router.get('/api/admin/getCurrentPageHall',function(req,res){ let { currentPage, pageSize,input } = req.query; let start = Number((currentPage-1)*pageSize); pageSize = Number(pageSize); let sqlStr = 'SELECT * FROM t_hall INNER JOIN t_cinema ON t_cinema.cinema_id = t_hall.cinema_id WHERE t_cinema.cinema_name LIKE ? ORDER BY hall_id;'; let total; conn.query(sqlStr,["%"+input+"%"],(error,result,field)=>{ if (error){ console.log(error); } else{ result = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result)); total = result.length; } }); sqlStr = 'SELECT * FROM t_hall INNER JOIN t_cinema ON t_cinema.cinema_id = t_hall.cinema_id WHERE t_cinema.cinema_name LIKE ? ORDER BY hall_id LIMIT ?,?;'; conn.query(sqlStr,["%"+input+"%",start,pageSize],(error,result,field)=>{ if (error){ console.log(error); } else{ result = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result)); res.json({success_code:200,data:result,total:total}); } }) }); //删除影厅 router.post('/api/admin/deleteHall',function(req,res){ let { cinemaId, hallName } = req.body; if (cinemaId){ let sqlStr = 'SELECT schedule_id FROM t_schedule WHERE cinema_id = ? AND hall_name = ?;'; conn.query(sqlStr,[cinemaId,hallName],(error,result,field)=>{ if (error){ console.log(error); } else{ result = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result)); console.log(result); if (result.length){ result.forEach((value)=>{ sqlStr = 'DELETE FROM t_schedule WHERE schedule_id = ?;'; conn.query(sqlStr,[value.schedule_id],(error,result,field)=>{ if (error){ console.log(error); } }) }) } sqlStr = 'DELETE FROM t_hall WHERE cinema_id = ? AND name = ?'; conn.query(sqlStr,[cinemaId,hallName],(error,result,field)=>{ if (error){ console.log(error); } else { res.json({success_code:200}); } }) } }); } }); //更新影厅信息 router.post('/api/admin/updateHallInfo',function(req,res){ let { hallId, cinemaId, hallOldName, hallNewName } = req.body; if (cinemaId){ let sqlStr = 'SELECT * FROM t_hall WHERE name = ? AND cinema_id = ? AND hall_id <> ? LIMIT 1;'; conn.query(sqlStr,[hallNewName,cinemaId,hallId],(error,result,field)=>{ if (error){ console.log(error); } else{ result = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result)); if (result[0]){ res.json({error_code:1,message:'该影院的影厅已存在!'}); } else{ sqlStr = 'UPDATE t_schedule SET hall_name = ? WHERE cinema_id = ? AND hall_name = ?'; conn.query(sqlStr,[hallNewName,cinemaId,hallOldName],(error,result,field)=>{ if (error){ console.log(error); } else{ //更新数据库 let sqlStr = 'UPDATE t_hall SET name = ? WHERE cinema_id = ? AND name = ?;'; conn.query(sqlStr,[hallNewName,cinemaId,hallOldName],(error,result,field)=>{ if (error){ res.json({error_code:1,message:'更新影影厅信息失败'}); console.log(error); } else{ res.json({success_code:200}) } }) } }); } } }); } }); //获取所有影院 router.get('/api/admin/getAllCinema',function(req,res){ let sqlStr = 'SELECT cinema_id,cinema_name FROM t_cinema;'; conn.query(sqlStr,(error,result,field)=>{ if (error){ console.log(error); } else{ result = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result)); res.json({success_code:200,data:result}); } }) }); //添加影厅信息 router.post('/api/admin/addHallInfo',function(req,res){ let { cinemaId, hallName } = req.body; let sqlStr = 'SELECT * FROM t_hall WHERE name = ? AND cinema_id = ? LIMIT 1;'; conn.query(sqlStr,[hallName,cinemaId],(error,result,field)=>{ if (error){ console.log(error); } else{ result = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result)); if (result[0]){ res.json({error_code:1,message:'该影院的影厅已存在!'}); } else{ let sqlStr = 'INSERT INTO t_hall(cinema_id,name) VALUES(?,?);'; conn.query(sqlStr,[cinemaId,hallName],(error,result,field)=>{ if (error){ console.log(error); } else{ res.json({success_code:200}); } }); } } }); }); //获取当前页电影 router.get('/api/admin/getCurrentPageMovieSchedule',function(req,res){ let { currentPage, pageSize,input } = req.query; let start = Number((currentPage-1)*pageSize); pageSize = Number(pageSize); let sqlStr = 'SELECT * FROM t_schedule INNER JOIN t_movie ON t_schedule.movie_id = t_movie.movie_id INNER JOIN t_cinema ON t_cinema.cinema_id = t_schedule.cinema_id WHERE t_movie.name LIKE ? ORDER BY schedule_id '; let total; conn.query(sqlStr,["%"+input+"%"],(error,result,field)=>{ if (error){ console.log(error); } else{ result = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result)); total = result.length; } }); sqlStr = 'SELECT * FROM t_schedule INNER JOIN t_movie ON t_schedule.movie_id = t_movie.movie_id INNER JOIN t_cinema ON t_cinema.cinema_id = t_schedule.cinema_id WHERE t_movie.name LIKE ? ORDER BY schedule_id LIMIT ?,?;'; conn.query(sqlStr,["%"+input+"%",start,pageSize],(error,result,field)=>{ if (error){ console.log(error); } else{ result = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result)); res.json({success_code:200,data:result,total:total}); } }) }); //获取所有电影 router.get('/api/admin/getAllMovie',function(req,res){ let sqlStr = 'SELECT * FROM t_movie;'; conn.query(sqlStr,(error,result,field)=>{ if (error){ console.log(error); } else{ result = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result)); res.json({success_code:200,data:result}); } }) }); //获取影院的影厅 router.get('/api/admin/getHallByCinemaId',function(req,res){ let cinemaId = req.query.cinemaId; console.log(cinemaId); let sqlStr = 'SELECT hall_id,name FROM t_hall WHERE cinema_id = ?;'; conn.query(sqlStr,[cinemaId],(error,result,field)=>{ if (error){ console.log(error); } else{ result = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result)); console.log(result); res.json({success_code:200,data:result}); } }) }); //获取排片的某天的时间段安排 router.get('/api/admin/getHasScheduleDateTime',function(req,res){ let { cinemaId,hallName,showDate } = req.query; let sqlStr = 'SELECT show_time FROM t_schedule WHERE cinema_id = ? AND hall_name = ? AND show_date = ?;'; conn.query(sqlStr,[cinemaId,hallName,showDate],(error,result,field)=>{ if (error){ console.log(error); } else{ result = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result)); res.json({success_code:200,data:result}); } }) });