1.关于 Top-Level Objects
The top-level objects are the subset of these objects that do not have a parent object. The top-level objects typically include only the windows, menubars, and custom controller objects that you add to the nib file. (Objects such as File’s
Owner, First Responder, and Application are placeholder objects and not considered top-level objects.)
简单说:顶层对象就是指除了File’s Owner,File Responder和Application这些占位符对象以外的像windows,menubars,custom controller这些对象。
examples :
2.Cocoa 中 Core Foundation 对象的内存管理
4.解析Cocoa 中 Core Foundation 对象内存管理
1.UIKit在Cocoa Touch中的作用与AppKit在Cocoa中的作用相同。这两种框架在概念上是类似的,但由于平台之间的差异,它们之间存在许多明显的不同。另一方面,一些Foundation框架类,如NSString和NSArray,是Cocoa和Cocoa Touch所共有的。