IIS version |
Windows version |
Remarks |
IIS 7.0 (integrated mode) |
Windows Server 2008 Windows Vista (except Home Basic) |
No special configuration required |
IIS 7.0 (classic mode) |
Windows Server 2008 Windows Vista (except Home Basic) |
Special configuration required to use URL routing |
IIS 6.0 |
Windows Server 2003 |
Special configuration required to use URL routing |
IIS 5.1 |
Windows XP Professional |
Special configuration required to use URL routing |
IIS 5.0 |
Windows 2000 |
Special configuration required to use URL routing |
2.IIS7.0的classic mode,适合之前的版本兼容的,需要特殊配置
3.补充: Windows 7 和window server 2008 R2是IIS7.5,IIS的版本越新,配置越简单(这个是必然的)
我觉得以后遇上IIS6.0的机会很少了,所以也不必理会,只要知道IIS7的Integrated mode如何配置就可以了。
注意新建的website的binding不要与原有website冲突,Default Web Site使用的80端口。
新建的website都会自动创建App pool,它的作用是隔离其它的App pool,各个web site不会互相影响,一个crash了,其它还能继续。
2.在Application Pools下编辑刚刚创建的App pool:
这里选择.NET的版本和pipeline mode,就是前面说的Integrated mode和classic mode
在web project上右键,publish
在弹出的Publish Web对话框里输入URL和website名,点击Publish
需要运行命令:%windir%Microsoft.NETFramework64v4.0.30319aspnet_regiis.exe -ir
原因是先安装的.net framework,后安装的iis,需要将asp.net的模块注册到IIS
An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file .mdf failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share.
使用mdf文件然后直接attach到sql server express这种方式的,可能会遇到这个错误,这个需要将User Instance=True这个属性加到connection string中
可以直接编辑web.config文件,也可以在IIS的web site的Features View页面的Connection Strings配置项修改
Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path. Please make sure the user has a local user profile on the computer. The connection will be closed.
需要修改app pool的Identity,换成NewworkService,在App pool的Advanced Settings页面修改
这个是折腾我最久的一个issue,我实在win7开发的,部署后通过浏览器始终无法打开网页,也看不到任何错误。后来在windows server2008 R2上试了下,一点问题木有,后来在《Pro ASP.NET MVC 2 Framework, Second Edition》这本书找到了答案:
If you’re trying to deploy to IIS 7.5 on Windows 7 for development purposes, you may also need to click Start, type turn windows features on or off, press Enter, and then enable Internet Information Services