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  • Oracle学习第三天--聚合函数+查询

    -----------1. 聚合函数-----------
    --1 统计2012年所有用户的用水量总和
    select sum(usenum) from t_account where year = 2012;
    --2 统计2012年所有用水量(字数)的平均值
    select avg(usenum) from t_account where year = 2012;
    --3 统计2012年最高用水量(字数)
    select max(usenum) from t_account where year = 2012;
    select min(usenum) from t_account where year = 2012;
    select count(*) from t_account;
    select count(1) from t_account;
    select count(2) from t_account;
    select count(3) from t_account;
    select count(id) from t_account;
    -- null不会被计数
    select count(year) from t_account;

    --------------2. 分组函数--------------------
    --当非聚合列和聚合列一起使用的时候,所有的非聚合列都要作为group by的子句
    select areaid,sum(money) from t_account group by areaid;

    --------------3. 分组后的条件筛选 having-----------------
    -- 查询2012年水费合计大于159000的区域及水费合计

    select areaid,sum(money) from t_account where year = 2012 group by areaid having sum(money)>159000

    ---------------4. 联系--------------------------------
    create table student(
    stuid int ,
    sname varchar2(32),
    email varchar2(32) ,
    age int check(age<=100 or age >= 0 ) ,
    sex varchar2(3) check(sex='男' or sex = '女'),
    birthday date,
    introduce clob,
    money number(10,2),
    province varchar2(25)
    alter table student add constraint pk_stuid primary key(stuid);
    alter table student add constraint uq_eamil unique(email);

    insert into student values(1,'tom','tom@126.com',23,'男',sysdate,'我叫tom',2000,'江苏');
    insert into student values(2,'lucy','lucy@163.com',22,'女',sysdate,'我叫lucy',3000,'上海');
    insert into student values(3,'jack','jack@163.com',24,'男',sysdate,'我叫jack',2000,'江苏');
    insert into student values(4,'lily','lily@qq.com',21,'女',sysdate,'我叫lily',1500,'浙江');
    insert into student values(5,'rose','rose@gmail.com',22,'女',sysdate,'我叫rose',1000,'安徽');
    insert into student values(6,'harry','harry@126.com',23,'男',sysdate,null,320,'安徽');
    select province,count(*),sum(money) from student where sex = '男' group by province
    having count(*)>1 and sum(money)>1900

    select a.* from
    (select province,sum(money) from student group by province order by sum(money) asc) a
    where rownum = 1;
    select province,sum(money) from student group by province

    select province,sum(money) from student group by province having sum(money)=
    (select min(sum(money)) from student group by province)

    select province,sum(money) from student group by province having sum(money)<=
    all(select sum(money) from student group by province)

    ----------------------5. 表连接--内连接-------------------------
    select o.id 业主编号,o.name 业主名字,t.name 业主类型 from t_owners o , t_ownertype t where o.ownertypeid = t.id;
    --方式二:内连接 inner join..on
    select o.id,o.name,t.name from t_owners o inner join t_ownertype t on o.ownertypeid = t.id;

    -- 方式一:隐式内连接
    select o.id,o.name,ad.name,t.name from t_owners o,t_address ad,t_ownertype t
    where o.addressid = ad.id and o.ownertypeid = t.id;
    -- 方式二:
    select o.id,o.name,ad.name,t.name from t_owners o inner join t_address ad on o.addressid = ad.id
    inner join t_ownertype t on o.ownertypeid = t.id;



    ------------------6. 表连接-左连接----------------
    select o.id,o.name,ac.year,ac.month,ac.money from t_owners o left join t_account ac on o.id = ac.owneruuid;

    ------------------7. 表连接-右连接--------------------
    select o.id,o.name,ac.year,ac.month,ac.money from t_owners o right join t_account ac on o.id = ac.owneruuid;

    ------------------8. 子查询------------------------
    select * from t_account where year = 2012 and month = 1
    and usenum>(select avg(usenum) from t_account)

    --1查询地址编号为1 、3、4 的业主记录
    select * from t_owners where addressid in (1,3,4);
    select o.* from t_owners o,t_address ad where o.addressid = ad.id and ad.name like '%花园%';
    select o.* from t_owners o where addressid in (select id from t_address where name like '%花园%');

    select o.* from t_owners o,t_address ad where o.addressid = ad.id and ad.name not like '%花园%';
    select o.* from t_owners o where addressid in (select id from t_address where name not like '%花园%');
    select o.* from t_owners o where addressid not in (select id from t_address where name like '%花园%');

    select * from t_account where usenum>
    (select max(usenum) from t_account where year = 2012 and month = 3)
    select * from t_account where usenum>
    all(select usenum from t_account where year = 2012 and month = 3)

    select * from t_account where usenum >
    any(select usenum from t_account where year = 2012 and month = 3)

    ------------9 ----------------
    select o.* from t_owners o,t_address ad,t_area ar where o.addressid = ad.id and ad.areaid = ar.id
    and ar.name = '海淀' and ad.name like '%花园%';
    select o.* from t_owners o where o.addressid in
    (select id from t_address where name like '%花园%' and areaid in
    (select id from t_area where name = '海淀'))

    ------------------10. 标量子查询------------------------------
    -- 概念:子查询的结果作为主查询的列显示
    --查询台账表中的用户年用水量的总和 以及 年平均用水量
    --方式一 :普通方式
    select sum(usenum),avg(usenum) from t_account;
    select (select sum(usenum) from t_account) 年用水量总和,
    (select avg(usenum) from t_account) 年平均用水量 from dual;

    ---------------10. 相关子查询--------------------------
    select o.id,
    (select name from t_ownertype where id = o.ownertypeid)
    from t_owners o;

    select o.id,
    (select name from t_address where id = o.addressid),
    (select name from t_ownertype where id = o.ownertypeid)
    from t_owners o;

  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/javaWHL/p/10308899.html
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