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  • Dynamics Crm2011导出Excel不能超过10000条的限制


    Navigate to the following location:
    There may or may not be a DWORD entitled, “maxrecordsforexporttoexcel”.  If not, you will need to create it.  Go to the Edit menu and click “New”.  Click Dword Value and select “Decimal”, along with the max records you want to be able to export.  I chose 60,000.  Then click OK to save your changes.  My screen looked like this when I was done:
    你试下调用webservice的update方法来update organization class 的属性

    You could try saving the export as a dynamic worksheet and then on the Data tab in Excel select Connections -> Connection -> Properties -> Definition tab -> and under Command text remove the text "top 10000".
    1) Create an advanced find view of the records you want to export to Excel for example: Active Contacts.
    2) Click Excel on the toolbar and select Dynamic Worksheet option
    3) Open the excel workbook and enable Data Connection
    4) On the excel workbook, right click and select 'Edit Query'
    5) If the pop-up window "The query cannot be edited by the Query Wizard", opens,click OK. Now you will see the Microsoft Query window.
    6) From the Microsoft Query toolbar, click View and select SQL. A new pop-up Windows showing the actual SQL statement appears.
    7) Remove the part of the query that states 'Top 10000' from the SQL statement and click OK to exit the SQL statement window
    8) From the Microsoft Query window toolbar, click File and select Return Data to Microsoft Office Excel
    9) Refresh your excel worksheet if auto-refresh is not enabled and you should see all data from the select CRM view now

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jamin/p/2730508.html
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