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  • Programming Entity Framework-dbContext 学习笔记第五章

    Programming Entity Framework-dbContext 学习笔记 第五章


    方法 结果 警告
    Add Root 图标中的所有实体将被跟踪,并标记为Added SaveChage 将试图将所有实体插入数据库,即使数据库中已存在该实体
    Attach Root 所有实体将被跟踪并标记为Unchanged 新添加的实体将不会被插入数据库,并容易造成主键冲突
    Add or Attach Root,then paint state throughout graph 所有的实体将拥有正确的状态值 建议使用 Add Root 而不是Attach Root,以避免新实体的主键冲突


    1. CurrentValues 包含实体所有属性的当前值。
    2. OriginalValues 包含实体属性未被修改前的值。
    3. GetDatabaseValues() 方法返回实体属性目前在数据库中的值。
      注:对于状态为Added 和 Deleted 的实体不包含后两个取值,试图读取时,将引发异常。


    private static void PrintPropertyValues(DbPropertyValues values) 
        foreach (var propertyName in values.PropertyNames)
            Console.WriteLine(" - {0}: {1}", propertyName,values[propertyName]);  

    Working with DbPropertyValues for Complex Types

    1. Code First 的默认约定是将不包含主键的实体理解为“复杂类型”,当需要将包含主键的实体定义为“复杂类型”时,可借助[ComplexType]特性进行标注。
    2. 当我们从DbPropertyValues 中获取的值为一个复杂对象时,它将被表示为一个新的 DbPropertyValues 对象。

    下面是一个读取含有复杂属性的 DbPropertyValues 的代码

    private static void PrintPropertyValues(DbPropertyValues values, int indent = 1)
        foreach (var propertyName in values.PropertyNames)
            var value = values[propertyName];
            if (value is DbPropertyValues)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}- Complex Property: {1}", string.Empty.PadLeft(indent),propertyName);
                PrintPropertyValues((DbPropertyValues)value, indent + 1);
                Console.WriteLine("{0}- {1}: {2}", string.Empty.PadLeft(indent), propertyName, values[propertyName]);

    Copying the Values from DbPropertyValues into an Entity

    1. DbPropertyValues 包含一个 ToObject 方法,可以在不覆盖原有实例的情况下,将所有的值复制到一个新的实例对象。

    注:ToObject 方法只复制标量属性,忽略导航属性。

    Changing Values in a DbPropertyValues

    1. DbPropertyValues 不是只读的,可以被修改。当你修改CurrentValues 的值的时候,将改变当前实例的值。

    修改将自动触发 Changes Tracking.

    1. Clone() 方法可以复制所有的DbPropertyValues ,新克隆出来的对象将不会被Change Tracker 跟踪。

    Using the SetValues method

    1. 用户在修改了实体的属性值之后,想撤销所有的修改,最简单的方式就是利用 SetValues() 方法,将OriginalValues 中的数据拷贝到 CurrentValues 中。


     entry.State = EntityState.Unchanged;//因为SetVaues方法不会自动修改实体的状态,所以需要手动修改。
    1. SetValues方法不尽可以接受DbPropertyValues做为参数,也可以接受其他类型,该方法会自动查找同名属性的值进行覆盖,找不到任何值时,引发异常。
    2. 可以利用SetValues方法实现实体对象的克隆。直接上代码:
    private static void CreateDavesCampsite()
        using (var context = new BreakAwayContext())
            //从数据库中读取d.Name == "Dave's Dump"的实体
            var davesDump = (from d in context.Lodgings where d.Name == "Dave's Dump" select d).Single();
            var clone = new Lodging();
            //复制,这里传入的就不是DbPropertyValues 的实例
            clone.Name = "Dave's Camp";
            Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", clone.Name); //output:Dave's Camp
            Console.WriteLine("Miles: {0}", clone.MilesFromNearestAirport); //32.65
            Console.WriteLine("Contact Id: {0}", clone.PrimaryContactId); //1

    Working with Individual Properties

    你可以使用 Property, Complex, Reference, and Collection 方法去获取或者操作单独的属性:

    • Property 方法可以用来处理 Scalar 和 Complex 属性
    • Complex 方法提供对复杂属性的附加特殊操作
    • Reference 和 Collection 方法用于导航属性
    • 还有一个Member方法,可以用于任何类型的属性。该方法不是强类型的,仅提供对属性通用信息的访问
    Working with Scalar Properties


    private static void WorkingWithPropertyMethod()
        using (var context = new BreakAwayContext())
            var davesDump = (from d in context.Lodgings where d.Name == "Dave's Dump" select d).Single();
            var entry = context.Entry(davesDump);
            entry.Property(d => d.Name).CurrentValue = "Dave's Bargain Bungalows";
            Console.WriteLine("Current Value: {0}", entry.Property(d => d.Name).CurrentValue);
            Console.WriteLine("Original Value: {0}", entry.Property(d => d.Name).OriginalValue);
            Console.WriteLine("Modified?: {0}", entry.Property(d => d.Name).IsModified);

    Current Value: Dave's Bargain Bungalows
    Original Value: Dave's Dump
    Modified?: True

    Working with Complex Properties
    1. 提供对复杂属性的操作。

    Example 5-20. Accessing change tracking information for a complex property.

    private static void WorkingWithComplexMethod()
        using (var context = new BreakAwayContext())
            var julie = (from p in context.People where p.FirstName == "Julie" select p).Single();
            var entry = context.Entry(julie);
            entry.ComplexProperty(p => p.Address).Property(a => a.State).CurrentValue = "VT";
            entry.Property(p => p.Address.State).CurrentValue = "VT";
            entry.Property("Address.State").CurrentValue = "VT";
            Console.WriteLine("Address.State Modified?: {0}", entry.ComplexProperty(p => p.Address).Property(a => a.State).IsModified); //true
            Console.WriteLine("Address Modified?: {0}", entry.ComplexProperty(p => p.Address).IsModified); //true
            Console.WriteLine("Info.Height.Units Modified?: {0}", entry.ComplexProperty(p => p.Info).ComplexProperty(i => i.Height).Property(h => h.Units).IsModified);//false

    当操作复杂属性的时候,Entity Framework 会跟踪它的状态变化,但是不会追踪它的个别属性的变化,当修改其中任一个单独的属性时,所有属性的状态将变为Modified.

    1. 可以修改复杂属性的值
    entry.ComplexProperty(p => p.Address).CurrentValue = new Address { State = "VT" };


    Working with Navigation Properties

    Reference and Collection 方法被用户访问导航属性

    • Reference 方法用于访问单个实体
    • Collection 方法用于访问集合属性


    1. 读写导航属性的当前值
    2. 从数据库加载关联数据
    3. 获取导航属性代表的查询(query)
    Modifying the value of a navigation property

    Example 5-21. Change tracking information for a reference navigation property

    private static void WorkingWithReferenceMethod()
        using (var context = new BreakAwayContext())
            //从数据库检索Name == "Dave's Dump"的实体对象
            var davesDump = (from d in context.Lodgings where d.Name == "Dave's Dump" select d).Single();
            var entry = context.Entry(davesDump);
            entry.Reference(l => l.Destination).Load();
            var canyon = davesDump.Destination;
            //输出导航属性destination 属性Name的当前值
            Console.WriteLine("Current Value After Load: {0}", entry.Reference(d => d.Destination).CurrentValue.Name);
            //从数据库检索 Name == "Great Barrier Reef" 的Destination 对象
            var reef = (from d in context.Destinations where d.Name == "Great Barrier Reef" select d).Single();
            //将导航属性修改为 reef
            entry.Reference(d => d.Destination).CurrentValue = reef;
            //输出修改后导航属性destination 属性Name的值
            Console.WriteLine("Current Value After Change: {0}", davesDump.Destination.Name);

    Current Value After Load: Grand Canyon Current Value
    After Change: Great Barrier Reef

    Modifying navigation properties with the change tracker

    之前,我们在处理标量属性的时候,我们发现,当我们通过Change Tracker修改属性时,不必显示的调用DetectChanges()方法。改变就被跟踪到了。

    Working with collection navigation properties

    Example 5-22. Method to explore interacting with a collection property

    private static void WorkingWithCollectionMethod()
        using (var context = new BreakAwayContext())
            //从数据库检索 Description == "Trip from the database" 的Trip对象
            var res = (from r in context.Reservations where r.Trip.Description == "Trip from the database" select r).Single();
            var entry = context.Entry(res);
            entry.Collection(r => r.Payments).Load();
            Console.WriteLine("Payments Before Add: {0}", entry.Collection(r => r.Payments).CurrentValue.Count);
            var payment = new Payment { Amount = 245 };
            entry.Collection(r => r.Payments).CurrentValue.Add(payment);
            Console.WriteLine("Payments After Add: {0}", entry.Collection(r => r.Payments).CurrentValue.Count);

    Payments Before Add: 1
    Payments After Add: 2


    Refreshing an Entity from the Database

    Entity Framework 的 DbEntityEntry 对象包含Reload 方法来从数据库中加载最新数据。

    Example 5-23. Reloading an entity from the database

    private static void ReloadLodging()
        using (var context = new BreakAwayContext())
            var hotel = (from d in context.Lodgings where d.Name == "Grand Hotel" select d).Single();
            context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(@"UPDATE dbo.Lodgings  SET Name = 'Le Grand Hotel' WHERE Name = 'Grand Hotel'");
            Console.WriteLine("Name Before Reload: {0}", hotel.Name);
            Console.WriteLine("State Before Reload: {0}", context.Entry(hotel).State);
            Console.WriteLine("Name After Reload: {0}", hotel.Name);
            Console.WriteLine("State After Reload: {0}", context.Entry(hotel).State);


    Name Before Reload: Grand Hotel
    State Before Reload: Unchanged
    Name After Reload: Le Grand Hotel
    State After Reload: Unchanged

    如果在从新加载数据之前对实体进行了修改 比如

    hotel.Name = "A New Name";  


    Name Before Reload: A New Name
    State Before Reload: Modified
    Name After Reload: Le Grande Hotel
    State After Reload: Unchanged

    Change Tracking Information and Operations for Multiple Entities

    前面操纵的都是单个的实体,接下来我们介绍DbContext.ChangeTracker.Entries 方法,该方法包含两个

    Example 5-24. Iterating over all entries from the change tracker

    private static void PrintChangeTrackerEntries()
        using (var context = new BreakAwayContext())
            //从数据库检索Description == "Trip from the database"的Reservations类型的对象
            var res = (from r in context.Reservations where r.Trip.Description == "Trip from the database" select r).Single();
            //加载它的集合属性 Payments
            context.Entry(res).Collection(r => r.Payments).Load();
            res.Payments.Add(new Payment { Amount = 245 });
            var entries = context.ChangeTracker.Entries();
            foreach (var entry in entries)
                Console.WriteLine("Entity Type: {0}", entry.Entity.GetType());
                Console.WriteLine(" - State: {0}", entry.State);


    Entity Type: Model.Payment
    - State: Added
    Entity Type: Model.Reservation
    - State: Unchanged
    Entity Type: Model.Payment
    - State: Unchanged

    Using the Change Tracker API in Application Scenarios
    Resolving Concurrency Conflicts

    默认情况下 Entity Framework 总是更新所有的改变,而不管是不是存在并发冲突,但是你可以
    配置你的Model,当并发冲突发生时,抛出一个异常。你可以将一个特定的属性指定为 concurrency token

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jameszh/p/6715460.html
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