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  • 30+WordPress古典风格的主题-古典却不失时尚






    好了,你可能以及喜欢上了古典风格的事物并有建立一个古典风格的网站的冲动了。使用古典风格的WordPress主题应该是一个好的起点。 WordPress是现在最流行的信息发布平台,相关的免费商业主题和功能扩展很容易获取。在这篇文章中,我已经收集了非常棒的WordPress古典主题,我相信,你将能够找到你喜欢的那个风格。欢迎分享给更多的朋友,以及转载本文。


    Fox – WordPress Theme - MORE INFO / DEMO


    The Fox WordPress Theme is a Retro style perfect for creatives looking to showcase their work. This theme focus on featuring the designers portfolio and connects to Dribbble to display your latest shots.

    Halftone – Retro WordPress Theme - MORE INFO / DEMO

    Halftone - WordPress Theme

    Responsive WordPress Theme perfect for Creative portfolio showcase and personal blog/portfolio style websites. Feature blog and work posts on the front page, set a Google map and contact form on the contact page.

    Retro Portfolio – One Page Vintage WordPress Theme - MORE INFO / DEMO


    “Retro Portfolio” is a WordPress Retro-style theme. It consists on a one-page portfolio with a blog and a contact section featuring a Ajax contact form.

    IndieFest WordPress Retro Theme - MORE INFO

    IndieFest WordPress Theme

    This big epic visual band theme was designed for indie rockers, folk artists, grassroots pop stars, and outdoor music festivals. It’s cheerful, ominous, moody, epic, laid back, summery — whatever you need it to be.

    Vintage Immersed – Multipurpose WordPress Theme – MORE INFO / DEMO


    Vintage WordPress theme – Unique in design, rich in features and easy to use as you see it. Multi Purpose and responsive as we said, it is designed to display creative portfolio, photo gallery, modern business blog etc.,

    Acid – Unique Horizontal Blog and Portfolio Theme – MORE INFO / DEMO


    Acid is a love child of Metro and One-Page Desings that you already adore!

    Alveera – Responsive HTML5 Single Page WordPress – MORE INFO  / DEMO


    Alveera is a single page wordpress template with a little retro look. With the combnination of nice color variation and pleasing design it can be user for both personal and professional sites.

    Delimondo Responsive WordPress Theme | 5 Styles – MORE INFO / DEMO


    Delimondo is a powerful WordPress Template built for restaurants and food lovers. The template automatically adapts to window resolution and looks fantastic on all devices! We also took into account that not all users are experienced web developers, so we have included a description.

    Benissimo — Vintage Style WooCommerce Theme – MORE INFO / DEMO


    «Benissimo» is the WordPress template, which is made in a vintage style. Keeping pace with the times we offer a truly high-quality solution. Combined with a thoughtful and carefully elaborated design, «Benissimo» will leave no one to be indifferent. Using this theme you can not only increase conversions quality and number of positive reviews but also make a pretty good surprise to your customers.

    - 更多精美的古典主题欣赏: http://www.goodfav.com/zh/retro-wordpress-themes-3722.html

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/java20130725/p/3215787.html
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