p monitor123

    10061.00s [ 167.68s, 33.54s, 11.18s ]
    10062.00s [ 335.38s, 67.08s, 22.36s ]
    10063.01s [ 503.10s, 100.62s, 33.54s ]


    # pt-heartbeat -D test --check -h --master-server-id=1 -u monitor -p monitor123


    注意:--update, --monitor和--check三者是互斥的,--daemonize只适用于--update场景




    Prompt for a password when connecting to MySQL.

        short form: -A


    short form: -A; type: string
    Default character set. If the value is utf8, sets Perl’s binmode on STDOUT to utf8, passes the mysql_enable_utf8 option to DBD::mysql, and runs SET NAMES UTF8 after connecting to MySQL. Any other value sets binmode
    on STDOUT without the utf8 layer, and runs SET NAMES after connecting to MySQL.



    Check slave delay once and exit. If you also specify --recurse, the tool will try to discover slave’s of the given slave and check and print their lag, too. The hostname or IP and port for each slave is printed before its
    delay. --recurse only works with MySQL.



    Check if the server has read_only enabled; If it does, the tool skips doing any inserts.


       Read this comma-separated list of config files; if specified, this must be the first option on the command line.



       1> # pt-heartbeat --config pt-heartbeat.conf,而不能是# pt-heartbeat --config=pt-heartbeat.conf 

       2> 参数文件中只支持如下写法





    # cat pt-heartbeat.conf 




    CREATE TABLE heartbeat (
    ts varchar(26) NOT NULL,
    server_id int unsigned NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    file varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, -- SHOW MASTER STATUS
    position bigint unsigned DEFAULT NULL, -- SHOW MASTER STATUS
    relay_master_log_file varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, -- SHOW SLAVE STATUS
    exec_master_log_pos bigint unsigned DEFAULT NULL -- SHOW SLAVE STATUS
    Create the heartbeat --table if it does not exist.
    This option causes the table specified by --database and --table to be created with the following MAGIC_create_heartbeat table definition:
    CREATE TABLE heartbeat (
    ts varchar(26) NOT NULL,
    server_id int unsigned NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    file varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, -- SHOW MASTER STATUS
    position bigint unsigned DEFAULT NULL, -- SHOW MASTER STATUS
    relay_master_log_file varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, -- SHOW SLAVE STATUS
    exec_master_log_pos bigint unsigned DEFAULT NULL -- SHOW SLAVE STATUS
    The heartbeat table requires at least one row. If you manually create the heartbeat table, then you must insert a row by doing:
    INSERT INTO heartbeat (ts, server_id) VALUES (NOW(), N);
    or if using --utc:
    INSERT INTO heartbeat (ts, server_id) VALUES (UTC_TIMESTAMP(), N);
    where N is the server’s ID; do not use @@server_id because it will replicate and slaves will insert their own server ID instead of the master’s server ID.
    This is done automatically by --create-table.
    A legacy version of the heartbeat table is still supported:
    CREATE TABLE heartbeat (
    ts datetime NOT NULL
    Legacy tables do not support --update instances on each slave of a multi-slave hierarchy like “master ->slave1 -> slave2”. To manually insert the one required row into a legacy table:
    INSERT INTO heartbeat (id, ts) VALUES (1, NOW());
    or if using --utc:
    INSERT INTO heartbeat (id, ts) VALUES (1, UTC_TIMESTAMP());
    The tool automatically detects if the heartbeat table is legacy.



    type: string
    Sets the engine to be used for the heartbeat table. The default storage engine is InnoDB as of MySQL 5.5.5.



    Fork to the background and detach from the shell. POSIX operating systems only.



    short form: -D; type: string
    The database to use for the connection.




    default: mysql; type: string
    Specify a driver for the connection; mysql and Pg are supported.



    short form: -F; type: string
    Only read mysql options from the given file. You must give an absolute pathname.





       # pt-heartbeat -D test --monitor -h --master-server-id=1 -u monitor -p monitor123 --file=result


    # cat result 
    1376.00s [ 1126.25s, 225.25s, 75.08s ]
    type: string
    Print latest --monitor output to this file.
    When --monitor is given, prints output to the specified file instead of to STDOUT. The file is opened, truncated,and closed every interval, so it will only contain the most recent statistics. Useful when --daemonize
    is given.




    type: string; default: 1m,5m,15m
    Timeframes for averages.
    Specifies the timeframes over which to calculate moving averages when --monitor is given. Specify as a comma-separated list of numbers with suffixes. The suffix can be s for seconds, m for minutes, h for hours, or d
    for days. The size of the largest frame determines the maximum memory usage, as up to the specified number of per-second samples are kept in memory to calculate the averages. You can specify as many timeframes as
    you like.


    Show help and exit.



    short form: -h; type: string
    Connect to host.



    default: yes
    Insert a heartbeat row in the --table if one doesn’t exist.
    The heartbeat --table requires a heartbeat row, else there’s nothing to --update, --monitor, or --check! By default, the tool will insert a heartbeat row if one is not already present. You can disable this
    feature by specifying --no-insert-heartbeat-row in case the database user does not have INSERT privileges.


        # pt-heartbeat -D test --update -h -u monitor -p monitor123



    # pt-heartbeat -D test --update -h -u monitor -p monitor123 --no-insert-heartbeat-row
    No row found in heartbeat table for server_id 1.
    At least one row must be inserted into the heartbeat table for server_id 1.
    Please read the DESCRIPTION section of the pt-heartbeat POD.

        PS:在测试的过程中,发现官方并没有完整的校验这个参数,即便传入--no-insert-heartbeat和--insert-heartbeat参数也不会报错,但是传入--123-insert-heartbeat-ro,会报错“Unknown option: 123-insert-heartbeat-ro”。

    default: yes
    Insert a heartbeat row in the --table if one doesn’t exist.
    The heartbeat --table requires a heartbeat row, else there’s nothing to --update, --monitor, or --check! By default, the tool will insert a heartbeat row if one is not already present. You can disable this
    feature by specifying --no-insert-heartbeat-row in case the database user does not have INSERT privileges.


       update和check heartbeat表的频率,默认是1s。

    type: float; default: 1.0
    How often to update or check the heartbeat --table. Updates and checks begin on the first whole second then repeat every --interval seconds for --update and every --interval plus --skew seconds for
    For example, if at 00:00.4 an --update instance is started at 0.5 second intervals, the first update happens at 00:01.0, the next at 00:01.5, etc. If at 00:10.7 a --monitor instance is started at 0.05 second intervals with
    the default 0.5 second --skew, then the first check happens at 00:11.5 (00:11.0 + 0.5) which will be --skew seconds after the last update which, because the instances are checking at synchronized intervals, happened at
    The tool waits for and begins on the first whole second just to make the interval calculations simpler. Therefore,the tool could wait up to 1 second before updating or checking.
    The minimum (fastest) interval is 0.01, and the maximum precision is two decimal places, so 0.015 will be rounded to 0.02.
    If a legacy heartbeat table (see --create-table) is used, then the maximum precision is 1s because the ts column is type datetime.



    type: string
    Print all output to this file when daemonized.



    The --master-server-id option must be specified because the heartbeat table `test`.`heartbeat` uses the server_id column for --update or --check but the server's master could not be automatically determined.
    type: string
    Calculate delay from this master server ID for --monitor or --check. If not given, pt-heartbeat attempts to connect to the server’s master and determine its server id.





          1> --monitor是持续输出的,而--check是检测一次即退出。

          2> --monitor可与--file参数搭配,而--check与--file参数搭配无效。

    Monitor slave delay continuously.
    Specifies that pt-heartbeat should check the slave’s delay every second and report to STDOUT (or if --file is given, to the file instead). The output is the current delay followed by moving averages over the timeframe
    given in --frames. For example,
    5s [ 0.25s, 0.05s, 0.02s ]



    short form: -p; type: string
    Password to use when connecting. If password contains commas they must be escaped with a backslash:



    type: string
    Create the given PID file. The tool won’t start if the PID file already exists and the PID it contains is different than the current PID. However, if the PID file exists and the PID it contains is no longer running, the tool will
    overwrite the PID file with the current PID. The PID file is removed automatically when the tool exits.



    short form: -P; type: int
    Port number to use for connection.



    1272.00s [ 21.20s,  4.24s,  1.41s ]


    1272.00s [ 21.20s,  4.24s,  1.41s ] 1
    Print the auto-detected or given --master-server-id. If --check or --monitor is specified, specifying this option will print the auto-detected or given --master-server-id at the end of each line.



    type: int
    Check slaves recursively to this depth in --check mode.
    Try to discover slave servers recursively, to the specified depth. After discovering servers, run the check on each one of them and print the hostname (if possible), followed by the slave delay.
    This currently works only with MySQL. See --recursion-method.


      在级联复制中,找到slave的方法。有show processlist和show slave hosts两种。

    type: array; default: processlist,hosts
    Preferred recursion method used to find slaves.
    Possible methods are:
    =========== ==================
    processlist SHOW PROCESSLIST
    none Do not find slaves
    The processlist method is preferred because SHOW SLAVE HOSTS is not reliable. However, the hosts method is required if the server uses a non-standard port (not 3306). Usually pt-heartbeat does the right thing and finds
    the slaves, but you may give a preferred method and it will be used first. If it doesn’t find any slaves, the other methods will be tried.



      注意:如果是通过update进行记录的更新,如果在脚本运行的过程中,truncate heartbeat表,脚本并不会异常退出,但是heartbeat表也有不会生成新的记录。


    Use REPLACE instead of UPDATE for –update.
    When running in --update mode, use REPLACE instead of UPDATE to set the heartbeat table’s timestamp.The REPLACE statement is a MySQL extension to SQL. This option is useful when you don’t know whether
    the table contains any rows or not. It must be used in conjunction with –update.



    type: time
    Time to run before exiting.



    type: string; default: /tmp/pt-heartbeat-sentinel
    Exit if this file exists.



      譬如在执行如下命令时, /root/123文件并不存在,则该脚本会继续运行,在脚本运行的过程中,创建该文件,则脚本会马上退出。

      # pt-heartbeat -D test --update -h -u monitor -p monitor123  --sentinel=/root/123



    type: string
    Sets the user to be used to connect to the slaves. This parameter allows you to have a different user with less privileges on the slaves but that user must exist on all slaves.



    type: string
    Sets the password to be used to connect to the slaves. It can be used with –slave-user and the password for the user must be the same on all slaves.



    type: Array
    Set the MySQL variables in this comma-separated list of variable=value pairs.
    By default, the tool sets:
    Variables specified on the command line override these defaults. For example, specifying --set-vars wait_timeout=500 overrides the defaultvalue of 10000.
    The tool prints a warning and continues if a variable cannot be set.






             my ($ts, $hostname, $server_id) = $sth->fetchrow_array();
             my $now = time;
             PTDEBUG && _d("Heartbeat from server", $server_id, "
                " now:", ts($now, $utc), "
                "  ts:", $ts, "
                "skew:", $skew);
             my $delay = $now - unix_timestamp($ts, $utc) - $skew;
             PTDEBUG && _d('Delay', sprintf('%.6f', $delay), 'on', $hostname);
             # Because we adjust for skew, if the ts are less than skew seconds
             # apart (i.e. replication is very fast) then delay will be negative. 
             # So it's effectively 0 seconds of lag.
             $delay = 0.00 if $delay < 0;
    type: float; default: 0.5
    How long to delay checks.
    The default is to delay checks one half second. Since the update happens as soon as possible after the beginning of the second on the master, this allows one half second of replication delay before reporting that the slave lags
    the master by one second. If your clocks are not completely accurate or there is some other reason you’d like to delay the slave more or less, you can tweak this value. Try setting the PTDEBUG environment variable to see
    the effect this has.


    short form: -S; type: string
    Socket file to use for connection.



    type: string; default: heartbeat
    The table to use for the heartbeat.
    Don’t specify database.table; use --database to specify the database.
    See --create-table.



    Update a master’s heartbeat.



    short form: -u; type: string
    User for login if not current user.



    Ignore system time zones and use only UTC. By default pt-heartbeat does not check or adjust for different system or MySQL time zones which can cause the tool to compute the lag incorrectly. Specifying this option is
    a good idea because it ensures that the tool works correctly regardless of time zones.
    If used, this option must be used for all pt-heartbeat instances: --update, --monitor, --check, etc.
    You should probably set the option in a --config file. Mixing this option with pt-heartbeat instances not using this option will cause false-positive lag readings due to different time zones (unless all your systems are
    set to use UTC, in which case this option isn’t required).




      检查pt,连接的MySQL Server,Perl以及DBD::mysql的版本信息。


    Check for the latest version of Percona Toolkit, MySQL, and other programs.
    84 Chapter 2. Tools
    Percona Toolkit Documentation, Release 2.2.19
    This is a standard “check for updates automatically” feature, with two additional features. First, the tool checks the version of other programs on the local system in addition to its own version. For example, it checks the
    version of every MySQL server it connects to, Perl, and the Perl module DBD::mysql. Second, it checks for and warns about versions with known problems. For example, MySQL 5.5.25 had a critical bug and was re-released
    as 5.5.25a.
    Any updates or known problems are printed to STDOUT before the tool’s normal output. This feature should never interfere with the normal operation of the tool.


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ivictor/p/5901853.html
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