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  • *lintcode578- Lowest Common Ancestor III- medium

    Given the root and two nodes in a Binary Tree. Find the lowest common ancestor(LCA) of the two nodes.
    The lowest common ancestor is the node with largest depth which is the ancestor of both nodes.
    Return null if LCA does not exist.


    node A or node B may not exist in tree.


    For the following binary tree:

    3   7
      5   6

    LCA(3, 5) = 4

    LCA(5, 6) = 7

    LCA(6, 7) = 7



     * Definition of TreeNode:
     * public class TreeNode {
     *     public int val;
     *     public TreeNode left, right;
     *     public TreeNode(int val) {
     *         this.val = val;
     *         this.left = this.right = null;
     *     }
     * }
    public class Solution {
         * @param root: The root of the binary tree.
         * @param A: A TreeNode
         * @param B: A TreeNode
         * @return: Return the LCA of the two nodes.
        private class ResultType{
            public boolean hasA, hasB;
            public TreeNode node;
            public ResultType(boolean hasA, boolean hasB, TreeNode node) {
                this.hasA = hasA;
                this.hasB = hasB;
                this.node = node;
        public TreeNode lowestCommonAncestor3(TreeNode root, TreeNode A, TreeNode B) {
            // write your code here
            ResultType result = findNode(root, A, B);
            if (result.hasA && result.hasB) {
                return result.node;
            return null;
        //ding yi定义
        //1. if has A, set hasA
        //2. if has B, set hasB
        //3. if (left.hasA&&right.hasB) || (left.hasB&&right.hasA) lca = root;
        private ResultType findNode(TreeNode root, TreeNode A, TreeNode B) {
            if (root == null) {
                return new ResultType(false, false, null);
            ResultType left = findNode(root.left, A, B);
            ResultType right = findNode(root.right, A, B);
            boolean crtHasA = left.hasA || right.hasA || root == A;
            boolean crtHasB = left.hasB || right.hasB || root == B;
            if (root == A || root == B) {
                return new ResultType(crtHasA, crtHasB, root);
            if (left.node != null && right.node != null) {
                return new ResultType(crtHasA, crtHasB, root);
            if (left.node != null) {
                return new ResultType(crtHasA, crtHasB, left.node);
            if (right.node != null) {
                return new ResultType(crtHasA, crtHasB, right.node);
            return new ResultType(crtHasA, crtHasB, null);
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jasminemzy/p/7655585.html
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