HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: private
Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.0
MS-Server-ActiveSync: 14.3
MS-ASProtocolVersions: 2.0,2.1,2.5,12.0,12.1,14.0,14.1
MS-ASProtocolCommands: Sync,SendMail,SmartForward,SmartReply,GetAttachment,GetHierarchy,CreateCollection,DeleteCollection,MoveCollection,FolderSync,FolderCreate,FolderDelete,FolderUpdate,MoveItems,GetItemEstimate,MeetingResponse,Search,Settings,Ping,ItemOperations,Provision,ResolveRecipients,ValidateCert
X-AspNet-Version: 2.0.50727
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 02:36:56 GMT
Content-Length: 0
Provisioning Protocol describes an XML-based format used by servers that support the ActiveSync protocol to communicate security policy settings to client devices.[MS-ASPROV]
PolicyType MUST be "MS-EAS-Provisioning-WBXML".
Status (Provision)
1 | Success |
2 | Protocol error |
3 | General Server error |
Status (Policy)
From Server to Client
Value Meaning
1 Success.
2 There is no policy for this client.
3 Unknown PolicyType value.
4 The policy data on the server is corrupted (possibly tampered with).
5 The client is acknowledging the wrong policy key.From Client to Server
Value Meaning
1 Success
2 Partial success (at least the PIN was enabled).
3 The client did not apply the policy at all.
4 The client claims to have been provisioned by a third party.
PolicyKey is used by the server to mark the state of policy settings on the client in the settings download phase of the Provision command. [optional]
The FolderSync command synchronizes the collection hierarchy but does not synchronize the items in the collections themselves.

Status (FolderSync)
值 | 含义 |
1 | 成功 |
6 | 服务器出现错误 |
9 | 同步key不匹配或者非法 |
10 | 请求格式不正确 |
11 | 未知类型错误 |
12 | 未知编码 |
used to update the client with folder additions, deletions, and updates on the server.
specifies the number of added, deleted, and updated folders on the server since the last folder synchronization.
If there are no changes since the last folder synchronization, a Count element value of 0 (zero) is returned.
creates a new folder on the client.
Child elements of the Add element specify the server ID of the folder, the server ID of the parent folder, the display name of the folder, and the type of folder.
identifies a folder on the server that has been updated (renamed or moved).
specifies that a folder on the server was deleted since the last folder synchronization.
Type (FolderSync)
Value Meaning
1 User-created folder (generic)
2 Default Inbox folder
3 Default Drafts folder
4 Default Deleted Items folder
5 Default Sent Items folder
6 Default Outbox folder
7 Default Tasks folder
8 Default Calendar folder
9 Default Contacts folder
10 Default Notes folder
11 Default Journal folder
12 User-created Mail folder
13 User-created Calendar folder
14 User-created Contacts folder
15 User-created Tasks folder
16 User-created journal folder
17 User-created Notes folder
18 Unknown folder type
19 Recipient information cache
The Settings command supports get and set operations on global properties and Out of Office (OOF) settings for the user. The Settings command also sends device information to the server, implements the device password/personal identification number (PIN) recovery, and retrieves a list of the user's email addresses.
used to find entries in an address book, mailbox, or document library (UNC or Windows SharePoint Services).
specifies the store to search.
Mailbox�The client specifies "Mailbox" when it intends to search the store.
Document Library�The client specifies "DocumentLibrary" when it intends to search a Windows SharePoint Services or UNC library.
GAL�The client specifies "GAL" when it intends to search the Global Address List.
used to request that the server monitor specified folders for changes that would require the client to resynchronize.
Status (Ping)
值 | 含义 |
1 | 心跳中断时间内,没有发生改变 |
2 | 在最后一个被监视的文件夹中,有改动 |
3 | Ping命令省略了必要的参数 |
4 | Ping命令语法错误 |
5 | 设置的心跳超出范围。过短,就返回最小;过长,就返回最大值 |
6 | ping命令带的监控目录数量超过服务器的上限。将通过MaxFolders返回 |
7 | 要求同步目录结构 |
8 | 服务器发生错误 |
FilterType (GetItemEstimate)
specifies a time window for the objects sent from the server to the client.
The GetItemEstimate command gets an estimate of the number of items in a collection or folder on the server that have to be synchronized.
specifies the server ID of the collection from which the item estimate is being obtained.
specifies the estimated number of items in the collection or folder that have to be synchronized.
The Sync command synchronizes changes in a collection between the client and the server.
CollectionId (Sync)
specifies the server ID of the folder to be synchronized.
specifies a maximum number of changed items in a collection or a request that SHOULD be included in the synchronization response.
The BodyPreference element is an optional container (as specified in [MS-ASDTYPE] section 2.2)
element that sets preference information related to the type and size of information that is returned
from searching, synchronizing, or fetching.
Type (BodyPartPreference)
值 描述 1 Plain Text 2 HTML 3 RTF 4 MIME
TruncationSize (BodyPreference)
Status (Sync)
值 | 描述 |
1 | 成功 |
3 | 同步key无效 |
4 | 协议错误 |
5 | 服务器错误 |
6 | 客户端/服务器的对话出现错误 |
7 | 客户端/服务器之间存在匹配冲突 |
8 | 目标未找到 |
9 | Sync命令不能完成 |
12 | 目录结构发生变化 |
13 | Sync命令不完整 |
14 | Wait或者HeartbeatInterval值无效 |
15 | Sync请求无效 |
16 | 重试 |
contains operations that apply to a collection. Available operations are Add, Delete, Change, Fetch, and SoftDelete.
Add (Sync)
It creates a new object in a collection on the client or on the server.
Delete (Sync)
deletes an object on the client device or the server.
modifies properties of an existing object on the client device or the server.
Fetch (Sync)
In a request, the Fetch element is used to request the application data of an item that was truncated in a synchronization response from the server. The complete item is then returned to the client in a server response.
deletes an object from the client when it falls outside the FilterType (section results or it is no longer included as part of the SyncOptions (section instructions. The object that is soft deleted is identified by its ServerId element.
HeartbeatInterval (Ping)
In Ping command requests, it specifies the length of time, in seconds, that the server SHOULD wait before sending a response if no new items are added to the specified set of folders。
The SendMail command is used by clients to send MIME-formatted email messages to the server.
ClientId (SendMail, SmartForward, and SmartReply)
it specifies the client's unique message ID (MID).
If the SaveInSentItems element is present, the message is stored -- if not present, the message is not stored.