For a set of sequences of integers{a1,a2,a3,}, we define a sequence{ai1,ai2,ai3...aik}in which 1<=i1<i2<i3<...<ik<=n, as the sub-sequence of {a1,a2,a3,}. It is quite obvious that a sequence with the length n has 2^n sub-sequences. And for a sub-sequence{ai1,ai2,ai3...aik},if it matches the following qualities: k >= 2, and the neighboring 2 elements have the difference not larger than d, it will be defined as a Perfect Sub-sequence. Now given an integer sequence, calculate the number of its perfect sub-sequence.
Multiple test cases The first line will contain 2 integers n, d(2<=n<=100000,1<=d=<=10000000) The second line n integers, representing the suquence
The number of Perfect Sub-sequences mod 9901
Sample Input
4 2 1 3 7 5
Sample Output
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; const int N=100000+10; const int mod=9901; int a[N],x[N],sum[4*N]; int n,m,nn,cnt; void build(int k,int l,int r)//建树 { sum[k]=0; if(l==r) return ; int mid=l+r>>1; build(2*k,l,mid); build(2*k+1,mid+1,r); } void update(int ll,int rr,int k,int l,int r) { if(l==r) { sum[k]=(sum[k]+rr)%mod; return ; } int mid=l+r>>1; if(mid>=ll) update(ll,rr,k*2,l,mid); if(mid<ll) update(ll,rr,k*2+1,mid+1,r);// sum[k]=(sum[k*2]+sum[k*2+1])%mod; } int query(int ll,int rr,int k,int l,int r) { if(ll<=l&&r<=rr) return sum[k]%mod; int mid=l+r>>1; int res=0; if(ll<=mid) res+=query(ll,rr,k*2,l,mid); if(mid<rr) res+=query(ll,rr,k*2+1,mid+1,r); return res%mod; } int main() { while(~scanf("%d%d",&n,&m)) { cnt=0; for(int i=0;i<n;i++) { scanf("%d",&a[i]); x[cnt++]=a[i]; x[cnt++]=a[i]-m; x[cnt++]=a[i]+m; } sort(x,x+cnt); nn=unique(x,x+cnt)-x;//nn去重后,不重复元素的个数;STLunqiue在STL中unique函数是一个去重函数,unique的功能是去除相邻的重复元素(只保留一个),
//其实它并不真正把重复的元素删除,是把重复的元素移到后面去了,然后依然保存到了原数组中,然后 返回去重后最后一个元素的地址,
//因为unique去除的是相邻的重复元素,所以一般用之前都会要排一下序。 build(1,1,nn); int ans=0; for(int i=0;i<n;i++) { int p=lower_bound(x,x+nn,a[i])-x;//Lower_bound是小于等于关键字的位置 int left=lower_bound(x,x+nn,a[i]-m)-x; int right=lower_bound(x,x+nn,a[i]+m)-x; int c=query(left+1,right+1,1,1,nn); update(p+1,c+1,1,1,nn); ans=(ans+c)%mod; } printf("%d ",ans); } return 0; }