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  • 手动封装 时间选择器(只显示时分)

    名称 timepicki,js

    path:  plugins imepickijs imepicki.js

    引用: 资源路径-<script src="plugins/timepicki/js/timepicki.js"></script> 

      样式 <link rel="stylesheet" href="plugins/timepicki/css/timepicki.css">


    * Author: @senthil2rajan
    * plugin: timepicker
    * website: senthilraj.github.io/Timepicki
    (function($) {

    $.fn.timepicki = function(options) {

    var defaults = {
    format_output: function(tim, mini, meri) {
    if (settings.show_meridian) {
    // limit hours between 1 and 12 - inculsive.
    tim = Math.min(Math.max(parseInt(tim), 1), 12);
    if (tim < 10)
    tim = "0" + tim;

    mini = Math.min(Math.max(parseInt(mini), 0), 59);
    if (mini < 10)
    mini = "0" + mini;

    return tim + ":" + mini + " " + meri;
    } else {

    // limit hours between 0 and 23 - inculsive.
    tim = Math.min(Math.max(parseInt(tim), 0), 23);

    if (tim < 10)
    tim = "0" + tim;

    mini = Math.min(Math.max(parseInt(mini), 0), 59);
    if (mini < 10)
    mini = "0" + mini;

    mini = Math.min(Math.max(parseInt(mini), 0), 59);

    return tim + ":" + mini;
    increase_direction: 'up',
    custom_classes: '',
    min_hour_value: 0,
    max_hour_value: 23,
    show_meridian: true,
    step_size_hours: '1',
    step_size_minutes: '1',
    overflow_minutes: false,
    disable_keyboard_mobile: false,
    reset: false,
    on_change: null,
    input_writable: false

    var settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options);

    return this.each(function() {

    var ele = $(this);
    var ele_hei = ele.outerHeight();
    ele_hei += 10;
    $(ele).wrap("<div class='time_pick'>");
    var ele_par = $(this).parents(".time_pick");

    // developer can specify which arrow makes the numbers go up or down
    var top_arrow_button = (settings.increase_direction === 'down') ?
    "<div class='prev action-prev'></div>" :
    "<div class='prev action-next'></div>";
    var bottom_arrow_button = (settings.increase_direction === 'down') ?
    "<div class='next action-next'></div>" :
    "<div class='next action-prev'></div>";

    var new_ele = $(
    "<div class='timepicker_wrap " + settings.custom_classes + "'>" +
    "<div class='arrow_top'></div>" +
    "<div class='time'>" +
    top_arrow_button +
    "<div class='ti_tx'><input type='text' class='timepicki-input'" + (settings.disable_keyboard_mobile ? "readonly" : "") + "></div>" +
    bottom_arrow_button +
    "</div>" +
    "<div class='mins'>" +
    top_arrow_button +
    "<div class='mi_tx'><input type='text' class='timepicki-input'" + (settings.disable_keyboard_mobile ? "readonly" : "") + "></div>" +
    bottom_arrow_button +
    "<div class='meridian'>" +
    top_arrow_button +
    "<div class='mer_tx'><input type='text' class='timepicki-input' readonly></div>" +
    bottom_arrow_button +
    "<div><a href='#' class='reset_time'>Reset</a></div>");
    var ele_next = $(this).next(".timepicker_wrap");
    var ele_next_all_child = ele_next.find("div");
    var inputs = ele_par.find('input');

    $('.reset_time').on("click", function(event) {

    $(".timepicki-input").keydown(function (keyevent) {
    // our goal here is very simple.
    // no matter what the user presses
    // we must ensure that the values in our
    // timepicki inputs are valid, and that pressing
    // enter does not submit the form if the
    // input field on which timepicki is applied is a part of a form.

    // With that in mind. We proceed like this:
    // 1) If enter is pressed:
    // i) Prevent default operations - form submission.
    // ii) close_timepicki().
    // iii) return.
    // 2) For any other key presses:
    // i) realize that we cannot check what the user has typed
    // just yet, because this function is a handler
    // that runs before any text is rendered in the input
    // box.
    // ii) So, register a function validate() that will execute right
    // after the keypress character is rendered. All validation
    // is done inside validate().
    // NOTE:.change() event does not work here, as it is called when input looses focus|

    // (1)
    // prevent potential form submission, if enter is pressed.
    if (keyevent.keyCode == 13) {


    // nothing to do here.

    // the grand father div specifies the type of
    // input that we are dealing with. if the grandFatherDiv
    // has a class "time", then its a time input, if it has a class
    // "mins", then its a minutes input, and if it has a class "meridian"
    // then its a meridian input.
    var grandfatherDiv = $(this).parent().parent();

    // aliasing for readability
    var input = $(this);

    // pick the value from the field,
    // because before change the field always has a
    // valid value.
    var lastValue = input.val();

    // (2)
    // validate() function validates the
    // user input.
    function validate() {

    var isValidNumber = /^d+$/.test(input.val());
    var isEmpty = input.val() === "";

    if (grandfatherDiv.hasClass("time")) { /// HOUR

    // if its a valid number.
    // clip it and assign it.
    if (isValidNumber) {

    // clip number.
    var hours = (settings.show_meridian) ?
    Math.min(Math.max(parseInt(input.val()), 1), 12) : // for 12 hour date picker.
    Math.min(Math.max(parseInt(input.val()), 0), 23); // for 24 hours date picker.

    // assign number.

    } else if(!isEmpty) {
    // else if the number is invalid and not empty
    // assign the lastValue


    } else if (grandfatherDiv.hasClass("mins")) { /// MINUTE

    // if its a valid number.
    // clip it and assign it.
    if (isValidNumber) {

    // clip number.
    var minutes = Math.min(Math.max(parseInt(input.val()), 0), 59);

    // assign number.

    } else if (!isEmpty) {
    // else if the number is invalid and not empty
    // assign the lastValue


    } else if (grandfatherDiv.hasClass("meridian")) { /// MERIDIAN
    // key presses should not affect
    // meridian - except up and down
    // which are handled else where
    // and will still work.
    } else {
    // alert("This should not happen.");


    // wrapValidate() ensures that validate()
    // is not called more than once. 'done'
    // is a flag used to ensure this.
    done = false;
    function wrapValidate() {
    if (!done) {


    done = true;
    // enqueue wrapValidate function before any thing
    // else takes place. For this we use setTimeout()
    // with 0
    setTimeout(wrapValidate, 0);


    // open or close time picker when clicking
    $(document).on("click", function(event) {
    if (!$(event.target).is(ele_next) && ele_next.css("display")=="block" && !$(event.target).is($('.reset_time'))) {
    if (!$(event.target).is(ele)) {
    set_value(event, !is_element_in_timepicki($(event.target)));
    } else {
    var ele_lef = 0;

    "top": ele_hei + "px",
    "left": ele_lef + "px"

    // open the modal when the user focuses on the input
    ele.on('focus', open_timepicki);

    // select all text in input when user focuses on it
    inputs.on('focus', function() {
    var input = $(this);
    if (!input.is(ele)) {

    // allow user to increase and decrease numbers using arrow keys
    inputs.on('keydown', function(e) {
    var direction, input = $(this);

    // UP
    if (e.which === 38) {
    if (settings.increase_direction === 'down') {
    direction = 'prev';
    } else {
    direction = 'next';
    // DOWN
    } else if (e.which === 40) {
    if (settings.increase_direction === 'down') {
    direction = 'next';
    } else {
    direction = 'prev';

    if (input.closest('.timepicker_wrap .time').length) {
    change_time(null, direction);
    } else if (input.closest('.timepicker_wrap .mins').length) {
    change_mins(null, direction);
    } else if (input.closest('.timepicker_wrap .meridian').length && settings.show_meridian) {
    change_meri(null, direction);

    // close the modal when the time picker loses keyboard focus
    inputs.on('blur', function() {
    setTimeout(function() {
    var focused_element = $(document.activeElement);
    if (focused_element.is(':input') && !is_element_in_timepicki(focused_element)) {
    }, 0);

    function is_element_in_timepicki(jquery_element) {
    return $.contains(ele_par[0], jquery_element[0]) || ele_par.is(jquery_element);

    function set_value(event, close) {
    // use input values to set the time
    var tim = ele_next.find(".ti_tx input").val();
    var mini = ele_next.find(".mi_tx input").val();
    var meri = "";
    meri = ele_next.find(".mer_tx input").val();

    if (tim.length !== 0 && mini.length !== 0 && (!settings.show_meridian || meri.length !== 0)) {
    // store the value so we can set the initial value
    // next time the picker is opened
    ele.attr('data-timepicki-tim', tim);
    ele.attr('data-timepicki-mini', mini);

    ele.attr('data-timepicki-meri', meri);
    // set the formatted value
    ele.val(settings.format_output(tim, mini, meri));
    ele.val(settings.format_output(tim, mini));

    //Call user on_change callback function if set
    if (settings.on_change !== null) {

    if (close) {

    function open_timepicki() {
    if(!settings.input_writable) {
    // focus on the first input and select its contents
    var first_input = ele_next.find('input:visible').first();
    // if the user presses shift+tab while on the first input,
    // they mean to exit the time picker and go to the previous field
    var first_input_exit_handler = function(e) {
    if (e.which === 9 && e.shiftKey) {
    first_input.off('keydown', first_input_exit_handler);
    var all_form_elements = $(':input:visible:not(.timepicki-input)');
    var index_of_timepicki_input = all_form_elements.index(ele);
    var previous_form_element = all_form_elements.get(index_of_timepicki_input-1);
    first_input.on('keydown', first_input_exit_handler);

    function close_timepicki() {

    function set_date(start_time) {
    var d, ti, mi, mer;

    // if a value was already picked we will remember that value
    if (ele.is('[data-timepicki-tim]')) {
    ti = Number(ele.attr('data-timepicki-tim'));
    mi = Number(ele.attr('data-timepicki-mini'));
    mer = ele.attr('data-timepicki-meri');
    // developer can specify a custom starting value
    } else if (typeof start_time === 'object') {
    ti = Number(start_time[0]);
    mi = Number(start_time[1]);
    mer = start_time[2];
    // default is we will use the current time
    } else {
    d = new Date();
    ti = d.getHours();
    mi = d.getMinutes();
    mer = "AM";
    if (settings.show_meridian){
    if (ti == 0) { // midnight
    ti = 12;
    } else if (ti == 12) { // noon
    mer = "PM";
    } else if (ti > 12) {
    ti -= 12;
    mer = "PM";

    if (ti < 10) {
    ele_next.find(".ti_tx input").val("0" + ti);
    } else {
    ele_next.find(".ti_tx input").val(ti);
    if (mi < 10) {
    ele_next.find(".mi_tx input").val("0" + mi);
    } else {
    ele_next.find(".mi_tx input").val(mi);
    if (mer < 10) {
    ele_next.find(".mer_tx input").val("0" + mer);
    } else {
    ele_next.find(".mer_tx input").val(mer);

    function change_time(cur_ele, direction) {
    var cur_cli = "time";
    var cur_time = Number(ele_next.find("." + cur_cli + " .ti_tx input").val());
    var ele_st = Number(settings.min_hour_value);
    var ele_en = Number(settings.max_hour_value);
    var step_size = Number(settings.step_size_hours);
    if ((cur_ele && cur_ele.hasClass('action-next')) || direction === 'next') {
    if (cur_time + step_size > ele_en) {
    var min_value = ele_st;
    if (min_value < 10) {
    min_value = '0' + min_value;
    } else {
    min_value = String(min_value);
    ele_next.find("." + cur_cli + " .ti_tx input").val(min_value);
    } else {
    cur_time = cur_time + step_size;
    if (cur_time < 10) {
    cur_time = "0" + cur_time;
    ele_next.find("." + cur_cli + " .ti_tx input").val(cur_time);
    } else if ((cur_ele && cur_ele.hasClass('action-prev')) || direction === 'prev') {
    var minValue = Number(settings.min_hour_value)
    if (cur_time - step_size < minValue) {
    var max_value = ele_en;
    if (max_value < 10) {
    max_value = '0' + max_value;
    } else {
    max_value = String(max_value);
    ele_next.find("." + cur_cli + " .ti_tx input").val(max_value);
    } else {
    cur_time = cur_time - step_size;
    if (cur_time < 10) {
    cur_time = "0" + cur_time;
    ele_next.find("." + cur_cli + " .ti_tx input").val(cur_time);

    function change_mins(cur_ele, direction) {
    var cur_cli = "mins";
    var cur_mins = Number(ele_next.find("." + cur_cli + " .mi_tx input").val());
    var ele_st = 0;
    var ele_en = 59;
    var step_size = Number(settings.step_size_minutes);
    if ((cur_ele && cur_ele.hasClass('action-next')) || direction === 'next') {
    if (cur_mins + step_size > ele_en) {
    ele_next.find("." + cur_cli + " .mi_tx input").val("00");
    change_time(null, 'next');
    } else {
    cur_mins = cur_mins + step_size;
    if (cur_mins < 10) {
    ele_next.find("." + cur_cli + " .mi_tx input").val("0" + cur_mins);
    } else {
    ele_next.find("." + cur_cli + " .mi_tx input").val(cur_mins);
    } else if ((cur_ele && cur_ele.hasClass('action-prev')) || direction === 'prev') {
    if (cur_mins - step_size <= -1) {
    ele_next.find("." + cur_cli + " .mi_tx input").val(ele_en + 1 - step_size);
    change_time(null, 'prev');
    } else {
    cur_mins = cur_mins - step_size;
    if (cur_mins < 10) {
    ele_next.find("." + cur_cli + " .mi_tx input").val("0" + cur_mins);
    } else {
    ele_next.find("." + cur_cli + " .mi_tx input").val(cur_mins);

    function change_meri(cur_ele, direction) {
    var cur_cli = "meridian";
    var ele_st = 0;
    var ele_en = 1;
    var cur_mer = null;
    cur_mer = ele_next.find("." + cur_cli + " .mer_tx input").val();
    if ((cur_ele && cur_ele.hasClass('action-next')) || direction === 'next') {
    if (cur_mer == "AM") {
    ele_next.find("." + cur_cli + " .mer_tx input").val("PM");
    } else {
    ele_next.find("." + cur_cli + " .mer_tx input").val("AM");
    } else if ((cur_ele && cur_ele.hasClass('action-prev')) || direction === 'prev') {
    if (cur_mer == "AM") {
    ele_next.find("." + cur_cli + " .mer_tx input").val("PM");
    } else {
    ele_next.find("." + cur_cli + " .mer_tx input").val("AM");

    // handle clicking on the arrow icons
    var cur_next = ele_next.find(".action-next");
    var cur_prev = ele_next.find(".action-prev");
    $(cur_prev).add(cur_next).on("click", function() {
    var cur_ele = $(this);
    if (cur_ele.parent().attr("class") == "time") {
    } else if (cur_ele.parent().attr("class") == "mins") {
    } else {



  • 相关阅读:
    JS 打字机效果
    css3 翻书效果
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jabez1992/p/9578859.html
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