本文地址: http://www.cnblogs.com/jasonxuli/p/4398742.html
这段代码先加载story.json文件,然后依次加载story.chapterUrls数组中的url。看半天一直没搞明白为啥是顺序的,原因是每个reduce执行的function本身就构造了first - next的顺序结构,而Promise的then又保证了代码的顺序执行,即reduce把多个then串起来生成了一长串then。
getJson('story.json').then(function(story) { addHtmlToPage(story.heading); return story.chapterUrls.reduce(function(chain, chapterUrl) { console.log('reduce ', chain, chapterUrl); // Once the last chapter's promise is done… return chain.then(function() { // …fetch the next chapter return getJson(chapterUrl); }).then(function(chapter) { // and add it to the page addHtmlToPage(chapter.html); }); }, Promise.resolve()); }).then(function() { // And we're all done! addTextToPage("All done"); }).catch(function(err) { // Catch any error that happened along the way addTextToPage("Argh, broken: " + err.message); }).then(function() { // Always hide the spinner document.querySelector('.spinner').style.display = 'none'; });
The node function should conform to node.js convention of accepting a callback as last argument and calling that callback with error as the first argument and success value on the second argument.